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Bill Decker and John Tower

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Hi Chris and Brad:

Sorry that I have not replied sooner, but other events waylaid me.

Sorry, Chris, but I do not know much about the McKeown conversation.

Ah, the moon landings are just one of the tamer subjects that I deal with. :) I am saddened when I think that I never got Brian over the hump on it, but the fervor around his moon landings statements has thankfully died down and may never grow large again.

On that dinner conversation, absolutely, people can hear and see things that they really should not. Most of the Disclosure Project witnesses were like that (such as Gordon Cooper). Such stories can be very interesting. What makes Gary’s testimony very poignant is that he went to his grave fighting the “Establishment,” trying to expose them with lawsuits and the like. He was very active. I have no doubt that Gary was telling the John Tower conversation as accurately as he could.

As I stated, I lately have been reading more than my usual share of conspiratorial literature, and I was rereading parts of Gary’s book recently, and I saw a Ruby connection that I had not previously thought much about. In 1947, Gary tailed Mick Cohen as part of his job, he saw him with Jack Ruby and Gary had a conversation with Ruby, who told Gary that with World War II over, the Mob’s “action” was going to be in Havana and New Orleans. Ruby was no two-bit hood.

In the early 1960s, Gary surveilled a meeting that Cohen had with Menachem Begin, and a member of Gary’s team spoke Yiddish and was able to overhear their conversation about JFK “wasting” money on the Peace Corps. Cohen was an arms dealer to the early Israeli state. Cohen and Begin left the Jewish diner and met with Cap Weinberger at Melvin Belli’s house. JFK was dead about a year later, and Belli was Ruby’s lawyer after he shot Oswald. Those are some very interesting connections. Doug’s “Judge P” was deeply involved in those events, and still sits on a federal bench today, in his 90s, in the most corrupt federal court in the USA.

Hi Brad:

I do not know too much about Bonnie and Clyde, other than it being a big part of Americana, of criminals on the run, such as Dillinger. On the Decker connection, I don’t know much, but I’ll agree that it sure was a small world in that milieu, with Hoover’s involvements, etc. I definitely agree that there were all sorts of odd events and connections, both with the Dallas PD and Sheriff’s department (Roscoe White, Tippit, the backyard photos, etc.). How much Decker was involved we will never really know. I’ll say this, however…

The sense that I got with the Tower conversation was that Decker was telling the truth to his pal Audie Murphy, and Tower really wanted to talk to somebody not associated with the feds. If Tower and Decker were part of some false lead operation, or some other motivation was behind that meeting, I am not sure what it could have been, but for me, what comes through very clearly was that Oswald was certainly not some lone nut assassin, but was deeply embroiled in the spook world, and was an expendable asset. For me, that is established beyond any reasonable doubt, and not just because I knew Gary and knew that he would not make up the Tower conversation. Virtually every credible assessment of the JFK hit has concluded that Oswald had deep intelligence connections. They scream out at you, from his days in Ferrie’s little crew onward.

For me, that the Warren Commission concluded that Oswald was some lone nut assassin is the most egregious violation of the evidence and logic, but Allen Dulles was the mastermind of that bilge, and I think that all Americans are justified in casting a jaundiced eye toward any official “investigation” of crimes and assassinations, from the JFK hit through the many others in the 1960s and through the Reagan shooting, and on to Waco, the OK City bombing, and 9/11.

Time to go hiking.



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  • 4 weeks later...

