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Bill Clinton on JFK

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A couple of weeks ago I stumbled across this little piece of information that I found interesting.

Shortly after Bill Clinton came into office, he asked his old friend Webster Hubbell a favor. In Hubbell's book "Friends in high places", Webb Hubbell describes the episode and what Clinton asked of him:

"Webb, he said, If I put you over at Justice I want you to find the answer to two questions for me. One, who killed JFK?..."

Hubbell, who was shortly thereafter appointed Associate Attorney General, continues:

"He was dead serious."

I was not aware that Bill Clinton had this view on the JFK-assassination. In this instance nothing came out of it. Does anyone know if Clinton did anything else along those same lines, regarding JFK? I've looked into this but have so far not found much of substance at all.

(Oh, the other question was about UFO's.)


Glenn V.

You asked a serious question in a thread that then deteriorated. This quote has been around a very long time. I do believe it. To answer your question yes I think he found out a lot via the excellent appointments he made to the ARRB. The work they did is and was invaluable and has produced new evidence as well as further evidence to back up other research.


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Guest Robert Morrow

Back to the original question of this thread: Bill Clinton's JFK assassination beliefs.

Clinton knows the truth, which is the JFK assassination was an elite domestic conspiracy that was covered up by Johnson, Hoover and the Warren Commission.

I have Webb Hubbell's book "Friends in High Places" and Clinton did task him with 1) finding out who really killed JFK and 2) find out about whether UFOs are real or not.

Bill Clinton today pushes the Big Lie on the JFK assassination: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=18083

The reason he does that is because he is longtime CIA and tied at the hip with George Herbert Walker Bush with the Iran-contra drug running scandals of the 1980's. If you start telling the truth about one thing (the JFK assassination), it opens a Pandora's Box to every other major scandal of the next 50 years.

Webb Hubbell:

"Of my many regrets at that moment, I remember thinking that I hadn't accomplished something the President had asked me to do when I [he means Clinton] was first elected. "Webb," he had said, "if I put you at Justice, I want you to find two answers for me. One, Who killed JFK? And two, Are there UFO's?" He was dead serious. I had looked into both, but wasn't satisfied with the answers I was getting."

[Webb Hubbell, "Friends in High Places," p. 282]

Edited by Robert Morrow
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"Of my many regrets at that moment, I remember thinking that I hadn't accomplished something the President had asked me to do when I [he means Clinton] was first elected. "Webb," he had said, "if I put you at Justice, I want you to find two answers for me. One, Who killed JFK? And two, Are there UFO's?" He was dead serious. I had looked into both, but wasn't satisfied with the answers I was getting."

If Bill Clinton looked "dead serious" at me and gave me those two tasks, I would suspect that he regarded me as a fool in need of an errand.

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"Of my many regrets at that moment, I remember thinking that I hadn't accomplished something the President had asked me to do when I [he means Clinton] was first elected. "Webb," he had said, "if I put you at Justice, I want you to find two answers for me. One, Who killed JFK? And two, Are there UFO's?" He was dead serious. I had looked into both, but wasn't satisfied with the answers I was getting."

If Bill Clinton looked "dead serious" at me and gave me those two tasks, I would suspect that he regarded me as a fool in need of an errand.

During the Contra arms/drugs flights there would have been unidentified flying 'objects' in and out of the US.


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Guest Tom Scully

Robert Morrow, I've unapproved your two most recent posts in this thread. I am sorry, but you just do not get to do any damned thing you want in these threads. You do not get to decide to destroy the thread of another member by wallpapering it with your obsessions and you certainly don't get to challenge and trash me or any other moderator or member concerned enough to attempt to stop you or at least to slow you down.

A couple of weeks ago I stumbled across this little piece of information that I found interesting.

Shortly after Bill Clinton came into office, he asked his old friend Webster Hubbell a favor. In Hubbell's book "Friends in high places", Webb Hubbell describes the episode and what Clinton asked of him:

"Webb, he said, If I put you over at Justice I want you to find the answer to two questions for me. One, who killed JFK?..."

