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Nixon Operative Roger Stone on JFK Assassination: "LBJ had it done. Mob, CIA, Hoover, all in on it. RFK knew. So did Nixon."

Guest Robert Morrow

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Guest Robert Morrow

Link to Roger Stone's book: http://www.amazon.com/The-Man-Who-Killed-Kennedy/dp/1626363137/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1380046524&sr=8-1&keywords=roger+stone


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Guest Robert Morrow

Roger Stone will be on Fox and Friends, Monday Morning Nov. 4th at 7AM to talk about his new book.

Press release on Roger Stone's blockbuster book on the JFK assassination: The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ

Web link: http://lyndonjohnsonmurderedjfk.blogspot.com/2013/11/roger-stone-press-release-on-man-who.html

CONTACT: Jen Hobbs
(845) 863-6448


Roger Stone: “Lyndon Johnson would order up a murder like you or I would order a ham sandwich.

The Man Who Killed Kennedy:
The Case Against LBJ
By Roger Stone with Mike Colapietro


What does legendary political operative Roger Stone know that highly acclaimed historians Robert Caro and Robert Dallek do not?

Roger Stone knows that Lyndon Johnson murdered John Kennedy.

In his blockbuster new book The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ (Nov. 4, 2013 release date) Stone brings to light never-before-revealed information demonstrating that LBJ had the motive, the means and opportunity to murder President John Kennedy.

The heady fall of 1963 was an inflection point in American history. The civil rights movement, keynoted by Dr. Martin Luther King and his August “I Have a Dream” speech was in full blossom. In the wake of a near nuclear war with the USSR during the October, 1962, Cuban Missile Crisis, President John Kennedy was pursuing an incipient détente with the USSR with the 1963 Nuclear Test Ban Treaty being a strong first step much to the chagrin of war hawks in the American military and intelligence.

But behind the scenes of the Kennedy Administration there was a sub rosa war being waged between the Kennedys and the power grasping, disloyal and undermining Vice President Lyndon Johnson who had threatened and blackmailed his way onto the 1960 Democratic ticket in a hostile takeover of the Vice-Presidency.

By late November, 1963, the Kennedys were within days of politically executing and personally destroying Lyndon Johnson via a two track program: 1) a devastating RFK-fed LIFE Magazine expose of LBJ’s astounding corruption and 2) an RFK-nurtured Senate Rules Committee investigation into LBJ’s habit of taking large bribes and kickbacks.

There was a sub rosa war going on between the Kennedy brothers and Vice President Lyndon Johnson. The Kennedys brought knives to the battle and LBJ brought guns and it was settled in Dallas, TX on 11/22/63 at 12:30PM.

• Roger Stone combines his decades of insider political ken with cutting edge JFK research to let you know what Richard Nixon, Henry Cabot Lodge, Barry Goldwater and the KGB all concluded: Lyndon Johnson orchestrated the assassination of John Kennedy.

• Stone ties LBJ to at least seven politically motivated murders prior to the murder of John F. Kennedy. Stone: “LBJ would order up a murder just as you or I would order a ham sandwich.”

• Stone tells about the early murders of LBJ: the 1951 Doug Kinser murder, the 1952 Sam Smithwick prison murder; the 1961 murder of US agricultural official Henry Marshall and numerous other other LBJ-murders relating to the cover up of the epic corruption in the Billie Sol Estes scandal in the early 1960’s.

• Lyndon Johnson’s personal hit man Malcolm Wallace (also an employee of military contractor and LBJ insider D.H. Byrd who owned the Texas School Book Depository) was one of a team of shooters assassinating JFK. Stone reveals that a fingerprint matching Wallace and found in the so called sniper’s nest ties LBJ directly to the murder of JFK.

• Stone reveals, in a game changing addition to the historical record, that Richard Nixon recognized Lee Harvey Oswald’s assassin, strip club owner Jack Ruby, as “one of Lyndon Johnson’s boys” who Nixon had arranged to be placed as a paid informant for the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1947 as a favor to then Congressman Lyndon Johnson.

• Stone reveals that Nick Ruwe (a former top aide to Nixon) said that when Nixon saw Jack Ruby on TV after he murdered Oswald, Nixon exclaimed, “I know that man!”

• Stone reveals, for the first time ever, his insider conversations with his political mentor John Davis Lodge. Davis said his brother Henry Cabot Lodge blamed LBJ, the CIA and Mafiosi for JFK’s murder.

• Anthony “Fat Tony” Salerno, head of the Genovese crime family who were close business associates with LBJ intimate, Texas oil man Clint Murchison, told Roger Stone, in the presence of Roy Cohn, that Lyndon Johnson and Carlos Marcello were behind the JFK assassination. Roy Cohn nodded his head in agreement as both men laughed.

• Stone lays out the connections between the Bay of Pigs invasion fiasco, the JFK assassination and the fall of Richard Nixon in Watergate. Stone outlines how Nixon maneuvered furiously to obtain CIA records that would shed light on CIA-Mob connections to the JFK assassination as an “insurance policy” against investigation and impeachment in the Watergate scandal.

• LBJ led a cabal of Dallas, TX oil men, the CIA and the Mob in the murder of John Kennedy.Stone lays out LBJ’s ties to each group and outlines their motives for murdering JFK.

• Senator Robert F. Kennedy entered the presidential race in 1968 and was intent on re-opening the investigation into his brother’s death, which Stone argues led directly to RFK’s own murder.

• Roger Stone takes LBJ biographer Robert Caro to task for “cleaning up the blood and burying the bodies” of the murders of Lyndon Johnson that Caro will never tell you about. For 20 years and four volumes Robert Caro never interviewed key LBJ mistress Madeleine Brown or Billie Sol Estes who planned murders with LBJ. Caro never mentions the revelations of LBJ lawyer Barr McClellan nor will Caro address the transcendently important issue of Malcolm Wallace, LBJ’s personal hit man. Caro never mentions legendary Texas Ranger Clint Peoples who long suspected LBJ in the JFK assassination and a string of murders in Texas. Nor does Caro mention Estes’ 1984 letter to the U.S. Justice Dept detailing numerous LBJ-related murders. Caro completely omits the 1984 Texas grand jury, acting on Estes’ blockbuster testimony, that changed the ruling in the case of Henry Marshall , an LBJ victim from suicide to homicide.

The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ is an insider’s story combined with cutting edge JFK research. It sheds new light on JFK’s murder, the deception, the cover up and intrigue that involved the linchpin Lyndon Johnson and covers the roles of the following people who knew the truth, covered up or even participated in the JFK assassination: Richard Nixon, George H.W. Bush, Gerald Ford, J. Edgar Hoover, Robert Kennedy, the CIA, the Mob and Texas oil and military contractor interests.

“When I pressed him [Nixon] on who he thought killed Kennedy, Nixon would shiver and say Texas!” says Stone.

Read The Man Who Killed Kennedy and find out how and why Lyndon Johnson murdered John Kennedy.

Roger Stone is not only a political consultant, strategist and lobbyist, but is also the man credited with taking down New York Governor Eliot Spitzer. He has been involved in politics since his teenage and college years, and served as a senior staffer in eight national Republican Presidential Campaigns including those of Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush. Stone is also credited with the destruction of the national Reform Party and the shut-down of the 2000 recount that made George W. Bush President. In 2012 Stone joined the Libertarian Party. Aside from politics, he’s also known for his personal style and writes the annual “Ten Best and Worst Dressed Men and Women in the World” column for the Huffington Post while serving as Men’s Fashion Editor for the Daily Caller.

To schedule an interview with Roger Stone, please contact:
Jen Hobbs / 845-863-6448 / jenmhobbs@gmail.com

Edited by Robert Morrow
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Guest Robert Morrow

Link to Roger Stone interview on FOX: http://video.foxnews.com/v/2802746726001/who-killed-kennedy-book-makes-shocking-claims/

It is very important that Roger Stone has come out BIG on JFK assassination truth. Besides Stone's blockbuster revelation that Nixon knew that Jack Ruby was a "Lyndon Johnson man" from the 1940's when he was a paid informant for the HUAC, Stone lets us know that the peak of American politics knew that LBJ murdered John Kennedy.

So what do the lone nutters have to say? That Roger Stone, Richard Nixon, Henry Cabot Lodge and Barry Goldwater are all a bunch of paranoid left wing kooks? That they can't handle that a leftie, "one of their own," murdered our beloved president? Those guys are the epicenter of the nation's conservative establishment. Literally the head of the GOP presidential ticket from 1952 to 1972 thought that Lyndon Johnson murdered John Kennedy (I'm counting Nixon as the VP to Ike in '52 and '56).

