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A little help re: William F Illig

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Guest Tom Scully

Thanks for pursing this. Could you send a snail mail response to Illig's law firm asking who was responsible for ordering Dr. Burkley's files destroyed?

Those related to JFK should have been public records owned by the government - (ie. American people) and not subject to being destroyed by anyone.




How does that happen? Is their any precedent for the federal government having a right, privilege, or authority to demand or own the files accumulated through the representation of a client by a private attorney or law firm? This obligation would only be put upon private legal representation of clients and their heirs and the law firms storing legal files of clients who testified to the WC or the HSCA, or, what?

Did the ARRB attempt any preservation, disclosure, or surrender demands on any person who retained private counsel?

Is the transaction of representation by private legal counsel, exempt from privacy or confidentiality when part or all of the legal representation was related to obtaining legal guidance in responding to questions put to someone by a federal official probing Kennedy Assassination related matters?

I don't know about you, Bill, but I can think of no circumstances where it would ever be worth the risk to answer any question put to me by a duly authorized federal official, save for, "do you have anything to declare," or, "what countries did you visit," on the occasion or attempting to return to the U.S.

It is a federal crime to say anything to a federal official that he decides is not truthful. Federal and other LEO are permitted to lie to you. The warning they give is, "anything you say will be used against you," not "may be used against you." but "will be used."

Why retain a lawyer to reply to an official inquiry on your behalf, if Bill Kelly and the federal government are going to come along at some point and scoop up your private legal file and permit researchers and other members of the public to read them?

Why would anyone say anything to someone who related a thread like that?

Any attorney will counsel anyone to only respond to questioning through an attorney.When you respond through an attorney, you protect your rights and are put to the least disadvantage. This representation by an attorney results in a legal file. I see almost no circumstances under which this file's contents, or what happens to it, is ever any of the government's business.

Edited by Tom Scully
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"I ... read to [Ms. Denlea] ... on the phone the Richard Sprague memo

for file of March 18, 1977, in which he recounts Attorney William F.

Illig's claim that Admiral Burkley had information indicating that

others besides Oswald must have participated in the assassination

(HSCA file number 000988, record number 180-10086-10295)"

Ms. Denlea, Admiral Burkley's daughter, agreed to "sign a document (to

be prepared by the Review Board) which would indicate she had no

objection to release of attorney-client information from Mr. Illig's

files relating to this subject, and she said she would have no problem

with that, and would be willing to sign such a form."

However, Ms. Denlea "changed her mind and decided not to sign the

proposed waiver from drafted by ARRB General Counsel. As a result, the

ARRB never obtained access to Mr. Illig's files."

Nancy was executor of her father's estate.



Too bad.

Nancy Burkley Denlea passed away April 17, 2002.



Edited by Bernice Moore
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Leo Denlea Jr was the CEO at Farmers Insurance in Los Angeles where I also worked. I met him a few times and certainly had the impression he was a very private man. He also had a reputation of being quiet spoken and reasonable. I believe he simply asked his wife to change her mind as he did not want his family name associated with the assassination. Too bad there was no followup as there may have been the possibility of another change of mind. Sad that personal considerations win out over such important historical information.

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Nick, I live down the street from the recently-vacated Farmers building in Simi Valley. Would Denlea's position have entailed his visiting that building and having lunch in the area?

I'm just curious. I feel like I'm in Siberia out here, and it's kinda amusing to think I could have been sitting next to someone with some important insight into the assassination.

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Leo Denlea Jr was the CEO at Farmers Insurance in Los Angeles where I also worked. I met him a few times and certainly had the impression he was a very private man. He also had a reputation of being quiet spoken and reasonable. I believe he simply asked his wife to change her mind as he did not want his family name associated with the assassination. Too bad there was no followup as there may have been the possibility of another change of mind. Sad that personal considerations win out over such important historical information.

That is such a shame. If there was anything there it would have been quite important I believe.

