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US/NATO/EU and the desperate subversion of Ukraine

Steven Gaal

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Ukrainian Troops Break Truce in Southeastern Rebel Region

Kiev, Jun 19 (Prensa Latina) The leader of the self-proclaimed People''s Republic of Lugansk, Valeri Bolotov, said today that the truce in southeastern Ukraine has ended and Kiev''s repressive forces have resumed their advance to the zones controlled by the people''s militia.

According to the Letona Baltkon radio station, the Ukrainian Army requested a ceasefire to remove the bodies of around a hundred of its troops who died in combat yesterday.

However, the armored vehicle caravan has begun to move and the truce concluded, warned Bolotov.

In Kiev, the head of Military Medicine at the Ministry of Defense, Vitali Andronatiy, said that 147 soldiers have been killed since the large-scale punitive operation against the Russian-speaking population in southeastern Ukraine began in April.

Andronatiy added that 267 soldiers have also been injured, 13 of them seriously, and another 92 were wounded during the operation which Kiev described as "anti-terrorist," to denigrate those who opposed the coup d' etat against President Victor Yanukovich.

Self-defense units were created in the self-proclaimed People's Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk, to resist the squadrons sent by Kiev in lieu of dialogue, following the referendums backed by more than 90 percent of the population.

The rebels proposed negotiations about the joining of those terrritories to the Russian federation, continued recognition of Russian as an official language and greater administrative and economic autonomy.

An alleged unilateral ceasefire in the eastern Ukrainian region was decreed yesterday by Ukrainian President Pioter Poroshenko, who warned that it would be effective for a limited time and afterward his troops would retake control of the border with Russia.

sus/sa/ajs/pgh/jpm Modificado el ( jueves, 19 de junio de 2014 )

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Manifestantes de este ucraniano exigen cese de represión pdf_button.png printButton.png emailButton.png

ucrania-manifestantes2.jpgKiev, 19 jun (PL) Cientos de manifestantes en la ciudad de Lugansk, este de Ucrania, exigieron hoy el cese de los asesinatos de civiles por escuadrones de la Guardia Nacional en zonas ocupadas, mientras continuaban los combates en la región de Donetsk.

En un mitin pacífico en el centro de la ciudad, los pobladores reclamaron este jueves al gobierno de Kiev un alto a las operaciones militares a gran escala y a poner fin a la represión por parte de los comandos de la Guardia Nacional en las localidades tomadas con ayuda del Ejército.

Varios oradores expresaron la intención de solicitar protección a Rusia y a la ONU, al tiempo que llamaron a toda la población masculina a defender la supervivencia de la proclamada República Popular de Lugansk, cuyos dirigentes rechazan un diálogo con Kiev mientras persista la operación para sofocar la resistencia y de limpieza étnica, como han denunciado.

En la jornada, las milicias de Lugansk aseguraron la neutralización del batallón de mercenarios Aidar, conformado por excombatientes que participaron en las revueltas violentas en la capital ucraniana, que devinieron golpe de Estado en ese país, en febrero pasado.

Según un miliciano entrevistado por el Primer canal de la televisión rusa, las autodefensas destruyeron dos blindados BTR y un equipo BMP, y capturaron a ocho armados, incluida una mujer francotiradora, todos procedentes del occidente del país.

El mismo batallón ocasionó la semana pasada en un combate en la aldea Schastye (Felicidad) 60 muertos y 100 heridos, entre milicianos y civiles. Se sospecha que ese comando paramilitar fue el responsable de los ataques de mortero en los alrededores de Lugansk, que causaron la muerte de un periodista y un técnico de video del grupo de canales federales de Rusia VGTRK.

La situación más complicada en el sureste ucraniano sigue concentrándose en la ciudad de Slavyansk y localidades aledañas, región de Donetsk, donde las fuerzas regulares y la Guardia Nacional mantienen un asedio desde todos los puntos de acceso, hace casi dos meses.

El Ejército asesta fuertes golpes a las autodefensas y a las brigadas de voluntarios con el empleo de la aviación de combate, tanques y medios blindados.