Roger Stone met a relative of CIA William Casey this year. He said he asked his relative Casey who murdered John Kennedy and Casey replied: "Lyndon Johnson's fingers were in the soup bowl." That is Ronald Reagan's campaign manager pinning the JFK assassination on LBJ!!

The problem with the lone nutters is they can't bite the bullet, swallow the bitter pill that the evidentiary record of the JFK assassination is completely corrupted because the murderers of JFK were running the non-investigation into his death. Asking LBJ and Hoover to investigate JFK's death is like asking John Gotti to investigate a mob hit. Ditto CIA Allen Dulles who was corrupting the Warren Commission ("that little Kennedy, he thought he was a God.")

And the problem with certain elements, a diminishing element of the JFK research community, who think LBJ "only covered up" JFK's murder as opposed to being the most critical plotter (Jack White would agree), is they can't figure out or appreciate that Lyndon Johnson and his inner circle Dallas, TX oil executives and military contractors (think D.H. Byrd) had immaculate, decades-long friendships with radicals in military CIA (think Gen. Curtis LeMay, Allen Dulles, Gen. Charles Cabell - Cabell btw both Air Force general and CIA). Once someone figures that out, the lightbulb is turned on figuratively.

LeMay: he is the guy who called the Kennedys "cockroaches" in his oral history with the LBJ Library and who H.L. Hunt, inner circle LBJ, later gave $1 million and supported him on the American Independent ticket with George Wallace in 1968.

Edited by Robert Morrow
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Guest Robert Morrow

Christian Josi interview with Roger Stone:

Roger Stone thinks LBJ had JFK offed: The interview

Posted By Christian Josi On 9:44 PM 11/04/2013 In | No Comments

Roger J. Stone, Jr. Where does one even begin?

I’m not even going to try to tee this up. If you are unfamiliar with him, let me Google it for you. And of course there’s this –which, is, by the way, the second best profile of a personality that has ever been written. Ever. Read it. (And what is the best profile ever written, you ask? Why, it’s this, of course.)


Aside from being perhaps the actual Most Interesting Man In The World (or certainly one of them), Roger is making both news and trouble once again, this time with a shocker of a book that makes a quite compelling case that Lyndon Johnson masterminded, organized, and carried out the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ, comes out this week. It is, at the very least, a really great read.

I caught up with my old friend to talk about the book and what it’s like being Roger Stone.

CJ: Hi Roger. How’s life?

RS: Great! Mrs. Stone and I split our time between New York City and Miami Beach, Florida, with our five dogs, including Oscar, the three-legged rescue dog and our three cats. We call it Stone’s animal farm.

CJ: Nice. For the benefit of our readers, talk a bit about where you come from. What kind of family did you grow up in? What were you like as a young man, and what attracted you to politics?

RS: I was born in the industrial area of Norwalk, CT — an overwhelmingly blue-collar and Catholic community. My father was a well driller and my mother was a small town newspaper reporter. Both my parents were apolitical although nominally Republican. My grandfather was the chauffeur for a very wealthy man in New Canaan. Because my grandfather aspired to be wealthy some day he emulated his employer by registering as a Republican. Although my parents were Republicans, I always suspected that they voted for our first catholic president, John F. Kennedy. As a kid I aspired to be an actor. My parents correctly thought I would starve if I made this my life’s work. In 1964 our next-door neighbor Lee gave me a copy of Conscience of a Conservative by Senator Barry Goldwater and I was transfixed. I knew then that conservatism would be my cause and politics would be my vocation. A letter I wrote to former Vice President Richard Nixon in 1966 would ultimately lead to a position in Nixon’s comeback campaign and a lifetime relationship with our 37th president.

CJ: Here’s something I’ve always meant to ask you about but never have. I worked for a time for Sue Kelly several years ago while she was representing the 19th district of New York in Congress. She used to tell me, in a very boastful fashion, that she gave you your first break in politics. Fact?

RS: Complete bullxxxx. I successfully managed the campaign of Jack Hicks-Beach over incumbent liberal Bradlee Boal for the Westchester County legislature when Hamilton Fish was our congressman and Sue Kelly had not yet run for public office. Sue and her husband backed Boal. I slaughtered him in one of the nastiest campaigns in Westchester history.

CJ: She made a lot of stuff up, so I’m not surprised. Anyway, the media love to depict you as a “Dirty Trickster,” “Political Hitman” and worse. Does this make you sad, Roger?

RS: The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about. Politics ain’t beanbag. The political strategist who fails to frame the debate and dominate the dialogue always loses. The political consultant who always loses is very popular. In 1981 I handled a nine way primary for Governor of New Jersey for Tom Kean. He won. I made one good friend and eight enemies.

CJ: You rose to fame, or infamy, as a GOP operative working alongside the likes of Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. But in recent years, I’ve seen you linked to everyone from Donald Trump to Al Sharpton to Libertarian presidential candidate Governor Gary Johnson. Republicans not doing it for you anymore?

RS: Unlike some in politics, I believe you can disagree without being disagreeable. I have an eclectic span of friends that include liberals and Democrats and many reporters. At the same time I still think Chris Matthews is an insufferable asshole, by the way. I do feel that the Republican party has wandered from its traditional moorings and has morphed into a big government party which abets the violation of our civil liberties through government spying, pursues foreign wars where the interests of the United States are not clear and, despite all the talk about fiscal conservatism, engages in wild spending and debt that would make a drunken sailor blush.

CJ: You flirted with a run for Florida Governor as a Libertarian, tell me about that.

RS: I have sadly concluded that I am not candidate material. I don’t suffer fools gladly and believe a media focus on my … er … colorful personal life would only distract from the larger public policy issues of a campaign.

CJ: Remember when you called RNC Chairman Reince Priebus “Rance Penis” on national TV? That was awesome.

RS: The Republican National Committee tried to aggressively block Libertarian presidential candidate Governor Gary Johnson from the ballot in numerous states. Why do they fear competition? I am proud to say that I helped Johnson get on the ballot in 48 states in a difficult, expensive, and daunting challenge. I’m not sure who’s the bigger dope, Reince Priebus or Mitt Romney. The GOP managed to nominate the most inauthentic guy in the race — but then look at the field. No giants there.

CJ: I do salute you for the great work you did for Gov. Johnson. He’s a great man. So what’s your proudest professional accomplishment? That you can talk about, I mean…

RS: I am proud to have played a small role in the election of Ronald Reagan as President of the United States. I served as his national youth director in 1976 and as his northeast political director in1984. Reagan restored America’s faith in itself. He is greatest President in my lifetime although Eisenhower is very underrated.

CJ: Darkest moment in the game?

RS: I’ve never really had a bad day. Even when I’ve lost I still love the game. It beats working at McDonalds.

CJ: In more recent years, you’ve gained another kind of notoriety – for being a bit of a Dandy. Tell me a bit about your personal style, your blog, and your decision to pick up the annual best and worst dressed list which many assumed had died with its late, legendary founder, Mr. Blackwell.

RS: How you look is an extension of how you feel about yourself and how you want to be seen. Dressing well does not need to be expensive. The state of men’s fashion today is horrendous. The advent of “casual Fridays” is symptomatic of an overall decline in our standards regarding what is right and wrong about the way Americans dress. Sadly, fashion today is more motivated by economics than aesthetics. Men are seen in both business and social settings in running shoes, tracksuits, sweats, T-shirts, and caps, which advertise either a sports team or a brand of farm tractor. Women are seen outside the gym in spandex workout ensembles and hoodies. It’s so wrong. It makes you wonder how many of our fellow Americans can possibly look in the mirror and say “Wow, I look great today” while wearing the crap that passes for fashion. While fashion is about fads and what is ‘in’ now, style is a personal factor that cannot be learned or taught — either you have it or you don’t.

CJ: Keep going…

RS: Style is, in fact, the direct opposite of fashion. Fashion is a look that is temporarily ‘in.’ Fashion is people imitating each other. It’s about fitting in and looking like everyone else. Style on the other hand, is about individuality; what sets one apart from the crowd. Yet that style must be bound by rules of good taste and the uses of colors, styles and cuts that accentuate your attributes and hide your flaws. White pants make a woman’s ass look huge, black pants minimize its size — how many women don’t know this? Real style comes from within; it is the sign of your character and personality that you display to those who see you. It’s a personal statement. It tells people who you are. Style never indulges fads or gimmicks. Style is solid, basic, quiet. Yet style can also be quirky, individual and daring. Style is timeless. Style looked good thirty years ago and will be in good taste thirty years from now.

CJ: Amen to that. Let’s switch gears. You’ve just done something else that’s a bit of a surprise – written a book about the Kennedy assassination. Why?

