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Q&A About the Assassination of President Kennedy

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Did you recognize the voice of our favorite "Rockefeller did it" nut in the audience?

Greg, many years ago, an elderly friend of mine met an intoxicated "Bo Bo" Rockefeller (wife of Winthrop, a brother of David and Nelson and the first Republican governor of Arkansas) aboard the cruise ship Rafaello on a trip to Italy. Bo Bo told my friend—and this is a direct quote: "The most dangerous family in America are the Rockefellers." Those are not my words. Those are the words of a member of the Rockefeller family.

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Did you recognize the voice of our favorite "Rockefeller did it" nut in the audience?

Greg, many years ago, an elderly friend of mine met an intoxicated "Bo Bo" Rockefeller (wife of Winthrop, a brother of David and Nelson and the first Republican governor of Arkansas) aboard the cruise ship Rafaello on a trip to Italy. Bo Bo told my friend—and this is a direct quote: "The most dangerous family in America are the Rockefellers." Those are not my words. Those are the words of a member of the Rockefeller family.

I think that they are extremely dangerous. David especially. (Is he even still alive?) And actually the person referenced mainly thinks LBJ was "the Mastermind"

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The Military DID it ...



David, I appreciate your thoughtful response. But the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 elevated the CIA above the military.

Peace to you as well,


Thanks Mike... Hope you read "None Dare....." I believe if you have not, it will change the way you see the assassination and CIA....

With regards to your comment above.... would you quantify "elevated" please... I've read over the Act and while it allows Financial and personnel secrecy...

the CIA still had to go thru the Military for anything they wanted..

If anything, the Act allowed the CIA to get into more trouble than the 1947 envisioned.

I look forward to your response


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Did you recognize the voice of our favorite "Rockefeller did it" nut in the audience?

Greg, many years ago, an elderly friend of mine met an intoxicated "Bo Bo" Rockefeller (wife of Winthrop, a brother of David and Nelson and the first Republican governor of Arkansas) aboard the cruise ship Rafaello on a trip to Italy. Bo Bo told my friend—and this is a direct quote: "The most dangerous family in America are the Rockefellers." Those are not my words. Those are the words of a member of the Rockefeller family.

I think that they are extremely dangerous. David especially. (Is he even still alive?) And actually the person referenced mainly thinks LBJ was "the Mastermind"

Yes to all 3 Rockefeller points: (1) extremely dangerous, (2) David especially, and (3) as Exhibit 1 for the proposition the good die young, David is alive and 98.

P.S. - The Rockefellers are so evil, they deserve this disclosure – something else Bo Bo Rockefeller told my friend: Her husband Winthrop was homosexual, so he had his chauffeur impregnate her to bear him a child. You won't read that bit of news in any Rockefeller biography, but it's straight from the horse's mouth.

Biography: http://educationforu...st&p=235641

Edited by Michael Schweitzer
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The Military DID it ...



David, I appreciate your thoughtful response. But the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 elevated the CIA above the military.

Peace to you as well,


Thanks Mike... Hope you read "None Dare....." I believe if you have not, it will change the way you see the assassination and CIA....

With regards to your comment above.... would you quantify "elevated" please... I've read over the Act and while it allows Financial and personnel secrecy...

the CIA still had to go thru the Military for anything they wanted..

If anything, the Act allowed the CIA to get into more trouble than the 1947 envisioned.

I look forward to your response


Yes, under the Act, the CIA "had to go thru the Military for anything they wanted." But that's the point. The CIA got anything it wanted. The Act gave it unlimited access to military resources for its own purposes without accountability under certain circumstances, which it could (and often did) fabricate. The Act allowed the CIA to call the shots and not even the JCS would know what it was doing. That's a coup in itself: a secret agency obtaining use of all U.S. military power.

Biography: http://educationforu...st&p=235641

Edited by Michael Schweitzer
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The Military DID it ...



David, I appreciate your thoughtful response. But the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 elevated the CIA above the military.

Peace to you as well,


Thanks Mike... Hope you read "None Dare....." I believe if you have not, it will change the way you see the assassination and CIA....

