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Nixon Operative Roger Stone on JFK Assassination: "LBJ had it done. Mob, CIA, Hoover, all in on it. RFK knew. So did Nixon."

Guest Robert Morrow

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Guest Robert Morrow

Averell Harriman - Skull and Bones at Yale. McGeorge Bundy - Skull and Bones. Prescott Bush- Skull & Bones. George Herbert Walker Bush - Skull & Bones.

McGeorge Bundy, deep CIA and the secretary of the Council on Foreign Relations in 1949 when Allen Dulles was the President of the CFR. William Bundy - deep CIA and CFR.

GHW Bush - deep CIA, later a director of the CFR after he was pushed out at CIA, and I repeat Skull & Bones.

I think GHW Bush (Repub) and McGeorge Bundy (Demo) were both involved in the JFK assassination. GHW Bush - very committed to the JFK assassination cover up and the Big Lie. McGeorge Bundy - his behavior on 11/22/63 is simply not consistent with an NSC advisor who is supposed to be concerned about "national security." - immediately promoting the lone nutter theory when so much of the early evidence and Zapruder Film later pointed to multiple shooters.

What about Averell Harriman - was he involved in the JFK assassinatin? NO, with an exclamation point. Get the biography Spanning the Century: The Life of W. Averll Harriman, 1891-1986 http://www.amazon.com/Spanning-Century-Averell-Harriman-1891-1986/dp/0688043526/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1327552834&sr=1-1

Two things become readily apparent about the relationship of Harriman (who is a big league of a player as you could ever imagine in American/international politics) with Lyndon Johnson in 1964-65: 1) Harriman is not in the inner circle of friends with LBJ and 2) Most importantly, Harriman is NOT telling LBJ what to do. In other words Harriman has no hierarchy over LBJ post assassiation.

What Averell Harriman IS doing is practically getting down on his knees and begging Lyndon Johnson to allow him to be a part of his administration and be his foreign policy troubleshooter. Harriman wrote LBJ two groveling letters, pleading to be allowed on the team. Most of Harrimans circle of friends were Kennedyites and that was toxic to LBJ. Harriman told a close friend Sulzberger in 1960 that he had no used for the incomeing Vice President Johnson. [Read Chapter 24, p. 627+

After JFK was killed, Harriman allowed his home to be the residence of Jackie and the kids. True, a smooth sociopathic and cold blooded operator could kill a man and then tell the wife and kids, I am so sorry about the terrible tragedy, please come live in my house. But I see no evidence implicating Harriman in the JFK assassination. None. Zero. Zippo. Yes, he was a hawk on Vietnam; yes he wanted Diem killed, but no, he did not want JFK killed.

Johnson post assassination told Jackie how beautiful she was and that he wanted to be the daddy of John John and Caroline. Now THAT is a classic cold blooded psychopath in action.

Even when Harriman did become a part of the Johnson Administration, he found his power and authority undercut and diminished for the tasks he was dealt.

Edited by Robert Morrow
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Guest Robert Morrow

I have send several emails and several "tweet emails" to Roger Stone asking that he allow me to interview him on what Richard Nixon knew about the JFK assassination.

I have not had any recent responses to my requests from Stone.

However, I did get one me "tweet response" to a question that I had.

Then on 1/17, I sent Roger Stone a Tweet from Morrow321 on Twitter:

"Roger, did Richard Nixon directly tell u these things @ the JFK assassination? My number is 512-306-1510. And yours? Can we talk about JFK?"

Roger Stone on 1/17/12 tweet to me:

"RN was oblique on this subject. He would just snort and say "You don't want to know" and once said Warren Comm Report was "bullxxxx""

"You don't want to know" is exactly what Richard Nixon told Howard Baker who in turn told the story to Don Hewett. It is not surprising that Nixon would refer to the Warren Report as "bullxxxx."

Roger Stone's original "tweet" on January 9, 2012 to me was: "LBJ had it done. Mob, CIA, Hoover, all in on it. RFK knew. So did Nixon."

So I don't really know if Stone's original tweet reflected his own opinion or that or Richard Nixon's. One thing is sure, Richard Nixon thought the Warren Report was garbage.

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I have send several emails and several "tweet emails" to Roger Stone asking that he allow me to interview him on what Richard Nixon knew about the JFK assassination.

I have not had any recent responses to my requests from Stone.

However, I did get one me "tweet response" to a question that I had.