RS: Is it any surprise that the government doesn’t tell us the truth? Both the CIA and the FBI lied to the Warren Commission about their knowledge and interaction with Lee Harvey Oswald. Despite the very best efforts of the government and the mainstream media, the Warren Commission’s version of events has crumbled under the weight of two congressional investigations and the declassification of thousands of government documents from the 1960’s. It is now abundantly clear that FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, Commission Chairman Earl Warren, and staff lawyer Arlen Specter first concluded that Oswald was a “communist nut” who acted alone and then made the “facts” of the investigation fit this pre-determined conclusion. Paraffin tests showed Oswald had not fired a rifle that day. The finest marksman in the Army could not get off three shots in the required 6.5 seconds with the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle they government told us was used to kill JFK. The Secret Service violates all of it’s own procedures for the protection of the president, procedures they did not abandon in Houston or San Antonio the day before. There was a coup d’etat on November 22, 1963. That’s why.

CJ: You have obviously believed for sometime that Lyndon Johnson was involved in JFK’s murder. Why did you wait until now to write your book?

RS: Former US Attorney John Mitchell was major source for my book. Mitchell detailed for me many things he learned about the JFK assassination from Nixon and the other branches of government. I agreed not to publish my book until the 50th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination when Mitchell would surely be deceased. When I combined some of the startling things Nixon told me directly with confirmation from Mitchell, Ambassador John Davis Lodge and even Genovese crime boss “Fat Tony” Salerno with the pioneering journalistic work done by Barr McClellan, Philip Johnson, and Craig Zirbel establishing Johnson’s unique motive, means, and opportunity, I knew I had to write this book. The $3 million taxpayers pay per year to the LBJ Library burnishes the image of an amoral psychopath. Johnson was crude, ruthless, vicious, vindictive, abusive, mean-spirited and usually drunk. His corruption was of biblical proportions. He had a propensity to expose himself and referred to his penis as ‘Jumbo.’ He fathered at least three illegitimate children, two of whom are still alive. A Secret Service Agent actually said if LBJ hadn’t been president he would have been in an insane asylum.

CJ: And like you, he was also very particular about clothing! Anyway, what is the strongest piece of evidence you have against LBJ?

RS: The fingerprint of LBJ hit man Malcolm “Mac” Wallace is the only one other than Lee Harvey Oswald (and various clumsy Dallas Police officers) found on the cardboard boxes in the sniper’s nests on the 6th floor of the Texas School Book Depository. The ties of Wallace, a convicted murderer, to LBJ are indisputable; LBJ secured a patronage job for Wallace at the US Agriculture Department and, after his conviction for murder of John Kinser who was blackmailing Johnson, with Temco, a defense contractor owned by LBJ crony D.H. Byrd who, interestingly, also owns the Texas Schoolbook Depository building.

CJ: You know, when I was about 12 years old I got into the Kennedys and found a picture in a book that shows LBJ taking the oath of office aboard Air Force One. He’s got his right hand in the air, he’s got Jackie next to him in the bloodstained dress weeping, and he’s winking at someone. That photo really struck me as, well, sketchy…

RS: Johnson’s actions on Nov. 22, 1963, and the day before betray his intentions and involvement. LBJ would visit JFK’s hotel room in a bid to remove his protégé, Governor John Connally, from the president’s limousine. LBJ wanted Connally to ride with him and to put his arch enemy, Sen. Ralph Yarborough, in the death car. JFK refused and a shouting match ensued. When Johnson’s vice presidential limousine turned into Dealey Plaza, photographic evidence shows that LBJ hit the floor in his car before the first shots were fired. Witnesses say that Johnson was on the car floor listening to a walkie-talkie. LBJ would even pressure Secret Service agent Rufus Youngblood to change his Warren Commission testimony to lie about Johnson’s actions.

His taking of the oath of office on Air Force One is completely legally superfluous; the Vice President is automatically elevated to the office upon the death of the President. LBJ even called Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy in Washington to get the correct wording for the oath just to twist the knife. LBJ demanded the shell-shocked Jackie Kennedy stand next to him for a ceremony that was entirely symbolic. Seconds after taking the oath Lady Bird Johnson broke out in a wide smile and LBJ winked at Congressman Albert Thomas, a longtime Johnson crony. Also worth noting is the day JFK was killed the U.S. Senate stopped hearings into LBJ’s relationship with Senate Secretary Bobby Baker and Life magazine spiked a series on LBJ’s epic corruption fed to them by RFK.

CJ: Tell me about the party which allegedly took place at the ranch of Dallas Oil man Curt Murchison the night before the assassination that J. Edgar Hoover and Richard Nixon supposedly attended. What’s the story with that?

RS: I believe there is confusion about a party at the home of oilman Clint Murchison early in the evening of Nov. 21, 1963, and a meeting that took place well after midnight at Murchison’s ranch, a meeting LBJ did not arrive for until at least 12:30AM. It is logistically possible for both Nixon and Hoover to have attended such a meeting. Nixon was in Dallas that day to attend a Pepsi Cola bottlers’ convention, Pepsi Cola being one of his law firm’s biggest clients. Madeleine Brown said Nixon left early. I doubt he returned for a late meeting. Murchison’s black chauffeur said he drove Hoover to a government plane to Washington at 3:00 AM in the morning.

CJ: You write that LBJ told his mistress on that night: “After tomorrow those goddamn Kennedys will never embarrass me again — that’s no threat — that’s a promise,” and on the morning of Nov 22 he told her, “That son-of-a-bitch crazy Yarborough and that goddamn xxxxing Irish mafia bastard Kennedy will never embarrass me again!” Who is this mistress and with whom did she share this information?

RS: Madeline Brown was Johnson’s mistress for over 20 years and bore him an illegitimate son. Brown wrote a biography, Texas In The Morning, which detailed her claim that LBJ told her both the night before and the morning of the assassination that “those Irish Mafia bastards will never embarrass me again.” If you go to YouTube, you can find extensive interviews with Madeline Brown in videos in which she is both credible and compelling. When her son with LBJ attempted to assert a legal claim against Johnson, he died mysteriously.

CJ: Wow. Have you had a chance to bounce any of this off of Kennedy family members or confidantes?

RS: I don’t regularly socialize with the Kennedys, but find it fascinating that only six months ago, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. blurted out on MSNBC that he believes his uncle was killed by a conspiracy.

CJ: You write that the subject came up between you and President Nixon in private conversation. And?

RS: It is important to recognize that by 1963 Nixon is considered politically finished. His visit to Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963, comes only a year after his crushing defeat in the 1962 race for governor of California. Nixon is considered washed up and goes to Dallas as a private attorney travelling with one associate from his law firm. Nixon leaves Dallas the morning of Nov. 22, when President Kennedy is just arriving. It is not until Nixon lands at Idewild (now JFK) Airport in New York that he learns that Kennedy has been shot. Because Nixon held a well-covered press conference in Dallas attacking Kennedy and questioning whether LBJ would be on the 1964 ticket, Nixon is worried that he will be blamed for inciting a “climate of hate” in Dallas which facilitated the president’s murder.

Upon reaching his Park Avenue apartment, Nixon places a call to FBI director J. Edgar Hoover. “Edgar, was it one of those right-wing kooks?” asked Nixon. “No, Dick, it was a communist,” Hoover replied only after two hours after Kennedy’s assassination. Nixon believed Oswald killed Kennedy until he watched with horror as Jack Ruby murdered Oswald on national TV. “It’s a hell of a thing. I actually knew this Jack Ruby fella. Murray Chotiner brought him in back in ’47. Went by the name Rubenstein. An informant. Murray said he was one of Lyndon Johnson’s boys…we put him on the payroll,” Nixon told me.

Nixon aide, Nick Ruwe, who served as Deputy Chief of Protocol for the State Department and US Ambassador to Iceland, was with Nixon in his New York apartment when Nixon saw Ruby blow away Oswald on national TV. “The old man was white as a ghost. I asked him if everything was alright. “I know that guy,” Nixon muttered. U.S. House payroll records would confirm Nixon’s hiring of Ruby in 1947 as a paid informant on the House Un-American Activities Committee. Perhaps this is why Nixon called the Warren Commission the “greatest hoax ever perpetrated” on the Watergate tapes.

CJ: 50 years later, more than 60 percent of Americans tell pollsters they don’t believe the Warren Commission conclusions. Riff on that a little for us…

RS: Given the fact the US government and the big hitters in the mainstream media have continued to promulgate the Warren Commission fiction, it’s amazing that a majority of Americans tell Gallup that they believe JFK was killed by a conspiracy. On the one hand government tells us all the Nixon White House tapes have now been released when in fact all of Nixon’s discussions about the Bay of Pigs, the CIA and the Kennedy Assassination are still redacted — even today.