...I never saw any credible piece of evidence contradict any part of what Gary recorded of that meeting. I have seen arguments that Tower and Decker were somehow setting up Gary and Audie Murphy with some disinformation, but it really strains credulity to think so. Murphy and Decker were close friends. I think that Decker had a terrified and anguished John Tower on his hands, and wanted to get something on the record, as some kind of “ace in the hole,” to perhaps protect Tower, but Tower gets conscience points, IMO, for doing what he did. The “facts” that come out of Gary’s account of that meeting are many and important, such as:

  • Oswald was a military intelligence asset;
  • After returning from the Soviet Union, Oswald became part of a covert action talent pool that E. Howard Hunt tapped for what seems for all the world like the CIA’s version of Operation Northwoods, and the CIA, FBI, military, and even members of JFK’s cabinet were in on it;
  • Somebody turned the fake assassination plot into a real one, and the people involved with the fake plan were caught flat-footed (more patsies), and their confusion and fear provided Tower the opportunity to get his story into Murphy’s and Gary’s hands;
  • After their initial shock passed, all the players in the fake assassination plot decided on a cover-up at all costs, in a CYA move.
Because of my certainty that Gary was reporting that meeting as accurately as he could, I have not believed any of the “lone nut” stuff since the 1980s. Many aspects of Gary’s account have been vindicated many years later, such as the Northwoods documents and Gary’s statement that JFK was killed because he tried to end the Cold War.

The Northwoods revelations also shed new light on the Edwin Walker “assassination attempt,” which Gary also wrote about, and accurately, it seems. I have much, much more to write on this subject.




The recent, 900-page book by Dr. Jeffrey Caufield, General Walker and the Murder of President Kennedy: the Extensive New Evidence of a Radical Right Conspiracy (2015) tends in its conclusions towards Gareth (Gary) Wean's account of his meeting with Audie Murphy, Sheriff Bill Decker and Senator John Tower in late 1963.

I find lots of truth in Gary Wean's story -- and I believe he honestly reported it. The problem, IMHO, is that the source of the story held back some vital facts. Here's my reading of the facts:

  • Oswald was an asset of the Radical Right in New Orleans and Dallas (which had lots of ex-servicemen);
  • After returning from the USSR, Oswald became mixed up with George DeMohrenschildt and Volkmar Schmidt, and really tried to kill General Walker. We get clues of this in DeMohrenschildt's 1977 manuscript, I'm a Patsy! and from Volkmar Schmidt's FRONTLINE interviews.
  • General Walker found out about Oswald on the following weekend. We get clues of this in Walker's personal papers.
  • Oswald then fled to New Orleans -- into the trap set by General Walker, Guy Banister and David Ferrie.
  • At New Orleans, Oswald became involved in plots to assassinate Fidel Castro. Oswald attempted to infiltrate the Communist Party through the FPCC, and worked all of August to get on radio and TV with that Fake FPCC at 544 Camp Street.
  • Some in the CIA really hoped that Oswald would win, and get into Cuba through Mexico City, and kill Fidel Castro. We read about this in David Atlee Phillips' 1988 manuscript, The AMLASH Legacy.
  • However, General Walker had other plans for Oswald. Oswald would fail in Mexico City and return to Dallas.
  • General Walker had a lot of supporters -- a few knew the inside plan -- most only knew his surface story. His surface story, says Jeff Caufield, was to fake an assassination attempt on JFK in Dallas, and blame the Communists, so that the USA would finally invade Cuba and kill Fidel Castro.
  • Then, the real plot came forward.
  • According to Senator Tower, the CIA took over General Walker's "innocent" plot.
  • According to Jeff Caufield, General Walker had a surface plot and a real plot. The real plot came forth.
  • Joseph Milteer was in on the real plot. Willie Somerset correctly reported this to the FBI in 1963.
  • General Walker's primary motive in killing JFK was to take back Cuba. Walker's secondary motive was to get revenge on JFK for sending him to an insane asylum on October 1, 1962.


--Paul Trejo

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Mr. Trejo:

So you now know for a FACT that General Walker had plans for Oswald?

Or is this simply part of your THEORY?

Simply stating something is fact does NOT make it become fact. Unless you have PROOF, then let's back up on the claim that it's a FACT.

At this point, you have a THEORY. Unless you're holding back some "smoking-gun" info that would MAKE that statement a fact.

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Mr. Trejo:

So you now know for a FACT that General Walker had plans for Oswald?

Or is this simply part of your THEORY?

Simply stating something is fact does NOT make it become fact. Unless you have PROOF, then let's back up on the claim that it's a FACT.