With regards to your comment above.... would you quantify "elevated" please... I've read over the Act and while it allows Financial and personnel secrecy...

the CIA still had to go thru the Military for anything they wanted..

If anything, the Act allowed the CIA to get into more trouble than the 1947 envisioned.

I look forward to your response


Yes, under the Act, the CIA "had to go thru the Military for anything they wanted." But that's the point. The CIA got anything it wanted. The Act gave it unlimited access to military resources for its own purposes without accountability under certain circumstances, which it could (and often did) fabricate. The Act allowed the CIA to call the shots and not even the JCS would know what it was doing. That's a coup in itself: a secret agency obtaining use of all U.S. military power.

Biography: http://educationforu...st&p=235641

I will grant you that the Act made the CIA much more powerful and less accountable... yet all the Military Intelligence acronyms were in existence well before and imo the line between the CIA and Military was virtually invisible. The Military had the budget, manpower, equipment and history... I think the CIA simply took the most evil and cunning of the Military intelligence... added European spy networks and more Evil... added other "personnel" with very little care other than their ability to destroy...

and the CIA was born.

Curious... Anthony Frank used to post here often and had a POV that stated the KGB had so infultrated the CIA by then that this and other assassiantions were all part of a KGB plan... he says that in the 1984 closed sessions, hundreds of KGB were identified within the CIA... he wrote an interesting book on the subject that he let me read the drafts of, yet it seemed to me to stop short of the required proof... just wondering if you had come across his posts


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The Military DID it ...



David, I appreciate your thoughtful response. But the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 elevated the CIA above the military.

Peace to you as well,


Thanks Mike... Hope you read "None Dare....." I believe if you have not, it will change the way you see the assassination and CIA....

With regards to your comment above.... would you quantify "elevated" please... I've read over the Act and while it allows Financial and personnel secrecy...

the CIA still had to go thru the Military for anything they wanted..

If anything, the Act allowed the CIA to get into more trouble than the 1947 envisioned.

I look forward to your response



Oddly enough None Dare Call It Conspiracy was the first book I ever read on this subject. In 1973, was loaned to me by a college friend as I was talking about the JFK conspiracy to him.

I'd like to read it again, but I recall it was quite from a John Bircher bent.


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The Military DID it ...



David, I appreciate your thoughtful response. But the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 elevated the CIA above the military.

Peace to you as well,


Thanks Mike... Hope you read "None Dare....." I believe if you have not, it will change the way you see the assassination and CIA....

With regards to your comment above.... would you quantify "elevated" please... I've read over the Act and while it allows Financial and personnel secrecy...

the CIA still had to go thru the Military for anything they wanted..

If anything, the Act allowed the CIA to get into more trouble than the 1947 envisioned.

I look forward to your response



Oddly enough None Dare Call It Conspiracy was the first book I ever read on this subject. In 1973, was loaned to me by a college friend as I was talking about the JFK conspiracy to him.

I'd like to read it again, but I recall it was quite from a John Bircher bent.


Hey there Dawn...

Would like to know what you mean by "Bircher bent"



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A few points about your ‘theories’. I may have missed it but I did not see where you provided any real evidence that:

1) “Ruby must have fired a blank! Oswald, who had asked to wear a dark sweater before the transfer so he would look better on television, groaned twice and dropped to the ground in an Oscar-worthy performance. The CIA then double-crossed him in the ambulance and shot him for real.”

  • You said, “photographer Bob Jackson, who took the Pulitzer Prize-winning photograph of the "shooting," said there was "not a speck of blood anywhere" on the body or at the crime scene” but you omitted that he only said this 43 years after the fact. Oswald was, as you noted wearing a dark sweater. This was discussed on another thread here, even Jack White said “Of course the shooting was NOT faked” more relevantly Evan Marshall (who is also CT) wrote “spent 20 yrs with Detroit PD including two tours with Homicide and saw alot of people shot who did not show blood on their clothing. Once fought and handcuffed a guy who had been shot six times-he was taken into the precinct and collapsed on the floor-dead.” There are other relevant posts for you to read including links the doctors who treated Oswald.

