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I'm doubtful that the mob: planned the parade route; planned the order of vehicles in the route; told the secret service what to do on Nov 22nd; chose where the autopsy would be and who would do lt; developed the autopsy photos and had control over the autopsy materials; forced LBJ to convene the Warren Commission, and to strong arm Warren to chair it; prevented RFK from seeking prosecutions against it for killing his brother; bought and hid the Zapruder film; had Hosty and the FBI change their story on Oswald's note; had the CIA hide material from the Warren Commission and the HSCA; had the Secret Service destroy records that the ARRB was seeking; control the MSM handling of JFK "news" for the past 50 years; have the CIA argue in court in 2013 against the release of pertinent records; etc.

Means, motive, opportunity - sure many people and organizations had it. It does NOT mean that they did it.

Posted (edited)

People who claim the mob alone killed JFK need to start specifying in their headlines that they exclude everyone else. The argument can be made that every conspiracy researcher believes "the mob killed JFK" in the sense that they believe elements of several groups killed him. Therefore, if the CIA, the mob and cuban exiles did itin a joint effort , it follows that the mobsters in question are killers of JFK.

Edited by Andric Perez

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