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I find it very hard to believe that everyone just ignores this picture

Mike Rago

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The man is wearing a hat Robin and he is not wearing a necktie so it cannot be Charles Hester and, you know what ,it looks like Zapruder.

Beatrice is hurrying to her husband Charles who is inside the shelter. She is running away from the man outside, who is Zapruder.

Here is another view.

Unless the man has a hunchback he is carrying a camera bag.

Compare the gait of the man in this picture with the gait of the man in Altgens 8




Gait is the pattern of movement of the limbs of animals, including humans, during locomotion over a solid substrate

Edited by Mike Rago
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On 8/29/2012 at 4:22 PM, Robin Unger said:

It is obvious to EVERYONE accept you, that the two men are one in the same. ( Charles Hester in a suit and tie )

Nice try Robin...

"he ain't gona learn what he don't wanna know"

Mr. ZAPRUDER - I heard the second--after the first shot--I saw him leaning over and after the second shot--it's possible after what I saw, you know, then I started yelling, "They killed him, they killed him," and I just felt that somebody had ganged up on him and I was still shooting the pictures until he got under the underpass--I don't even know how I did it. And then, I didn't even remember how I got down from that abutment there, but there I was, I guess,

Are there any images of either Zappy or Sitzman getting up on or down from this 4 foot pedastal? - so we can prove to him he was even up there to begin with? The images I have of him on the pedestal are not exactly convincing


Mr. ZAPRUDER - Well, of course, what I saw you have on film, but that was the day, November 22, it was around 11:30. In fact, I didn't have my camera but my secretary asked me why I don't have it and I told her I wouldn't have a chance even to see the President and somehow she urged me and I went home and got my camera and came back and first I thought I might take pictures from the window because my building is right next to the building where the alleged assassin was, and it's just across--501 Elm Street (Dal-Tex), but I figured--I may go down and get better pictures, and I walked down. I believe it was Elm Street and on down to the lower part, closer to the underpass and I was trying to pick a space from where to take those pictures and I tried one place and it was on a narrow ledge and I couldn't balance myself very much. I tried another place and that had some obstruction of signs or whatever it was there and finally I found a place farther down near the underpass that was a square of concrete I don't know what you call it maybe about 4 feet high.

So I am also wondering where these two other locations are - between Dal-Tex and the overpass...

- NARROW LEDGE? Couldn't balance there and I guess no room for Sitzman? so he chooses an even more precarious spot....


Seems he would be walking west along the North side of Houston... the planter box has a narrow ledge...

That first eastern most pedastal seems to be a good spot... SIGNS?

Where do you think he was referring or was he just covering tracks since he was not really there... :P




Edited by David Josephs
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I will let others decide for themselves who has obliterated the image and who has not.

You know your interpretation is wrong. I have challenged you in the past to put this question before the members of your forum and you have refused to do it. There are some members of your forum whose work I do trust, however, you are not one of them.

Start a thread on your forum Duncan and post the interpretation you have posted here.

Better yet, if there are any members of this forum who are also members of Duncan's forum start a thread in Dunan's forum on this subject.

The thread should ask the question "Analyze the Bond-4 photograph to obtain a positive ID for the man following Beatrice Hester in the pergola walkway" or something similar.

Edited by Mike Rago
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We all have decided Mike... YOU need to go...

Threads on this subject have been started and explored at both locations plus some others...

Besides, your photographic manipulation/interpretation skills are simply pathetic....

As I posted to you before... just because you can make something appear in an image, does not mean it is there... Case in point:

The kneeling man in Moorman, it is obvious from this ENHANCEMENT that there is someone kneeling in front of the wall in the bushes

NOW look at the UNENHANCED VERSION - still see him there? He's a little harder to make out, but the image is obviously still there...

Are you saying that I can make the argument that there is someone there - from this one image alone - in the face of all the eivdence that shows there was no such person there?

At some point this "innocent yet stupid" presentation of yours gets annoying...and that point has been reached.

See whatever you want to see Mike.... and please, NEVER, EVER listen to those here who run circles around your knowledge/skill base... you wouldn't want to find yourself LEARNING something...



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