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Harvey and Lee: John Armstrong

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Dan Hardway was co-author of the famous Lopez-Hardway Report, better known as the "Lopez Report," a product of the House Select Committee on Assassinations. Published with enormous redactions that were gradually removed over the years, the report was about the alleged activities of “Lee Harvey Oswald” in Mexico City in 1963, just weeks before the assassination of JFK. Mr. Hardway has a new article about this infamous affair which is linked below. A few brief highlights:

In my view, Oswald’s activities are more consistent with his being involved in an intelligence operation being run by U.S. intelligence….

As G. Robert Blakey has since acknowledged, “The CIA not only lied, it actively subverted the investigation.”

The very first conspiracy theory, that Castro and the communists killed JFK – the one expressed by President Johnson 20 minutes after the assassination, and first seeing print in the DRE’s CIA funded newspaper, Trinchera, on November 23, 1963 – still has followers and proponents, the latest being Phil Shenon. None of the proponents, it seems, have ever really considered whether they may be the victims – or a part – of a very good, deliberate disinformation operation – possibly the best Phillips and Joannides ever ran.

For those interested, David Josephs has a detailed series of articles over at CTKA.net examining the evidence for an Oswald in Mexico City. See (currently) the second listing under "New Articles."

Read Dan Hardway's article here:

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The Straus family and a link to your posting of Dr Lee's work which you happen to agree with... as well as links to Amazon

IOW... please buy the book... :up

Volume 2 will be out later this year.

With baited breath. Since, when asked how any of it relates to the JFK assassination, you're answer:

"I understand that the lifestyle those into the old punk rock scene were exposed to took a toll on some, so I'll cut you some slack."

"The possibility of Gabriel Turbay (another liberal Colombian politician) having been killed by a CIA doctor may have relevance to some of the tangential murders in the JFK story."

and when it comes right down to it you'd rather play H&L games and get people to buy the book

"The Youth House/Straus family connections do come into play at various times, including the weekend of Nov 22 - but as I have already said, I'm not prepared to go into details here."

So only if you buy the book do you get the "details"...

You and JVB have so much in common...

And where can I find all the pre-publication postings of Armstrong's material again?

Or any other author's for that matter...

Your vol 1 is out and all we get is Dr Lee, Korea, and some speculation. Maybe go to CTKA and check out all the work offered, pre-publication, that ultimately becomes a book.

At least someone cared enough to take the time to PDF H&L And to put all his research online so people like you can access it.

this thread is titled H&L: JA.

other than his research which produced so many images and docs from the archives That would not have seen the light of day and a theory that remains hotly debated Offering as much speculation as any of your work

What is your real problem with the man where you have done anything so differently that you can take such a high road?

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All of this is an EASY explanation -- rather than concocting an obviously stupid and paranoid version of a man's life.

Mark - would you take a breath already please....

There is not one or two or even 10 items of evidence and conflict in the man's life but many, many which you would be aware of if you actually studied the subject rather than ride Parker's coat tails and make obtuse comments.

If the only thing we had to consider was the language issue, you might actually have something - yet EXPERTS who have analyzed Oswald Russia speech tell us that ENGLISH was the man's 2nd language, not the other way around.

But you and the rest know better so there is becoming less and less reason to bother with your rebuttals - they wind up sinking themselves. It's the smugness of their presentation that is most amusing.

Whether something is "easier for you to comprehend" is luckily not the measure of how covert operations and longer term infultration programs worked. Just ask Larry or read Nexus.

It's as if , in your mind, the Cold War and it's participants just took all of JFK's presidency off... simply not true Mark... they had been fighting their battles real and imagined, killing people for years and trying to get info on Russia since WWII ended. That you cannot fathom the creation of spies with difficult to follow histories, doubles, triples and all other manners of "spycraft" just means to me you don't take an active interest in the time period or the context.

I also understand you and the others not wanting to take 2 years to work thru the concepts and evidence... you aint gonna learn what you dont wanna know...

So be it Mark... until you can show you have a decent grasp of the material as a whole - all you're doing is talking out the top of your head with a heavily influenced pre-concieved notion of what the material is telling you. Reminds me of a man named McAdams.

H&L could very well be the result of a focused effort to create conclusions where the evidence does not offer any... until you bother to acquaint yourself with the details - you simply have no idea other than a very general and very broad speculation based opinion. sad to say, and as we've experienced, that does not make for fertile discussion...

Hammer away at H&L and JA all you like... when one considers the value of the critque based on the extent of your knowledge... you're very easy to dismiss as someone purely guessing for the sport of it.

