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US/NATO/EU and the desperate subversion of Ukraine

Steven Gaal

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The West Declares War on Russia, stated Communist Leader pdf_button.png printButton.png emailButton.png

By Odalys Buscaron Ochoa


Moscow, Jun 6 (Prensa Latina) United States and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) declared an open war on Russia with the Ukrainian conflict as backdrop, stated today the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF), Guennadi Ziuganov.

The coup authorities in Kiev are carrying out a war, along with the fascist heirs of Bandera (a Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera) against the Ukrainian people, Zyuganov told Prensa Latina.

The leader of the second political force in the Russian Parliament said the Ukrainian conflict was unleashed especially to aggravate the situation in Europe and increase the confrontation between Russia and the countries of the area.

President Vladimir Putin held meetings yesterday and today with European leaders, who expressed they do not want a worsening of relations, Zyuganov referring to the bilateral exchanges held by the president during the celebration in Normandy of the 70th anniversary of the World War II Allied landings in Normandy.

In the opinion of the Russian Communist leader, in relations with Moscow are involved interests of the European Bank capital, and in the case of Germany, in the industrial sector, and with regard to France, the military-industrial industry, which in fact affected by the freezing of the cooperation.

ef/ycf/pgh/oda Modificado el ( viernes, 06 de junio de 2014 )

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Slavyansk blockade: Shelling non-stop, shops closed, no meds, no chance to evacuate

Published time: June 06, 2014 23:27

A Ukrainian soldier searches a driver at a check-point in the eastern Ukrainian city of Slavyansk on June 6, 2014. (AFP Photo / Viktor Drachev)

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The Ukrainian National Guard continues to shell Slavyansk, completely surrounded by armored vehicles and military checkpoints, locals report. Residents are hiding in cellars without electricity and water and no chance to evacuate from the besieged city.

At least five people were killed during the assault on Friday, local eyewitness Vitaly told RT, adding that it was impossible to assess how many people could have been injured in the deserted city where “whole streets” were “obliterated.”

The people are hiding in cellars, Vitaly says, as destruction is widespread and it is hard to predict where the next strike may come from with planes engaged in the ongoing “anti-terrorist” operation, as Kiev calls it.

“They have destroyed at least 4 houses, schools, daycare have all been destroyed, the pharmacies have all been destroyed. We have no work. We have no water or electricity. We have no money,” eyewitness told RT. “We have no clue how to survive further. Most likely we'll start eating grass from the garden.”

05.06.2014 - Украина. Славянск. Очередь за водой. pic.twitter.com/5ivI3K1wuY

— Гурьянов Сергей (@Segozavr) June 5, 2014

The city has been completely surrounded, Vitaly confirmed. A real war is raging in Slavyansk and the military tactics used by Kiev is more than “disturbing,” he added.

“The children are afraid,” he said. “Two streets in Slavyansk have been completely obliterated.”

“A genocide is underway, they have no clue what they are bombing,” press secretary of the People’s Mayor of Slavyansk, Stella Khorosheva said. “During the shelling of the city, according to preliminary data, Ukrainian security forces used multiple Grad rocket launchers,” she added.

Meanwhile, the self-defense militia sources in Slavyansk told Ria Novosti, that apparently “in retaliation for the downed aircraft” the Ukrainian army shelled the SBU building – one of the headquarters of the militias. Neighboring civilian houses were also destroyed, the source said.

With nightfall, a source in the militia told Itar-Tass said, the Ukrainian army are deploying “flash rockets.” There are many wounded he says, “at least 10 people.”

Earlier on Friday, Vladislav Seleznev, the speaker for the Kiev’s military operation in the east, said the armed forces are deploying more tanks to strengthen their checkpoints near Slavyansk and roadblocks around Kramatorsk.

В Славянск вошли танки украинской армии. http://t.co/tuhxgHT58Z #мир24 #новости pic.twitter.com/OOi35LL5dz

— Мир 24 ТВ (@Mir24TV) June 6, 2014

“Checkpoints, which are often subjected to shelling and attacks by terrorists attempting to escape from the tight encirclement, are being reinforced with armored vehicles. One of the tanks, for example, is near the crossroads leading to Krasny Liman. The task of the vehicles is to increase security and prevent terrorists from breaking the encirclement,” Seleznev was quoted by Unian.