Hubbell, who was shortly thereafter appointed Associate Attorney General, continues:

"He was dead serious."

I was not aware that Bill Clinton had this view on the JFK-assassination. In this instance nothing came out of it. Does anyone know if Clinton did anything else along those same lines, regarding JFK? I've looked into this but have so far not found much of substance at all.

(Oh, the other question was about UFO's.)


Glenn V.



I raised a simple question. This is not and was not, about you. Your presence immediately changes this. Thread destroyed.

Even after unapproving the most outrageous of your posts in this thread, it is still chock full of your off topic mess. Do not post again in this thread. Observe the rules of the forum.

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Guest Tom Scully

Pat, I am determined to avoid the JFK Debate being turned into a porn destination on the internet. In this spirit, I felt it necessary to unapprove your most recent post in this thread, because it included such graphic text posted by Robert Morrow and unapproved earlier.

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ok, will try to get this back on topic. This may have been discussed in another similar thread but I'll post my questions again.

And for the sake of argument, let's just say the whole UFO phenomenon is real. I hate to do this since it mixes the JFK assassination with something on the edge of reality, but oh well.

So if the President does not have high enough clearance to look into JFKA/UFOs, when was this clearance taken away? I dont think any of us know, but can we maybe estimate?

Let's say Truman , Eisenhower, JFK, LBJ, and Nixon all had access. From the quick google search I did, it appears they did (Eisenhower alledgedly met with Aliens, JFK knew of it too, and Nixon was all over it and told Jackie Gleason). So when did this access to this information end? Ford? Carter? I would suspect Carter. Ford knew too much about JFK since he was on the commission.

Also, if Clinton was told both those subjects are out of his clearance, does that mean they are somewhat related (start twilight zone music in your head here)?

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Back to the original question of this thread: Bill Clinton's JFK assassination beliefs.

Clinton knows the truth, which is the JFK assassination was an elite domestic conspiracy that was covered up by Johnson, Hoover and the Warren Commission.

I have Webb Hubbell's book "Friends in High Places" and Clinton did task him with 1) finding out who really killed JFK and 2) find out about whether UFOs are real or not.

Bill Clinton today pushes the Big Lie on the JFK assassination: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=18083

The reason he does that is because he is longtime CIA and tied at the hip with George Herbert Walker Bush with the Iran-contra drug running scandals of the 1980's. If you start telling the truth about one thing (the JFK assassination), it opens a Pandora's Box to every other major scandal of the next 50 years.

Webb Hubbell:

"Of my many regrets at that moment, I remember thinking that I hadn't accomplished something the President had asked me to do when I [he means Clinton] was first elected. "Webb," he had said, "if I put you at Justice, I want you to find two answers for me. One, Who killed JFK? And two, Are there UFO's?" He was dead serious. I had looked into both, but wasn't satisfied with the answers I was getting."

[Webb Hubbell, "Friends in High Places," p. 282]

I think its important to understand Bill Clinton's beliefs about the Kennedy assassination, and so its for that reason, and no other, that I'm writing this brief post.

Besides what he told Web Hubbell, there is this other data:

(1) A very good friend of mine--the late Robert Chapman, who was also very close with Mary Ferrell--related to me his personal experiences with Bill Clinton, at a time when Clinton was a candidate for President, and would drop by Molly's the restaurant he owned in Memphis. Robert personally talked to Clinton and there's no question but that he was a closet buff, and believed there was a conspiracy in the JFK case. But now. . read on. .

(2) The Clintons were close with Jacqueline Kennedy, and in August, 1993, one can find newspaper articles (and photographs) in which Jacqueline Kennedy hosted them for several hours on the family yacht. Bill Clinton (and probably Hillary, too) also spent time with Jacqueline Kennedy at her New York apartment. All this is a matter of record.

