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Ron Lewis & The Young Man Outside Of The TSBD

Guest Duncan MacRae

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look people, it's obvious....

do some bad photoshop, draw a bunch of scientifically irrelevant lines, draw some even more preposterous conclusions and you can see its obviously


then waste time arguing about erroneous minutiae and slagging previous unrelated 'research' by other posters and you now have yet another blind alley

of trivial ephemera to waste your ample and unrestrained free time on...

or..it could be the potato bikini monster...

i was going to go through it point by point but again the sheer lunacy of this thread precludes this...

"but his head is clearly not the same size!"

" it's the interference of the humidity on the lens..it's Tony Dow! TONY DOW I TELL YOU!"

"you are a paid CIA SHILL and a republican!"

" I have an email from Mark Lane and he confirms this is in fact Potato Bikini Monster and not Tony Dow"

"produce said email from Mark Lane then"

"oh i had a hard drive crash.."

etc etc etc..

If i get murdered in the middle of a public foto op, please, do me a favor and don't step into investigate.

I wouldn't want an innocent hedge, lens flare, guy from the pet store or just some clown who happened to get snapped in a picture to get blamed for it

using a pile of nonsense and idiotic conjecture to send him/her/fauna/flora to the chair....

the important part of this foto is the building behind him.

get a grip people...

yet another amusingly sad thread...

I think potato head is an exact match. I believe he is seen in on the grassy knoll in the Nix film. Or maybe

that was Zapruder, or James Files.


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G.W. Bush had nothing to do with the assassanation. There's no real proof he was even in Dealey Plaza.

And....he kept America safe.

He kept America safe my ass. W, like Jack White says, was up to his neck in 9/11. I'm almost glad this was brought up. The first object, imo, was a missile into the WTC. The second plane was a cargo plane with no windows. The plane in PA was shot down. A missile hit the Pentagon. Then there were the anthrax scare. You can't tell me outsiders did all that.

What happened to the passengers that were on the 3 planes? I remember reading that they all came to one airport on their planes and were taken off and brought to a large building at the airport. These people must have died. I read they got on a single plane, which flew over the Atlantic Ocean and nose-dived. Why save them when people were dying at the other sites? I guess Bush had to compromise. He couldn't use a passenger plane. So we had 2 missiles, a plane allegedly shot down (and Rumsfeld said this -- see youtube.com) and one cargo plane.

Kathy C

there's the problem, you read too much trash. Read this: Everything you read on the internet is NOT TRUE.

Especially on the Education Forum, where provocateurs lurk among the megabytes.

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the worst president ever

I think Warren G Harding was by far the worst president ever

Dean...I will stack up W against Harding as the premier baddest ever and win hands down.

Name one bad effect that Harding had on the nation...one that outlived his term of office.

Harding never got us into false wars on "terror" killing thousands or millions.


Teapot Dome scandal

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the worst president ever

I think Warren G Harding was by far the worst president ever

Dean...I will stack up W against Harding as the premier baddest ever and win hands down.

Name one bad effect that Harding had on the nation...one that outlived his term of office.

Harding never got us into false wars on "terror" killing thousands or millions.


Teapot Dome scandal

I'll throw in the Enron scandal, raise you billions in bank and corporate bailouts,

and have a stack of dead bodies to raise the ante. Better fold your hand, Dean.

Jack :)

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the worst president ever

I think Warren G Harding was by far the worst president ever

Dean...I will stack up W against Harding as the premier baddest ever and win hands down.

Name one bad effect that Harding had on the nation...one that outlived his term of office.

Harding never got us into false wars on "terror" killing thousands or millions.


Teapot Dome scandal

I'll throw in the Enron scandal, raise you billions in bank and corporate bailouts,

and have a stack of dead bodies to raise the ante. Better fold your hand, Dean.

Jack :)


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This is a topic for a different board. Back to the topic of this thread.

But this WAS the topic of this thread, wasn't it? Kathy is getting us all


Jack, the topic I started was the kid in the picture. Someone had posted it. It reminded some people of W Bush, including me. Then you pointed out his ear. Forget he was 18 years old. He was all over the place, a typical curious teenager. But he looks like W Bush and I'm going to research this. He also appears in front of the TSBD at the last second of the Hughes film.

