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William Allen Contact Sheet

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William Allen Contact Sheet

Approx 6-months ago Todd Vaughan was kind enough to supply me with (6) - William Allen Contact Sheets to Upload to my Gallery.

I have taken the individual photos from the (6) - sheets and combined them into one composite image.

Some of the photo's shown on the sheets i had previously mislabelled, attributing them to Murray, Cancellare

thanks to Todd for providing the correct identification.


Edited by Robin Unger
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Thanks for that Robin,

There's some shots there I hadn't seen before.

Is there a link to William Allen's testimony or story so we know where these came from and when?



Hi Bill

I can't find anything in the way of Testimony for Allen

Maybe Todd has some more information.

Allen appears to have been playing tag team with Murray all over the plaza, looking at some of there photo's it almost appears they must have been joined at the hip

The two photographers photo's are so similar in the way of framing, and the photographers POV ,which is why i was having such a problem distinguishing them apart.

On many of the images the Murray location and Timeline would correspond to Allen's


Edited by Robin Unger
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William Allen identification.

Credit: Todd Vaughan

William Allen Gallery



Robin, Todd, how do we know that's Allen?


check with Gary Mack or Todd

As with all photographer identifications, i usually run it past Garry Mack first for Confirmationt before "Uploading" the images to my Gallery.

Also i have learn't over the last 12-months not to second guess Todd's identification's

He was instrumental in correctly helping to identify all the motorcycle cops seen in the assassination images, ( McIntire,Cancellare,Bothun ) etc:

as usual i checked with Gary Mack for confirmation and Todd was right on the money.


Edited by Robin Unger
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William Allen identification.

Credit: Todd Vaughan

William Allen Gallery



Robin, Todd, how do we know that's Allen?


check with Gary Mack or Todd

As with all photographer identifications, i usually run it past Garry Mack first for Confirmationt before "Uploading" the images to my Gallery.

Also i have learn't over the last 12-months not to second guess Todd's identification's

He was instrumental in correctly helping to identify all the motorcycle cops seen in the assassination images, ( McIntire,Cancellare,Bothun ) etc:

as usual i checked with Gary Mack for confirmation and Todd was right on the money.


Here's a little more.......Great photos


Sources: WC 25 (220); HSCA VI (12, 67, 77); JFK Collection List, pg. 43 (AMKW 81)


Comments: Photographer for Dallas Times Herald. Photographed Ruby's apartment between 4:00 and 6:00 P.M., 11/24/63.

It [1963] was a year of technological innovations. Kodak introduced

the Instamatic camera and Polaroid brought out color packs. Polyethylene appeared.

Detroit’s fall models featured sleekly sloping rear windows— “fastbacks,”

they were called; the one on the Sting Ray was particularly dramatic.

On July 1, 1963 the Post Office Department, while announcing an increase in

first-class postage from four cents to five, sprang the zip code system on a stunned

and resentful public. The triumph of the digits moved one step closer with the

conversion of the White House telephone number from NAtional8-1414. On the

Bell systems’ master map the hatched areas indicating switchovers to direct dialing

were spreading like a vast cancer; DDD reached 44.2 Bell subscribers in 1963.

Excerpt page 996 The Glory and The Dream- William Manchester [Reaping the Whirlwind 1961-68]

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