CJ: I wonder what Oliver Stone will think of your book. Are you related, by the way?

RS: Oliver Stone deserves enormous credit because his movie “JFK” really galvanized public doubt about the Kennedy assassination. The Assassination Record Review Act which declassified thousands of telling documents was largely enacted by Congress and signed by President George H.W. Bush as a reaction to the public outcry caused by the Oliver Stone film. Stone correctly believes the CIA, the Mob and Texas oil were all involved in the plot to kill Kennedy. Where I disagree with Oliver Stone is his belief that the Vietnam War and JFK’s intention to withdraw US troops was the major factor in his murder. In fact, it was Cuba policy and Kennedy’s failure to remove Castro from the Soviet satellite 90 miles off our shore that probably got him killed. If you research “Operation Northwoods” you will see that the CIA and the military were so apoplectic about Castro they were prepared to stage fake terror attacks on American interests and actually kill Americans in a false provocation for an invasion of Cuba.

CJ: Finally, is it possible that at some point, the Kennedy assassination question could be definitively settled once and for all? What would need to happen for that to be?

RS: I doubt it. Even the JFK experts are bitterly divided. As soon as my book was announced some in the “researcher community” attacked it because, they said, I was trying to shift blame away from the CIA. These people haven’t read my book, of course. I do think we will know definitively that Lee Harvey Oswald did not shoot John F. Kennedy and probably did not shot Officer J.D. Tippit. I am certain about LBJ. He could order a murder the way you or I would order a ham sandwich.

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Guest Robert Morrow


SUNDAY TIMES OF LONDON Nixon said Lyndon Johnson killed JFK, claims new book
Toby Harnden Published: 10 November 2013
RICHARD NIXON believed his predecessor, Lyndon B Johnson, orchestrated the assassination of President John F Kennedy, a former Nixon aide has claimed.

Roger Stone, a Republican dirty tricks specialist who worked on eight presidential campaigns, makes the startling allegation in a new book, The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ.

It is one of more than 140 titles published to coincide with the 50th anniversary of Kennedy’s assassination on November 22 in Dallas, Texas.

Stone’s claim joins a long list of conspiracy theories that have been put forward in hundreds of other books since Kennedy died.

The mafia, the CIA, the FBI, the KGB, Cuba, right-wing extremists and Aristotle Onassis have all been cited in challenges to the verdict of the official Warren Commission, which concluded that Kennedy was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald acting alone.

Stone, 61, who worked for Nixon for some 15 years and served as his personal aide after he resigned the presidency in 1974 over the Watergate scandal, said the president made clear to him and other aides his belief that Johnson, Kennedy’s Texan vice-president, was behind the plot.

“The first time I asked him, he looked at me and said, ‘You don’t want to know’,” Stone told The Sunday Times in an interview. “He didn’t like to talk about what he considered old times but when he’d had a couple of cocktails he got very loquacious. Another time he got a very cold look in his eye and he said, ‘Texas. Texas’.”

Stone said Nixon described the Warren Commission as “the greatest hoax ever perpetrated”, telling him: “The difference between LBJ and me was we both wanted to be president but I wouldn’t kill for it.”

Nixon made similar statements, Stone says, to John Mitchell, his attorney-general, who was jailed for Watergate crimes, and Nicholas Ruwe, his assistant chief of protocol. Both men have been dead for more than two decades.

Stone believes Oswald — who was shot dead by Jack Ruby, a nightclub owner, while being transferred in police custody after his arrest — was a patsy arranged by the CIA and that Kennedy’s real killer was Malcolm “Mac” Wallace, a convicted murderer.
His theory, which is largely circumstantial and based on Johnson’s potential motives, buttressed by the views of Nixon and others, is that Wallace acted on behalf of Johnson, who was in league with the CIA and the mafia.

Some fingerprint experts have said that a print from Wallace, a former US marine who died in 1971, was found on a box in the “sniper’s lair” on the sixth floor of the Texas school books warehouse from which the fatal shots were fired.

Johnson, Stone claims, was facing media and Senate corruption investigations that threatened to end his political career and land him in jail, which he avoided by becoming president. “The assassination cut him free from all of his previous sins,” he said.

Every aspect of the life, death and legacy of Kennedy, who has inspired some 1,400 books and currently graces the cover of more than a dozen magazines, is covered by new or republished titles now on offer.

Although conspiracy theories such as Stone’s still abound — and sell books — Paul Gregory, perhaps the closest friend of Oswald and his Russian wife, Marina, firmly believes he acted alone.

Gregory, now a research fellow at Stanford University, got to know the couple after their arrival in Texas in 1962 from the Soviet Union where Oswald, a former US marine with left-wing views, had been living for three years.

He writes in The New York Times Magazine this weekend that Oswald “was trying to prove, particularly to his sceptical wife, that he was truly exceptional”.
The question of a wider conspiracy, Gregory said, was raised with him by investigators after the murder but his views had not changed since.

“I told them simply that, if I were organising a conspiracy, he would have been the last person I would recruit. He was too difficult and unreliable.”

With so many Kennedy titles on offer, one of the biggest challenges for authors is to stand out from the crowd.

Stone, perhaps the only person in America with a Nixon tattoo on his back, has arranged to do a book signing in Dallas on the 50th anniversary. “I’m going to the heart of Johnson country to accuse the big man of murder,” he said. “My wife has made me promise to wear a bulletproof vest.”
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Guest Robert Morrow

Voice of Russia interview with Roger Stone:


Lyndon B. Johnson arranged John F. Kennedy's assassination - Roger Stone

In his new book, political operative and strategist Roger Stone has claimed that former president Lyndon B. Johnson set up John F. Kennedy's assassination, which occurred on November 22, 1963. A former aide to President Reagan and confidante of Richard Nixon makes the claim in his book 'The Man who killed Kennedy - the case against LBJ.' No one man benefitted more from the assassination than Vice President Johnson, the author claims. He spoke to the Voice of Russia about the book.

For those, who don't know of Lyndon Johnson's personality and demeanor, could you describe why he would be the most logical mastermind behind JFK's assassination?

I think the reason why he is the most logical murderer of John Kennedy is that in November of 1963 Lyndon Johnson was a man, who was looking into the abyss. He was tangled up in at least two of the major public corruption scandals of the day: the Bobby Baker scandal – Baker was Johnson's right-hand man, who was taking huge bribes on Johnson's behalf in the US Senate and then Billie Sol Estes scandal. Estes was a Texas wheeler dealer businessman who had got millions of dollars in Federal contracts thanks to Lyndon Johnson. Both of those investigations were coming to a head, both of them pointed to corruption by Johnson, corruption of Biblical proportions. And Johnson knew he was going to be dumped from the ticket and probably sent to prison. So, time was running out for Lyndon Johnson. He knew that Life magazine – a very prominent American magazine at the time – planned a major expose of his financial situation and his corruption. A week after the assassination and that the information for the Life magazine article had been sent to them by attorney general Robert Kennedy who very very much wanted Lyndon Johnson off the national ticket in 1964, so he, Lyndon Johnson is your most likely perpetrator.

You said in your book that Lyndon Johnson's biographer would panic if he's reminded about Wallace. Who was that man and what role did he play in the assassination?

I believe that Malcolm Wallace, who was a long-time associate and hitman for LBJ is the actual killer, I tie Johnson to at least eight murders in Texas prior to John F. Kennedy. These were murders to cover up corruption, they were murders to cover up voter fraud through theft of elections. Johnson had murder in his repertoire. In fact I would go so far as to say that Johnson could order a murder the way you and I would order a sandwich. And it is very important historically to understand that in the immediate aftermath of Kennedy's assassination in order to justify the cover-up to many in the government, in order to get them to go along with the fiction that Lee Harvey Oswald had killed Kennedy, Johnson tried to give the impression that the assassination of John F. Kennedy was done by the Russian State. Johnson told this lie repeatedly in order to get people to go along with the cover-up, because you see, if we don't blame Oswald and we don't claim that he is a lone communist acting by himself and people learn that he is really an agent of a foreign government – the Russian government – then it would cause a major national incident, needless to say that's all a lie. In fact the KGB according to declassified documents that we got in 1985 the KGB conducted their own totally independent investigation to determine who killed Kennedy. You know what they determined? They said: it was Lyndon Johnson.

What about French intelligence? I mean, Jackie Kennedy asked the France intelligence to determine who killed her husband. So?...