Then on 1/17, I sent Roger Stone a Tweet from Morrow321 on Twitter:

"Roger, did Richard Nixon directly tell u these things @ the JFK assassination? My number is 512-306-1510. And yours? Can we talk about JFK?"

Roger Stone on 1/17/12 tweet to me:

"RN was oblique on this subject. He would just snort and say "You don't want to know" and once said Warren Comm Report was "bullxxxx""

"You don't want to know" is exactly what Richard Nixon told Howard Baker who in turn told the story to Don Hewett. It is not surprising that Nixon would refer to the Warren Report as "bullxxxx."

Roger Stone's original "tweet" on January 9, 2012 to me was: "LBJ had it done. Mob, CIA, Hoover, all in on it. RFK knew. So did Nixon."

So I don't really know if Stone's original tweet reflected his own opinion or that or Richard Nixon's. One thing is sure, Richard Nixon thought the Warren Report was garbage.

In 1960 Richard Nixon recruited an “important group of businessmen headed by George Bush Sr. and Jack Crichton, both Texas oilmen, to gather the necessary funds for the operation”. I am talking about ‘Operation 40’, the group that Warren Hinckle and William Turner described in Deadly Secrets, as the ‘assassins-for-hire’ organization.

In a speech given by John F. Kennedy, a threat was made to tear the CIA into a thousand pieces. Would it be a coincidence that George H.W. Bush had front row seats to Kennedy's assassination? Several researchers have identified George H.W. Bush Sr. in pictures taken at Dealey Plaza. It is also widely accepted that George H.W. Bush’s Zapata Oil Company was a CIA front for the Bay of Pigs Invasion. At some level, the same George H. W. Bush who has perpetually tried to deny his involvement with the CIA at this time.

Prior to Watergate, E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis would often meet at our house in Hialeah to discuss their plans at Washington. Hunt who was working as a ‘plumber’ under Nixon at the time thought there to be very incriminating evidence against the crew that participated in the ‘Big Event.’ Frank tried recruiting Kaiser (my father) for Watergate, Frank mentioned to Hunt that no one could steal like Kaiser could.

On May 7, 1990, in an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle, Frank Sturgis said, “The reason why we broke into the Watergate building was because Richard Nixon was interested in stopping the news leaks related to the photographs of our role in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.”

Nixon had always referred to Kennedy’s assassination using the code name ‘Bay of Pigs’ because that was part of Nixon’s downfall.

In the meantime, Richard Nixon, who was running for the Presidency against John Kennedy became involved and convinced the CIA that if they could pull off the whole thing before the early November elections, he would win by a landslide. The CIA couldn’t pull it off, Nixon lost the election and the top three had to brief Kennedy on the invasion plans.

After researching my father's phone book and coming across several names like, Jose Pujol, Luis and Tony Calatayud. I decided to look them up and give them a call. Upon arriving in Miami I called Pujol to let him know I was in town, he invited me over to his house.

I also called Martinez from Nino Diaz's house and explained to him who I was, after talking to him for awhile on the phone he invited me over to his house. I showed him the document of my father having the photo's of Sturgis, Hunt, Gordon Liddy and other's, I wanted to know who the other's were?

He said, that the other's were Barnard Barker and David Morales. I asked him why would the FBI or the CIA only list the names of Hunt, Sturgis and Liddy in that document and not the other's? And, how did my father get a hold of these photographs?

Martinez explained, he said, your father stole them, he said, "how else do you think your father got a hold of them?" he also mentioned that no one knew about my father being the sixth man in Watergate, But, what I wanted to know, was how did all this tie into Kennedy's assassination?

I knew my father wasn't apart of killing the president, so I asked point blank, what did Watergate have to do if anything with Kennedy's assassination? He replied, "Those were the photo's we were all looking for."

Scott Kaiser

Edited by Scott Kaiser
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Guest Robert Morrow

Scott, thank-you for your contributions to Education Forum. I am really glad you are posting. I do think that George Herbert Walker Bush was deeply involved in both the Bay of Pigs and the JFK assassination.

I am beginning to think those pictures at TSBD are not Bush after all. But I do he was a participant.

I think Richard Nixon knew the key players who killed JFK, but that Nixon was not personally involved himself. He probably heard about it very quickly through the grapevine of common friends, or perhaps even the plotters themselves.

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Scott, thank-you for your contributions to Education Forum. I am really glad you are posting. I do think that George Herbert Walker Bush was deeply involved in both the Bay of Pigs and the JFK assassination.

