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US/NATO/EU and the desperate subversion of Ukraine

Steven Gaal

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MOSCOW, June 4 (RIA Novosti) - Ukraine's radical nationalist Right Sector movement claims the government guaranteed it provisions, armament and collaboration with state agencies in the course of the special operation in the country's east, the UNN news agency reports, citing the movement's leader Borislav Bereza.

"As of today, we are ready to accommodate and integrate entirely all territorial defense squadrons, all the force structures, taking into account that we have been guaranteed provisions, armament and proper collaboration with all state agencies. As of today, we have slightly more than 5,000 prepared personnel under mobilization. At this moment, I think they will be more," Bereza said.

Should the movement make it into Ukraine's parliament, it will promote a law that would allow free weapons circulation.

The movement includes radical nationalist organizations and is linked to Svoboda political party, which became part of the ruling coalition after the coup and overthrow of former president Viktor Yanukovych in February.

In January and February, Right Sector participated in the clashes with police and seized administrative buildings. They are currently involved in cracking down on protests in eastern Ukraine, where clashes have grown more violent since Kiev launched a special military operation there.

Moscow has repeatedly called on Kiev to disarm illegally armed groups, including Right Sector. Russia has launched a criminal case against the movement's leader Dmitry Yarosh for his calls for terrorist activity and has passed on the relevant documents to Interpol.

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Militias Take Control of Ukraine´s Luhansk Border Unit

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Details Published on Wednesday, 04 June 2014 11:28 Written by Prensa Latina

The self-defense forces in Luhansk, south-eastern Ukraine, took control today of the border guard after two days of fierce combat resulting in the surrender of the troops and their commanders, while two more airplanes were downed in Slavyank


According to press reports, the soldiers abandoned the unit on Wednesday, but the officers in command left even earlier, in secret.

The Ukrainian State Border Service said in a communique said that the border troops were redeployed to a safer place, without mentioning the incident specifically.

The attack to seize control of that border unit started on Monday morning between militias, local military troops, and National Guard squadrons. At least 5 militiamen died and around 10 soldiers were injured in the combat.

According to Russian television Channel One, the militia command said that recruits were sent back home and that those coming from western Ukraine asked to stay in Luhansk on their own initiative.

Combat was also reported at the Mirny border unit and the towns of Chastye and Rovno, on the outskirts of Lugansk, against the National Guard squadrons who have joined the fascist Right Sector in its punishment operation in southeastern Ukraine.

In Slavyansk, Donetsk region, Mayor Vyacheslav Ponomariov announced the shootdown of another two fighters belonging to Ukraine's Air Force.

Ponomariov added that the militias also brought down a helicopter on Wednesday which was firing with a machine-gun against militia positions in Semenovka.

Fighters and combat helicopters launched at least six attacks on Semenovka and Cherevkovka on Tuesday, but the self-defense forces managed to hit a SU-25 fighter and a helicopter.

Meanwhile, heavy artillery attacks continue against Slavynsk and neighboring areas.

Taken from Prensa Latina


June 4, 2014

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SLOVIANSK, June 05. /ITAR-TASS/. Besieged Sloviansk in the eastern Ukrainian Donetsk region remains without water after power supply was disrupted in Ukraine’s punitive operation, a source from the local people’s militia told ITAR-TASS on Thursday.

“There is only water that people stocked up on and bottled water from supermarkets. Some people had wells,” the source said.

On June 4, Ukraine’s energy holding company DTEK reported that an electric power substation supplying electricity to Voda Donbassa Company (which serves the Donetsk region with water) was left without electricity as a result of the punitive operation. The towns of Kramatorsk, Druzhkivka, Konstantynivka and Sloviansk, as well as six other settlements of the Donetsk region were left without water supply. Later reports said that water supply to the city of Dzherzhynsk was also disrupted. The press service of the Ukrainian emergency situations service said on Thursday that water trucking had been organized to Druzhkivka, Dzherzhynsk, Konstantynivka and Kramatorsk.

The press service also reports that the damaged power transmission line was restored on Thursday and water supply will be resumed “after armed hostilities end in the area where the water pipe was damaged”.