Según el grupo informativo controlado por Kiev sobre la operación militar, en los combates de este jueves en esa zona las unidades regulares sufrieron solo cuatro bajas y unos 20 heridos, mientras estiman en unos 200 los muertos entre los milicianos.

El canal Rossia 24 reportó también fuertes enfrentamientos en las inmediaciones de la ciudad de Krasni Liman, ubicada en la línea de fuego desde mayo pasado.

En Yampol, una pequeña urbe del Donbass, las tropas de Kiev atacaron con más de 100 medios de técnica blindada, artillería de grueso calibre y aviones de asalto SU-25.

Representantes de las milicias informaron a la agencia Interfax que están retrocediendo ante las pérdidas sufridas. Desde Slavyansk fuentes de la resistencia popular comunicaron a la agencia Ria Novosti que al menos dos milicianos murieron y siete resultaron heridos, pero la cifra de víctimas podría ser mayor.

En Kiev, el Parlamento (Suprema Rada), controlado por la mayoría golpista, aprobó otro desembolso de unos 600 millones de grivna (más de 50 millones de dólares) para "cubrir necesidades del Ejército", pese al estado catastrófico de las finanzas ucranianas y de la economía.

Adicionalmente, el Consejo de Ministros anunció la asignación al Ministerio de Interior de casi 200 millones de grivna (16,8 millones de dólares) para compras de medios de protección personal y técnica de combate, incluidas las necesidades de la Guardia Nacional.


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Friday, June 20

10:19 GMT:

Ukrainian military reportedly reinforce roadblocks on border with #Crimea - Ukr. officials.

— PaulaSlier_RT (@PaulaSlier_RT) June 19, 2014
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MOSCOW, June 20. /ITAR-TASS/. Russia’s ambassador to the OSCE said the West must stop unabashed support to Ukraine’s violence in the country’s southeast.

“Video reports from Sloviansk and its suburbs, from Kramatorsk and other settlements of Donbass prove the use of heavy artillery. These are not ‘pinpoint’ special operations. Such strikes are aimed at wiping out towns,” Russia’s envoy to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Andrei Kelin said on Friday.

“Donbass has faced with the cleansing of Russian-speakers. This is close to ethnic cleansing,” he said.

“We cannot understand how the majority of the population can be ‘diabolized’. We don’t understand how people, who protect their land, their houses from radicals violating all norms of humanitarian law, can be called terrorists and separatists,” Kelin said.

“A month has passed after Petro Poroshenko was elected Ukraine’s president. We continue to wait for the president’s adequate steps over deescalation,” he said.

“However, there is no peace that the president has pledged to ensure. Unilateral ceasefire is planning to be declared. We’d like this as soon as possible,” Kelin said.

“In order to cease fire throughout the country it is necessary to conduct a mutually respectful dialogue with the country’s southeast and come to agreements that would meet the interests of all regions and political forces. Amnesty should be granted to protesters,” he said.

“Today the situation is difficult. The besieged cities lack foodstuffs and medications. The Ukrainian army, the National Guard and other armed units with the unclear legal status are only intensifying the operations,” Kelin said.

“Reports from Donbass are similar to those from the theatre of war,” he said.

“Ukraine is concentrating armored vehicles near the town of Yampol. Heavy artillery, armored vehicles and aviation is used in violation of international humanitarian law. Strikes are being delivered on residential areas, hospitals and the city infrastructure. Peaceful civilians, children continue to die. These facts can’t be denied and concealed. Ukraine is considering measures to impose martial law that will lead to further escalation and the suppression of protests,” Kelin said.

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MOSCOW, June 20./ITAR-TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a telephone conversation with Hollande and Merkel that Russian troops were not beefed up on the border with Ukraine, only the contingent of border guards was being reinforced, Russian presidential aide Yuri Ushakov said.

“There is no exaggeration there, only some intensification of the border factor, because the situation on the border is alarming for us,” Ushakov said, noting that other troops “remain to be pulled back, as they had already been pulled back.”

President Vladimir Putin informed about this German and French leaders Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande at their conference call session, Ushakov added.

Moscow was surprised at statements about concentration of Russian troops near the border with Ukraine, since Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered to reinforce border guard a few weeks ago, the president's press secretary Dmitry Peskov said.

