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Chemtrails are back!

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"Seems more likely there was something in the park that affected you."

I walk in the park everyday and never get sick.. Yet on the two occasions where a chemtrail grid was criss crossing the sky above me, I came down with the worst case of "flu" I ever had, and also a case of vertigo that lasted for months.

Flu and dizziness (vertigo) are two of the known symptoms of chemtrail exposure... Coincidence? .. I don't think so.

Flu and dizziness are symptoms of a lot of things. Known for "chemtrails" which happen to look exactly like contrails? Doubtful given what I said before about how long an aerosol at altitude will take to reach the ground. Which brings up an interesting point. One of the primary identifiers of "chemtrails" is that they persist for longer than expected (although possible wih contrails) but if they are persisting and still in the air then how are they affect you on the ground at the same time miles away?

I've been walking in that park every day for many years .. I never got sick until the two times the chemtrail grid was overhead.. It's a known fact that the chemicals the military is spraying eventualy reaches the ground, making people ill.. It's also a fact that this is happening all over the world.

So was there an epidemic, or did they somehow get the contrails covering the sky to only target you and your friend?

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"So was there an epidemic, or did they somehow get the contrails covering the sky to only target you and your friend?"

Since there was an epidemic in my town of "flu", vertigo, and rashes that appeared to be shingles, during the time of the chemtrail spraying, then obviously more people were "targeted" than just the two of us.

Your one liners are getting pretty ridiculous now .. Maybe you should try a different tactic.

Edited by Duane Daman
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"Yes, allegedly. You believe everything Will Thomas writes?"

His is not the only evidence that proves the Air Force is spraying chemtrails.. If you bothered to watch the video evidence I posted here, you would have known that.

"You ignored the questions because they are inconvenient for you. Can't bother with the truth that the majority of your trails come from commercial aircraft."

No, I ignored your question at first, because I was busy getting the evidence that proves the Air Force is involved in the chemtrail spraying.. If commercial aircraft are also spraying chemtrails, then that's even more disconcerting.

Edited by Duane Daman
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What town is that, and when?

And Kevin posts yet another one liner! :lol:

Sorry, but where I live is none of your business.

But if you want to see the proof that people all over the world are getting ill from chemtrail spraying, then watch the video evidence I posted here.. Then do some research yourself.

My guess is you won't even bother though, considering the fact that you're about as interested in the truth of this subject as you are in the truth about Apollo.

Edited by Duane Daman
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What town is that, and when?

And Kevin posts yet another one liner! :lol:

Sorry, but where I live is none of your business.

But if you want to see the proof that people all over the world are getting ill from chemtrail spraying, then watch the video evidence I posted here.. Then do some research yourself.

My guess is you won't even bother though, considering the fact that you're about as interested in the truth of this subject as you are in the truth about Apollo.

Don't make up stories of epidemic if you aren't willing to back them up with simple things like when and where. I find it funny that the story started with you and a friend getting sick, but as soon as it's pointed out that everyone else should have been affected, it became "an epidemic in my town of 'flu', vertigo, and rashes that appeared to be shingles." You'd think that if it were true, you would have started with that.

I've seen the videos, none of them have a shred of evidence actually linking contrails with anything on the ground.

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What town is that, and when?

And Kevin posts yet another one liner! :lol:

Sorry, but where I live is none of your business.

But if you want to see the proof that people all over the world are getting ill from chemtrail spraying, then watch the video evidence I posted here.. Then do some research yourself.

My guess is you won't even bother though, considering the fact that you're about as interested in the truth of this subject as you are in the truth about Apollo.

Don't make up stories of epidemic if you aren't willing to back them up with simple things like when and where. I find it funny that the story started with you and a friend getting sick, but as soon as it's pointed out that everyone else should have been affected, it became "an epidemic in my town of 'flu', vertigo, and rashes that appeared to be shingles." You'd think that if it were true, you would have started with that.

I've seen the videos, none of them have a shred of evidence actually linking contrails with anything on the ground.

Just because I won't tell you where I live doesn't mean I'm being dishonest about being ill.

Not only was there an epidemic of the already mentioned illnesses that year, but three of my friends also got sick around that same time.. One was admitted to the hospital with singles and vertigo, another went to an Immediate Med with the same problems, and another one went to her doctor, where she had to under go treatments for vertigo.

It didn't even occur to me when I posted the story of my friend and I getting sick, that I would be asked to prove it, or need to discuss all of the other people who also got ill at that time.. I guess I should have known better, considering the type of people I'm dealing with here.

One of the videos I posted showed the damage done, not only to people, but also to the ground in New Mexico where the chemtrails are being sprayed constantly.

Why don't you try watching them again?