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Thursday, June 5

11:17 GMT:

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on Thursday accused the Group of Seven of backing Ukraine’s military operation in eastern parts of the country. “The so-called G7 even talks about the measured actions of the Ukrainian army against its own people,” Medvedev said at a meeting with ministers.

“Cynicism knows no limit in this case.” In a communiqué released at a G7 summit in Brussels on Wednesday, world leaders encouraged Ukraine to “maintain a measured approach in pursuing operations to restore law and order,” AFP said. Medvedev also said that the Ukrainian authorities are speaking about “the absence of refugees” from their state. “It is a lie,” he said.

11:15 GMT:

PaulaSlier_RT @PaulaSlier_RT Follow

211 children were evacuated today from #Lugansk to #Crimea. 400 others will be sent today to #Odessa. 600 others will prob. travel to Russia

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VIENNA, June 02. /ITAR-TASS/. The Kiev authorities' continuing military operation in the east of Ukraine only intensifies contradictions between the two parties to the conflict, said Andrey Kelin, Russia's ambassador to the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).

“It is well known from the experience of conflicts on the post-Soviet space that every day of military confrontation only deepens the rift and intensifies divisions between the two sides, who become more and more involved in the conflict,” Kelin said.

“The longer the operation continues, the deeper the rift will get, the less flexible the parties’ positions will become and the more difficult it will be to bridge the gap afterwards,” he said.


I think he's on the right track. Obviously the never ending refusal by the junta to listen to the people they are now fighting and the exclusion by intimidation anyone suggesting dialogue, calling these people terrorists, clearly preferring fascists in their ruling circle will further radicalise the people. Now as always the junta must open dialogue and its western backers must stop condoning its actions. In this situation there must be achieved a recognition of balance of power and the aim of all concerned must be to see that that balance is achieved. The junta is getting a very disproportionate and undeserved supply of ways to harm people.


VIENNA, June 05. /ITAR-TASS/. The anti-terrorist operation of the Ukrainian law enforcers in the south-east of the country has traits of violation of the international humanitarian law, Russia's Ambassador to the Organizatopn for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Andre Kelin told journalists on Thursday.

"The military operation in Ukraine's south-east proves gross violations of intrenational humanitarian law, particularly of the Geneva Convention of 1949," Kelin said.

“At the Standing Committee session Russia raised a question about violations of the norms and principles of humanitarian law and attracted attention to the tragic consequences of the military operation, the barbarian attacks on the Luhansk regional administration and reports on using inhumane weapons - fragmentation bullets, cluster bombs and artillery fire at civilian facilities,” he said.

“If this corresponds to reality, this should be qualified as a war crime,” Kelin said.

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Thursday, June 5

18:25 GMT:

A sulfur production plant has caught fire in the village of Semenovka near Slavyansk as a result of the Ukrainian army shelling the building, a representative of the self-defense forces told Itar-Tass. He added that a rescue team has been deployed to the location. About 200 tons of sulfur could be stored at the plant, according to reports.

18:16 GMT:

Five border guards have been wounded during the fight between self-defense forces and the Ukrainian army at the ‘Marinovka’ checkpoint in the Donetsk region, according to Ukraine’s Border Guard service.

17:53 GMT:

The self-defense forces of Slavyansk have shot down a fourth helicopter belonging to the Ukrainian army in the last three days, the commander of Slavyansk self-defense forces, Igor Strelkov, told RIA Novosti.

"The Mi-24 was shot down Thursday near the village of Yampol near the town of Krasny Liman, where the militia and the army are fighting,” he said.

17:51 GMT:

Russia's permanent representative to the OSCE, Andrey Kelin, has urged the organization to be less occupied with the “censure of internal reports” intended for participant states, and to report the “hard truth.”

“We know that there are attempts to conceal [the truth]. It is time for the people responsible for editing messages, including for the media, to get to work. It’s not the first day we say this,” said Kelin at the OSCE’s meeting in Vienna, as quoted by the Russian Foreign Ministry on its website.

He urged for the reports on the Ukrainian conflict to be balanced and so there would be no impression that the organization adheres only to one side of the conflict – Kiev’s.

The Russian representative added that Moscow is deeply concerned about the captive OSCE special mission observers, among whom there are Russian citizens.