That critics post as if they know what they are talking about is what's most irritating.... one would think they'd take a little time to learn the subject before attacking it so poorly or offering alternate explanations without grasping the context.

Aren't there a number of subjects you actually know about and have studied that you can focus your time and effort upon and present information as the conclusion of some actual effort on your part to understand the subject - rather than just continue to whine and shirt-tail Parker about a subject you know so little about, simply because you either don't like it, don't believe it or have some beef with me personally?

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For someone who doesn't care much about the topic you sure spend a great deal of time on it - your family must getting a little too much of you since you have all that free time to spend time with them...

The cute little nicknames - for which the Parker minions are famous - have no effect here... but nice try.

You read the book yet cannot for the life of you remember any of it or know how any of it comes together... as evident from your posts, your comprehension really must be that poor.

How long have you been studying the WCR? Your understanding of that appears to be on the same level as H&L so time doesn't really help you anyway, now does it?

Where again is ANYTHING you've done on your own? Looks to me all you do is parrot Parker while bobble heading.... the family must be so proud :up

Ever actually write something or create an image which came from your own thoughts and post it to see if it too can stand the light of day or you like the rest - unwilling to put up or shut up...

Valenti - you remain a little wannabe, partner-posting at the big boys table. you obviously don't have any subjects you've actually taken the time to learn so keep piggy backing on Parker so he can keep your head above water.

You make me laugh out loud MV... PLEASE keep it up -

btw - I only remain "smug" for the likes of you wannabe posters believing you've come to our forum to set us all straight.... and try to do so without evidence, sources, images, links or preparation...

and then wonder and whine aloud why they get treated as they do... you read the book... now THAT is the best laugh of them all...

take you all day to come up with "Larvey" did it - or did Greg and the minions help you ?


See if they can help you with this... In October 1951 the boy on the right is a 6th grader who, when entering school in NYC in Sept 1952 is recorded as 5'4" and 115lbs.

the boy on the left, taken at the Bronx Zoo in August 1953, known to Robert Oswald as his brother yet to John Pic as not, is barely 4'10" (like the Youth House reports suggest) and no where near the size/weight of the boy on the right taken over 18 months before.

How then Mark - since you have all the "alternate" answers - does this boy shrink over those 18 months as he did over the 4 years from his departure from the Marines until his death?

Both of these boys have been identified as Lee Harvey Oswald. (and yes, I did call the Bronx zoo to find out how tall those guard rails were - exactly... it's called research, try it sometime)

you might alos notice the hands on the boy on the left and the hands of the man Ruby killed... as well as the shoulder slope differences which are the same throughout their lives...


Edited by David Josephs
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"Where again is ANYTHING you've done on your own? Looks to me all you do is parrot Parker while bobble heading.... the family must be so proud..."

This is a joke surely? And from a man whose sole point of existence is to hawk someone's else's work.

The jealousy is simply dripping off every post.

Is this why you feel the need to mention "Parker" in such a clearly envious manner.

Middle child were you David...?

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"Where again is ANYTHING you've done on your own? Looks to me all you do is parrot Parker while bobble heading.... the family must be so proud..."

This is a joke surely? And from a man whose sole point of existence is to hawk someone's else's work.

The jealousy is simply dripping off every post.

Is this why you feel the need to mention "Parker" in such a clearly envious manner.

Middle child were you David...?

As far as I'm concerned, I'm superfluous here. You and Mark are hardly raising a sweat in hitting bullseye after bullseye.

I'm almost starting to feel sorry for David.


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I seem to get you, bernie, parker and the other minions going pretty well...


and nice avoiding the issues, again...

lame, just pathetic and lame the whole lot of you

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You read the book yet cannot for the life of you remember any of it or know how any of it comes together... as evident from your posts, your comprehension really must be that poor.

How long have you been studying the WCR? Your understanding of that appears to be on the same level as H&L so time doesn't really help you anyway, now does it?

Larvey is chock full of details that are fascinating and helpful. Where Harmstrong fails is in his inability to grasp what they mean. He landed on a fairy tale, went public with it, in tandem with the confused Jack White, and has attempted to make JFK blood money from it ever since. Nothing against a guy trying to make a living, but it's kind of on par with Uri Geller's shenanigans.

I agree and I also agree with what Mr. Kelly said a while back in another thread:

And don't be afraid of John Armstrong, just don't get bogged down in any dogma of any sort.