Jackie Kennedy couldn't get any satisfaction from US intelligence services; nobody would tell her what was going on. She went to French intelligence, where she had some relationships – you remember Jackie Kennedy was the toast of Paris – and she asked them to conduct an investigation. They did. They published that investigation in book form. It's called "Farewell, America!" by James Hepburn and that investigation also pointed the finger at Vice President Lyndon Johnson. Johnson had the unique motive means an opportunity to kill. Although he did not act alone. It's very important to understand that Johnson was merely the lynchpin of the conspiracy that I believe involved the CIA – they were upset with JFK over the Bay of Pigs fiasco, involved American organized crime. They had given Kennedy 1 million dollars for his 1960 election and then they have promised to steal votes for him and successfully in Chicago, which they did. And in return Bobby Kennedy – The Attorney General, and the President's brother - had launched an all-out attack on organized crime and was trying to deport many of the same mafia figures, who had been instrumental in his own brother's election. So, the mob had the motives. And then, of course, there's big Texas oil. President Kennedy was on the cast of repelling the oil depletion allowance and that would have cost Texas oil literary billions. So, everyone in Dallas on the 22nd of November 1963 had a motive for the murder of John Kennedy.

Could you, please, tell me, how you discovered the evidence that the opaque bubble top was removed and JFK never asked for that and actually Vice Presidential aid Bill Moyers said that he did…

Bill Moyers is a very prominent American journalist today, but at that time he was on the staff of Vice President Lyndon Johnson. At Love Field he goes to the Secret Service, Moyers goes to the Secret Service and he says – and this is quote: "Get that Goddamn bubble, the President wants that goddam bubble top taken off now." Well, two Kennedy aids testified that the president never gave any such an order about removing the opaque top for the Presidential limousine. Although the bubble-top is not bullet-proof, it would have prevented a gunman from a high building from getting an accurate shot because he would not have been able to see the President. And therefore the question that one must ask mister Moyers is: since the President didn't give that order, was it the Vice-President that gave that order? It certainly sounds like it to me.

And in that case, just out of curiosity: what do you think – did Kennedy know or at least feel about what was going on around him – if so many people were against him?

We know that he did not want to go to Dallas, we know that he was fighting with Lyndon Johnson, we know that the morning before the motorcade Johnson went to President's Kennedy hotel room and he tried to persuade Kennedy to let governor John Connally who was a Johnson protégé ride in the Vice-president's car and let Senator Ralph Yarborough who was his enemy ride in the President's car – in other words – in the Death car. And the President refused. He didn't like the symbolism of that, he thought the governor should ride with the President. And they then fought, they had an argument, Johnson stormed out of the room. He was merely trying to move his protégé out of dangerous way and he failed. But it is important to know that it was Johnson, who insisted on President Kennedy goes to Texas, it was Johnson, who insisted that they take a specific route – they drove through Dealey Plaza – a rout which required secret service to violate all their own procedures in terms of sealing the buildings at both sides of the street. Any time the President's car drops below forty miles per hour – that's supposed to be a requirement – they did it in Houston, they did that in San Antonio the day before, but the buildings weren't sealed in Dallas. It's supposed to be 6 motorcycle policemen – three on either side of the President's car: there were in Huston, there were in San Antonio, there were in Chicago the week before, there were in Miami two weeks before, but in Dallas that day there were only two police officers on motorcycles and they were ordered to ride behind the rear bumper of the President's car. There're supposed to be two Secret Service agents on the rear bumper – riding the rear bumper – they were ordered off in Dallas. There supposed to be two Secret Service agents walking on either side of the car, when it drops below 20 miles per hour – they were ordered off. So, there's a lot of anomalies, a lot of violations of standard procedure that are very hard to explain other than say: I believe the US Secret Service also played a role laying down on President Kennedy that day in November.

How did JFK's death affect society, people's minds? Is the impact still present in your opinion?

I think it certainly changed our policy very dramatically – I think we moved it back into the Cold War. After the death of John F. Kennedy the important conversations between the Russian State and the United States were damaged. We know, because it was historically recorded that Nikita Khrushchev wept, when he heard of the death of Kennedy. There was an American journalist who was with Fidel Castro, when he was distraught what he learned: he said over and over again "this is very bad, this is very bad"… I think we were engaged – we were beginning to engage in some fruitful conversations in terms of easing the tensions between our countries and I think there were those in the Pentagon, those in the US military, those in our US-based intelligent services who were very unhappy about that direction. I think it is a major factor – not the factor, - but a major factor in getting John F. Kennedy killed.

Edited by Robert Morrow
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  • 10 months later...

The case against LBJ in the JFK murder has always been notoriously weak.

Even when it was announced by the brilliant NOLA DA, Jim Garrison, it was a weak and emotional tirade.

"Nobody profited more from the JFK murder than LBJ," is what the argument boils down to. It's circumstantial.

Those of us who chafe at the circumstantial evidence used to convict Lee Harvey Oswald in the public mind continue to chafe at these weak arguments with regard to LBJ.

It's nothing more than suspicion, fueled by political bias.

I do believe that LBJ was part of the Cover-up Team, along with J. Edgar Hoover, Allen Dulles and Earl Warren. That means that LBJ knew exactly who killed JFK and why.

Yet Jim Garrison's emotions got the better of him when he concluded that the JFK Cover-up Team must therefore be aligned with the JFK Kill Team, because the Cover-up Team seems to have allowed the Kill Team to escape.

I disagree.

The Cover-up Team always admitted from the start that their reason for withholding the facts about Lee Harvey Oswald (for up to 75 years) was National Security.

Even in 1964 that sounded odd -- if Lee Harvey Oswald was the Lone Shooter, why would there be any National Security issue since he himself was killed that same weekend that JFK was killed? Yet the reason of National Security suggested the possibility of a Civil War in the USA. That was the real truth.

The clues were shouting out even in 1963, as Bernie Weissman feared in the minutes before Oswald was arrested, that the JBS and General Walker would be blamed for the JFK murder.

Jack Ruby told Earl Warren in June 1964 that that the JBS and General Walker were to blame for the JFK murder.

Silvia Odio told the Warren Commission in August 1964 that she saw Lee Harvey Oswald at her door with two Latinos (one of whom the FBI arrested and initially confessed, Loran Hall, who was associated with the JBS and General Walker).

Harry Dean told Joe Pyne on public radio in 1965 that, based on his eye-witness experience, the JBS and General Walker were to blame for the JFK murder.

Because of the brilliant Jim Garrison, the JFK research community was founded. Garrison's emotional error of 1968, however, blaming the CIA and perhaps LBJ for the JFK murder, diverted us from our initial tracking of the JBS and General Walker. That's where we went wrong.

By blaming LBJ and the CIA, on the weak basis of political bias, it is we, actually, and no longer the Warren Commission, who are letting the JFK Kill Team get away.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

<edit typos>

Edited by Paul Trejo
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• Lyndon Johnson’s personal hit man Malcolm Wallace (also an employee of military contractor and LBJ insider D.H. Byrd who owned the Texas School Book Depository) was one of a team of shooters assassinating JFK. Stone reveals that a fingerprint matching Wallace and found in the so called sniper’s nest ties LBJ directly to the murder of JFK. // Robert Morrow


Wallace had very poor vision. He was more of a short distance shotgun man. A fingerprint of Wallace in the TSBD would actually exculpate LBJ via a possible blackmail plot against LBJ.


12:04 Nail in the coffin, Tues of this week Robert Morrow’s interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vF-TSYjlCOo

1:40 Molon Labe, Thank you Bella.

1:41 Get pummeled if you look. That many Hillary Clinton lovers. The penalty for treason is death. She deserves to NOT die.

1:42 Hillary Clinton knows what Susannah just brought up. Her career, this episode shall mark the conclusion of Hillary Clinton’s career.

1:44 Tom Hansen: Remember when you had Larry Nichols on?

Chris: are you mad at me, you have a question? It’s Hillary Clinton, she is writing the script for me. She should apologize to me for committing treason.

1:45 Smearing your name is one part of their rules. Media Matters, play that part that Hillary committed treason. 1999 Bin Laden was on his death bed.

1:46 That doesn’t serve their agenda. Going to shoot the smurf. Going to put the shoe right into your smurf.

1:47 I apologize that you are too dumb and stupid to know. Women took it personally about being “put down by the white man”

1:48 The vagina has ruled the world since the beginning of time.

1:49 Yesterday Robert Morrow showed a documentary, from what I understand, that it is documented that Bill Clinton has a smurfette.

Hillary Clinton is implicated in attempted murder of Gary Johnson to cover up Bill’s sexual activities.

Morrow.... LBJ and Clinton expert........smurf expert ?????

Edited by Steven Gaal
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Well, this is the kind of thing I'm talking about -- so much name-calling and innuendo pretending to be evidence.

Some people are just politically biased, and really don't need solid evidence to blame LBJ or anybody for the murder of JFK.