"We are surprised at such statements about alleged concentration of Russian troops at the border with Ukraine. In this case, the question is not one of concentration of troops, but measures to strengthen guard of Russia's borders, measures taken on direct instructions from the Russian President Vladimir Putin," Peskov said.

The order was given earlier than in the past few days.

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MOSCOW, June 20. /ITAR-TASS/. Russia will tightly suppress state border violation by Ukrainian military, Russia’s permanent envoy at the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Andrei Kelin said on Friday.

“We’re registering facts of violation of the Russian border by Ukrainian armed forces,” Kelin told an OSCE session. The text of his speech was posted on the Russian Foreign Ministry’s website on Friday.

“If the Ukrainian side continues violating the state border regime, all the necessary measures will be taken to tightly suppress such instances,” Russia’s OSCE envoy said.

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Friday, June 20

23:08 GMT:

OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, Didier Burkhalter, welcomed the announcement of a ceasefire by the President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko.

The ceasefire, Burkhalter says, constitutes an “important chance” for sustainable de-escalation in the eastern regions of Ukraine.

“It would hopefully open up a window of opportunity for dialogue and for putting into effect the peace plan of Poroshenko", Burkhalter said.

Burkhalter confirmed that the OSCE is ready to assist the Ukrainian side in implementing measures outlined in the plan.

21:56 GMT:

Shelling of Slavyansk and Kramatorsk by Ukrainian units stopped after lasting all afternoon, locals told RIA Novosti. However, from time to time shots are fired on the outskirts of Kramatorsk.

21:33 GMT:

Police reserves have been deployed in a number of police stations in Rostov region after the Ukrainian army shelled a Russian checkpoint of Novoshakhtinsk.

"In some areas of the Rostov region police reserves were placed on alert to ensure order at the [Russian-Ukrainian] border," regional Internal Ministry press service told RIA Novosti.

20:55 GMT:

The Russian Investigative Committee is prosecuting the governor of Dnepropetrovsk region Igor Kolomoysky and Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov, for war negligence, committee spokesman Vladimir Markin told ITAR-TASS.

Markin said that the duo are being prosecuted for the “use of prohibited means and methods of warfare, aggravated murder, obstructing the work of journalists and kidnapping,” adding that shortly Russia will place both on the international wanted list.

The spokesman also said that almost 1500 victims have suffered the consequences of their decisions. Markin said the investigative team so far has questioned 2,350 refugees that ended up in Russia, 1420 of which, including 208 minors, have been recognized as victims of Ukraine's military operation in the south-east of the country.

“Over 1000 people have written statements to the Russian investigators addressed to the International Criminal Court and the European Court of Human Rights," Markin said, reminding that the investigation into Avakov and Kolomoysky was opened on June 18.

The investigative committee believes that Avakov and Kolomoysky from April onwards, organized and oversaw their subordinates who were responsible for deliberately killing civilians by the armed forces of Ukraine, including members of the National Guard and the Right Sector, as well as fighters from the special battalion "Dnepr" created and funded Kolomoiskiy.

In addition, the investigation believes that Avakov and Kolomoysky could be responsible for kidnapping Russian journalists.

18:46 GMT:

Russia’s Ambassador to the UN Vitaly Churkin criticized the report circulated by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights released on Wednesday saying that it was not objective.

The report “completely repeats the narrative of the Kiev authorities” and “glosses over government shelling," said Churkin speaking at a press conference on Friday. “There is no hint of objectivity in the report," he added.

Speaking about the revised draft of a UN Security Council resolution on Ukraine that Russia offered on Tuesday, Russia’s envoy said that the Western states are not interested in it.

“We came to the conclusion that our Western colleagues were not interested in the draft," he said, adding that Moscow sees “no prospect for that draft to develop.”

18:07 GMT:

A Russian customs service employee was injured in mortar fire coming from the Ukrainian side at a checkpoint in Novoshakhtinsk in Rostov region, Itar-tass cited a spokesman of the service. He has been taken to a hospital where the doctors evaluated his condition as serious. He was hurt as clashes erupted between self-defense forces and Ukrainian military joined by the National Guard, who launched mortar fire directed at the checkpoint.