At this point, you have a THEORY. Unless you're holding back some "smoking-gun" info that would MAKE that statement a fact.


I said explicitly -- "Here's my reading of the facts."

I have never, ever said I had proof. Yet the evidence is building up. The Jack T. Martin film is going to tip the scales, IMHO.


--Paul Trejo

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Doesn't his Tower story tie in with Harry Dean's account of the JBS southern California/General Walker's connection to the assassination?

Yes, Paul B., this story by Senator Tower links directly with Harry Dean's account. Both accounts name General Walker at the center of the JFK assassination conspiracy. Only the minor details differ.


--Paul Trejo

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Paul and Mark:

Thanks for your posts.  Very provocative information, Paul, and thanks for posting it.  I have been doing all-nighters lately, so have been dilatory in replying to posts.  As far as what all the machinations around the Oswald/JFK scenario may have been, there is a pile of evidence and speculation, and I admit that I have not tried to get to the bottom of it, and I have my doubts that it can be.  However, kudos for all of your study.  Many members of this forum are vastly better read than I am on the JFK hit evidence.  My years of study barely scratched the surface, and were always oriented around how Gary’s testimony fit the facts, and all these years later, it is still the Rosetta Stone of my views on the JFK hit.

Gary thought that “magic bullet” Arlen Specter was the point man for interposing Hunt’s plan (which may have well begun as a military plan), and my answer is a great big, “I don’t know.”  There are zillions of pieces of the puzzle, and a zillion ways to put them together.  I am very confident of what I published before, and I want to emphasize that I am 100% convinced that Oswald was anything but a lone nut, his background screams intelligence asset, and he was an expendable pawn, like my close relative was, like Ken Hodgell was.

For me, the primary lesson of the JFK hit is that powerful domestic interests were behind his murder, reaching up to the upper echelons of our society, and I have little doubt that Rockefeller interests were involved, maybe even with David giving the order, and its leading asset for the cover-up was Allen Dulles, who had served Rockefeller interests for his entire life.  Dulles should have been a prime suspect, not running the “investigation.”  The JFK hit and cover-up was so successful, with “magic bullet” Gerald Ford and his Nelson Rockefeller sidekick occupying the Oval Office after Nixon was taken out by his own people, that political assassination, with a “lone nut” scapegoat “assassin” served up each time, became the MIC’s policy for a generation, and anybody thinking that such interests “graduated” to much bigger things are easily forgiven for such “paranoia.”  The fact is that every “investigation” into assassinations and “terror” events have been farces, far more cover-ups than trying to get to the truth, which has made fertile soil for all manner of “conspiracy theory” to flourish, and it really began with JFK’s murder and cover-up.  All presidents since then have been puppets and they know it.  If Trump has not figured that out yet, he soon will.

I recently had an MIC member in my home predict that the MIC would try to take Trump out, JFK-style, if he was elected.  Nothing would surprise me there, and it makes the JFK hit still relevant to American politics, more than 50 years later.  



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  • 3 weeks later...


Some sites that I have regularly read are responding to being named on Washington Post’s black list (1, 2, 3), and that first one quotes one of Uncle Noam’s best passages.  This is definitely a frontal assault by the Establishment on anything that it deems a threat, as it wipes the egg from its face on the Trump issue.  I kind of publicly predicted 9/11, as an instance of imperial blowback, and Ralph McGehee said that my letter to the editor would have never seen the light of day in Washington Post.  Freedom of speech is really a joke in the USA, existing far more in theory than practice, as Ralph discovered.

Fidel Castro just died.  While the Cubans in Miami are showing their class by dancing in the streets, I have actually been pleasantly surprised that the USA’s media is not just one big echo chamber of condemnation, such as this report from ABC.  Of course, most coverage by the USA’s media emphasizes Castro’s dictatorial methods, but I have yet to read one American media account that shows why Castro’s revolution was enacted like it was: the USA’s overthrow of the Guatemalan government.  The British press (1, 2) gives far more balanced treatment than the USA’s has so far, as frat boy Marco Rubio called Castro “evil.”

