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People Should be Posting Links into the CNN RFK story right now!

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This is an opportunity. The Story has gotten nearly 900 shares . Tons of comments on the story. This is a once every ten years opportunity to spread links , books etc. I would do it, but I have been spreading links all day, and I have a job. Can someone else who cares about history take over?

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I'm predicting that if Sirhan's legal battles are gonna start making regular news, this generation's Gerald Posner (Hampton Sides maybe?) will be along soon enough with the "definitive" book on the RFK case, "proving" Sirhan did it alone...

I’m predicting that one day America will elect a black president and that Brazil will elect a female one!


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I'm predicting that if Sirhan's legal battles are gonna start making regular news, this generation's Gerald Posner (Hampton Sides maybe?) will be along soon enough with the "definitive" book on the RFK case, "proving" Sirhan did it alone...

This really is amazing for CNN. I posted on my facebook page twice, yesterday and today. it is also my status update, posted it at DPF, and it is already here in the RFK section. I think we also need to contact the writer of this story and encourage this person to continue. I have NEVER seen an in depth story on MSM about any of the assassinations and so this person has to be VERY encouraged. Imagine if it started a trend!!! I also emailed it to many who are not on facebook.


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I'm predicting that if Sirhan's legal battles are gonna start making regular news, this generation's Gerald Posner (Hampton Sides maybe?) will be along soon enough with the "definitive" book on the RFK case, "proving" Sirhan did it alone...

I’m predicting that one day America will elect a black president and that Brazil will elect a female one!


And I am predicting that one day the moderators here will have the good sense to place you on moderation like they did with you know who last week. Typical of you to make fun of such an important story.

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Coast to Coast AM had William Pepper, Sirhan's Lawyer, on last week during the first hour to discuss the RFK and MLK killings.

Here is the link - it's the whole show - first hour Pepper, 2nd - 4th hours - Zodiac Murders from the 60s if you're interested in that case :


Edited by Rodney Rivers
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I’m predicting that one day America will elect a black president and that Brazil will elect a female one!


Impressive! Includes excerpt from a New York Times Book Review by Gerald Posner. Leave it to the NYT to choose Posner to write a review of a Kennedy assassination book. These people are beyond any decent description.

Actually, as I recall, Moldea's book did a good job of proving a conspiracy, then on the last page he strangely concludes that Sirhan did it alone. I wonder if someone had a gun to his head as he wrapped up his manuscript.

Edited by Ron Ecker
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As I recall, Moldea met Sirhan a number of times, and came to conclude Sirhan was lying to him.

While it makes sense that Moldea would come away from this thinking Sirhan was not some innocent dupe, it doesn't make much sense for Moldea to conclude from this that Sirhan had acted alone...

I mean, if Sirhan was part of a plot...wouldn't he be just as likely to lie as if he'd acted alone?

I think Moldea got too close, and let his personal feelings about Sirhan color his judgment...

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I'm predicting that if Sirhan's legal battles are gonna start making regular news, this generation's Gerald Posner (Hampton Sides maybe?) will be along soon enough with the "definitive" book on the RFK case, "proving" Sirhan did it alone...

I’m predicting that one day America will elect a black president and that Brazil will elect a female one!


And I am predicting that one day the moderators here will have the good sense to place you on moderation like they did with you know who last week. Typical of you to make fun of such an important story.

Are you really a lawyer? Don’t attorneys need passable reading comprehension skills? I was “mak[ing] fun of” Martin’s yesterday’s news ‘prediction’.

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