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Bill Decker and John Tower

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bump. I became aware of the John Tower business that is discussed in this thread from a poster on jfkconspiracyforum. The theory espoused involves a "false flag" assassination attempt co-opted by a real attempt, which is what I am inclined to believe best explains all of the available evidence.

Wade Frazier's story is very compelling, worth a read for those not familiar with it.

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23 hours ago, Charles Blackmon said:

bump. I became aware of the John Tower business that is discussed in this thread from a poster on jfkconspiracyforum. The theory espoused involves a "false flag" assassination attempt co-opted by a real attempt, which is what I am inclined to believe best explains all of the available evidence.

Wade Frazier's story is very compelling, worth a read for those not familiar with it.

This sure is an interesting thread. 

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You can read Gary Wean's tale at the link, with negative commentary that you can take or leave. 

I sure wish we know how soon Wean started writing his book. If he had some of these observations  down in paper in the mid-1960s...very interesting. 

If later, then he might just be regurgitating ideas in the public record. 

I have always been skeptical of Richard Case Nagell, for much the same reason. The provenance of Nagell's materials is very sketchy. Did he have an Hidell ID card or was it only in his lawyer's possession, provenance unknown? Nagell may have been a JFKA buff. It does happen. 

It was fun to see the name Mickey Cohen again in print. 

Supposedly "John" handed an envelope packed with documents that told the real JFKA story and "proof" to (actor) Audie Murphy. Well, maybe, but since the true JFK assassins likely did not document anything...what paper docs could exist in late 1963 to "prove" a conspiracy? 

And what happened to the envelope? 

All that said, Wean's story is very sensible version of what could have happened on 11/22. 



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We’ve been down this road. Btw the book is now relatively affordable and available. 
The idea of a false flag attack being hijacked by real assassins is interesting of course. But the problem with this book is the use of the word Mishpucka. 

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4 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

We’ve been down this road. Btw the book is now relatively affordable and available. 
The idea of a false flag attack being hijacked by real assassins is interesting of course. But the problem with this book is the use of the word Mishpucka. 



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Hi Guys:

Thanks for the invitation, but when I get a tr0ll attack and the admin piles on to erase my thread, I am finished.  My JFK writings are a small part of what I do.  I recently wrote a bit more on JFK – not on his murder so much, but why he was murdered, and his brother, too.  

I really have written all that I can about what Gary heard from John Tower.  You can take it to the bank that Gary reproduced that conversation to the best of his recollection.  I am not really interested in his attempts to solve the crime, or anybody’s effort, really.  My point is about how the Warren Commission was a sham from the outset, and how our government is not legitimate.  Sitting American presidents are way down the food chain of power on Earth, especially since JFK’s murder.  

Gary had one other interesting connection to the JFK hit, which was about his encounters with Jack Ruby in the 1940s.  Ruby was a high-ranking mobster, not the two-bit nightclub owner that he has been popularly depicted as.  The Mob was definitely involved in the JFK hit, and Ruby was Jewish (his job was silencing Oswald), but Jews were not part of the Tower conversation at all.  Jewish mobsters do run a lot of California, and Rodney Stich’s account of how Jewish judges in California kangarooed him into prison was rich reading.  The same people ruined my life, which was how I met Gary.  

Rahn completely missed the point of Gary’s testimony, which is normal.  