I cannot let this moment pass without weighing in a little.  Spain, and to a lesser extent, Portugal, had the Western Hemisphere to itself for a century, and was responsible for the greatest demographic catastrophe in the human journey.  Just like all of the Caribbean’s islands, Cuba was nearly completely depopulated by the Spanish invasion (the Bahamas were completely depopulated), but within a century, several imperial players were fighting over the Caribbean islands, which is reflected in their heritage today.

While the Spanish colonies became the backwater of a has-been empire, the English colonies in North America were highly successful, as they began industrializing like England did, and did it on Earth’s richest continent, with its intact forests and soils, and the invaders would soon begin plundering its mineral wealth, beginning with coal, after the forests were gone, and later with oil.  When the French helped out those colonies, as an act of vengeance against Great Britain (without French assistance, the American Revolution would have failed), a new kind of empire began to take shape, and its first great task was to steal a continent, wresting it from its inhabitants.  The way that the English and Americans did it in North America became a model for Hitler’s plans.  

The Monroe Doctrine was really about staking out Latin America as the USA’s imperial domain, with no European powers allowed, and the USA quickly stole more than half of Mexico during its imperial ascent.  By the end of the 19th century, the USA was acting just like all empires, and stole the last shreds of Spain’s empire, in the Caribbean and Philippines, and soon made Panama from whole cloth, in the most bogus “revolution” ever, which was almost purely a Wall Street creation.  In the early 20th century, the USA’s military marauded at will through Latin America, overthrowing governments and installing dictatorships on behalf of Wall Street.  Once in a great while, the “muscle” woke up and spoke out, but it was rare, as usual in empires.  The great Franklin Roosevelt helped make Haiti the disaster it is today.  The vast majority of Americans are completely oblivious to that grim history.

The USA kept the Latin America peoples in bondage, as a big plantation and mine to serve capitalist interests, and when the USA overthrew the Guatemalan government on behalf of Rockefeller interests, it directly led to the Cuban Revolution, as Che Guevara witnessed the American overthrow of the Guatemalan government, which culminated in a genocidal dictatorship in the 1980s.  Guevara was determined that Cuba would not go the way of Guatemala, and was highly influential in Cuba’s revolution and tried to export the revolution against neocolonial powers around the world, but the CIA and MIC got him.  

Of course, all revolutionary leaders have plenty to answer for, and Castro is no exception, but what Americans have almost never heard about is that the average Cuban has long had the highest standard of living in Latin America, by a great margin, all the while subjected to a siege by history’s richest and most powerful nation.  The CIA tried to murder Castro hundreds of times, and one of its operations “backfired” and got its sitting president murdered.  Rockefeller interests were once again involved, and the cover-up was led by the USA’s chief spook.  After JFK’s murder, his Alliance for Progress became a Rockefeller tool instead of a way to lift Latin America, and the USA soon began overthrowing elected Latin American governments at will, leading to outrages such as the Pinochet dictatorship.  Castro eventually realized and admitted JFK’s wisdom in resolving the Cuban Missile Crisis, and Castro and Khrushchev were quite distraught over JFK’s murder, with Khrushchev openly weeping and Castro quickly remarked on Oswald’s strange journey into “communism.”  Oswald’s intelligence connections screamed out to anybody with a clue, and Castro was well aware that the operation that got JFK killed was trying to frame Castro for it.

Yes indeed, one of the most notorious prisons on Earth is on Cuba.  It is legendary for its torture of innocent political prisoners and other human rights outrages, and it has resisted all attempts by the international community to shut it down, even American efforts, and it indeed fits Rubio’s description of “evil.”  And it is an American prison.  

Most Americans have almost no awareness of that summary above, and actively avoid such information so that they can keep waving their flags with a clear conscience.  Fidel will become quite a historical figure, and mostly for the better.