Slavyansk self-defense forces shoot down Kiev ‘spy’ plane (VIDEO)

Meanwhile the village of Cherevkovka is also being shelled by artillery – in particular the “Akacia” howitzer and Tyulpan self-propelled mortars. “It seems that without the reconnaissance plane, the artillery has no clue where to fire. They fire everywhere. They have enormous expenditure of ammunition,” the source told Ria Novosti.

The Ukrainian army is also attacking self-defense force positions using artillery around Kramatorsk airport, the source added. Social media sources seem to confirm the claim of the ongoing fighting.

Some 170 km from Slavyansk at the checkpoint of Marinovka in the Donetsk region, the Ukrainian border guard service has confirmed that it deployed planes to battle militias, Unian reports. Local media claims at least 4 people have been injured in the fighting at Marinovka.

On Tuesday, the National Guard intensified what Kiev calls an ‘anti-terrorits’ operation with a massive artillery attack on Slavyansk, a city with a population of over 110,000 people. The plan is to conduct a “sweep” of Donetsk and Lugansk regions ahead of Saturday's presidential inauguration.

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Saturday, June 7

09:56 GMT:

Kiev should listen to the opinion of Ukraine’s southeast, RIA Novosti reported Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė as saying.

“The war is not a way out, all the problems should be solved at the table of negotiations, by dialogue… The main thing is to listen to [the people in the] southeast,” the agency reported her as saying.

08:58 GMT:

Two reporters with the channel Zvezda, captured by Ukrainian forces under Slavyansk, have been put aboard a helicopter and taken to an undisclosed location, the network’s website has reported. The one witness is the driver who took them there, a Slavyansk resident. He told Itar-Tass that “the guys were driving through an administrative checkpoint of the National Guard of the Right Sector fighters in the Bylbasovka area. The soldiers suspected something was not right with them.” The militia had had the reporters’ documents for a couple of hours, then the helicopter had arrived. “They were then cuffed together with the same pair of handcuffs and had bags put over their heads. They were on their knees the entire time…”

08:06 GMT:

Assistant to the President of the United States and Deputy National Security Adviser Tony Blinken has called on the Russian government to put pressure on the self-defense forces, in return for which the Ukrainian government should pull back from its full-scale operation and make attempts to de-escalate tensions in Ukraine.

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Saturday, June 7

20:57 GMT:

Fighting between people's militias and government forces of Ukraine has halted in Artemovsk, Donetsk Region, Ria Novosti reports citing a source inside the self-defense forces. According to unconfirmed reports 3 people died in the clashes, and one has been critically wounded, when the people's militia “repelled an attack by the national guard.”

16:54 GMT:

As the result of mortar fire a plant caught fire in Slavyansk at 3 pm local time. The fire lasted for about two hours.

Около 15-00 в
снаряды попали в завод "Бетонмаш". Производил бетономешалки... Пожар длился более двух часов.
— Андрей Краснощёков (@a_krasnoschekov)

16:38 GMT:

The Ukrainian army is continuing shelling the villages of Semenovka and Cherevkovka near Slavyansk, representatives of the city administration told RIA Novosti. “There are dead among the self-defense and civilians,” he said adding the Ukrainian army is using howitzers and self-propelled mortars.

15:46 GMT:

The assistant of the Chairman of the Donetsk People’s Republic Supreme Council, Denis Pushilin, has been shot in Donetsk.

“This was my assistant Maksim Petrukhin,” Pushilin told RT. “[He was] a member of the people’s council who started to do humanitarian work…He got into his car and started to drive away when [unidentified men] drove up and shot him.”

add ; Berlin, Jun 6 (Prensa Latina) In the context of the Ukrainian conflict, 89 percent of Germans believe that western countries should continue to dialogue with Russia.

Edited by John Dolva
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DONETSK, June 07, /ITAR-TASS/. Law enforcement structures of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) consider the murder of one of the aides of DPR Supreme Council Chairman a terrorist act, the republic’s premier, Alexander Borodai has said.

“Our law enforcement agencies believe that the murder of Denis Pushilin’s aide, Maxim Petrukhin, was a terrorist act. It was aimed against Pushilin himself and not against his aide,” he told a news briefing on Saturday.

“A mistake could be made because he [Maxim Petrukhin] resembled Denis [Pushilin],” Borodai said.

Pushilin said, “Today my aide has been killed. He dealt with humanitarian issues. It is specialists that committed the murder. I rule out that this was hooliganism.”

DPR Supreme Council deputy Maxim Petrushin, 30, was killed in downtown Donetsk on June 7. He was married with two children.