15:56 GMT:

Donetsk miners are enlisting for a self-defense “division” amid the expanding Kiev’s military operation, so as “to protect their homes and families,” the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic said on its Twitter account.

According to the statement, more than 500 people have already joined the “miners’ division.”

15:41 GMT:

Washington has included the leaders of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic and Lugansk People’s Republic on its list of sanctioned individuals, Russia’s Finance Ministry said.

Among those included on the sanctions list are the head of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Denis Pushilin, Lugansk People’s Republic head Valery Bolotov, the “people’s mayor” of Slavyansk, Igor Girkin-Strelkov and the city’s former “people’s mayor,” Vyacheslav Ponomarev.

15:30 GMT:

The government of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) has asked the UN to recognize it as a sovereign state, senior DPR official Vladimir Makovich told Russia’s Itar-Tass news agency. Serbia and South Ossetia are among the countries who have asked for recognition separately, he added.

14:21 GMT:

Odessa police have foiled a terrorist attack which was planned during a protest near Russia’s consulate in Odessa on June 16, city police chief Ivan Katerinchuk was quoted as saying by local media.

The assailants were to plant a homemade explosive device in the crowd and explode it from a safe distance after provoking a fight between police and protesters, the police chief said. The destruction radius of the bomb was estimated at 15 meters.

The assailants have been detained, police said, adding that an MP from the right-wing Svoboda (Freedom) party had called for their release.

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MOSCOW, June 20, /ITAR-TASS/. Moscow expresses resolute protests over the shelling of Russian territory by the Ukrainian military and it demands an immediate investigation of this provocative act, the Foreign Ministry said in a statement Friday night.

MOSCOW, June 21, /ITAR-TASS/. Russia’s Investigative Committee has issued a resolution to indict the governor of Ukraine’s Dnepropetrovsk Region, Igor Kolomoisky and parliament-appointed Interior Minister Arsen Avakov on charges of using prohibited means and methods of warfare, IC spokesman Vladimir Markin has told Itar-Tass.

“In the near future the investigators will put Avakov and Kolomoisky on the international wanted list and request a court warrant for their arrest,” he said.

Within the framework of the same criminal case measures are being taken to identity the commanders and rank-and-file of the Ukrainian Armed forces, the National Guard of Ukraine and Right Sector militants who have participated in the military operation against civilians in the southeast of Ukraine,” Markin said.

LUGANSK, June 20, /ITAR-TASS/. The self-defence forces of the Lugansk People’s Republic have refused to lay down arms in response to today’s statement of Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko on unilateral ceasefire in southeast Ukraine until June 27, Agence France Presse Valery Bolotov, the head of the Lugansk People’s Republic, as saying.

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Saturday, June 21

00:06 GMT:

The Ukrainian air force carried out an airstrike in the village of Semenovka in the Donetsk region, around 23:00 GMT, a source of the self-defense forces told Itar Tass. “They used incendiary bombs," the source added.

The information has not yet been confirmed by the People's Republic of Donetsk. There is no information on casualties.

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ROSTOV-ON-DON, June 21 (Itar-Tass) - More than 80 Ukrainian border guards crossed to Russia after the attack on Ukraine’s Izvarino checkpoint overnight. Two people were wounded, the head of the Rostov regional border guard department, Vasily Malayev, told Itar-Tass.

DONETSK, June 21. /Corr. ITAR-TASS Dmitry Buyanin/. Ukrainians resident in the zone of hostilities, still reluctant to abandon their homes, have been making brief visits to Russia to see what a refugee can count on. Those refugees who have already left Ukraine are taken to different regions of Russia from a tent camp set up next to the checkpoint Donetsk, on the outskirts of a same-name Russian city in the Rostov Region on the Seversky Donets river.

The city was the first to have opened one of the four large tent camps for refugees, capable of accommodating five hundred a day. Over the three days it has been open the camp has provided assistance to 15 hundred refugees, one-third of them children. The refugees, mostly of them from the neighbouring Lugansk Region, say they had to flee for fear of a military crackdown.