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Pat, I wasn't aware that office had been shut down. You do indeed live in Siberia as Simi Valley is wayyy out there :) Mr Denlea was based at the Home Office at 4680 Wilshire Blvd. He would certainly have visited the Simi Valley office and had lunch there on many occasions. The last time I saw him we sat 5 feet apart in the commercial division office in LA where I worked. That was probably in the late 90's. At that time, I had no idea he was married to the Admiral's daughter. I just learned of that within the last few years at this forum. Had I known, I would have asked him privately about it. Who knows what that would have led to. I am wondering if the Illig files were really destroyed about 20 years ago, or were they destroyed later than that by the family's request after the AARB contact. I find it hard to believe those records would be destroyed without the family's knowledge or consent.

Frankie, I think the information from Admiral Burkley would have been extremely valuable to serious JFK researchers.

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Pat, I wasn't aware that office had been shut down. You do indeed live in Siberia as Simi Valley is wayyy out there :) Mr Denlea was based at the Home Office at 4680 Wilshire Blvd. He would certainly have visited the Simi Valley office and had lunch there on many occasions. The last time I saw him we sat 5 feet apart in the commercial division office in LA where I worked. That was probably in the late 90's. At that time, I had no idea he was married to the Admiral's daughter. I just learned of that within the last few years at this forum. Had I known, I would have asked him privately about it. Who knows what that would have led to. I am wondering if the Illig files were really destroyed about 20 years ago, or were they destroyed later than that by the family's request after the AARB contact. I find it hard to believe those records would be destroyed without the family's knowledge or consent.

Frankie, I think the information from Admiral Burkley would have been extremely valuable to serious JFK researchers.


I'm not much of a paranoid person but I started making noises about try to get a hold of these files 3 years ago. Following that someone hacked my partner's email account and sent me a very strange message, and now I find the files were destroyed 20 years back. The letter from the firm says that Burkley's files were destroyed, not all of Illig's files. So I will have to write and ask if it was just Burkley's. I will also ask if the family requested the destruction. I did wonder, when I got the news if they had infact been destroyed 20 years ago or after contact from the ARRB or even just 3 years ago when I began ringing.

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Frankie, I was going through the dates again and it was more likely about 1993 or 1994 when I last met Mr Denlea. As to getting a definitive answer from the firm, do you think it would be very helpful if Doug Horne would also get involved as a former member of the AARB? I don't know if he would be willing, though. Thanks for your work on this. I never thought you would be able to get any information.


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Guest Tom Scully

There was no option for Mr. Denlea to permit the risk of bringing any public scrutiny to himself, through his wife and her father's records. Farmer's Insurance, in and of itself, is an organization with a long history of poor reputation.


Behind the Batus-Farmers Deal : $5.2-Billion Merger Hinged on Chemistry Between Chairmen

August 26, 1988|BRUCE KEPPEL | Times Staff Writer

One of the biggest deals in the financial services field ever--Wednesday's $5.2-billion agreement for Farmers Group to be acquired by British-owned Batus Inc.--apparently turned on the success of the first face-to-face meeting between the chairmen of the two companies.

That encounter took place on the afternoon of Aug. 17, after preliminary discussions with financial and legal advisers began defining issues that needed to be settled before a deal could be struck. It was followed by several other meetings between the chairmen in the seven days that followed.


In the end, the rapport achieved by Leo E. Denlea Jr. of Farmers and Patrick Sheehy of Batus resulted in Wednesday evening's final meeting of the two men at Farmers' home office in the Mid-Wilshire district in Los Angeles, where they signed a definitive merger agreement. Under it, the insurance holding company will become a wholly owned subsidiary of Batus, the U.S. unit of BAT Industries of London.

"As a result of those face-to-face meetings, Mr. Sheehy felt that a mutual trust had developed between them," said Batus spokesman Wilson W. Wyatt. "Considering the complexity, seven days were not a long period of time."

......Another assurance locked in the agreements with the exchanges is that Batus will not interfere with Farmers' policy of offering insurance discounts to nonsmokers...