I am beginning to think those pictures at TSBD are not Bush after all. But I do he was a participant.

I think Richard Nixon knew the key players who killed JFK, but that Nixon was not personally involved himself. He probably heard about it very quickly through the grapevine of common friends, or perhaps even the plotters themselves.

Yes! I agree with you, I'm not so sure if those photo's are of Bush and I too don't beleive that Nixon was directly involved, however, I do believe he had some knowledge of it. I am merely reporting my adventures in Miami, alot more of the direct information will be in my upcoming book.

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Guest Robert Morrow

Scott, thank-you for your contributions to Education Forum. I am really glad you are posting. I do think that George Herbert Walker Bush was deeply involved in both the Bay of Pigs and the JFK assassination.

I am beginning to think those pictures at TSBD are not Bush after all. But I do he was a participant.

I think Richard Nixon knew the key players who killed JFK, but that Nixon was not personally involved himself. He probably heard about it very quickly through the grapevine of common friends, or perhaps even the plotters themselves.

Yes! I agree with you, I'm not so sure if those photo's are of Bush and I too don't beleive that Nixon was directly involved, however, I do believe he had some knowledge of it. I am merely reporting my adventures in Miami, alot more of the direct information will be in my upcoming book.

My basic theory on the JFK is this: Lyndon Johnson and his Texas oil men Hunt and Murchison used their CIA/military connections to kill JFK. And the CIA folks they used were the ones who had been running operations and assassination attempts against Fidel Castro. Gen. Ed Lansdale - absolutely involved in JFK assassination. GHW Bush - almost certainly - at the *very least* GHW Bush knows who did it; more like he was one of the CIA planners at the tender age of 39. By then he was longtime CIA, personal family friends of Allen Dulles.

If Ed Lansdale and Allen Dulles were involved, then I think it is almost certain that Nelson and/or David Rockefeller were involved - either by approving of it or being one of the key planners. Especially Nelson Rockefeller.

And if the Rockefellers were involved, then Henry Kissinger has to know the inner workings of the JFK assassination. Henry Kissinger was moderating Bilderberger forums in the mid 1950's. Kissinger was extremely close to Nelson Rockefeller and was his top foreign policy aide. Meaning, Kissinger was associating with the most powerful people in the world EIGHT years before the JFK assassination. If you will notice Kissinger in 48 years has almost NEVER commented on the JFK assassiation. I can't find any record of him saying anything about this momentous event - he likes to blab about everything else under the sun.

So Kissinger knows the truth, but he probably did not have the hierarchy back then to be planner of JFK's death, just someone in the loop.

McGeorge Bundy - deep CIA, CFR, Vietnam hawk, he was a secretary of the CFR while Allen Dulles was the president of the CFR in 1949. McGeorge Bundy was later invited to a Bilderberg meeting by Rockefeller man Dean Rusk in the late 1950's.

McGeorge Bundy's behavior on the day of the JFK assassination is simply unacceptable. He quickly and immediately started pushing the lone nutter theory when all the early evidence pointed to multiple shooters. That is not the action of a man looking out for US national security after the president has been murdered: letting the rest of the kill team get away. Some National Security Advisor he was! McGeorge Bundy assumed tremendous power over Lyndon Johnson post JFK assassination. Literally, he was telling LBJ what to do in detail.

Bundy was also Skull and Bones at Yale just like GHW Bush. You can bet they worked together on the Bay of Pigs invasion as well. And they may very well have coordinated on the JFK assassination.

Those are the folks who I think were involved in the JFK assassination.

Edited by Robert Morrow
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Scott, thank-you for your contributions to Education Forum. I am really glad you are posting. I do think that George Herbert Walker Bush was deeply involved in both the Bay of Pigs and the JFK assassination.

I am beginning to think those pictures at TSBD are not Bush after all. But I do he was a participant.

I think Richard Nixon knew the key players who killed JFK, but that Nixon was not personally involved himself. He probably heard about it very quickly through the grapevine of common friends, or perhaps even the plotters themselves.

Yes! I agree with you, I'm not so sure if those photo's are of Bush and I too don't beleive that Nixon was directly involved, however, I do believe he had some knowledge of it. I am merely reporting my adventures in Miami, alot more of the direct information will be in my upcoming book.