You brought up W Bush and 9/11. I made one post about it.

Kathy C

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This is a topic for a different board. Back to the topic of this thread.

But this WAS the topic of this thread, wasn't it? Kathy is getting us all


Jack, the topic I started was the kid in the picture. Someone had posted it. It reminded some people of W Bush, including me. Then you pointed out his ear. Forget he was 18 years old. He was all over the place, a typical curious teenager. But he looks like W Bush and I'm going to research this. He also appears in front of the TSBD at the last second of the Hughes film.

You brought up W Bush and 9/11. I made one post about it.

Kathy C

Kathy...I wish you luck. It would be a great coup to identify him as W.

I'd like to know who the kid is too. I said that I doubt that it is him, but it could be.

I was joking about his training for Skull and Bones...but it could be.


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This is a topic for a different board. Back to the topic of this thread.

But this WAS the topic of this thread, wasn't it? Kathy is getting us all


Jack, the topic I started was the kid in the picture. Someone had posted it. It reminded some people of W Bush, including me. Then you pointed out his ear. Forget he was 18 years old. He was all over the place, a typical curious teenager. But he looks like W Bush and I'm going to research this. He also appears in front of the TSBD at the last second of the Hughes film.

You brought up W Bush and 9/11. I made one post about it.

Kathy C

Kathy...I wish you luck. It would be a great coup to identify him as W.

I'd like to know who the kid is too. I said that I doubt that it is him, but it could be.

I was joking about his training for Skull and Bones...but it could be.


I did get emotional over this. So, I'm sorry to all. But I will say, looking at pictures of George W. Bush all day will do it to you.

As for skull and bones, which I don't think you can enter till senior year at Yale, yes, this would be a testing ground. This would be a situation where you'd have to burn your conscience, as in Bohemian Grove.

Kathy C

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Kathy, I think you're presenting good reasons for him to be there and others present good reasons for why not, but I don't think that's him. However to find one would indeed be interesting.

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I read somewhere that W was with his mother watching the motorcade on a different street. Does anyone recall this?

His mother was having her hair done in Tyler, Texas, the same place her husband was at the time of the assassination.

GHWB was in Dallas later that day. However, I doubt that he rushed there in order to stand around and have his picture taken in front of the TSBD. But of course it's conceivable that he simply had nothing better to do.

W may have been in boarding school that day, but of course he was able to participate later in ridding the world of Kennedys, as he and some other VIP (I forget who) were seen (I forget by whom) tinkering with the engine of John Jr.'s plane just before the fatal flight.

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I read somewhere that W was with his mother watching the motorcade on a different street. Does anyone recall this?

His mother was having her hair done in Tyler, Texas, the same place her husband was at the time of the assassination.

GHWB was in Dallas later that day. However, I doubt that he rushed there in order to stand around and have his picture taken in front of the TSBD. But of course it's conceivable that he simply had nothing better to do.

W may have been in boarding school that day, but of course he was able to participate later in ridding the world of Kennedys, as he and some other VIP (I forget who) were seen (I forget by whom) tinkering with the engine of John Jr.'s plane just before the fatal flight.

About that report of George HW Bush, his son, W and some other person, who were supposedly at the airport (West Essex or is it West Caldwell?) tinkering with John Jr's plane. Now why would they risk exposure by going there themselves? I don't believe it. It's a small airport in a business/retail section of NJ. I used to work for a company in the Ricoh building, which was right next door to the airport. I remember I'd feel a slight worry every once in awhile that a plane might hit the building. This was way before 9/11. But being surrounded as it was, I think it's impossible for those famous faces to be examining his plane without anyone seeing them.

Of course it would really link W to John's death, if he did show up in person and planted a barometric bomb. Witnesses said the night John died they saw an explosion in the air around dusk. Burning all conscience.

Thanks for your info about where the Bushes were on Nov.22, 1963.

Kathy C

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