As a researcher, John Armstrong has made many contributions. But it's the "dogma" part and the conspicuous zeal of his followers that make it seem like he founded a religion as well. A cult, perhaps. That can bog one down.

No "dogma" needed... just some common sense and a pair of eyes...

So you also don't have an "alternative" answer to the question of how a 5'4" 6th grader becomes a 4'10" 8th grader... or a 5'11" 20 year old becomes a 5'9" 24 year old...

How a boy attends 129 days of school between March 23 and May 30 while spending weeks at Youth House

How his brother Pic can correctly choose Harvey from his brother in every case

Why Robert lied about his NYC visits

Who Louise Robertson is and why she contacted the FBI or became involved with the Oswalds at all

Why the handwritten notes show North Dakota yet the final article changes it to NO...

Why the FBI sends agents to Stripling Jr High on the morning ot 11/23

Why the FBI needs to speak with Pfisterer's employees about a job he supposedly had 6 years before, the week after the assassination

Why Myra Rouse would make things up that amazingly corroborates the Youth House reports and the major differences between Lee and the boy playing Harvey.

How Anna Lewis could have met Lee Oswald in February 1962 when Harvey was in Russia

How trusted DPD sources puts Ruby and Lee together in all sorts of compromising situations along with Shaw and Ferrie

How Oswald is both with his family and trying to over pay for rifles from McKeown

How Oswald is proven to be both in Dallas and NOLA concurrently during the summer of 1963

How he can both be in Ping Tung and Atsugi concurrently

How an Oswald is working for Pfisterer's while an Oswald is in the Marines

How he can be with Allen Felde thru May yet be in Jacksonville at the same time

How Major Gorsky has records of Lee Oswald leaving the Marines in March 1959 with all his records sent to DC.

How Lee is in the 1000 series platoons (those attending radar school) while Harvey is platoon 2060

How Oswald can be working for both Tujagues in NOLA and ETI Realty in San Diego in the fall & winter of 1955

How he skips school to work at Dolly shoe yet shows near perfect attendance at BJHS

Which PS #117 & #44 did OSwald attend - NYC, Bronx or Queens

Why the southern boy entering 7th grade did not have a southern accent after living his entire life in either NOLA or TX

What the story surrounding 2220 Thomas might be given that Marg was there in 1947, 54-55 and on Nov 22, 1963

Who Alan Graf was and why scores of marines who were with Harvey were never interviewed or called to testify

Why the WCR considers the two separate Marine bases in Southern Califoria (El Toro & Santa Ana) as the same place

How Marina amazingly meets both Webster and Harvey along with her backstory

How in July 1963 while Harvey and family are in NOLA, Marshall Hicks delivers telegrams to "Lee Harvey Oswald" at the Rotary apartments which Ruby rented for Lee

Why William Crowe, Wally Weston, Dixie Lynn, and Kathy Kay claim that Lee worked for Ruby in Dallas all thru the summer of 1963

Who it was that Yates drives to Elm/Houston with a 4 foot "rifle shaped" package talking about Ruby and the shooting of the president on Nov 20th

Why both an SMU professor and his friend, living next to Ruby claim that Lee Oswald came to their door in the evening of 11/21 looking for Ruby.. the professor's friend wrote a letter to Ramsey Clark about it

Why Mary Lawrence claims that Oswald came to her restaurant at 2:15am 11/22 and Ruby joined him shortly afterward - Harvey is in Irving at the time asleep

How Helen Forrest and James Pennington see a white shirted man leaving the TSBD and enter a Rambler and both ID the man as Oswald

Why Belin changed Craig's testimony of the same activity to confuse the issue further


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You read the book yet cannot for the life of you remember any of it or know how any of it comes together... as evident from your posts, your comprehension really must be that poor.

How long have you been studying the WCR? Your understanding of that appears to be on the same level as H&L so time doesn't really help you anyway, now does it?

Larvey is chock full of details that are fascinating and helpful. Where Harmstrong fails is in his inability to grasp what they mean. He landed on a fairy tale, went public with it, in tandem with the confused Jack White, and has attempted to make JFK blood money from it ever since. Nothing against a guy trying to make a living, but it's kind of on par with Uri Geller's shenanigans.

I agree and I also agree with what Mr. Kelly said a while back in another thread:

And don't be afraid of John Armstrong, just don't get bogged down in any dogma of any sort.

As a researcher, John Armstrong has made many contributions. But it's the "dogma" part and the conspicuous zeal of his followers that make it seem like he founded a religion as well. A cult, perhaps. That can bog one down.