CALIFORNIA STUNS FAR-FLUNG EMPIRE OF BAT : After Surprise Ruling Denying Farmers Bid, British Conglomerate Is Down but Not Out

June 20, 1988|KEITH BRADSHER | Times Staff Writer ......

http://legacy.library.ucsf.edu/tid/fqq72a99/pdf?search=%22denlea%22 10. Mar. 1997 14:32 BAT INDS GROUP ?,A. e** No.8989 P. 2/2 News from RAT INDUSTRIES LEO DENLEA RETIRES 10 MARCH 1997 Mr. Leo Denlea, who has been on the Board since 1990, has retired as a Director of B.A.T Industries, having reached the age of 65. Leo Denlea joined Farmers in 1981 as vice president, corporate and financial planning and shortly thereafter was appointed senior vice president, finance. He was elected president and chief operating officer in 1985. 00 0 0 8?A?T Industries p.l.c


The State - Sep 13, 1998

The "Tobacco Strategy Review Team" sessions included Sir Patrick Sheehy, who retired as chairman in 1996; Martin Broughton, BAT Industries' present chairman ...Global Effort .‎ Post And Courier

To play its shell game, B.A.T. needed high-nicotine tobacco. The corporate giant turned for help to a small-time tobacco growe, Lloyd Vernon Jones, and his 18-acre farm in Stantonsburg, NC......

....Brown & Williamson said it was only trying to make cigartetttes safer, but, concerned about bad publicity, agreed to stop using Y-1.

But last December, the AP reported it had found tons of Y-1 and related high-nicotine strains being...

...The Y-1 papers, however, show the project was much bigger than previoulsy known -- a global operation coordinated by the highest executives at B.A.T. Industries' world headquarters in London.

The "Tobacco Strategy Review Team" sessions included Sir Patrick Sheehy, who retired as chairman in 1996, Martin Broughton, B.A.T. Industries' present chairman; Ulrich Herter, now the managing director of B.A.T. Industries; and R.J. Pritchrd, a former Brown & Williamson chairman and former member of the B.A.T. board of directors. Chairmen of B.A.T.'s subsidiaries in England, Germany, Brazil, and Canada also participated in the the meetings. B.A.T. declined an AP request to interview executives.

Under pressure to outdo Philip Morris' ammoniated Marlboro cigarettes, B.A.T. pushed its Y-1 project.....


Monday, 4 June 2012

Day 36: The New Girl

See note on accessing documents at the end of this post.

It was business-a-little-different-than-usual when the trial of the Montreal class actions resumed this Monday morning. The atmosphere, which during last week's focus on science had been restless, was today markedly on edge. Everyone seemed to be walking on eggs.

The nervousness may have been due to the fact that the witness, Ms. Marie Polet, is the first company president to appear. Or it may have been because she is an unknown quantity to most in the room, having arrived in Canada only 8 months ago and having kept a very low public profile.

Marie Polet is no ordinary immigrant. She 'began at the top' at ITL even though she had no previous experience in Canada. (She had worked for 30 years in the marketing branches of European offices).

There are a few reasons why a company might want to vault a complete unknown into a top position. In this instance, it is hard to ignore the fact that Ms. Polet arrived in Canada just as this trial was originally set to begin (October 17, 2011), and while Imperial Tobacco was facing the unhappy prospect that its then-president, Mr. Ian Muir, would be forced to testify.

By giving Mr. Muir an early retirement and allowing him to return to England (beyond the reach of a subpoena), the company indirectly achieved its objective of blocking his testimony. By replacing him with someone with even less institutional memory, they effectively removed the company's rear-view mirror......

....When she was shown a memo from the highest level BAT leader (Sir Patrick Sheehy) to the highest level Imperial Tobacco boss (Purdy Crawford) on the preference of the parent company for research that was aimed at making smoking acceptable to authorities and the folly of focusing on a 'safer cigarette' (<a href="https://tobacco.asp.visard.ca/GEIDEFile/iTL00051276.pdf?Archive=198121391630&File=ITL00051276_pdf" target="_blank">Exhibit 255A) she could not identify anything that would refute or confirm any position of her predecessors. Nor could she see a distinction between Sir Patrick Sheehy's identification of nicotine as "the key element" of cigarettes and her own statement that people smoked for many reasons, one of which being nicotine.