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Yes, the type of people you're dealing with here are the type that want evidence, not stories with nothing other than your word to back them up.

I've watched the videos, I saw nothing in them that showed any connection between trails in the sky and anything happening on the ground. Could you point that out in one of the videos?

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Yes, the type of people you're dealing with here are the type that want evidence, not stories with nothing other than your word to back them up.

I've watched the videos, I saw nothing in them that showed any connection between trails in the sky and anything happening on the ground. Could you point that out in one of the videos?

No problem.. I will leave my personal involvement with chemtrail poisoning out of this discussion then, and just post evidence that can be verified to your satisfation.

The first video I linked in post #116 shows what type of devastation has happened to the sky and also the ground in New Mexico.. I don't know how you missed it .. but then, it is a rather long presentation, and maybe your attention span is not that long.. So I will see what other shorter video evidence I can find showing the damage that has occured on the ground due to chemtrails.

Edited by Duane Daman
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Here is even more evidence that the Air force is spraying chemtrails.

"The strange-looking streaks in the sky aren't your imagination. They are anti-bacteriological warfare chemicals being tested by the federal government. And the public has been kept in the dark.

The Pentagon [and possibly other federal government entities] is testing anti-biological warfare agents, which produce the mysterious "chemtrails" that are appearing on an irregular basis in the skies over many American cities, towns and rural areas.

An Air Force veteran, who while on active duty was attached to the nation's top secret National Security Agency (NSA), presents compelling evidence that the Pentagon is using regular Air Force and Air Force National Guard aircraft to release anti-bacteriological warfare chemicals into the skies.

Unlike True Contrails

If you closely watched the trails over an extended period of time, you can tell they are unlike regular aircraft contrails. The chemtrails do not rapidly disperse. Instead they gradually spread out in a lacy pattern, ultimately forming what appear to be banks of clouds

Even after fanning out, the chemtrails can be readily spotted because the banks of clouds are in straight lines across the sky as they mesh together. Sometimes they turn an otherwise sunny day into one that is overcast.

The former researcher said he believes he has tracked the chemical spraying to the "unconventional pathogen countermeasures program" of the top secret Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). The agency has funded laboratory studies and tests conducted by scientists at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor.

DARPA Director Lawrence H. Dubois claims the agency is "not doing any large-scale or outdoor testing" and he knows of "no evidence that [the chemical substance] is being sprayed from aircraft by any agency of the federal government."

Extensive Research

"After talking to friends in Congress, government and medicine, I have been referred to the University of Michigan and Dr. James Baker Jr., his nanotechnology oil-water liquid-the same liquid developed by Dr. Craig Wright, a scientist at Novavax Inc. in Columbia, Md.," the researcher said. "I speak for thousands of American citizens who are being sprayed by military aircraft and haven't a clue why the government is spraying and lying to them. They are very concerned in light of the present administration."

The researcher said the government is planning for a biological attack against the United States. Government officials have referred to such an attack as "not if, but when."

A number of Third World countries hostile to the United States as well as Russia and Red China are involved in massive chemical and biological warfare development programs.

The government and its scientists claim that the chemicals being tested are harmless to humans. This researcher disagrees.

"Certain illnesses including pneumonia tracked the spraying effort across America but the American people have not been told about the project," the

researcher said. "In fact, government agencies have deliberately lied to the

citizens again and again.

"These aircraft trails appear below 10,000 feet and do not act like ice crystals. Spray from aircraft are observed cutting on and off as you would throw a switch on the aircraft control panel. Grid patterns are painted in the sky with 'X' and circles are also painted."

According to one investigator, the oil in the substance being sprayed is responsible for "rainbow-like" colorations that appear frequently during the formation of the chemtrails. The "X" found in an area being sprayed probably marks the areas for satellite study of the dispersal patterns."



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Here is even more evidence that the Air force is spraying chemtrails.

"The strange-looking streaks in the sky aren't your imagination. They are anti-bacteriological warfare chemicals being tested by the federal government. And the public has been kept in the dark.

The Pentagon [and possibly other federal government entities] is testing anti-biological warfare agents, which produce the mysterious "chemtrails" that are appearing on an irregular basis in the skies over many American cities, towns and rural areas.

An Air Force veteran, who while on active duty was attached to the nation's top secret National Security Agency (NSA), presents compelling evidence that the Pentagon is using regular Air Force and Air Force National Guard aircraft to release anti-bacteriological warfare chemicals into the skies.

Unlike True Contrails

If you closely watched the trails over an extended period of time, you can tell they are unlike regular aircraft contrails. The chemtrails do not rapidly disperse. Instead they gradually spread out in a lacy pattern, ultimately forming what appear to be banks of clouds

Even after fanning out, the chemtrails can be readily spotted because the banks of clouds are in straight lines across the sky as they mesh together. Sometimes they turn an otherwise sunny day into one that is overcast.