My basic theory on the JFK is this: Lyndon Johnson and his Texas oil men Hunt and Murchison used their CIA/military connections to kill JFK. And the CIA folks they used were the ones who had been running operations and assassination attempts against Fidel Castro. Gen. Ed Lansdale - absolutely involved in JFK assassination. GHW Bush - almost certainly - at the *very least* GHW Bush knows who did it; more like he was one of the CIA planners at the tender age of 39. By then he was longtime CIA, personal family friends of Allen Dulles.

If Ed Lansdale and Allen Dulles were involved, then I think it is almost certain that Nelson and/or David Rockefeller were involved - either by approving of it or being one of the key planners. Especially Nelson Rockefeller.

And if the Rockefellers were involved, then Henry Kissinger has to know the inner workings of the JFK assassination. Henry Kissinger was moderating Bilderberger forums in the mid 1950's. Kissinger was extremely close to Nelson Rockefeller and was his top foreign policy aide. Meaning, Kissinger was associating with the most powerful people in the world EIGHT years before the JFK assassination. If you will notice Kissinger in 48 years has almost NEVER commented on the JFK assassiation. I can't find any record of him saying anything about this momentous event - he likes to blab about everything else under the sun.

So Kissinger knows the truth, but he probably did not have the hierarchy back then to be planner of JFK's death, just someone in the loop.

McGeorge Bundy - deep CIA, CFR, Vietnam hawk, he was a secretary of the CFR while Allen Dulles was the president of the CFR in 1949. McGeorge Bundy was later invited to a Bilderberg meeting by Rockefeller man Dean Rusk in the late 1950's.

McGeorge Bundy's behavior on the day of the JFK assassination is simply unacceptable. He quickly and immediately started pushing the lone nutter theory when all the early evidence pointed to multiple shooters. That is not the action of a man looking out for US national security after the president has been murdered: letting the rest of the kill team get away. Some National Security Advisor he was! McGeorge Bundy assumed tremendous power over Lyndon Johnson post JFK assassination. Literally, he was telling LBJ what to do in detail.

Bundy was also Skull and Bones at Yale just like GHW Bush. You can bet they worked together on the Bay of Pigs invasion as well. And they may very well have coordinated on the JFK assassination.

Those are the folks who I think were involved in the JFK assassination.

Not to mention that William Pawley also financed several of the projects, just as my father says at the Watergate Committee Hearings, that it was a business man and not a politician who financed several of the projects. My father somewhat identifies this person in his hand written notes. I have no doubt in my mind that it is Pawley my father is talking about, Pawley was also involved in Kennedy's assassination.

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Guest Robert Morrow

Check out the Spartacus biography of William Pawley: http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKpawley.htm

It is certainly possible that businessman William Pawley was also involved in the JFK assassation. Pawley's high level connections were immaculate and his associations with CIA and anti-Casto Cuban Kennedy-haters were deep.

Edited by Robert Morrow
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Check out the Spartacus biography of William Pawley: http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKpawley.htm

Pawley sure was running with the "wrong group" meaning folks who hated John Kennedy and lots of them.

Yes! According to Eugenio Martinez, William Pawley was also apart of Operation 40, worked closely with Nixon. Sometime ago I posted my father's phone book page of Pawley's address and phone number, of coarse he is now dead and committed suicide due to shingles, some say he was in to much pain, however, I don't beleive that to be so, yes he may have had shingles, but I don't beleive he was in bad enough pain to comment suicide, when I was a kid I knew Pawley as "uncle Sidney Saks." It was when he was called to testify at the HSCA Committee he committed suicide exactly one month before my father was killed.

Edited by Scott Kaiser
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Guest Robert Morrow

Check out the Spartacus biography of William Pawley: http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKpawley.htm

Pawley sure was running with the "wrong group" meaning folks who hated John Kennedy and lots of them.

Yes! According to Eugenio Martinez, William Pawley was also apart of Operation 40, worked closely with Nixon. Sometime ago I posted my father's phone book page of Pawley's address and phone number, of coarse he is now dead and committed suicide due to shingles, some say he was in to much pain, however, I don't beleive that to be so, yes he may have had shingles, but I don't beleive he was in bad enough pain to comment suicide, when I was a kid I knew Pawley as "uncle Sidney Saks. It was when he was called to testify at the HSCA Committee he committed suicide exactly one month before my father was killed.

Pawley was also a member of the Suite 8F group based in Texas. I GUARANTEE YOU some of the key players in that group killed JFK. Period - end of story.