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On ‎11‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 10:33 AM, Wade Frazier said:

...For me, the primary lesson of the JFK hit is that powerful domestic interests were behind his murder, reaching up to the upper echelons of our society, and I have little doubt that Rockefeller interests were involved, maybe even with David giving the order, and its leading asset for the cover-up was Allen Dulles, who had served Rockefeller interests for his entire life.  Dulles should have been a prime suspect, not running the “investigation.” ...




Because of the new format for the JFK Forum, I have not seen your post of 20 days ago until just now.  (Unless somebody actually QUOTES my post in a reply, I get no notification of it anymore.   I understand the moderators are looking into this.)

In any case, I will reply to your post with my alternative position: The JFK Kill Team was completely separate from the JFK Cover-up Team.

While it is true that the upper echelons in the USA did Cover-up the JFK murder -- and even admitted it -- they did not actually kill JFK.   They told us why that had to cover it up -- National Security.

We either believe them or we don't.  Jim Garrison and Mark Lane didn't believe them.  Following Oliver Stone in 1992, for more than a decade I believed in Jim Garrison and Mark Lane.  Then I discovered General Walker's personal papers (90 boxes worth) at UT Austin, and I changed my opinion.   The US Government covered-up the JFK assassination for reasons of National Security.  That's my current position.

The US Government admitted it was a Cover-up starting with cracks in the Warren Commission itself.  Members very early on broke with the SBT, starting with Senators Russell and Cooper, and Congressman Boggs, who agreed with Governor John Connally, and Nellie Connally; and then Earl Warren himself said he could not release thousands of pages of JFK evidence to NARA for up to 75 years!

So, it was in 1977 that the HSCA reopened the JFK case, and concluded in 1979 that JFK was "probably killed as the result of a conspiracy," but they also admitted they failed to get access to those thousands of pages that Earl Warren had withheld from NARA for up to 75 years.

Earl Warren also said that the Truth was indeed being preserved, and would indeed be released in 75 years -- sometime in 2039.  However,  President GHW Bush signed the JFK Records Act in 1992, reducing the fulfillment of that date down to Thursday 26 October 2017.  

The USA upper echelons did indeed Cover-up the JFK murder -- and they admitted it.  But they didn't kill JFK.  We'll know the full truth in October 2017.

IMHO, whoever wants a preview of the Truth must read a few books that came out in the 21st century, namely: The Hardway-Lopez Report (2003), by Edwin Lopez; Into the Nightmare (2013) by Joseph McBride; State Secret: Wiretapping in Mexico City (2014) by Bill Simpich; and General Walker and the Murder of President Kennedy: the Extensive New Evidence of a Radical Right Conspiracy (2015).

Lee Harvey Oswald was working in the underground as a mercenary for the Radical Right Wing in New Orleans.  He failed in his mission.  He was unwittingly drafted into a role as Patsy in a civilian plot in Dallas that involved key members of the DPD.  This is where the material evidence leads today.

--Paul Trejo

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Thanks Paul:

I consider Gary’s rendition of the John Tower conversation to be fact, and I have a hard time believing that Tower was making something up to frame the CIA for the “retail” plan, and according to Tower, Oswald was central to the retail plot.  The Tower conversation unmistakably implicates the CIA, with Hunt running the retail operation.  Tower was definitely not implicating some local plotters, and with Tower’s connections to Bush and others, it sure seems like the retail plot arose at the national-level, not a local plot.  I am very convinced that Oswald was a military intelligence asset who got entangled into the CIA’s machinations, as are most who look very deeply into the matter.   

Although Bill Decker said that he was not aware of any plot in the Dallas PD or sheriff’s department, I am very willing to consider that some there were part of the operation, either the retail or real one, such as Roscoe White.  I know that some implicate Decker in the plot, and God knows that most people in Dealey Plaza that fateful day have been implicated as “being in on it,” in one theory or another, but I think that a mere handful of people had to interpose Hunt’s little operation to turn a fake assassination into a real one.  

However, it will be interesting to see what might be released next year.  I doubt that my views on this issue will change much in the near future, barring some sensational piece of incontrovertible evidence.  