(3) On the thirtieth anniversary of the assassination, with the assassination of JFK receiving a huge amount of publicity, Clinton publicly stated, in a news conference, that he believed the Warren Report, and that Oswald acted alone. Quoting now fromthe NY Times story by David Rosenbaum, which ran under the headline, “30-Year Commemoration in Dallas and Arlington:


President Clinton, who has often said that Kennedy was his idol, intended to take no public notice of the anniversary. But at a news conference, he was asked whether he thought Kennedy was killed by a single assassin and whether he was satisfied with his own security arrangements.

The President replied: "I'm satisfied with the finding that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I am also very satisfied with the work done by the Secret Service in my behalf."


On the 30th anniversary, I happened to be in Dallas, where I spoke at the ASK conference. I also attended the ceremonies at the Sixth Floor Museum, and actually met Nellie Connally. Knowing what Clinton had said to Robert Chapman, I was astounded to read--in USA Today (as I recall)--what he was then quoted as saying about the assassination.

One half year later, Jacqueline Kennedy was buried at Arlington.

Because of Clinton's changed position, I have always believed that Jacqueline Kennedy personally implored Clinton not to pursue the issue, because of the damage it would do to her husband's legacy. That's just my opinion.

But if one draws a time line, there's a serious delay between the time the JFK Records Act was passed (and signed) --October 1992--and the time the ARRB was actually "up and running," which was about October 1994.


3/27/12; 2:30 PDT

Los Angeles, Calfornia

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Back to the original question of this thread: Bill Clinton's JFK assassination beliefs.

Clinton knows the truth, which is the JFK assassination was an elite domestic conspiracy that was covered up by Johnson, Hoover and the Warren Commission.

I have Webb Hubbell's book "Friends in High Places" and Clinton did task him with 1) finding out who really killed JFK and 2) find out about whether UFOs are real or not.

Bill Clinton today pushes the Big Lie on the JFK assassination: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=18083

The reason he does that is because he is longtime CIA and tied at the hip with George Herbert Walker Bush with the Iran-contra drug running scandals of the 1980's. If you start telling the truth about one thing (the JFK assassination), it opens a Pandora's Box to every other major scandal of the next 50 years.

Webb Hubbell:

"Of my many regrets at that moment, I remember thinking that I hadn't accomplished something the President had asked me to do when I [he means Clinton] was first elected. "Webb," he had said, "if I put you at Justice, I want you to find two answers for me. One, Who killed JFK? And two, Are there UFO's?" He was dead serious. I had looked into both, but wasn't satisfied with the answers I was getting."

[Webb Hubbell, "Friends in High Places," p. 282]

I think its important to understand Bill Clinton's beliefs about the Kennedy assassination, and so its for that reason, and no other, that I'm writing this brief post.

Besides what he told Web Hubbell, there is this other data:

(1) A very good friend of mine--the late Robert Chapman, who was also very close with Mary Ferrell--related to me his personal experiences with Bill Clinton, at a time when Clinton was a candidate for President, and would drop by Molly's the restaurant he owned in Memphis. Robert personally talked to Clinton and there's no question but that he was a closet buff, and believed there was a conspiracy in the JFK case. But now. . read on. .

(2) The Clintons were close with Jacqueline Kennedy, and in August, 1993, one can find newspaper articles (and photographs) in which Jacqueline Kennedy hosted them for several hours on the family yacht. Bill Clinton (and probably Hillary, too) also spent time with Jacqueline Kennedy at her New York apartment. All this is a matter of record.

(3) On the thirtieth anniversary of the assassination, with the assassination of JFK receiving a huge amount of publicity, Clinton publicly stated, in a news conference, that he believed the Warren Report, and that Oswald acted alone. Quoting now fromthe NY Times story by David Rosenbaum, which ran under the headline, “30-Year Commemoration in Dallas and Arlington:


President Clinton, who has often said that Kennedy was his idol, intended to take no public notice of the anniversary. But at a news conference, he was asked whether he thought Kennedy was killed by a single assassin and whether he was satisfied with his own security arrangements.