Suite 8F group: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=2868

Pawley grew up in Cuba and no doubt lost a lot of family money when Castro nationalized billions of assets. So he was invested beyond belief in anti-Castro activies. And if those "traitor Kennedys" were not going to get rid of Castro ... then (the thinking goes) someone needed to put a bullet in the Kennedys. That is exactly how many folks in the CIA and anti-Castro Cuban community thought.

Pawley certainly is a "person of interest" (i.e. suspect) in the JFK assassination.

Edited by Robert Morrow
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Check out the Spartacus biography of William Pawley: http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKpawley.htm

Pawley sure was running with the "wrong group" meaning folks who hated John Kennedy and lots of them.

Yes! According to Eugenio Martinez, William Pawley was also apart of Operation 40, worked closely with Nixon. Sometime ago I posted my father's phone book page of Pawley's address and phone number, of coarse he is now dead and committed suicide due to shingles, some say he was in to much pain, however, I don't beleive that to be so, yes he may have had shingles, but I don't beleive he was in bad enough pain to comment suicide, when I was a kid I knew Pawley as "uncle Sidney Saks. It was when he was called to testify at the HSCA Committee he committed suicide exactly one month before my father was killed.

Pawley was also a member of the Suite 8F group based in Texas. I GUARANTEE YOU some of the key players in that group killed JFK. Period - end of story.

Suite 8F group: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=2868

Pawley was also a member of the Suite 8F group based in Texas. I GUARANTEE YOU some of the key players in that group killed JFK. Period - end of story.

Agreed! :D

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Pawley was also a member of the Suite 8F group based in Texas. I GUARANTEE YOU some of the key players in that group killed JFK. Period - end of story.

Suite 8F group: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=2868

Pawley grew up in Cuba and no doubt lost a lot of family money when Castro nationalized billions of assets. So he was invested beyond belief in anti-Castro activies. And if those "traitor Kennedys" were not going to get rid of Castro ... then (the thinking goes) someone needed to put a bullet in the Kennedys. That is exactly how many folks in the CIA and anti-Castro Cuban community thought.

Pawley certainly is a "person of interest" (i.e. suspect) in the JFK assassination.

I think it's inadequate to claim that because a wealthy person really hated Kennedy and associated with other wealthy people who hated Kennedy, that we have identified the killers of JFK. Far more proof is needed. These blanket statements are too general.

Theoretically, of course, it makes sense that they would hope to kill Kennedy, and since they were wealthy it also makes sense that they would throw money at anybody who promised they would try to kill Kennedy. Many such money-throwers have been named over the past half-century, including Howard Hughes, Sam Giancana, Carlos Marcello, Santos Trafficante, Jimmy Hoffa, H.L. Hunt, Clint Murchison, Joseph Milteer and countless others. The fact that they threw money at countless mercenaries to kill Castro or to kill Kennedy might make them deplorable, but it doesn't prove they were the killers.

I speculate that easily one hundred assassins were paid to try to kill Castro, and easily one hundred assassins were paid to try to kill JFK at some location or another.

Now, were are all these financiers of all these assassins guilty of killing Kennedy? By no means. Only the few who actually succeeded in killing Kennedy would be guilty of the crime.

We can't blame people generally just because they hated Kennedy with a purple passion, and possessed more than enough money to get the job done. The actual assassination wasn't as easy as it may appear.

Just as only a few assassins were actually guilty of killing Kennedy (though a hundred tried to some degree), in the same way, only those few financiers who funded the actual killers are guilty of the conspiracy.

I propose that in order to identify who the truly guilty financiers were, we must first and foremost identify at least the contours of the ground-crew who actually held the rifles and pulled the triggers.

That demand, unfortunately, is too often treated as a 'minor detail' that will fall out as a result of identifying the financiers. I suggest the opposite. There were too many financiers to identify them with certainty. They resided in perhaps every single State of the USA. There were far too many. Focus on the ground-crew.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Brilliant, Paul (imo).

Ok. Basically I see the assassination hierarchy somewhat like an hourglass as a structural analogy. Walker of course is a prime candidate for the interediary, in the middle, where the assassins can never know the financiers, or if they did, then known consequences of letting an outsider know demands a grouping. To identify likely groupings it is essential (imo) to immerse ones self in the times, what were the issues that ensured a disciplined domestic cadre would have a number of trigger happy locals enmeshed in a generational structure that justified everything with aiders and abetters from the sharecropper to the chief. I think in Dallas the answers are simple.

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