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To Kill a President by M. Wesley Swearingen

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  • 2 years later...


That's too bad. The book is a doozy. With M. Wesley Swearingen's background and credibility, I'm not at all surprised that the story didn't get more media coverage and discussion here ... :ph34r:

The book has a short chapter on one "Indio", who Mr. Swearingen's Cuban source said (prior to 11-22-63) was involved with a plot to kill JFK.


Edited by Steve Rosen
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That's too bad. The book is a doozy. With M. Wesley Swearingen's background and credibility, I'm not at all surprised that the story didn't get more media coverage and discussion here ... :ph34r:

The book has a short chapter on one "Indio", who Mr. Swearingen's Cuban source said (prior to 11-22-63) was involved with a plot to kill JFK.


Hi Steve,

That is the most interesting chapter in the book. Indio is referred to as David Sanchez, a high ranking CIA officer who wanted revenge on JFK for the Bay of Pigs fiasco.

"Ramon," Swearingen's contact in the Cuban exile community also described how 'political jerks' from different major cities that JFK could travel to were being handled and how one of them would eventually take the fall for the assassination.

Most curious indeed.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Most curious indeed.


Thanks Zach.

Wes Swearingen is of course referring to David Sanchez Morales, known as "Indio" to his friends.

Speaking of Indio's friends, he had a very small circle. One close buddy was Filipo Sacco, aka John "Handsome Johnny" Roselli, underworld mover and shaker, JM/WAVE asset, and mafia liason to The Agency.

Mr. Swearingen was told by his Cuban source "Ramon" prior 11/22 that Roselli was another person involved in a plot to kill JFK.

To Kill A President: Finally---An Ex-FBI Agent rips aside the veil of secrecy that killed JFK is a very interesting perspective from the FBI agent who was in charge of Cuban counter-intelligence matters at the Chicago field office in the early 1960's.

Although not as severe, the story of what happened to Mr. Swearingen recalls what befell Abraham Bolden of the Secret Service when he spoke up.

A breezy read and great material to consider. The book's heavy use of confidential sources may turn some people off.


Edited by Steve Rosen
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To Kill A President: Finally---An Ex-FBI Agent rips aside the veil of secrecy that killed JFK is a very interesting perspective from the FBI agent who was in charge of Cuban counter-intelligence matters at the Chicago field office in the early 1960's.

Hi Steve,

Thanks for checking back in. And thanks for all your contributions to the forum. They are most appreciated.

There are many interesting things about Chicago and how it was connected to Dallas. I read a long time ago that in the photo that depicts the Joseph Milteer possible on the parade route, there is another man positioned down the street towards the corner of Main that was from Chicago and associated with Paulino Sierra. Could this be where Milteer gained foreknowledge of events to come? Perhaps someone out there has this mystery man's name and can post the photo in question.


Edited by Zach Robertson
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Hi Steve,

Thanks for checking back in. And thanks for all your contributions to the forum. They are most appreciated.

There are many interesting things about the Chicago Plot and how it was connected to Dallas. In the photo that depicts the Joseph Milteer possible on the parade route, there is another man positioned down the street towards the corner of Main that was from Chicago and associated with Paulino Sierra. Could this be where Milteer gained foreknowledge of events to come? Perhaps someone out there has this mystery man's name and can post the photo in question.


Thanks, Zach. The same to you sir.

Your reply is intriguing. To which photo do you refer?

Not too long ago, our friends Jack White or James Richards would be quick to reply with the correct photo. Time flies.


The November 1963 Chicago Plot against JFK, involving a team of Cuban exile shooters, a gun-toting loner named Thomas Arthur Vallee, and the rail-roading of hero Secret Service Agent Abraham Bolden is fascinating, especially when analyzed in the context of Dallas.

For interested readers, seek out Edwin Black's brilliant article on the subject titled "The Chicago Plot to Kill JFK", and James Douglass's JFK and The Unspeakable.

Black's article is here: http://archive.org/d...goPlotToKillJfk and http://www.scribd.co...ot-to-Kill-JFK.

I don't recall Wes Swearingen's book outlining the Chicago Plot. It'd be a good topic to discuss with him.

However, the Chicago Plot was covered up pretty thoroughly by the Secret Service at the time, and still is. There are a number of documents at NARA regarding probable-patsy Thomas Arthur Vallee that are withheld by various government agencies.

-- Steve

Edited by Steve Rosen
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  • 3 weeks later...

Here is the photo Zach spoke of (I think) with the bystanders enlarged...

I also included a blowup of Weaver and the corner of Main/Houston




Edited by David Josephs
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On 10/6/2012 at 8:42 AM, Zach Robertson said:


That is a great collage. You are doing some fantastic work here lately; so thanks for all that.

Not to divert the thread, but do you have any other blown up images from the corner of Main and Houston?


Thanks Zach... means alot

I actually do.. the man we see crossing Elm afterward in a trenchcoat and hat looks so much like Howard Hunt, I tried to work back from where he might have walked from:

Here is what I found..








Edited by David Josephs
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Awesome stuff David, thank you.

Do you know what the last colorized image is from? I don't think I have seen it before. The Weaver image is very interesting in that in the full version you can see numerous windows open on the 5th and 6th floors.

Here is a nice image of retired FBI agent Wesley Swearingen.



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My pleasure Zach... I keep reading To Kill aPresident... and am finally getting to the Hosty/Shanklin stuff - which to me he should have the most info on...

The whole Ramon thing is understood, protect a source, but this man seems to have info on everything or Swearingen is simply attributing most everything to him as a source....

You did get that one of his key facts is that Roselli shoots from the sewer drain (how he knows I haven't read yet... but I seem to remember a post about one of the Cubans having maps to the sewers in his possession....

That and how Greg B described the zfilm he saw, JFK was "lifted up out of his seat" when shot.... as others also said... that it looked like he stood up in the limo...



I believe the colorized version comes from my digital version of Groden's TKoaP

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  • 3 months later...


That is a great collage. You are doing some fantastic work here lately; so thanks for all that.

Not to divert the thread, but do you have any other blown up images from the corner of Main and Houston?


Thanks Zach... means alot

I actually do.. the man we see crossing Elm afterward in a trenchcoat and hat looks so much like Howard Hunt, I tried to work back from where he might have walked from:

Here is what I found..


Nice pictures, David.

It's a little far up the food chain, but while we are on the subject of familiar faces...the man standing right above Connelly in the top picture sure has a resemblance to Richard Helms.


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