“Denis Pushilin’s aide, Maxim, drove a car that had been attacked with a machine gun fire,” the DPR press service said.

Pushilin was inside the administrative building, the press service said.

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SLAVYANSK, June 08, /ITAR-TASS/. Ukrainian troops have resumed massive artillery shelling of the Semyonovka village near Slavyansk, the Donetsk region, from heavy guns.

A representatives of the self-defence forces told Itar-Tass on Sunday that the fire, presumably from the Grad multiple rocket launchers, was coming from Raigorodok settlement.

On June 7, a shell hit the Betonmash plant in Slavyansk causing fire in a workshop that manufactures paints, varnishes and lacquers. The self-defence forces said that two shells had also hit the building of the local Institute of High Voltage and a car wash in the Artyom district.

Meanwhile, Slavyansk is having problems with drinking water.

“The damaged water pipe has not yet been repaired. Only those who have stored water in bottles or have their own wells have drinking water,” the self-defence forces said, adding that most neighborhoods in Slavyansk were without electricity. With the coming of dusk, the Ukrainian troops use illuminating flares.

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Russia’s attitude to Poroshenko will depend on his concrete actions - Patrushev
June 08, 8:01 UTC+4

MOSCOW, June 08, /ITAR-TASS/. Russia’s attitude to Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko will depend on his concrete actions, Nikolai Patrushev, the secretary of the Russian Security Council, said on Sunday.

“We need to define our policy towards Ukraine’s new president. A lot will depend on his behavior and concrete actions,” Patrushev said in an interview with the Russia 24 television news channel.

“The first thing we would like him to do is to stop the bloodshed,” the Security Council secretary said.

“Actions when the army is used in full scale and the extermination of his own people should be stopped,” Patrushev stressed.

“We have heard from him (Poroshenko) that he will travel to the east soon and will quickly restore order there. But we have also heard that the Maidan will be restored in 24 hours,” Patrushev went on to say.

Ukraine’s new President Pyotr Poroshenko who was elected at the snap elections on May 25 and inaugurated on June 7 said addressing the people of southeast Ukraine that he was planning to visit the Donbas region soon.

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04:56 GMT:

Donetsk militias are attacking roadblocks established by Kiev’s troops outside of Krasny Liman, a town near Slavyansk, RIA Novosti reports, citing militia sources. It comes a day after Kiev loyalists said they had completely cleared rebel forces from the town.

Reports coming from the rebel stronghold of Slavyansk claim that Ukrainian troops are shelling the city with rockets from Grad multiple rocket launchers. Several launchers had been deployed near the city for days, but so far there were no reports that Kiev used these highly indiscriminate weapons against the militias.

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SLOVIANSK, June 8 /ITAR-TASS/. The Ukrainian military are shelling the center of east Ukraine’s Sloviansk in the Donetsk Region, a spokeswoman for the Sloviansk people’s mayor said on Sunday.

“The center of the city is currently under artillery fire. One of the shells has exploded near the city administration building,” Stella Khorosheva told ITAR-TASS.

There have been no reports about any casualties yet.

The spokeswoman said mobile communications worked poorly and there were “serious problems with drinking water.”

“The water pipe has not yet been restored and water has remained only where people have made up bottled water stocks or have their own wells,” she said.

Power supply has been cut off in most of the city. At night the Ukrainian military are using illuminating projectiles, the spokeswoman said.

Kiev is continuing its punitive operation in east Ukraine despite the pledge by the newly elected Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to “bring peace” to the Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

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16:57 GMT:

Four people, were reportedly killed as the result of shelling, in the city of Slavyansk on Sunday. Among the buildings hit by the artillery fire was a children's center. Emergency services are working non-stop in the city. Many factories are reported to be on fire, including the "Alpha" furniture maker.

13:21 GMT:

A 4-year-old girl is reportedly killed in eastern Ukraine as Kiev’s artillery has resumed shelling the rebellious city of Slavyansk. Locals tell RT they have been without running water and power for days, and that hope is fading.

Follow RT's LIVE UPDATES on Kiev's military op in E.Ukraine

“The shells broke just near the central square. They hit residential houses, a furniture factory, a cafe and communications post,” an unnamed representative of the local city council told Itar-Tass. “There are victims among the civilians and some people received shrapnel wounds.”

“At this time there were many people in the center because of the Pentecost Mass in the nearby church has just ended,” the source added.