The former researcher said he believes he has tracked the chemical spraying to the "unconventional pathogen countermeasures program" of the top secret Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). The agency has funded laboratory studies and tests conducted by scientists at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor.

DARPA Director Lawrence H. Dubois claims the agency is "not doing any large-scale or outdoor testing" and he knows of "no evidence that [the chemical substance] is being sprayed from aircraft by any agency of the federal government."

Extensive Research

"After talking to friends in Congress, government and medicine, I have been referred to the University of Michigan and Dr. James Baker Jr., his nanotechnology oil-water liquid-the same liquid developed by Dr. Craig Wright, a scientist at Novavax Inc. in Columbia, Md.," the researcher said. "I speak for thousands of American citizens who are being sprayed by military aircraft and haven't a clue why the government is spraying and lying to them. They are very concerned in light of the present administration."

The researcher said the government is planning for a biological attack against the United States. Government officials have referred to such an attack as "not if, but when."

A number of Third World countries hostile to the United States as well as Russia and Red China are involved in massive chemical and biological warfare development programs.

The government and its scientists claim that the chemicals being tested are harmless to humans. This researcher disagrees.

"Certain illnesses including pneumonia tracked the spraying effort across America but the American people have not been told about the project," the

researcher said. "In fact, government agencies have deliberately lied to the

citizens again and again.

"These aircraft trails appear below 10,000 feet and do not act like ice crystals. Spray from aircraft are observed cutting on and off as you would throw a switch on the aircraft control panel. Grid patterns are painted in the sky with 'X' and circles are also painted."

According to one investigator, the oil in the substance being sprayed is responsible for "rainbow-like" colorations that appear frequently during the formation of the chemtrails. The "X" found in an area being sprayed probably marks the areas for satellite study of the dispersal patterns."



An anonymous guy says so? Great source. :rolleyes:

Of course it repeats the lie that contrails can't persist and always disperse. If you had bothered to look at post 105 you'd know that isn't so and never has been.

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No, I ignored your question at first, because I was busy getting the evidence that proves the Air Force is involved in the chemtrail spraying.. If commercial aircraft are also spraying chemtrails, then that's even more disconcerting.

But those very same so-called "chemtrails" are seen here in Australia... but the only aircraft we have are civilian jets, no military ones as described. So are Qantas and Virgin Blue involved in your "chemtrail conspiracy"?

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"An anonymous guy says so? Great source."

I wonder if Mike Blair knows his real name is "anonymous"? :lol:

"Of course it repeats the lie that contrails can't persist and always disperse. If you had bothered to look at post 105 you'd know that isn't so and never has been."

Of course you repeat the contrail LIE.. The Air Force is spraying chemtrails.. You're in the Air Force.. You monitor this forum day and night to make sure you post immediately after anyone posts any evidence of chemtrails.

I just hope you're not one the Air Force pilots helping to destroy the planet.

Take a real close look at this CHEMTRAIL evidence, and then post some more nonsense in the hope that somebody besides your clueless pal Kevin believes you.

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"An anonymous guy says so? Great source."

I wonder if Mike Blair knows his real name is "anonymous"? :lol:

"Of course it repeats the lie that contrails can't persist and always disperse. If you had bothered to look at post 105 you'd know that isn't so and never has been."

Of course you repeat the contrail LIE.. The Air Force is spraying chemtrails.. You're in the Air Force.. You monitor this forum day and night to make sure you post immediately after anyone posts any evidence of chemtrails.

I just hope you're not one the Air Force pilots helping to destroy the planet.

Take a real close look at this CHEMTRAIL evidence, and then post some more nonsense in the hope that somebody besides your clueless pal Kevin believes you.

I HAVE looked at the "evidence". I have found it lacking. YOU have not. It is obvious that you haven't yet looked at post 105. The idea that contrails can not persist is a lie, propogated by those who have no understanding of weather.

The article is written by Mike Blair but it doesn't really make it clear that he is referring to himself. Nor does he offer any actual evidence other than his say so.

Your research standard is approaching Jack's. I post immediately? Care to actually check those times? You know that is BS. Most of the time I have to wait until I get home because I can't usually post from work. The network prevents me from doing so. Even for the times I do, so what? With immediate nitification via email is it really a big deal?

Which brings up another point, I am NOT a pilot nor am I paid to post here or anywhere. If your research had bothered to bring you to my signature, biography, or the forum rules, you would know that and you would know you aren't allowed to make that accusation anyway.

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