No "dogma" needed... just some common sense and a pair of eyes...

So you also don't have an "alternative" answer to the question of how a 5'4" 6th grader becomes a 4'10" 8th grader... or a 5'11" 20 year old becomes a 5'9" 24 year old...

How a boy attends 129 days of school between March 23 and May 30 while spending weeks at Youth House

How his brother Pic can correctly choose Harvey from his brother in every case

Why Robert lied about his NYC visits

Who Louise Robertson is and why she contacted the FBI or became involved with the Oswalds at all

Why the handwritten notes show North Dakota yet the final article changes it to NO...

Why the FBI sends agents to Stripling Jr High on the morning ot 11/23

Why the FBI needs to speak with Pfisterer's employees about a job he supposedly had 6 years before, the week after the assassination

Why Myra Rouse would make things up that amazingly corroborates the Youth House reports and the major differences between Lee and the boy playing Harvey.

How Anna Lewis could have met Lee Oswald in February 1962 when Harvey was in Russia

How trusted DPD sources puts Ruby and Lee together in all sorts of compromising situations along with Shaw and Ferrie

How Oswald is both with his family and trying to over pay for rifles from McKeown

How Oswald is proven to be both in Dallas and NOLA concurrently during the summer of 1963

How he can both be in Ping Tung and Atsugi concurrently

How an Oswald is working for Pfisterer's while an Oswald is in the Marines

How he can be with Allen Felde thru May yet be in Jacksonville at the same time

How Major Gorsky has records of Lee Oswald leaving the Marines in March 1959 with all his records sent to DC.

How Lee is in the 1000 series platoons (those attending radar school) while Harvey is platoon 2060

How Oswald can be working for both Tujagues in NOLA and ETI Realty in San Diego in the fall & winter of 1955

How he skips school to work at Dolly shoe yet shows near perfect attendance at BJHS

Which PS #117 & #44 did OSwald attend - NYC, Bronx or Queens

Why the southern boy entering 7th grade did not have a southern accent after living his entire life in either NOLA or TX

What the story surrounding 2220 Thomas might be given that Marg was there in 1947, 54-55 and on Nov 22, 1963

Who Alan Graf was and why scores of marines who were with Harvey were never interviewed or called to testify

Why the WCR considers the two separate Marine bases in Southern Califoria (El Toro & Santa Ana) as the same place

How Marina amazingly meets both Webster and Harvey along with her backstory

How in July 1963 while Harvey and family are in NOLA, Marshall Hicks delivers telegrams to "Lee Harvey Oswald" at the Rotary apartments which Ruby rented for Lee

Why William Crowe, Wally Weston, Dixie Lynn, and Kathy Kay claim that Lee worked for Ruby in Dallas all thru the summer of 1963

Who it was that Yates drives to Elm/Houston with a 4 foot "rifle shaped" package talking about Ruby and the shooting of the president on Nov 20th

Why both an SMU professor and his friend, living next to Ruby claim that Lee Oswald came to their door in the evening of 11/21 looking for Ruby.. the professor's friend wrote a letter to Ramsey Clark about it

Why Mary Lawrence claims that Oswald came to her restaurant at 2:15am 11/22 and Ruby joined him shortly afterward - Harvey is in Irving at the time asleep

How Helen Forrest and James Pennington see a white shirted man leaving the TSBD and enter a Rambler and both ID the man as Oswald

Why Belin changed Craig's testimony of the same activity to confuse the issue further


How can one person have his tonsils surgically removed yet still be there years later?

I'll cross it out for you David seeing as you now don't need that sentence anymore. Any reason you missed it out of the above list?

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How Marina amazingly meets both Webster and Harvey along with her backstory

Nothing amazing about this whatsoever, and in no way does this story imply two Oswalds. Marina was 'defector bait'. No doubt she was trained and instructed to 'make their acquaintance': such subterfuge does happen David, honestly. And it makes sense that the KGB would want to keep a very close eye on any 'defectors'. This is the only explanation as to why Marina could possibly have known two American defectors who coincidentally arrived within days of each other. The odds are just too high on it being a coincidence.

So how does this PROVE there was a Harvey and there was a Lee?

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How can one person have his tonsils surgically removed yet still be there years later?

I'll cross it out for you David seeing as you now don't need that sentence anymore. Any reason you missed it out of the above list? // LAVERICK


I'll cross it out for you BERNIE seeing as you now don't need a sentence about a very very low probability. Any reason you missed it ? // gaal

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How can one person have his tonsils surgically removed yet still be there years later?