Here's the historical fact, though: the first, official, US Government version of the JFK murder was announced in 1964 by the Warren Commission, which insisted that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone, and had no accomplices.

It's amazing to me how many Americans still believe that this is the official US Government position on the JFK murder.

It isn't. The US Government officially changed its verdict in 1979.

The US Government re-opened the JFK murder case in 1977 with the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) and in 1979 they concluded in section 1C as follows:

1C. The Committee believes, on the basis of the evidence available to it, that President John F. Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. The Committee is unable to identify the other gunman or the extent of the conspiracy.

That section immediately adds that the HSCA believes, based on evidence, that the USSR was not involved in the JFK murder, nor was the Cuban government. Prime suspects they were willing to suggest (though not name) were "individual members" of "Anti-Castro Cuban groups," as well as "individual members" of the "national syndicate of organized crime."

Because the official US Government official position on the JFK murder since 1979 has been that JFK was "probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy," this fact supplies adequate justification for the existence of the JFK Research Community for the past half-century.

Also, notice that the HSCA used the term, "unable to identify." There are many reasons for being "unable." We should remember that in 1979 the Cold War was still active, and therefore, the National Security ban on releasing Top Secret documents about Lee Harvey Oswald would still be in effect.

Still, the HSCA clues are not hard to decipher. In 1963 there were three key theories of the JFK murder:

1. The right-wing did it (e.g. the JBS led by resigned Major General Edwin A. Walker)

2. The left-wing did it (via Lee Oswald, the Communist agitator for the FPCC in New Orleans and Mexico City)

3. A Lone Shooter (or Lone Nut) did it, and had absolutely no accomplices.

Many Americans in 1963 were certain that theory #1 was the real truth.

The people who continuously framed Lee Harvey Oswald in New Orleans and Mexico City from May 1963 through September 1963, were keen to push theory #2 above.

The FBI, CIA, LBJ and Warren Commission were keen to push theory #3 above. In 1963, the US Government would not cease its support for theory #3 -- on grounds of National Security. (I think they feared how the American People would mostly likely respond if they found out that theory #1 was the real truth).

In 1968, the US Government stomped down hard on the brilliant NOLA DA Jim Garrison for attempting to prove that #1 was (close to) the real truth.

In 1979, however, the US Government, through the HSCA, changed its mind! Starting with the HSCA, the official position of the US Government is a frank admission that theory #3 was incorrect!

The HSCA further emphasizes that the USSR and Cuba were not involved in the JFK murder -- therefore theory #2 was also incorrect!

Therefore, by the simple process of elimination, the HSCA essentially -- abstractly -- agreed with Jim Garrison that theory #1 was (close to) the real truth.

So, again, my theory isn't just some new notion I found in my noggin. It's the original account of the JFK murder. It's the account that Jim Garrison would have uncovered if he hadn't been slammed by the orders of J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI (who were still acting in the interest of National Security).

Now that the Cold War is over (as it ended in 1990 when the Berlin Wall fell and the USSR called in quits) it may be that the issue of National Security is no longer at issue, and perhaps that is why the US Government via the JFK Information Act has agreed to release all Top Secret documents regarding Lee Harvey Oswald in the year 2017 -- twenty two years ahead of the estimate announced by Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren.

I predict that in the year 2017 we'll learn the Jim Garrison was mostly right. We'll learn the identities of all of the accomplices of Lee Harvey Oswald, including Guy Banister, David Ferrie and Clay Shaw -- but also many more than that -- many people already named in the Warren Commission volumes who were not charged with their crimes, but were allowed to walk about under covert surveillance because of National Security.

It wasn't LBJ. It wasn't the CIA as such. It was a few rogues from the CIA who helped these right-wing vigilantes (and granted, the CIA methods were the key to the plot's success). Anyway, we'll soon know the full truth.

LBJ already knew it -- but he couldn't tell us because of National Security. The full truth will be out in 2017. I can hardly wait.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

<edit typos>

Edited by Paul Trejo
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When Dulles visited LBJ at his ranch THEN LBJ knew that he was going to be POTUS real soon.
Many credibility problems regarding theorem by Robert Morrow.


In the introduction, he mentions his friendship with John Davis Lodge, Henry Cabot Lodge's brother. Stone asked him over drinks one night if his brother, who according to this account JFK was going to fire upon his return from Dallas, had ever indicated who killed Kennedy.

His lips spread in a tight grin. "Cabot said it was some Agency boys, some Mafioso," he looked me in the eye..."And Lyndon".

"Did your brother know in advance?" I asked.

Lodge took a sip of his Manhattan. "He knew Kennedy wouldn't be around to fire him. LBJ kept him at his post so he could serve his country."

Now, John Davis Lodge has been dead since 1985 and Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. died in the same year; conveniently, neither man left word of this bombshell. However, if I was a living Lodge relative I'd be fairly unhappy that Henry Cabot Lodge was essentially accused of a federal crime in this book. Stone claims this discussion took place in 1979, when Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. was still alive and could have been charged with conspiracy if he'd had foreknowledge of the assassination and kept it under wraps. It seems incredible that his brother would be publicizing this in a bullxxxxting session over drinks with a political hack like Stone.


Michael Paine a Cabot from both sides of his families worked at Bell Helicopter. The Cabots controlled the First National Bank of Boston which controlled Textron which controlled Bell Helicopter. Michael Paine thus worked for his family - the Cabots. Textron lobbied the Pentagon in 1958 for increased usage of helicopters in warfare. The death of JFK insured Textron (the Cabots) got its wish of increased helicopter warefare,AKA the Vietnam War.
Dulles and the Cabots were joined at the hip in secret covert operations. The Dulles brothers represented as lawyers United Fruit and also were large United Fruit investors and the Cabots were large United Fruit Investors.
SLATE By Ray Fisman

In 1951, Jacobo Árbenz Gúzman became Guatemala's second democratically elected president. Árbenz's authoritarian predecessors had been very sympathetic to American business interests, particularly those of the United Fruit Co. (now Chiquita), which had bought up land titles on the cheap from Guatemala's corrupt elite for its ever-expanding banana empire. Once in office, Presidente Árbenz sought to take it all back, nationalizing UFC's Guatemalan assets and redistributing them to the poor.

But UFC had friends in very high places—the assistant secretary of state for inter-American affairs, John Moor Cabot, was the brother of UFC President Thomas Cabot. The secretary of state himself, John Foster Dulles, had done legal work for UFC, and his brother Allen Dulles was director of the CIA and also on UFC's board. Thanks to the Freedom of Information Act, we now know that the various Cabots and Dulleses had a series of top-secret meetings in which they decided that Árbenz had to go and sponsored a coup that drove Árbenz from office in 1954.
...Michael Paine was descended from the Cabots on both his father's and his mother's side; he was thus a second cousin once removed of Thomas Dudley Cabot, the former President of United Fruit who offered another of his companies, Gibralter Steamship, as a "cover" for the CIA during the Bay of Pigs adventure. He was also a cousin of Cabot's partner, Alexander Cochrane Forbes, a director of United Fruit and trustee of Cabot, Cabot and Forbes. Paul F. Hellmuth vice-president of Cabot, Cabot and Forbes, was a trustee of the J. Frederick Brown Foundation, a CIA "conduit", along with G.C. Cabot. Thus the Paine family [had] links with the blue-blood intelligence circles of the "Oh So Social" OSS and CIA, though one would not guess this from their description in the Warren Report....In the summer of 1963 it was Ruth [Michael's wife], rather than Michael, who maintained close relations with the patrician Paine and Forbes families, traveling east in July to stay with her mother-in-law at the traditional Forbes clan retreat of Naushon Island near Wood's Hole, Massachusetts (CE 416, 17 H 119). Scott, The Dallas Conspiracy, ch. IV, pp. 2-4.


3 years ago
Post by John Blubaugh
It is astounding that LHO was connected with the Paines.
Closer to 'home'....

At 1:00 pm HARVEY Oswald was changing clothes at 1026 N. Beckley and
Roy Truly had not yet told DPD Captain Fritz that Oswald was missing
from the building. Oswald would not be arrested for nearly an hour
and his name was not known to the public.

At 1:00 pm, according to telephone company records, Michael Paine placed a
collect call to BL 3-1628 (the Paine's phone number at 2515 W. 5th) from
his number at work, CR 5-5211. Ruth Paine received the collect call and
began talking with her husband while the telephone operator remained on
the line. The operator told the FBI the man on the phone said he, "Felt
sure Lee HARVEY Oswald had killed the President but did not feel Oswald
was responsible." Michael Paine then told his wife, ***"We both know who
is responsible."***

This call took place nearly ***an hour before Oswald's arrest*** and long
before his name was known to the public-yet Michael Paine said that he
***"felt sure Lee HARVEY Oswald had killed the President but was not
responsible."*** Commission attorney Wesley Liebeler questioned Michael
Paine about the call and had copies of Southwestern States Telephone
Company records. *But instead of asking Paine about the call on November
22, Liebeler questioned him about a non-existent call that was allegedly
placed on November 23rd.*

Mr. Liebeler: "Now, there has been a report that on (Saturday)
***November 23,*** 1963 there was a telephone call between a man and a
woman, between the numbers of your residence and the number of your
office, in which the man was reported to have said in words or substance
'we both know who is responsible for the assassination.' Have you been
asked about this before?"