“The city is brimming with rumours that an active military operation may begin here on June 22. So far we have only heard explosions and shots. Usually I do not believe such gossip, but this time I decided to take my family out of the city,” says middle-aged man Vitaly.

Painter and sculptor Lyubov Yurieva says she managed to leave the community of Gorskoye, near Lugansk, with great problems.

“We left because the thunder kept us awake throughout the night. In fact, we fled the city. At first we could not find anybody who would agree to take us out. Fortunately, we managed to persuade one driver. We are a large family. There are seven of us here and we are waiting for more relatives to arrive,” Lyubov said.

Their tent, just as all others, provides shelter for 20, but some beds remain vacant,

“There were 14 people, but seven have now been taken to Stary Oskol, in the Belgorod Region, where better accommodation alternatives emerged. We are looking forward to a chance to go to Togliatti, to our friends who are ready to have us,” she adds.


The refugees have a variety of opportunities to choose from - regular inter-city busses, taxicabs, volunteers offering their own cars, or special coaches. Many regions have responded to the request for accommodating refugees. Arrangements are made for centralized transfers to different regions of Russia.

“Today we have sent 100 people by two busses to Kursk, 60 have left for Tver, and another 40, to Kamensk-Shakhtinsky. Two hundred people were through the camp during half of the day. Others have taken their places. Night hours are the busiest time. There may be 300 people or more. They have themselves registered, undergo medical examination and go to their tents. In the morning they have breakfast. We offer three meals a day,” says deputy chief of the Emergency Situations Ministry’s southern regional centre, Anatoly Saprunovsky.


The tent camp is equipped to meet practically all basic human needs - it has dormitories, a first aid room, two playrooms, two canteens, a kitchen, a shower, a police office, a desk of the federal migration service FMS, a tent with TV sets, a waiting lounge, a communication room for contacting relatives and so on. There will be even a small playground and a mobile chapel, sponsored by the local church.

“Our parishioners and church workers are going to distribute humanitarian aid. Daily prayers will be conducted for the restoration of peace in fraternal Ukraine, says Donetsk’s priest Vladimir Tatarkin.


The flow of refugees is continuing unabated. The Rostov Region alone has already housed more than 10,000 forced migrants. Quite a few are moving the other way. At the border checkpoint traffic jams and crowds of people on the way back to Ukraine are frequent. At times, though, one may see large crowds and long lines of cars on the road, while the checkpoint itself remains idle. “Many are here just to learn the latest news from home,” says the chief of the Rostov Region’s border guard department, Vasily Malayev. They are eager to know what’s the situation is like and if there are any hostilities on the way back.”

Most Ukrainians interviewed near the checkpoint are saying they still feel scared at the thought of returning home. But, after spending sometime in Russia they begin to feel calmer, for now they know they have a safe haven where to go if shellings begin.

“We are going home in hope our home has not been looted yet. We do not wish to leave hour home unattended, but staying there is a great risk, too. We haven’t decided to move yet. We are here to see what we can count on, if we are forced to flee. Ukrainians enjoy a very warm and kind attitude here. We really appreciate it. But we hope that next time we shall come here of our own accord and not out of fear.

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Saturday, June 21

13:12 GMT:

Several hundred eastern Ukrainians staying in a refugee camp on the Russian-Ukrainian border were on Friday saved by Russian Border Guards from being hit by mortar shells from Ukraine, a local security official told RIA Novosti.

“Taking into account the threat to the people’s lives due to shelling from the Ukrainian side, border guards decided to apply simplified border crossing rules and led people to temporary refugee centers [located] at a safe distance,” Vasily Malaev, a border guard official with the Rostov Region Federal Security Service, told RIA Novosti.

One Russian border guard was injured Friday in the shelling, which took place during clashes between Ukrainian forces and anti-government fighters of the self-proclaimed Lugansk People’s Republic.

12:13 GMT:

For latest news and analysis, watch RT's Roman Kosarev report

11:45 GMT:

Moscow is concerned that the announcement of the peace plan for eastern Ukraine by Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko comes as Kiev is ramping up its military campaign in the region, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said.