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On 12/4/2016 at 7:26 PM, Wade Frazier said:

Thanks Paul:

I consider Gary’s rendition of the John Tower conversation to be fact, and I have a hard time believing that Tower was making something up to frame the CIA for the “retail” plan, and according to Tower, Oswald was central to the retail plot.  The Tower conversation unmistakably implicates the CIA, with Hunt running the retail operation.  Tower was definitely not implicating some local plotters, and with Tower’s connections to Bush and others, it sure seems like the retail plot arose at the national-level, not a local plot.  I am very convinced that Oswald was a military intelligence asset who got entangled into the CIA’s machinations, as are most who look very deeply into the matter.   

Although Bill Decker said that he was not aware of any plot in the Dallas PD or sheriff’s department, I am very willing to consider that some there were part of the operation, either the retail or real one, such as Roscoe White.  I know that some implicate Decker in the plot, and God knows that most people in Dealey Plaza that fateful day have been implicated as “being in on it,” in one theory or another, but I think that a mere handful of people had to interpose Hunt’s little operation to turn a fake assassination into a real one.  

However, it will be interesting to see what might be released next year.  I doubt that my views on this issue will change much in the near future, barring some sensational piece of incontrovertible evidence.  



I agree with most of what Gary Wean says about the John Tower conversation -- and so does Jeff Caufield.  However, I also believe that John Tower altered the truth quite a bit in that account, in order to save his own bacon.

The most important factor, IMHO, in Senator John Tower's confession to LAPD officer Gary Wean in December, 1963, is when Tower named General Walker at the center of the JFK assassination plot in Dallas.  That part is 100% true, in my reading.  But the "false flag" modification of the Walker plot was added by John Tower to render blameless John Tower and everybody in Dallas who knew about the Walker plot -- and there was a lot of them.

--Paul Trejo

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I have a little time this morning, and I want to provide a little color on Gary’s tale, and this will be on the Mick Cohen and Menachem Begin connection.  Both were gangsters, but if you are a gangster with good connections, you can win Nobel Peace Prizes, as Begin did in 1978, to be followed the next year by saint-in-waiting Mother Teresa.   Scoundrels such as Henry Kissinger and mass murderer Barack Obama also won Peace Prizes.  Gore Vidal once called the Nobel committee a bunch of ironists.  So is the Vatican.  If the Peace Prize was awarded in England, Begin would not have been able to attend the ceremony, as he was wanted for murder there, for blowing up a hotel and killing nearly a hundred people.

Cohen was a boxer while young, which is why when Gary tailed Cohen, he often ended up at the local boxing arena.  During one boxing arena event, Gary saw Cohen meet with a man who is a federal court judge today – another gangster who reached a high seat.

Cohen is also considered a founder of the race wire.  Gary also encountered Cohen at the race track regularly, and Cohen rewarded Gary once for his courtesy, while showing off and demonstrating how rigged the races were.  

In cliché style, Cohen also hung out at a Yiddish diner, and that was when Gary observed Cohen meeting with Begin, as they discussed JFK’s foreign policy and the like.  Cohen and Begin went way back, as Cohen helped fund Begin’s terrorist group, Irgun, in the 1940s.  That is not even controversial, as it is well documented (1, 2).  Jack Ruby, whom Gary also met, was a Jewish mobster, so the Jewish mob was certainly involved in the JFK hit, but I doubt that they were the masterminds that Gary thought they were.  However, the involvement in the cover-up by people such as “Magic BulletArlen Specter (whom Gary thought interposed Hunt’s grand plan) is more evidence of their involvement, but Allen Dulles ran the cover-up.  

This is just to put a little more meat on the bones of Gary’s incredible tale.  



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  • 4 months later...


Uncle Ed sent me the link to this last night, on The New York Times’s anti-Russian hysteria during the past century.  Ed is 92 years old.  I have rarely, if ever, heard of anybody at that age doing what Ed still is.  Maybe George Seldes came close.  Ed is far from alone on that subject.