The President replied: "I'm satisfied with the finding that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I am also very satisfied with the work done by the Secret Service in my behalf."


On the 30th anniversary, I happened to be in Dallas, where I spoke at the ASK conference. I also attended the ceremonies at the Sixth Floor Museum, and actually met Nellie Connally. Knowing what Clinton had said to Robert Chapman, I was astounded to read--in USA Today (as I recall)--what he was then quoted as saying about the assassination.

One half year later, Jacqueline Kennedy was buried at Arlington.

Because of Clinton's changed position, I have always believed that Jacqueline Kennedy personally implored Clinton not to pursue the issue, because of the damage it would do to her husband's legacy. That's just my opinion.

But if one draws a time line, there's a serious delay between the time the JFK Records Act was passed (and signed) --October 1992--and the time the ARRB was actually "up and running," which was about October 1994.


3/27/12; 2:30 PDT

Los Angeles, Calfornia

Thank you, David.

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One half year later, Jacqueline Kennedy was buried at Arlington.

Because of Clinton's changed position, I have always believed that Jacqueline Kennedy personally implored Clinton not to pursue the issue, because of the damage it would do to her husband's legacy. That's just my opinion.



3/27/12; 2:30 PDT

Los Angeles, Calfornia

Since most Americans already believe JFK was killed by a conspiracy, legacy was likely not the main issue. If the POTUS publicly acknowledged a conspiracy, it would have focused considerable attention on existing Kennedy children and grandchildren. That would more likely have been Jackie's concern. My opinion.

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I think a different take on Clinton's supposed statement about JFK and UFO's may be rational. I mean this is an account of a conversation. Reports of sightings of unidentified flying objects could very well be keeping tabs on whether there had been noted an unexplained rise in air traffic in Arkansas in relation to the contra drug/gun trade. Add to that a number of parallel interests of groupings there is a connection in the two apparently odd requests.

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President Clinton, who has often said that Kennedy was his idol, intended to take no public notice of the anniversary. But at a news conference, he was asked whether he thought Kennedy was killed by a single assassin and whether he was satisfied with his own security arrangements.

The President replied: "I'm satisfied with the finding that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I am also very satisfied with the work done by the Secret Service in my behalf."


Bill Clinton was never going to take a stand on something as controversial as the JFK case.


... we have only one political party, with two wings, and that

this party has been in bed with the wealthiest one percent for more than a century.


... But, I do not think that capitalism

necessarily must lead to corruption. The difficulty resides in the common man becoming

actively aware of and monitoring the "danger signs" against liberty.

IOW: Is it really true that citizens need to recognize threats to their liberty ESPECIALLY in

a capitalistic system? I think not.

However, citizens do need to recognize threats to their liberty in ANY system.


The quotes above tell a story.

Whatever Clinton's beliefs were, once he became President there would have been serious consequences to his political career (at the very least), to publicly acknowledge a conspiracy in the JFK Assassination.

Regarding Greg and Tom's quotes: The current PTB/Cartel had its genesis in Monarchies and Oligarchic states. It has since become established in Capitalist and Communist states. Currently, Muslim states are front and center. All of the political apparatus of these various states have been relegated to puppet status. While It's true that Capitalism has mutated into a predatory looting machine under the guidance of this Cartel, it has had a similar outcome on every other social/political system it touches.

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As this this thread is heading farther out in the woods. Personal opinions about the Clinton's are interesting, perhaps. But again I note that there's little in the way of suggesting ideas to my question.

Did President Clinton actively pursue his questions about the JFK-assassination?

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As this this thread is heading farther out in the woods. Personal opinions about the Clinton's are interesting, perhaps. But again I note that there's little in the way of suggesting ideas to my question.

Did President Clinton actively pursue his questions about the JFK-assassination?

We may never know. And, even if he did pursue it, he's not telling us what he found out, if anything.

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