“They must be released immediately,” he said, adding that Kiev authorities should create the necessary conditions for their freeing, such as ceasing the punitive operation.


Russia's ambassador to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Andrey Kelin (Reuters / Leonhard Foeger)

17:07 GMT:

The government in Kiev has decided to allocate over $17 million from its reserve fund for “social protection” of military officers who participated in the special operation in the southeast of the country. The decision was made Wednesday and posted on the government’s website Thursday.

The funds available for each officer were set at one month’s salary, of not less than $252.

17:06 GMT:

Ukraine’s Interior Ministry has put the people’s governor of Donbass, Pavel Gubarev, and the prime minister of the Lugansk People’s Republic, Vasily Nikitin, on the wanted list, according to its website.

Kiev authorities suspect Gubarev of committing crimes associated with "violent change or overthrow of the constitutional order" and Nikitin of committing crimes under the article of “intentional actions, performed with the aim of changing territorial borders or the state border of Ukraine."


The people’s governor of Donbass, Pavel Gubarev (RIA Novosti / Natalia Seliverstova)

13:40 GMT:

Self-defense fighters in Lugansk have occupied two Ukrainian military installations in the region, Itar-Tass reports, citing the news agency of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics.

In Kamenny Brod, “the soldiers surrendered without a single shot after negotiations with the self-defense” fighters, the agency said.

According to an Itar-Tass correspondent in Donetsk, Ukrainian border guards “abandoned” another installation after “a brief fight.”

11:17 GMT:

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on Thursday accused the Group of Seven of backing Ukraine’s military operation in eastern parts of the country. “The so-called G7 even talks about the measured actions of the Ukrainian army against its own people,” Medvedev said at a meeting with ministers.

“Cynicism knows no limit in this case.” In a communiqué released at a G7 summit in Brussels on Wednesday, world leaders encouraged Ukraine to “maintain a measured approach in pursuing operations to restore law and order,” AFP said. Medvedev also said that the Ukrainian authorities are speaking about “the absence of refugees” from their state. “It is a lie,” he said.

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"Billionaire businessman and politician Pyotr Poroshenko .... told media he had funded anti-government protests that led to February's coup."

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DONETSK, June 06./ITAR-TASS/. Two railway workers sent from Kramatorsk, the Donetsk region, to Krasny Liman to repair a damaged railroad were killed in a mortar fire attack, Novorossia agency reported on Friday.

A railroad was damaged in Krasny Liman in air strikes carried out by Ukrainian aircraft on June 3 and 4. Trains on local routes were delayed because of serious damage of tracks and the platform in Krasny Liman.

The Donetsk railway press service reported administrative and other buildings, the platform and the railroad at the station of Krasny Liman were damaged as a result of the air attack.

Fierce fighting between people's militia and Ukrainian armed forces took place near Sloviansk and Krasny Liman on June 3 and 4. After the National Guards (Ukrainian armed forces) continued massive artillery shelling of Sloviansk and suburban residential areas, assault aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force, fighters and helicopters, carried out strikes on nearby villages.

According to information of the militia, Ukrainian forces shot a team of railway workers from Sloviansk in Krasny Liman. One of the workers was killed. Survivors were kept in closed premises. Snipers did not allow them to go out, a militia spokesman said.

Local self-defense forces had to leave Krasny Liman, which was seized by Ukrainian government forces.

The chairman of the Supreme Council of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic, Denis Pushilin, told ITAR-TASS on June 4 that Ukrainian servicemen shot 25 people in a hospital in Krasny Liman. "According to the preliminary information, more than 25 people were killed. But we fear there were more victims," he said. "It is more than genocide to shoot wounded and ill people. Amoral actions of the Kiev junta defy explanation," Pushilin said.

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SLOVIANSK, June 06. /ITAR-TASS/. Combat armored vehicles, including tanks, of pro-Kiev military forces are actively attacking and shelling the eastern Ukrainian city of Sloviansk, a spokeswoman for the Sloviansk people’s mayor said on Friday.

“We can hear salvo fire of howitzers, and also have information that the city was shelled with jet-propelled projectiles,” Stella Khorosheva told an ITAR-TASS correspondent. “The highway linking Sloviansk and the (nearby) settlement of Semyonovka is crammed with military hardware.”