What kind of man would "warm up: to someone like Patrick Sheehy, a man who devoted his life to addicting third world inhabitants and whoever else he could influence, to a poisonous product, and then, as Denlea did, become a director of such a controversial organizatiion, as B.A.T., and at such a late date? The answer seems to be, a greedy man with very poor judgment, character, and ethics.

Did you have any interest, Frankie, in looking up the nurse who worked at the White House under Dr. Burkley from May, 1961, through the term of LBJ? She is Elizabeth Chapowicki Shedlick, age 77. She lives in Frederick, Maryland. Her sister was William KIng Harvey's secretary and her brother is:

Worcester Telegram & Gazette : STANLEY E. CHADWICK, 77

Worcester Telegram Gazette - Jan 5, 2001

Stanley E. Chadwick, 77, of Gantt Lane, formerly of Worcester, Mass., ... Joseph G . Chadwick of Fayetteville, with whom he lived; two brothers, Edwin H. and Robert ... Fla., Alice Chapowicki of Worcester and Elizabeth Shedlick of Montgomery

Worcester Telegram & Gazette : ELECTION DAY IN THE REGION

Worcester Telegram Gazette - Jan 20, 2010

WORCESTER - Edwin H. Chadwick, an an 85-year-old Army veteran of World War II, had been holding a homemade sign all day on Shore Drive at the Unitarian Universalist Church.

"At midnight tonight, the Kennedy era will be over," read the sign, in a show of support for Scott Brown.

A registered Democrat, Mr. Chadwick voted Republican yesterday morning.

He was still outside at 2:45 pm and planned to be there "until my feet get too cold." "We're going to change from a one-party system in this state," he said, noting he wanted President Barack Obama's health care plan to fail because he is satisfied with his current coverage.

"We've had a gang in power." Jackie Leone, election official for Ward 9, Precinct 1, at Temple Emanuel, said there were already lines when the polls opened.

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Thank you Tom for the post and the info about Elizabeth Chapowicki Shedlick. I will definietly look her up. Interesting her sister was Harvey's secretary. I bet they both have some great stories to tell. I wonder if they have any interest in telling them at this late stage. It gives me something to focus on now we know Burkley's files have been destroyed. At least we know I guess..

Edited by Frankie Vegas
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For an attorney with the Esquire affixed, his grave, seems out of character. The first obit is apparently his son.

I found notices of death but a bona fide obit seems rather hard to come by.....Might I suggest The Erie Times, Erie, Pa.,

or perhaps The N Y Times, spiderbytes....

