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Newseum displays "Oswald's shirt": Proof that he was Doorman!

Guest James H. Fetzer

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Lovelady showing left arm bent and shoulder high

Lovelady showing right arm straight shoulder low

result Loveladys right arm appears longer,

If he dropped his left shoulder, so that both shoulders were even, and straightened his left arm, then naturally both arms would then appear the same length.

Yes, Robin. Anybody can figure out this simple fact of moving body parts in about two seconds. I certainly figured it out in two seconds or less. But apparently Dr. Fetzer can't.

The "manikin [sic] arm" crackpottery provided today's daily laugh here at the Oswald Shot Nobody Society of America.

So I see that Fetzer now believes that pictures that weren't even taken on November 22nd have been faked and altered.

Will he next purport that Billy Lovelady's baby pictures are forgeries too? (I hope so. Because tomorrow's daily laugh awaits.)

Edited by David Von Pein
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Lovelady showing left arm bent and shoulder high

Lovelady showing right arm straight shoulder low

result Loveladys right arm appears longer,

If he dropped his left shoulder, so that both shoulders were even, and straightened his left arm.

then naturally both arms would then appear the same length.

Yes, Robin. Anybody can figure out this simple fact of moving body parts in about two seconds. I certainly figured it out in two seconds or less. But apparently Dr. Fetzer can't.

The "manakin [sic] arm" crackpottery provided today's daily laugh here at the Anybody-But-Oswald Society of America.

So I see that Fetzer now believes that even pictures that weren't even taken on November 22nd have been faked and altered.

Will he next purport that Billy Lovelady's baby pictures are forgeries too? (I hope so. Because tomorrow's daily laugh awaits.)


On this we agree.

Sincerely and respectfully,

--Tommy :sun

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Work in progress !


I have done some preliminary checking on where the TSBD ladies were reportedly standing on 22/11/63

These testimonies need to be re-checked for accuracy

Ladies reportedly standing ON THE TSBD STEPS

Sarah Stanton, Judith McCully, Avery Davis, Ruth Dean, Madie Reese, Jeraldean Reid, Pauline Sanders.

Ladies reported to be standing OUT FRONT OF THE TSBD

Virgie Baker, Carolyn Arnold, Betty Dragoo, Peggy Hawkins, Bonnie Richey, Betty Thornton, Mary Williams

This at least gives us a place to start !

I am of the opinion that one of these ladies could possibly be the so called " black hole " figure

as it looks to me that the interlocked hands appear to be feminine hands ( I may be wrong, but that's the way it looks to me )

Edited by Robin Unger
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Work in progress !


I have done some preliminary checking on where the TSBD ladies were reportedly standing on 22/11/63

These testimonies need to be re-checked for accuracy

Ladies reportedly standing ON THE TSBD STEPS

Sarah Stanton, Judith McCully, Avery Davis, Ruth Dean, Madie Reese, Jeraldean Reid, Pauline Sanders.

Ladies reported to be standing OUT FRONT OF THE TSBD

Virgie Baker, Carolyn Arnold, Betty Dragoo, Peggy Hawkins, Bonnie Richey, Betty Thornton, Mary Williams

This at least gives us a place to start !

I am of the opinion that one of these ladies could possibly be the so called " black hole " figure

as it looks to me that the interlocked hands appear to be feminine hands ( I may be wrong, but that's the way it looks to me )

Thanks for the feedback, Robin.

FWIW, do you know if Bill Shelley has ever been spotted on the steps in Altgens 6 or Wiegman, etc?

--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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Thomas Graves is at least as bad as Lee Farley at serious research. He belittles the point I have made about using yet a "third Lovelady", but that is meant to distract any serious student from the evidence. We know that there were at least TWO "Lovelady"s, since the Billy who posed for the FBI and the Checkered Shirt Man look nothing alike. Look at the "Lovelady" in the upper-right hand image from footage that purportedly was taken at the Dallas Police Department:


It's an interesting case, because he looks like a composite of the real Billy and Checkered Shirt Man. When you realize that this issue of the splayed shirt has been on their minds for a long time and they have been doing what they can to create fabricated images to make the real Billy look more like Doorman (as we see above, where they even faked his left-arm and altered the sleeve), it should come as no surprise. But Lamson, Unger and Graves would never admit it.


"They had to bring in a THIRD LOVELADY for the sake of faking an open shirt in new footage from the DPD"

:o:clapping:trampo:up:lol::D thanks I really needed that.


This really is funny!

Dr. Fetzer accused me of "grasping at straws" when I showed that Lovelady was wearing his unbuttoned shirt in front of the TSBD. But It's a case of the pot calling the kettle black. "Three Loveladys." LOL!!! Hilarious!!!

--Tommy :ice

Dear Dr. Fetzer,

Different camera angles and/or different camera lenses make anyone look different.

If you look closely at the enlarged clip from the Martin film which you so kindly posted, you will see that Lovelady was smoking a cigarette in front of the TSBD and had just taken a "puff" right before the still "capture" of him was taken (which you posted in an attempt to portray him as "Mr. Hyde"). In your still "capture," Lovelady was exhaling smoke through his mouth or actually coughing!


--Tommy :sun

expanded and bumped

Edited by Thomas Graves
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Thanks for the feedback, Robin.

FWIW, do you know if Bill Shelley has ever been spotted on the steps in Altgens 6 or Wiegman, etc?

I am not sure if Shelley can be seen in the images, without a photo of him i don't really know what to look for

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Thanks loads for staying on point, continuing to research, and acting like an adult even when you are repeatedly attacked.

Your focus is always on the evidence and never on those with whom you disagree. KUTGW

I 'll second that.

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Thanks Greg

You may not remember but i used to post on Rich's Forum when he was still alive.

Rich was always respectfull to, me even though he knew i wasn't an alterationist

Yes, I remember that, Robin. It was never about "agreeing" for its own sake for Rich. He just wanted to get closer to the truth.

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Guest James H. Fetzer

Caught with your pants down--and you give this completely ridiculous "explanation",

which does not account for the shoulder added, the splices or the phony left arm--

and you are ENDORSED BY Thomas Graves, David Von Pein, Gregory Burnham,

Craig Lamson and Karl Kanaski! Some names do not surprise me, but one does. I

guess I should not be surprised that so many are so gullible for palpable nonsense.


K.D. Ruckman was the student who observed the anomalies in these Lovelady photographs. He has noted where splices have occurred, two on the right sleeve, one on the left. From this photograph alone, it is obvious that fakery has been taking place, but Unger, Lamson and Graves will never admit it. The face on the figure on the right does not look right, either: more fakery here.


Lovelady showing left arm bent and shoulder high

Lovelady showing right arm straight shoulder low

result Loveladys right arm appears longer,

If he dropped his left shoulder, so that both shoulders were even, and straightened his left arm.

then naturally both arms would then appear the same length.

Edited by James H. Fetzer
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Over the last few days i have had a number of people say to me.

Why do you bother with this guy.

You are just wasting your time.

But i don't consider that to be true ( long after i have left this forum, these threads will still be here for all to see )

and visitors to this forum will be able to see you, for what you really are

A charlatan and a snake oil salesman.


Edited by Robin Unger
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