**: Liebeler had phone company records and an FBI report in hand which
showed the collect call was placed on November 22nd, and ***NOT ON
NOVEMBER 23.*** By intentionally asking Michael Paine about a non-
existent telephone call Liebeler was obstructing justice and colluding
with a witness to falsify testimony.**

Mr. Paine: "I have hard that-I didn't know it was associated with our
numbers. I had heard a report that some telephone operator had listened
in on a conversation somewhere, I don't know where it was. I thought it
was in some other part of the country."

Mr. Liebeler: "Did you talk to your wife on the telephone at any time
during Saturday, November 23, on the telephone?"

Mr. Paine: "I was in the police station again, and I think I called her
from there."

Mr. Liebler: "Did you make any remark to the effect that you knew who was

Mr. Paine: "And I don't know who the assassin is or was, no, so I did

Mr. Liebeler: "You are positive in your recollection that you made no
such remark?"

Mr. Paine: "Yes."

The telephone call between Michael and Ruth Paine at 1:00 pm on November
22nd was brought up on several occasions during the Paines testimony:

-- (Michael Paine) "I called Ruth immediately after getting back (November
22) just to see that she would turn on the radio and be clued in with the
news, but this was before the TSBD was mentioned..." (Vol II, p. 424)

-- (Michael Paine) "I called her immediately getting back to the lab
(November 22), so she would be watching and listening and getting clued in
to the news, start watching the news." (Vol IX, p. 449)

-- (Ruth Paine) "He (Michael) called. He knew about the assassination.
He had been told by a waitress at lunchtime. I don't know whether he knew
any further details, whether he knew from whence the shots had been fired,
but he knew immediately tha I would want to know, and called simply to
find out if I knew, and of course I did, and we didn't converse about it,
but I felt the difference between him and my immediate neighbor to whom I
have already referred, Michael was as struck and grieved as I was, and we
shared this over the telephone." (Vol III, P. 110)

-- "She (Ruth Paine) did say, however, that her husband phoned from his
office at about 1:00 pm on November 22." (statement of Ruth Paine- CD 385,
p. 101)

Liebeler did not ask Michael Paine a single question about the collect
phone call of ***November 22nd*** and *wanted no discussion on the records
concerning the troublesome call.* He simply ***told*** Michael Paine the
call occurred ***the following day*** and *shifted the focus of attention
to November 23.* Liebeler said, "Now, there has been a report that on
(Saturday) ***November 23,*** 1963 there was a telephone call...." The
Commission, once again through Wesley LIEbeler, succeeded in disposing of
a very troublesome problem. *But Liebeler's method demonstrated the
Commissions determination to avoid anything that suggested a conspiracy.*

Readers may recall that Liebeler used a similar tactic when dealing with
Palmer McBride's troublesome statement that Lee Harvey Oswald was working
in New Orleans in 1957-58, *when Marine Corps records showed he was in
Japan.* To resolve this problem Liebeler ignored the FBI interview of
McBride, *as he ingored phone company records when dealing with the
troublesome call of November 22,* and chose instead to take testimony from
William Wulf, Jr. In his opening statement Liebeler ***told*** Wulf that
he wanted to discuss Oswald's activities in New Orleans in ***1954-55***,
*and shifted the focus of attention away from 1957-58.*

**: The Paines' knowledge, at 1:00 pm on November 22, that Oswald was
"responsible" for killing the President demonstrates their involvment in
the conspiracy. Undercover agent Roy Frankhauser said that Michael and
Ruth Paine were fellow undercover agents acting as Oswald's inteligence
"baby sitters." Frankhauser's comments may explain why:

-- Prior to meeting the Oswald's Michael Paine separated from Ruth and
moved into an apartment in Arlington and later into an apartment in Grand
Prairie. This arrangement provided room for Marina and her daughter to
move in with Ruth Paine. Michael and Ruth Paine reunited shortly after
the assassination.

-- Mrs. Paine met the Oswalds in January 1963 and within a few months
invited Marina to live in her home while Oswald traveled to New Orleans.

-- Oswald received mail at the Paines' (while living in Dallas) until May
1963 when he turned in a requst to have his mail forwarded from 2515 W.
5th to PO Box 30061 in New Orleans.

**: A request by Oswald (or someone impersonating Oswald) in March 1963 to
have the post office temporarily forward mail from PO Box 2915 (Dallas) to
2515 W. 5th (Irving) would have caused a rifle mailed from Klein's
Sporting Goods to PO Box 2915 to be delivered to Mrs. Paine.

A request to have mail forwarded from PO Box 30061 (New Orleans) to 2515
W. 5th (Irving) in September to PO Box 2915 (Dallas) to be forwarded to PO
Box 30061 (New Orleans) and then fowarded to Mrs. Paine.

-- Postal carriers continued to deliver mail to Oswald at 2515 W. 5th in
the summer of 1963.

-- Oswald was seen driving a car that matched the description of Mrs.
Paine's 1955 Chevrolet station wagon in Baton Rouge (Mr. Adeleane McGee),
New Orleans (AR Will), and to Cliff Shasteen's barber shop.

-- A babysitter saw a pregnant woman living at the Paines' prior to August
1963, when Harvey and Marina were in New Orleans.

-- Barber Cliff Shasteen told the Warren Commission that in the late
summer and fall he thought Oswald lived at the Paines.'

-- LEE Oswald used Mrs. Paine as a reference when he met with Mrs. Ambrose
Martinez at the Salvation Army.

-- Leonard Hutchison recalled that Oswald continuously shopped at his
store twice a week and always arrived at 7:15 to 7:20 am.

-- Mrs. Paine was responsible for getting HARVEY Oswald a job at the TSBD.

-- Ruth Paine knew both HARVEY Oswald and LEE Oswald and, when testifying
before the Warren Commission, often referred to Oswald as "Harvey." (At
one point I just read, she told the WC she didn't know Oswald had a middle
name in Much.....'s citings)

-- Michael Paine told his wife they both knew who was responsible for
killing the President-***an hour before Oswald arrived at the DPD.***

Following the assassination much of the evidence used by the FBI, Warren
Commission, and the media to convince the public of Oswald's guilt came
from Ruth Paine's garage, ***but only after*** Dallas detectives
thoroughly searched the garage on November 22-23rd. The incriminating
evidence provided by Ruth Paine in the hours, days, weeks, and months
following the assassination included:

-- A wedding ring, alledgely left by Oswald on the dresser (this created
the impression that Oswald knew he would not be returning to the Paine's).

-- A wallet containing $180, allegedly left on Marina's dresser.

-- A letter to the Soviet Embassy.

-- A note in a cookbook which linked Oswald to the Walker shooting.

-- An Imperial Reflex camera allegedly used to take the backyard photos.

-- A Minox II camera, serial # 27259 (Michael Paine's camera)

-- Mexico City postcards and literature**

Attorney and Warren Commission critic Vincent Salandria said, quite
correctly, that ***both Michael and Ruth Paine should have been indicted
for complicity.*** * But they were not indicted because both worked with
the CIA.*

833-5 Harvey and Lee
Edited by Steven Gaal
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I'm not impressed at all by the knowledge that Michael and Ruth Paine had various relatives high up in the US Government. That means precisely nothing at all, IMHO.

What is more interesting, however, is the following:

At 1:00 pm, according to telephone company records, Michael Paine placed a collect call to BL 3-1628 (the Paine's phone number at 2515 W. 5th) from his number at work, CR 5-5211. Ruth Paine received the collect call and began talking with her husband while the telephone operator remained on the line.

The operator told the FBI the man on the phone said he, "Felt sure Lee HARVEY Oswald had killed the President but did not feel Oswald was responsible." Michael Paine then told his wife, ***"We both know who is responsible."***

This call took place nearly ***an hour before Oswald's arrest*** and long before his name was known to the public-yet Michael Paine said that he ***"felt sure Lee HARVEY Oswald had killed the President but was not responsible."***

Commission attorney Wesley Liebeler questioned Michael Paine about the call and had copies of Southwestern States Telephone Company records...

Mr. Liebeler: "Did you talk to your wife on the telephone at any time during Saturday, November 23, on the telephone?"