I posted something just this morning, on the people whom I seek for my task.  As much as I respect the work of many JFK hit researchers, that is not the thrust of my work.  Somewhat ironically, today I find myself in RFK, Jr.’s circles, and not because of my JFK hit writings.  We’ll see if I have any discussions with him, but he is busy these days:)  



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1 hour ago, Wade Frazier said:

I won't regularly post here again, but made a post just now on why JFK was murdered, and how close some assassination researchers come to the truth:




Good post. I mostly agree with you btw in regards to good health. I’m not quite that extreme in my personal life. I’ve had vaccines, use antibiotics, take prescriptions. But I try to keep all that at a minimum and concentrate on good food, quality of life. I think I’m similar to RFK jr, who I am fully behind btw. The way I looked at the Covid crisis and the debate around it is I cannot fully take the purveyors of vaccines and the media complex support of it as seriously as they all would like precisely because of their relative silence on good health outcomes in general. Corporate food and pro corporate government, especially in the unfair distribution of financial wealth, is responsible for the declining life expectancy in the US, which predates Covid by nearly a decade. So called Red states have poorer health outcomes, not because of vaccine skepticism but because of the lack of access to quality of life. Poorer people are suffering. And since the pundits rarely put this in perspective when they cover vaccines they lose credibility. 

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This month is the 60th anniversary of JFK’s murder.  It is time for a little retrospective on it, especially while JFK’s nephew is running for president and is being denied Secret Service protection, even after security events.  My main contribution to the JFK hit issue is lending credibility to Gary’s meeting with John Tower.  Gary wrote about that meeting to the best of his recollection, a decade after the events.  I spent a dozen years before I went public on it, comparing Gary’s testimony to my studies, and I never saw a credible piece of evidence contradict Gary’s story.  To the contrary, as new evidence kept surfacing after Gary published his book in 1987, such as Operation Northwoods, the evidence only bolstered Gary’s story.

Last night, I found myself reading this book on Mickey Cohen.  No book on the subject is complete without some of Gary’s testimony, and some of Gary’s work is covered in that book.  There is a lot to discuss.  First, I was asked not long ago on the Israel connection to the JFK hit.  There were several, including Jewish mobster Jack Ruby’s involvement.  The Jewish mob was definitely involved, from Ruby’s involvement alone, and Ruby apparently got his marching orders to kill Oswald from a Cohen associate.  Oswald had to be silenced before he sang like a canary.  The key work on Israeli involvement with the JFK hit is Michael Collins Piper’s book, excerpted here.  There is a lot of work on the Internet on Israel’s and the Jewish mob’s relationship to the JFK hit.  Gary’s work (and mine) are usually prominent in them (1, 2, 3).  I was right in the middle of the unfortunate dispute between Gary and Piper.  

While Israel was definitely a beneficiary of the JFK hit, I have my doubts that it was the mastermind, even if it was involved.  Plenty of interests wanted JFK dead, and if I had to put my money on anybody, it would be the Rockefellers.  David Rockefeller handpicked every president since JFK.  The American presidency was permanently demoted since JFK’s murder; all subsequent presidents were puppets and knew it.  But I think that JFK researchers get into trouble when they try to solve the crime.  Nobody will ever definitively solve the JFK hit.  My goal has always been far more modest, but arguably more important: establishing that the Warren Commission was a sham, which actively covered up the CIA’s involvement, and the media has been an accomplice to this day.  We’ll see if that recent revelation of another bullet in the JFK-hit limo puts a dent in the media’s fawning defense of the Warren Commission’s findings.    

I have many other connections to the JFK milieu, and I thought about them while reading that Cohen book.  I have Vegas, Rat Pack, mobster, Hollywood, and CIA connections to the situations described in that Cohen book.  Women were passed around between JFK, Sinatra and friends, and mobsters, including Marilyn Monroe and Judith Exner.  Nothing about those revelations was surprising, and I could add a bunch to those sordid stories.  Far more than meets the eye was happening, but that all sits far below the GC level, IMO.

When I heard that E. Howard Hunt told the original Watergate attorney that JFK was killed over the ET issue, that made perfect sense to me and also tended to eliminate the GCs as suspects, as they knew that the Soviet Union knew plenty about ETs.  The JFK hit has always smacked of a domestic conspiracy to me.  I see the ET situation, likely related to JFK’s attempts to end the Cold War, as the final straw, and far from the only reason.  

Back to helping Day One arrive.  



Edited by Wade Frazier
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