I'll cross it out for you David seeing as you now don't need that sentence anymore. Any reason you missed it out of the above list?

Wow Bernie... thanks so much. I guess you completely missed the entire post on the real probability of regrowth and the fact that the average age of regrowth occurs within 30 months of the operation - on 5 year olds.

Also that Harvey in Russia had a complete set of normal tonsils... you just can't get anything right... but nice try.

As for Harvey the defector in the same program as Webster, meeting the same woman and having a baby with her while LEE is in New Orleans with Anna, Martin, David and Guy... you'll just have to work that thru yourself...

How about trying to address the first and second points - too much for you?

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How can one person have his tonsils surgically removed yet still be there years later?

I'll cross it out for you David seeing as you now don't need that sentence anymore. Any reason you missed it out of the above list? // LAVERICK


I'll cross it out for you BERNIE seeing as you now don't need a sentence about a very very low probability. Any reason you missed it ? // gaal

Firstly, if you'd have bothered to read the links to the copious amounts of people complaining of tonsil regrowth right now you wouldn't say such moronic things. The probability is not very low. That is a lie. Admit it!

Secondly, even if it is as you say...then, erm, why has it been removed from the Harley Lee website? And why didn't David mention it on his exhaustive list? What, because there is a "low probability" the information may be wrong?

Could it be that?

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Bernie - you're once again wrong as usual - besides don't you think it's a bit infantile to keep butchering the name and disrespecting the work of another.. Harley Lee? what are you 5 years old?

You must have missed this post...

"Given the amount of time it takes for tissue to regenerate and a naturally limited growth period, it is unlikely that, should your tonsils grow back, they will ever grow back to their original size"


Were you aware of this study with REAL stats... seems regrow occurs in the first 2.5 years after removal... did Oswald's history show signs of regrowth and Tonsilitis between age 7 and 16?



We investigated the long-term effects of partial tonsillectomy, and potential risk factors for tonsillar regrowth in children with obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS).


Children affected by OSAHS with obstructive hypertrophic tonsils underwent partial tonsillectomy or total tonsillectomy with radiofrequency coblation. Polysomnography was performed prior to and 5 years following surgery. Blood samples from all participants were taken prior to and 1 month following surgery to assess immune function. All participants were interviewed 5 years following surgery to ascertain effects of the surgery, rate of tonsillar regrowth, and potential risk factors.


All parents reported alleviation of breathing obstruction. Postoperative hemorrhage did not occur in the partial tonsillectomy group compared to 3.76% in the total tonsillectomy group. Tonsillar regrowth occurred in 6.1% (5/82) in children following partial tonsillectomy. Palatine tonsil regrowth occurred a mean of 30.2 months following surgery, and 80% of children with tonsillar regrowth were younger than 5 years of age. All five patients had a recurrence of acute tonsillitis prior to enlargement of the tonsils. Four of the five had an upper respiratory tract allergy prior to regrowth of palatine tonsils. There were no differences in IgG, IgM, IgA, C3, or C4 levels following partial tonsillectomy or total tonsillectomy.


Partial tonsillectomy is sufficient to relieve obstruction while maintaining immunological function. This procedure has several post-operative advantages. Palatine tonsils infrequently regrow. Risk factors include young age, upper respiratory tract infections, history of allergy, and history of acute tonsillitis prior to regrowth.

Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

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Which from the following list didn't know about the H&L subterfuge according to JA's book?


  • James Angleton*
  • Bernard Barker
  • George H.W. Bush
  • Charles Cabell
  • Ann Goodpasture
  • Richard Helms*
  • E. Howard Hunt*
  • David Phillips*
  • Sergio Arcacha Smith* (assassin)
  • Frank Sturgis
Dallas PoliceJesse CurryGus RoseFBIC.D. DeLoachJ. Edgar HooverJames HostyGordon ShanklinLBJCliff CarterMalcolm WallaceMediaHugh Aynesworth (CIA asset)Priscilla Johnson McMillan (CIA asset)Oswald Family & FriendsLillian MurretMarguerite Oswald “Historic”Marguerite Oswald “Imposter”Marina Oswald (KGB)Robert OswaldMichael Paine (CIA asset)Ruth Paine (CIA asset)American Embassy MoscowRichard Snyder (CIA asset)John McVickar (CIA asset)
  • Allen Dulles*
  • Gerald Ford
  • Earl Warren

Have I missed anyone out?

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