Four people were killed in the result of the shelling, a small girl among them. Seven people were taken to hospital with injuries, RT's correspondent Andrey Krasnoschyokov reports from the scene.


Residents of Slavyansk take shelter in the basement of their house during a heavy artillery shelling of their city on June 8, 2014. (RIA Novosti / Andrey Stenin)

A little girl, thought to be 4 years old, is among dead. According to Krasnoschyokov, she died in a fire at a local leisure center.

“A shell felt nearby and set the building on fire. It is not clear if the girl was inside or outside. I arrived at the scene when firefighters were putting out the fire and one of the self-defense told me he carried out the body of this girl. He said she was four, but this could be his assumption,” Krasnoschyokov said.

Kiev’s artillery also has hit a gas pipe in the city, but there was no explosion threat, the city council told RIA Novosti. Another shell struck a petrol station outside Slavyansk, and a blast and fire followed.

#BREAKING: Shelling in #Slavyansk hit church near local admin bldg. One girl reportedly dead- Russian media.

— PaulaSlier_RT (@PaulaSlier_RT) June 8, 2014

The city survives without tap water, electricity and communications

Slavyansk residents say their spirits are getting lower, as the city is completely surrounded by Kiev’s armed forces and there is constant shooting and shelling while evacuation is hindered.

“Slavyansk has been attacked by massive shelling overnight,” a local resident told RT, adding that the shelling never stops.

As the man was speaking to RT in the morning, he saw massive columns of smoke coming from the city outskirts. The sounds of shelling were heard distinctly over the phone.

Попадание в 9-этажку в 150 м от горсовета #Славянск (улица Свободы). Всё это сейчас, днём pic.twitter.com/38uCPbC0Bc

— Андрей Краснощёков (@a_krasnoschekov) June 8, 2014

The city is preparing to survive without drinking water and electricity.

“Residents are living a third day without water, some people even the fifth… Half [of the city population] doesn’t have electricity,” the man said.

As shops ran out of drinking water supplies too, Twitter images showed that residents had started scooping the remaining water out of fountains.

Сегодня в #Славянск как никогда много разрушений и пожаров. Снаряд поджёг Купеческий дом, погибла маенькая девочка pic.twitter.com/4RrAz0o9t4

— Андрей Краснощёков (@a_krasnoschekov) June 8, 2014

According to RT’s witness, those water and electricity lines that have been broken are located in the “war zones,” where most of the fighting takes place, that’s why it is almost impossible to repair them.

“There is an impression that [Kiev forces] are striking in the vicinity of high-voltage lines to disrupt them and leave the city without water and electricity,” he added.

‘Slavyansk is a total nightmare’

Slavyansk residents are leaving the besieged city with shells whistling above their heads, local driver Vladimir, who evacuates at least 10 residents a day, told RT.

“This is a total nightmare what is happening in Slavyansk. They [Kiev troops] only let women and children leave the city – they are forced to walk through the checkpoints,” Vladimir says. “Men are not allowed to leave or enter the city.”

Vladimir, who literally drives though never-ending gunfire, says Slavyansk residents are mostly seeking refuge in Crimea or in nearby regions.

Meanwhile, Ukraine’s National Guard has begun artillery fire in the outskirts of Slavyansk, according to a video released on YouTube. The footage shows a huge amount of smoke coming from the hill on the outskirts.

Kiev authorities have recently intensified what Kiev calls an “anti-terrorist” operation with a massive artillery attack on Slavyansk. The plan was to conduct a “clean-up” of Donetsk and Lugansk regions ahead of the presidential inauguration held on June 7.

#Slavyansk: Besides the problems w/ power, water & gas supply; mobile communications are working poorly, people's mayor spokesperson adds.

— PaulaSlier_RT (@PaulaSlier_RT) June 8, 2014

#Slavyansk: Shelling hit targets near the city admin building acc. to people's mayor spokesperson. No reports of wounded/killed yet.

— PaulaSlier_RT (@PaulaSlier_RT) June 8, 2014

Последствия обстрела района Мясокомбината (Машмет). #Славянск 07.06.2014 pic.twitter.com/sXTWzYk80f

— СЛАВЯНСК (@Sloviansk) June 8, 2014

#Slavyansk: Besides the problems w/ power, water & gas supply; mobile communications are working poorly, people's mayor spokesperson adds.