Dr. Bill (William Patrick) Illig, age 75, died on April 13, 2011, at his Tulsa home surrounded by his loving family. He was preceded in death by his parents, William F. Illig, Esq. and Mary Cleary Illig, two granddaughters, Sarah Minielly and Mary Claire Minielly, and a brother-in-law, Robbie Robison. He is survived by his wife of 46 years, Hannah Reynolds Illig, and three daughters: Natalie (Mrs. John) McNicholas of Naples, Fla., Mary (Mrs. David) Minielly of Edmond, Okla., and Tricia (Mrs. Eric) Davis of Tulsa, Okla. He was the proud grandfather of Taylor Davis, Nicole Davis, Alec Minielly and Matthew Minielly. He is further survived by two brothers: James M. Illig of San Francisco, Calif., Joseph J. Illig, M.D. of Colorado Springs, Colo., and two sisters: Denise Robison of Erie, Pa., and Mary Virginia (Mrs. Stuart) Dye, of Bethesda, Md., together with many nieces and nephews. Bill was born in Erie, Pa., and graduated from Cathedral Preparatory School in Erie. He is a graduate of Georgetown University, with a B.S. in History, and a Cum Laude graduate of the Georgetown University School of Medicine, Washington, D.C. He was an Intern at Grady Memorial Hospital of Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta, Ga. Dr. Illig was then awarded a three-year Fellowship in Clinical Pathology at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. While at Mayo Clinic, Bill was called into the U.S. Army Medical Corps and served as an Anatomic Pathologist at Ft. McPherson, Ga., and Chief Pathologist of the Ninth Medical Laboratory in Saigon, Vietnam, from which Captain Illig was honorably discharged and awarded the Bronze Star Medal. Dr. Illig was a Fellow, College of American Pathologists, a Fellow, American Society of Clinical Pathologists, a Diplomat of the National Board of Medical Examiners and the American Society of Cytology, to name a few of his professional affiliations. He was very active in the Tulsa medical community as Staff Pathologist at St. Francis Hospital, Director of Tumor Registry at St. Francis Hospital, and past chairman of the Cancer Committee at St. Francis Hospital. He was a Clinical Associate Professor, Tulsa Medical College of the University of Oklahoma and author of published research in Surgical Pathology/Cytology as an affiliate of the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group. Bill is referred to as a "legend" for his medical knowledge and his passion for excellence and accuracy. He was also an accomplished taxidermist, bow hunter and an enthusiastic and adventurous outdoorsman. The many friends of Dr. Illig are invited to the Rosary at St. Rita Chapel of Cascia Hall Preparatory School on Friday, April 15, 2011, at 7:00 p.m. And they are especially welcomed the following morning to his Funeral Mass at Christ the King Church at 9:00 a.m. A breakfast reception will immediately follow at the Church. In lieu of flowers, the family welcomes donations to the Christ the King Catholic Church, 1520 S. Rockford, Tulsa, OK 74120. To leave condolences and to share memories, please go to www.fitzgeraldivychapel.com. Fitzgerald Ivy Chapel (918) 585-1151.

Published in the Erie Times-News on April 14, 2011

William F. Illig, Esq 1905-1989 Calvary Cemetery, Erie Pennsylvania




also see MERCYHURST MAGAZINE Winter 1989-90

on scribd.com



and our Prayers

To Mary C. Illig, a member of the Carpe Diem Society on the death of her husband William F. Illig, Esq,

and to Denise (Illig) Robison, his daughter also a member of the Carpe Diem Society.







March 18, 1977



William F. Illig, an attorney from Erie, Pa., contacted me in Philadelphia this

date, advising me that he represents Dr. George G. Burkley, Vice Admiral, U.S.

Navy retired, who had been the personal physician for presidents Kennedy and


Mr. Illig stated that he had a luncheon meeting with his client, Dr. Burkley,

this date to take up some tax matters. Dr. Burkley advised him that although he,

Burkley, had signed the death certificate of President Kennedy in Dallas, he had

never been interviewed and that he has information in the Kennedy

assassination indicating that others besides Oswald must have participated.

Illig advised me that his client is a very quiet, unassuming person, not wanting

any publicity whatsoever, but he, Illig, was calling me with his client's

consent and that his client would talk to me in Washington.

a possible relative?

Jack Anderson FBI files Release Four file 05


File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View

FBI's Los Angeles Off1ce and subsequently declined prosecut...... Administrative Assistant Frank Vladsen or the Labor Committee staff director.

Director Frank J. Illig, Jr., External Affairs Division

Frank J. "Bucky" Illig, a retired FBI agent and member of the Sports Hall of Fame of St. Joseph's Collegiate Institute, died Monday (Sept. 8, 1997) in Alexandria, Va., after a brief bout with cancer. He was 68.

A member of the class of 1946, Illig earned eight letters in baseball, basketball and football at a time when only three varsity sports were available.

In 1945, he quarterbacked the Marauders to their first undefeated season in more than 20 years, throwing nine touchdown passes in those seven games. As a basketball player, Illig won Second Team All-Catholic recognition as a junior. Elected team captain as a senior, he was named the league's most valuable …....

Edited by Robert Howard
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  • 5 months later...

I wrote to Elizabeth Shedlick aprox 4-5 months ago asking if she would like to share her recollections of the time, especially about Dr Burkley and if he had mentioned anything to her about JFK's autopsy or assassination.

I have received no reply.

I must say that I am not really to surprised though.

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