The fact that Poroshenko’s plan does not include negotiations is a “radical deviation” from the Geneva agreements on Ukraine, Lavrov added.

10:54 GMT:

Russia’s Investigative Committee has put Ukraine’s Interior Minister Arsen Avakov and governor of Dnepropetrovsky Region Igor Kolomoysky on international wanted list.

Prosecutors are acting as a criminal case has been opened in Russia over the use of prohibited military means and methods. The case also includes charges of aggravated murder, kidnappings and obstructing journalists’ work.

The investigation is working to establish all the names of officers and soldiers of Ukraine’s Armed Forces, the National Guard and Right Sector militants who were involved in the punitive action against civilians in southeastern Ukraine,” the committee said.

Earlier, Moscow stated that Kiev's military operation in the east has claimed lives of over 100 civilians. According to the Investigative Committee, starting from April 12, Avakov and Kolomoysky organized and managed the military operation carried out by the Ukrainian military, the National Guard and Right Sector armed fighters, and the Dnepr special forces of the Ukrainian Interior Ministry, created and financed by Kolomoysky.

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7 wounded in border shootout, Russia shelling are in Rostov Region hospitals
June 21, 13:20 UTC+4

MOSCOW, June 21. /ITAR-TASS/. Seven people wounded in a shootout near the Ukrainian-Russian border and in the recent shelling of Russia’s territory are in hospitals of the southern Russian Rostov Region, acting regional governor Sergey Bondarev said Saturday.

“Seven people were found to be wounded over the night [since the start of combat activities]. One of them is a Russian customs checkpoint official, one is a Russian resident and five are militiamen,” Bondarev said.

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Saturday, June 21

20:37 GMT:

Ukraine’s newly elected President Petro Poroshenko announced that he has a “detailed” action “Plan B” as a contingency, if his “Plan A” for peaceful resolution of conflict in eastern Ukraine, which he announced Friday, does not work.

“Peaceful scenario – it is our plan A. But those who expect to use the peace talks only to gain time to regroup, should know that we have a detailed plan B. I am not going to talk about it, because I believe that our peace plan will work," Poroshenko said in a statement on his website, RIA Novosti reports.

20:25 GMT:

Customs officers at the Novoshahtinsk checkpoint, in Rostov region that came under attack from Ukrainian forces on Friday, were supplied with helmets and bulletproof vests, the head of Rostov customs Andrey Belyaev told RIA Novosti.

“We are worried about the safety of the people. We are applying maximum safety measures,” Belyaev said, adding that an action plan has been worked out dealing with similar emergencies. An evacuation plan has also been drawn up.

Belyaev said that other border checkpoints have also taken measures to protect their staff.

Российский пограничный пункт пропуска "Новошахтинск" в Ростовской области подвергся минометному обстрелу с сопреде... pic.twitter.com/IzH31kfDfD

— Русские не сдаются (@RussiansForward) June 21, 2014
20:06 GMT:

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko in a telephone conversation with OSCE Chairman Didier Burkhalter suggested including OSCE inspectors from the monitoring mission in each of the more than one hundred roadblocks in the country, the website of the president says.

Киев провел консультации с ОБСЕ по реализации плана Порошенко http://t.co/WN1scbB2pO pic.twitter.com/ejBHWOZl2C

— Вера Янько (@VeraYanko) June 21, 2014

"The President noted the need to establish effective monitoring and control of the ceasefire implementation. Poroshenko offered to ensure the presence of inspectors of the OSCE monitoring mission stationed in Ukraine in each of the more than one hundred roadblocks," RIA Novosti reports.

18:49 GMT:

Canada has imposed additional economic sanctions and travel bans against 11 Russian and Ukrainian individuals and one entity, according to the Canadian government’s press-service.

”Russia’s illegal occupation of the Crimean peninsula in Ukraine and provocative military activity remains a serious concern to the international community,” Prime Minister Stephen Harper said in a statement on Saturday. Canada "will continue to increase economic pressure on those responsible for the crisis in Ukraine,” he added.