She also said that residents of Mandrychino, a municipal district in Sloviansk, sustained grave injuries as a result of the shelling.

“Ambulances cannot reach the wounded. They are bleeding to death in basements,” Khorosheva said.

Humanitarian situation in south-east

The humanitarian situation in the city keeps deteriorating, she said, and pensioners are treated to rations near the building of the municipal council.

“Genocide on behalf of the Kiev authorities is at the full steam,” she said. “They (pensioners) paid taxes all their lives, and now the authorities terminated all social payments intended for them.”

She also said the situation is also grave with medicines in the city as there was an extreme shortage of antibiotics, painkillers and bandaging materials.

Military operation against federalization supporters

Residents of Ukraine’s south-eastern territories, mainly the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, staged massive protests against the coup-imposed Ukrainian authorities. Their urge to defend their rights was apparently prompted by Crimea’s accession to Russia in mid-March. Demonstrators in the south-east, who have been demanding Ukraine’s federalization, seized several government buildings.

A military operation, conducted by Kiev against federalization supporters in Ukraine's south-east territories, has already claimed dozens of lives, including civilians. The Donetsk and Luhansk regions held referendums on May 11, in which most voters supported independence from Ukraine.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly dismissed Western claims that Russia could in any way be involved in protests in Ukraine's south-east.

Russia has been insistently urging Kiev to stop the military operation, which involves armored vehicles, heavy artillery and attack aviation, and engage in dialogue with the south-east.

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Friday, June 6

22:41 GMT:

More than 600 children arrived from conflict-torn Donbass to Odessa, on the Black Sea coast. The youths, aged 3 -17 years old were evacuated on board two trains. Orphans are among the evacuees.

According to the Ukrzaliznytsya railway company, the children will be placed in local health institutions and regional boarding schools. The children expect to remain in Odessa until the situation in south-east Ukraine stabilizes.

22:05 GMT:

Self defense forces managed to repel an air raid by two Sukhoi fighter jets of the Ukrainian air force, spokesperson of the People's Republic of Lugansk, Vladimir Inogorodsky, said.

"There was an air raid, consisting of two drones and two aircrafts. An air-raid warning was announced. We opened fire, repelling the planes, the planes left. They came from the Kharkov direction, from Chugueva, where they are based. It was two Su-27s. The drones are still hovering over our heads."

21:12 GMT:

People are rushing to safety and are trying to hide in basements and cellars, after an air raid alarm sounded in Lugansk, RIA Novosti reports.

According to a spokesman from Lugansk People's Republic, Vladimir Inogorodsky, Ukrainian planes are approaching the city from the village of Alexandrovsk.

On Monday, eight people were killed in an airstrike on Lugansk’s regional administration building by Kiev's air force. Another air raid was also conducted at one of the checkpoints leading to the city.

13:31 GMT:

Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, and his US counterpart, Barack Obama, have held brief talks on the sidelines of the D-Day anniversary celebrations in Normandy, Reuters reports. According to a White House official, an "informal" meeting lasted 10-15 minutes.

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MOSCOW, June 07 /ITAR-TASS/. Russia’s television channel Zvezda (Star) says it has lost contact with its two reporters currently on an assignment in eastern Ukraine.

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DEAUVILLE (France), June 06 /ITAR-TASS/. Ukrainian President-elect Pyotr Poroshenko briefly told Russian President Vladimir Putin of his plan to “immediately stop bloodshed” in Ukraine, Putin told journalists Friday.

“He [the president-elect] has a plan in this respect; it is up to him to say what kind of plan it is… he told me a couple of words about it,” the Russian leader said. “But it’s one thing to say it here in France and quite another thing to state that in his own country.”

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Saturday, June 7

00:05 GMT:

The OSCE mission observers that went missing at the end of May are “alive and well”, People's Mayor of Slavyansk, Vyacheslav Ponomarev told Ria Novosti.

“They are well and alive and are being fed well,” Ponamarev said. “They are not on the territory of the Donetsk Region.”