Some related odds and ends…

The USA is considered the greatest threat to world peace today.  Here is an article on the war on Wikileaks.  Ed cites Consortium News a lot.  Here is a nice article on American imperialism under the “war on terror” rubric.  

I was not aware of this article when I updated my atom bomb chapter of my war essay, but might update that chapter one day with that author’s thesis, that the Japanese surrendered after the atom bombs as a convenient face-saving device.  

I did not know that Michael Collins Piper died a couple of years ago until recently, when I heard some of this clip of him.  He talked some about Gary Wean in it.  I’ll weigh in a little on the controversy of him and Gary.  Piper said that Gary was miffed that Piper’s book did so well when Gary’s didn’t.  I am not so sure about that.  What Gary told me was that Piper’s initial effort did not credit Gary’s book much, when Gary gave Piper the idea for his book, when he stopped by The Spotlight’s office one day and talked with Piper.  Piper’s final edition of his book gives Gary plenty of coverage.  I am not so sure about the Jewish angle on the JFK hit.  Jack Ruby was a Jewish mobster, so there was certainly a Jewish connection, and it deserves to be taken seriously.  But they were far from alone, and I doubt that they were the masterminds who interposed Hunt’s grand plan or ran the cover-up, even though Arlen Specter authored the ridiculous Magic Bullet theory.  

I stumbled upon this “funny” series of ads from the postwar years.  In one way, it is nice to see how far we have come, but the ads could be pretty horrifying.  Also, in ways, we have not graduated very far beyond it at all.  

I’ll weigh in a little on the tempest at Google over that paper that that former employee wrote.  I did not think that The Blank Slate was all that good, but Pinker definitely showed how skewed the arguments can get.  Nature and nurture play their part, and the former Google employee definitely had some of the nature arguments right, but he was short on the nurture aspect.  There are innate gender differences, plenty of them, and they can be important, but corporate America, even supposedly “enlightened” places such as Google, is highly conditioned by our political-economies.  

Heck, how would Uncle Ed’s latest article play in corporate America?  That Google guy could have been fired over promoting that article in most of corporate America.  Corporations are not democracies; they are profit-seeking dictatorships.  In the Fifth Epoch, they will go the way of dinosaurs, and deserve to.



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  • 2 months later...


This will be a short one on the upcoming JFK files release.  I am currently reading Greg Poulgrain’s The Incubus of Intervention, which deals with the contrast between JFK’s and Allen Dulles’s policy toward Indonesia.  I have also been reading the JFK assassination researcher community’s customary fisticuffs on a number of issues.  Dulles had a relationship with George de Mohrenschildt’s father, over oil, as Dulles was a Rockefeller fixer for his entire career.  Dulles helped supply the Nazis with oil.  Poulgrain marveled over Dulles’s ability to keep moving the chess pieces of covert action over decades, with subtle nudges here and there.  

One thing that is stunningly evident, if you take the time to read a little, is how completely unbelievable the “Oswald the Commie” angle is.  George de Mohrenschildt was from the pre-revolutionary Russian Oligarchy, and Ruth Paine, who took in Marina Oswald, was not only known to Dulles, but her husband was deeply in the spook world.  When that spy camera was found in Paine’s garage after the JFK hit, it became one more piece of bizarre evidence that needed to be explained away.  It not only disappeared from evidence, but Gerald Posner later tried to explain it away as belonging to Ruth’s husband.  There is little about Oswald’s background that makes sense, as far as his being a commie goes, including his warm welcome back to the USA after his “defection” to the Soviet Union, and being taken in by de Mohrenschildt and Paine.  

Dulles rode herd on the Warren Commission’s cover-up, and anybody who thinks that there are going to be juicy revelations in the CIA’s files is dreaming.  The best stuff never even got into the files in the first place.  Oh, there might be something inadvertent, such as how the declassification of the Northwoods documents bolstered the case for the authenticity of Gary’s meeting with John Tower.  But I sure am not expecting much with this most recent document release.  



Edited by Wade Frazier
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