— PaulaSlier_RT (@PaulaSlier_RT) June 8, 2014


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Abandoned building behind Mariupol airport caught fire

June 09, 5:29 UTC+4
A city checkpoint Vostochny neighbourhood was fired upon

DONETSK, June 09. /ITAR-TASS/. An abandoned building behind the international airport caught fire on the night from Sunday to Monday in Mariupol (Donetsk Region), an official in the press service of the proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic told Itar-Tass on Monday.

"An abandoned building behind the airport is on fire," the press service official emphasized.

He also pointed out, "A checkpoint in Vostochny (eastern) neighbourhood was fired upon at about 22:00-22:30, local time, on Sunday". In so doing the press service official did not confirm the information, circulated by Ukrainian media, about a blaze in a Mariupol-based military unit.

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MOSCOW, June 09./ITAR-TASS/. A criminal case on detention in Ukraine of Andrei Sushenkov and Anton Malyshev, reporters of Russia’s Zvezda TV channel, will be opened by Russia’s Investigative Committee, the authority’s representative Vladimir Markin said on Monday.

“The Investigative Committee is about to make a decision on opening a criminal case on the incident, and later on the case will be merged with the criminal case on use of forbidden substances and war methods,” he said.

“It is evident already that we are speaking here about kidnapping of Russian citizens, which means a grave violation of the Geneva convention on the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War.

The Investigative Committee has organised a specialised department on investigation of crimes against civilians in Ukraine and opened a criminal case on illegal methods of war used by as yet unidentified military of Ukraine’s Armed Forces and members of the Ukrainian National Guard and Right Sector. The reasons to open the criminal case were the shelling of cities Sloviansk, Kramatorsk, Donetsk, Mariupol and others.

“The events in eastern Ukraine continue, and if in future we reveal new episodes, they will be included into this criminal case,” he said.

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Monday, June 9

07:57 GMT:

About 20,000 women and children from Ukraine’s southeast have crossed the border into Russia’s Rostov Region in the last three days, regional authorities in Rostov say. At least 7,335 Ukrainian citizens have entered the Rostov Region in the last 24 hours, they add.

Overall, over 12,000 people from the crisis-torn country have arrived in Russia, according to data from June 6.

Meanwhile, RT’s Paula Slier spoke to refugees from the eastern Ukrainian city of Lugansk who have been forced to leave their troubled country since Kiev intensified the military crackdown on the country’s east. Now families are leaving for an uncertain future.

07:35 GMT:

Ukrainian forces have resumed their artillery fire in the city of Slavyansk in the Donetsk Region, a member of the city’s militia told Itar-Tass. Fighter jets have been flying above the city, he added.

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SLOVIANSK, June 09. /ITAR-TASS/. The Ukrainian law enforces have resumed artillery strikes on Sloviansk and adjoining settlements on Monday morning. A jet has been seen flying over the city, a source from the self-defense forces told ITAR-TASS.

The city has been suffering from drinking water shortages, as a water pipeline damaged in the shootout has not been repaired. The population of Sloviansk has been living without electricity for almost a week now. Besides, fueling stations are out of service, the source said.

There is practically no mobile telephone service, except in a few areas where cell phones are operating, the source added.

As he spoke the artillery strikes suddenly stopped, and no more explosions were heard. "It is not clear when the strikes would be resumed," the source said.

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Audio recording proves casualties in Lugansk air raid had been planned

05.06.2014 | Source:



An audio recording that has appeared on the Internet, indirectly proves that the pilot, who bombed Lugansk and killed eight civilians knew what he was doing. The recording indicates that the deaths were not accidental.

It becomes clear from the pilot's remarks that there was poor visibility in the area of the combat action. However, the pilot was not even concerned either about the presence of residential buildings nearby, or the possible presence of civilians in the center of Lugansk.

Having fired the missiles, the pilot requested an explanation on what targets exactly the missiles struck. "Let them tell me from the ground if the direction was correct. There are residential quarters near. Was the direction correct? the pilot said.

It then comes clear from the dialogue that one of the engines of the aircraft came out of order. "Fire of right engine" is on and off. I'm in the clouds now, don't see any smoke yet," the pilot said.

Many people tried to identify the pilots. It is hard to believe that the pilots could not see the target that they were bombing. There are suggestions that it was a "fairly experienced pilot," who "found the target and opened fire on it." "There are not many such pilots in the Ukrainian Air Force with their low figures of flight hours,"a user of the forum of radio and monitoring systems wrote.

On Tuesday, June 3rd, three days of mourning were declared in Lugansk for those who were killed in the air strike. OSCE experts confirmed the fact of the air raid.

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