“I have spoken with their captors. I understood that they are planning to exchange them,” Ponamarev said without mentioning the captor's demands. The mayor said that this information has been passed on to the OSCE, claming that he was “collaborating with the OSCE mission.” Ria hovewer reports that the OSCE has yet to confirm this information.

Four observers of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) went missing on May 27 near the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk. They have been identified as nationals of Estonia, Turkey, Switzerland and Denmark.

"Only one of the four observers of the OSCE is not who he says he is. He violated the mandate of the OSCE, was engaged in actions that were not marked in the mandate. There is evidence of this,” Ponamarev said.

He said some special equipment, without specifying what kind, was found in the observer's possession. Ponamarev said that as soon as the other 3 observers answered all questions “they will be released," but "only three of them.”

Friday, June 6
23:51 GMT:

The UN Secretariat has taken a note of the conclusions of the experts from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) who confirmed that the regional administration building in Lugansk was hit by an airstrike on June 2.

“Although we are aware of the OSCE report, I will refrain from commenting at this stage,” UN spokesman Farhan Haq said as quoted by Itar-Tass. He said that UN will await for the “conclusions” of UN monitoring team on the ground before the world organization makes the official announcement on the air strike that left 8 dead. A full report is due on June 17.

23:25 GMT:

Russia's Investigative Committee has recognized a number of refugees from Ukraine as victims in the criminal case over the actions initiated by Kiev in the east of the country, said the agency's spokesman Vladimir Markin.

“We have refugees' accounts. They are being questioned as witnesses. We have refugees that we are now considering as victims” of Ukrainian agression, Markin told Rossiaya 1 channel.

On May 30, Markin announced that criminal cases against the Ukrainian armed forces, Ukrainian National Guards and the Right Sector have been opened over alleged war crimes in the cities of Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, Donetsk, Mariupol and other residential areas in the self-declared Donetsk and Lugansk republics.

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MOSCOW, June 06. /ITAR-TASS/. Moscow expects an adequate international reaction on the Ukrainian lawmaker Oleh Lyashko’s attack on reporters working for the Russian VGTRK state broadcasting corporation, Russian Foreign Ministry’s Human Rights Commissioner Konstantin Dolgov said on his Twitter account on Friday.

“We have watched a recent video footage of Viktorya Syumar (deputy secretary of Ukraine’s Council for National Security and Defense) in Washington’s Atlantic Council non-governmental organisation (NGO),” he wrote. “We are confident that if the American NGOs go on with judging the developments in Ukraine’s Southeast by the information like this, truth will dash past them.”

The Russian human rights envoy said that in Syumar’s opinion “oppression of Russian speakers’ rights in the south-eastern regions of Ukraine is a Russian propaganda myth.”

“Mortar shelling and bombings of kindergartens and schools, shooting of the wounded in hospitals are probably the same, too,” he said. “Syumar promised a really democratic way out of this - just to cut off the Russian television channels. She says the Ukrainian (channels) will be enough there.”

“These fabrications along with the attack of the Verkhovna Rada’s radical MP Oleh Lyashko on the VGTRK TV men and previous abduction of the LifeNews reporters by the Ukraine’s special services and cutting off the Russian channels are but elements in the same vicious chain.”

“We count on an adequate reaction to these facts by the international human rights organisations, including OSCE’s envoy on media freedom and leading profile NGOs,” he said.

Earlier on Friday, Ukrainian MP Oleh Lyashko, an ex-presidential candidate and the leader of the far-right Radical Party, was reported to push a Russian TV group out of the Verkhovna Rada building.

As the VGTRK TV holding’s press service said, first, Lyashko demanded an ID and Rada accreditation from the reporter Alexander Balitsky. Then the MP said: “You are deprived of the accreditation!” and screwed up the accreditation card. Next, he demanded that the cameraman and the Russian reporters leave the building, the press service said.

Lyashko accused the Russian reporters of being spies.

“Despite the objections of the Russian TV men, who said the lawmaker had no right to force the reporters out as they were accredited, Lyashko called a fool the person who issues accreditations to the Russian media crews,” the press service said.

Finally, Lyashko pushed out the Russian reporters from the Ukrainian parliament shouting “Shame!” and “Get out!”, the press service said.

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