  • You also said “the two "stretcher photos" of Oswald being carried to the ambulance show not only no blood on his sweater, but no damage to a single fiber” really? Please post copies of photos with high enough resolution to make such a determination.

  • You also said “and a shot by Ruby would have passed straight through him, but the trajectory of the bullet that killed him was upward” ??? Please cite your expertise or expertise regarding bullet wounds, do you presume to know more about this than the cops at the scene and the medical professionals who treated Oswald? Or do you think they were all ‘in on it’? MLK was shot with a high power hunting rifle (.30-06) but the slug did NOT exit his body. This is also a false dichotomy, even both parts of you claim were true how would one contradict the other?

2) “Allen Dulles [was], a mysterious man with a documented Nazi past…”

3) “Horrifically, among Dulles' imports, under the code name "Dr. Green," was literally the cruelest man on earth, Auschwitz' "Angel of Death" Josef Mengele. Among many contributions to the project, according to a recently declassified CIA internal memorandum, Mengele disemboweled children in front of other children to desensitize them.”

Your claim “Prescott Bush…during WWII, had been Hitler's American banker until the FBI seized his bank” was a bit off. Bush was one of seven directors of UBC and it banked with Fritz Thyssen and his companies, Thyssen broke with the Nazis in 1939 and his company transfer to more pliable members of his family.

Your claim - “JFK struck the biggest bankers a second, harder blow on June 4, 1963, when he issued Executive Order 11110. The Order stripped the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank of its monopoly power under the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 to create the nation's currency and loan it to the government at interest, and restored that constitutional power (Article I, Section 8, clause 5) to the Treasury Department” – was completely inaccurate. It was tied to Public Law 88-36 pushed through by JFK which ELIMINATED Silver Notes the last paper currency in the US NOT issued by the fed and replaced them with FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES. This was debated here, use the forum’s search function. See also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Order_11110

Your claim – “Averell [sic] Harriman…ordered the November 2, 1963 assassination of South Vietnam's President Ngo Dinh Diem behind Kennedy's back while Kennedy was vacationing in Hyannisport [sic]” - was also inaccurate JFK and several of his advisers OKed the COUP (no the assassination) phone. This was debated here, use the forum’s search function

Also I’m curious when did you stop practicing law?

EDIT - Formatting

Edited by Len Colby
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The Military DID it ...



David, I appreciate your thoughtful response. But the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 elevated the CIA above the military.

Peace to you as well,


Thanks Mike... Hope you read "None Dare....." I believe if you have not, it will change the way you see the assassination and CIA....

With regards to your comment above.... would you quantify "elevated" please... I've read over the Act and while it allows Financial and personnel secrecy...

the CIA still had to go thru the Military for anything they wanted..

If anything, the Act allowed the CIA to get into more trouble than the 1947 envisioned.

I look forward to your response



Oddly enough None Dare Call It Conspiracy was the first book I ever read on this subject. In 1973, was loaned to me by a college friend as I was talking about the JFK conspiracy to him.

I'd like to read it again, but I recall it was quite from a John Bircher bent.


Hey there Dawn...

Would like to know what you mean by "Bircher bent"



David, It's been decades. I recall it was a focussed on a "Commie conspiracy" primarily and I knew Russia had zero to do with the assassination of JFK. By "Bircher" I meant John Birch Society.


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I should have googled it first. From amazon reviews I've learned -relearned- it is about international bankers and the NWO. Since this was my first book, I was not yet aware of details regarding such things. I went straight from that book however to learning all about the international bankers, and ties to Nazis etc. ...from various authors. Maybe I will reread this sometime.


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The killing itself was carried out by the United States Secret Service (previously thwarted when attempts in Chicago and Tampa went awry) and long-time CIA Mafia contract shooters. The operation ambushed the president in a Dallas motorcade by maneuvering his open limousine into a killing zone where four of thirteen bullets fired struck him from front and rear.

Biography: http://educationforu...st&p=235641

That the Secret Service killed Kennedy is self-evident. Along with the shooters, they were the boots on the ground.

Someone clearly ordered the assassination and there are only so many Unsubs. ( unidentified subjects in Criminal Minds speak )

Edited by Peter McGuire
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