18:32 GMT:

Forensic investigation has established the causes of the deaths in the Odessa massacre on May 2, Ukraine’s Unian news agency reported citing the head of the local forensics bureau Grygory Krivda.

Out of the 48 killed in the House of Unions nine people died due to carbon monoxide poisoning, two died of external burns, three more died of external and lung burns, five died of lung burns together with unidentified gas poisoning and combustion gases, one died of lung burns and poisoning by unidentified gases. The largest group of people – 14 – was killed by inhaling unidentified gas, smoke and evaporations. Six more people died of gunshot wounds, eight died of wounds received after falling from height.

18:04 GMT:

Ukrainian refugees in Rostov region asked the representatives of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Russia to help organize a “humanitarian corridor for Lugansk self-defense and to evacuate the children”, RIA Novosti reported them as saying.

"It is necessary for your observers to stand there, with them standing there they will not dare to bomb us," said one of the refugees.

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MOSCOW, June 21. /ITAR-TASS/. Russia’s Investigative Committee has put on an international wanted list Ukrainian parliament-appointed Interior Minister Arsen Avakov and businessman, Dnepropetrovsk Region governor Igor Kolomoisky, Russian Investigative Committee spokesman Vladimir Markin said Saturday.

Markin told Itar-Tass that "in the framework of a criminal case on the use of banned means and methods of warfare, aggravated murder, hindrance to the professional activity of journalists and abductions of people in eastern Ukraine, investigators issued a resolution on putting Arsen Avakov and Igor Kolomoisky on a wanted list."

“The resolution was sent to the Main Criminal Investigation Department of the Russian Interior Ministry. Avakov and Kolomoisky were put on an international wanted list, effective on the territory of all Interpol member states,” he said.

"The Russian president said it was “unacceptable” when “after the order to cease fire ammunition lands and explodes on Russian territory as a result of the continuing confrontation between the Ukrainian sides, which not only causes damage to property but also endangers the life and health of our citizens”.

“The announced Poroshenko peace plan should not be an ultimatum to the militia. The opportunity created by the ceasefire must be used for starting constructive negotiations and reaching political compromises between the warring parties in the East of Ukraine,” the press service said."

MOSCOW, June 21. /ITAR-TASS/. The self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DNR) has officially asked South Ossetia to recognise its independence.

DNR Parliament Speaker Denis Pushilin presented the relevant letter to South Ossetia’s Embassy in Moscow on Saturday, June 21. The letter is addressed to South Ossetian President Leonid Tibilov and Parliament Speaker Stanislav Kochiyev.

South Ossetian Ambassador to Russia Dmitry Medoyev told ITAR-TASS that the request would be transmitted to the leadership of his country right away.

“South Ossetia is ready to consider Donetsk’s appeal and make the decision without delay. The leadership and the people of South Ossetia condemn in the strongest possible terms the continuing punitive actions against the peaceful population and the civil war which the Kiev authorities are waging against the people in the region, as a result of which innocent people - women, the elderly and children - die,” he said.

Kochiyev said earlier that South Ossetia was ready to “make a constructive decision” on the matter as soon as it received the DNR’s request for recognition, just as it had done with regard to the Lugansk People’s Republic (LNR) this week.

The DNR intends to join the Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia by the end of 2015 and create a union state with Russia by the end of 2017, sharing political, economic, cultural, and security systems with it, according to the programme of priority actions announced by DNR Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Purgin.

On June 17, South Ossetian President Leonid Tibilov said his country had recognised the May referendum in the Lugansk People’s Republic as legitimate.

On June 18, he signed a decree recognising its independence and said South Ossetia was already negotiating the establishment of diplomatic relations with the LNR.

LNR Head Valery Bolotov said on June 19 that the republic was thankful to South Ossetia and personally to its President Tibilov “for the understanding of the situation in the LNR”.

“No one can understand us better than those who have lived through a war,” Bolotov said. “We are beginning negotiations on the establishment of diplomatic relations with South Ossetia and their formalisation in the relevant documents”.

On June 18, Tibilov signed a decree recognising the independence of the LNR.

The LNR has asked Russia and 14 other countries to recognise its independence. Similar requests have been sent to Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, China, Serbia, Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua.

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