Mr. Paine: "I was in the police station again, and I think I called her from there."

Mr. Liebler: "Did you make any remark to the effect that you knew who was responsible?"

Mr. Paine: "And I don't know who the assassin is or was, no, so I did not."

Mr. Liebeler: "You are positive in your recollection that you made no such remark?"

Mr. Paine: "Yes."


Liebeler did not ask Michael Paine a single question about the collect phone call of ***November 22nd*** and *wanted no discussion on the records concerning the troublesome call.*

This material is wide-open for speculation -- and nothing can be proved from it as given.

But as long as some people want to speculate on some grand CIA plot based on these few snippets, I will take this opportunity to speculate on a JBS and an Edwin Walker plot.

For one thing, Michael Paine admitted that he spoke with Lee Harvey Oswald about Edwin Walker in early 1963. We must remember the historical context -- Edwin Walker was acquitted by a Mississippi Grand Jury in January 1963 for the role he played in the deadly riots at Ole Miss University in September 1962.

The USA liberal community was outraged -- Walker was clearly guilty based on his radio and TV announcements immediately before the riots, and based on Walker's provocative "Open Letter to JFK" only days before the riots.

It was sometime in February that the liberal engineer community in Dallas gathered at a party attended by the Oswalds as well as George De Mohrenschildt and Volkmar Schmidt, a young engineer with a psychology background. Oswald had been telling George De Mohrenshildt that JFK should have been punished for his failure at the Bay of Pigs. George asked Volkmar Schmidt to help him change Oswald's mind.

For hours at this Dallas party of young professional engineers, Volkmar Schmidt worked on Lee Harvey Oswald using a psychological technique to 'transfer his hatred of JFK to General Walker, the fascist.' This is amply documented. At the end of these sessions, Oswald was convinced, and he and George De Mohrenschildt began to laughingly call Edwin Walker, "General Fokker."

Only days after this psychological treatment, Lee Harvey Oswald purchased weapons, and had Marina take a SINGLE photograph of himself wearing these weapons. At his job at Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall (IMHO) Oswald made plausibly deniable reproductions of this photographs, sent one to The Militant newspaper, one to Roscoe White, and a signed one to George De Mohrenschildt, also marked, "Hunter of fascists, Ha ha."

About one week after failing to assassinate Edwin Walker at his Dallas home on 10 April 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald (IMHO) received an invitation from David Ferrie to travel to New Orleans to become a part of Operation Mongoose, as an undercover, phony officer of the FPCC, OR SO HE WAS TOLD (IMHO).

Anyway, back to Michael and Ruth Paine. IMHO, they evaded their duty of enlightening us about the full truth about Lee Harvey Oswald and resigned Major General Edwin Walker. They knew far more about the shooting at General Walker than they ever told.

For example, one month before the JFK murder, Edwin Walker and his JBS followers in Dallas had organized a campaign to utterly humiliate Adlai Stevenson in Dallas. It was a standing order among the JBS to always disrupt the speech of any known COMMUNIST if they could at all manage to do so.

The fact that Edwin Walker was behind Adlai's humiliation was well-known in Dallas. The authorities in Dallas simply let Walker get away with it. Walker was still a hero to the right-wing, and he could get away with anything he wanted in Dallas.

In summary, when Michael Paine told Ruth Paine -- "we both know who's responsible" he was referring to Edwin Walker. Ruth Paine knew this, too.

Why didn't the Warren Commission press the Paine's further about it? Because the Warren Commission knew (IMHO) that Edwin Walker was the ring-leader of the JFK murder plot, and they were guided by the FBI Director to skirt that truth, and instead insist on the Lone Nut theory of the JFK murder.

Otherwise, an issue of National Security might erupt in a Civil War of the USA liberals against the well-armed USA right-wing in 1963/1964.

**: The Paines' knowledge, at 1:00 pm on November 22, that Oswald was "responsible" for killing the President demonstrates their involvment in the conspiracy. Undercover agent Roy Frankhauser said that Michael and Ruth Paine were fellow undercover agents acting as Oswald's intelligence "baby sitters." ...

...Attorney and Warren Commission critic Vincent Salandria said, quite correctly, that ***both Michael and Ruth Paine should have been indicted for complicity.*** * But they were not indicted because both worked with the CIA.*

Well, Vincent Salandria was wrong, but to be fair, even a genius like Jim Garrison was blaming the CIA by that time.

In NO WAY does the telephone call cited by Steven Gaal provide hard evidence for the Paine's involvement in the conspiracy to murder JFK. However, the Warren Commission did allow the Paine's to evade their duty to tell the truth about their knowledge of the plot to assassinate the resigned General Edwin Walker.

Why? Because that would have led to the TRUTH that has been withheld by the US Government for a half-century.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

<edit typos>

Edited by Paul Trejo
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El Sr. Trejo tiene un problema.
Mr. Roger Stone talked about a "NIXON" assassination.
Louis Tackwood identified his controllers as : James McCord and Edward Howard Hunt.(they asked him to be in on a Nixon assassination).
Is CIA rogueness a real disease or a limited hangout for high level CIA operations ????
I believe the latter.


More info on anti-Nixon assassination plots--notice that one name that comes up, Louis Tackwood, is mentioned in association with SLA cofounder Donald DeFreeze:

The San Diego Coup Richard Popkin, 1973

All of this proves nothing, of course, but it suggests that the Dirty Tricks operation may have been much more complex than we have been led to believe. Perhaps there was a plot to kill Nixon. In August 1973, [FBI informer Barry] Godfrey reportedly admitted to the San Diego Door that there was a real plot to kill Nixon. He blames the plan on his erstwhile cohort, Gary Lynn Davis. Then again Godfrey's plot may have been a further hoax aimed at discrediting the left and the Democratic Party. What did Segretti discuss with Godfrey, and why and how did he meet Godfrey in the first place? How did it happen that the FBI financed a threat on the life of a president (a crime which carries a penalty of up to five years in jail and a thousand-dollar fine)? In the past, the Secret Service has taken such threats very seriously. A check of the New York Times index shows that at least eleven people were arrested between January 1972 and May 1973 for doing much less than Godfrey. Most seem to have been psychopaths or drunks, with no positive plan--just verbal threats.

But then there are other instances: Arthur Bremer's Ottawa visit on April 13-14, 1972, for example, when he supposedly stalked Nixon. On May 30, three bombs demolished the tomb of the father of the Shah of Iran an hour before Nixon was scheduled to lay a wreath there. On August 11, a certain A. B. Topping was arrested in New York after paying an undercover agent a thousand dollars to kill Nixon. Topping, it developed, was well-to-do, of the American Nazi political persuasion, and interested in having the president killed the week after the payoff. No trial has been held. And then in late May 1973, one of Nixon's helicopters went down in the Bahamas. It subsequently came out that the president has three helicopters ready at all times and chooses which to use one minute before the flight.

Mrs. Andrew Topping, wife of man alleged to be plotting assassination of Nixon during 1972 convention. . .Tackwood alleges that plans are made to disrupt Republican convention in San Diego, declare martial law, assassinate Nixon (or make false attempt).

From Neil Wilgus' ILLUMINOIDS and other sources

FBI informer William O'Neal infiltrates Chicago Black Panthers, becomes chief of security, Los Angeles police establish Criminal Conspiracy Section which employs Donald DeFreeze, Louis Tackwood, Ron Karenga, the Steiner brothers and other agents to infiltrate prison reform and black power groups.

Justice or Revenge: The SLA and the War on Terrorism

Although it is not my intention to delve into conspiracies here, it is worth mentioning that one such informer who had been on the payroll of these and other law enforcement agencies at different times throughout his adult life was the leader of the SLA, Donald DeFreeze. Furthermore, DeFreeze had documented contact with a Louis Tackwood, who was well known to the Los Angeles Black Panther chapter as an informer. After an unusual transfer from Soledad Prison to the Vacaville state prison and medical facility, DeFreeze first met the future SLA members in a state-sponsored program to promote literacy in California's prisons. His participation in the program was at the behest of prison officials.

The program, known as Unisight, had been infiltrated by many white radicals who were interested in the revolutionary potential of prisoners, especially those of color. This interest had been on the rise since the late 1960s and had created revolutionaries like the murdered Black Panther George Jackson and the men of the failed September 1971 rebellion at Attica Prison in New York. The Black Panthers did not trust the Unisight program and considered it a way for prison officials to keep tabs on outside radicals who were interested in prison organizing. The (mostly white) radicals from the outside were from the Venceremos group, which had developed out of the Bay Area Revolutionary Unions, which in turn had derived from the 1969 disintegration of the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).

Edited by Steven Gaal
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