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The Ultimate USAEC secrets per the JFK hit.

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That doesn't prove Allen Dulles was guilty; not by a long shot.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo





Now lets see: Bush family ,William Paley (CBS), and Dimitri Von Mohrenschildt (brother of George de Mohrenschildt ) all close to both DULLES and George De Mohrenschildt. Dulles joins board of Nationwide Insurance were Ruth Paine's father, William Avery Hyde works. Dulles former TOP aide is brother of the Mayor of Dallas. Dulles' pal JJA and Dulles himself with Dulles' Mistress hob nobs with the head lawyer of Treasury Dept (Secret Service). Dulles operative Casey in law firm with previous head lawyer of Treasury Dept. (Secret Service). Dulles mistress Mary Bancroft was a close personal friend of Michael Paine’s mother Ruth Forbes Paine Young.

DULLES NOT PART OF JFK HIT ......REALLY ???????????????????????



Well, Steve, it seems to me that what you have there is circumstantial evidence.

That's the sort of evidence that was presented by Hoover to convict Lee Harvey Oswald. That didn't actually stick very well, according to the critical literature of the last fifty years.

While it's true that former CIA Director Allen Dulles was part of the COVER-UP of the JFK murder, that is quite different, IMHO, from being a part of the EXECUTION of the JFK murder -- and I claim that these two acts represent two very different and opposite groups.

IMHO, the people who covered up the JFK murder were not the friends of the people who murdered JFK.

The people who murdered JFK painted Oswald as a Red because they wanted to blame the Reds. But the people who covered it up painted Oswald as a Lone Nut, because they didn't want the real murderers to have their way.

That's what the evidence shows to me today. For the past fifty years, most JFK researchers have presumed (based on circumstantial evidence) that those who covered up the JFK murder were the same people that murdered JFK. But this new perspective will change everything, IMHO.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Paul - your theory that the coverup involved different forces from the perpetrators, and your proof of that theory, doesn't prove your point. Sure, the totality of the coverup, its extreme broadness, indicates many forces were involved at that stage. But that does not preclude some of the perpetrators were also integral parts of the coverup. Dulles, with his wide connections and his position on the Warren Commission, his firing by JFK after the BOP, suggests he was in on it. He is a most logical choice, once you accept the notion that the conspiracy to kill JFK might have originated from the top of the national security state.

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Paul - your theory that the coverup involved different forces from the perpetrators, and your proof of that theory, doesn't prove your point. Sure, the totality of the coverup, its extreme broadness, indicates many forces were involved at that stage. But that does not preclude some of the perpetrators were also integral parts of the coverup. Dulles, with his wide connections and his position on the Warren Commission, his firing by JFK after the BOP, suggests he was in on it. He is a most logical choice, once you accept the notion that the conspiracy to kill JFK might have originated from the top of the national security state.

Yes, Paul B., I can see your point, and I agree that it is plausible and that I might be mistaken.

Yet I must also add that y'all haven't proven your point either.

Your point is solid IF AND ONLY IF the plot to kill JFK originated with the NSC people. But if there are any holes in that scenario, then you've accused Allen Dulles without much evidence.

Yes -- there are suspicious circumstances -- the most glaring is that JFK fired Dulles as CIA Director, and blamed Dulles (ultimately) for the Bay of Pigs disaster.

One can argue that Dulles never forgave JFK for that. One can also argue that Dulles was convinced that JFK was a Communist -- just like the John Birch Society preached that JFK was a Communist.

But I cannot fix my mind to think of a genius like Allen Dulles reducing his intellect to the pea-brain of a John Birch Society moron.

No -- only absolute idiots believed that JFK was a Communist -- and Allen Dulles was no idiot.

Also, Allen Dulles might have resented JFK for getting fired from his favorite job as CIA Director -- but that is not enough motivation for a genius like Allen Dulles to assassinate a sitting President, IMHO.

In short, to imagine that Allen Dulles worried that JFK was a Communist and had to be killed is to reduce this hero of WW2 and so many successful CIA missions down to the level of a stupid idiot member of the John Birch Society. So, since that's plainly implausible, I don't see a match there.

If we don't respect Allen Dulles, it's easier to accuse him of things we don't like. But I've read his career, and as US military biographies go, I'm impressed with Allen Dulles. Like his brother, John Foster Dulles, he was a great man and a great leader of the USA.

Allen Dulles was also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) like his brother -- and the John Birch Society then claimed that Allen Dulles and his brother were both Communists on that basis.

Like I said -- the John Birch Society consists of some of the stupidest Americans who ever lived. They are so stupid they don't realize that their so-called patriotism is constructed entirely on disloyalty to the USA.

Even a super-conservative like J. Edgar Hoover rejected the John Birchers, and made a policy that no FBI Agent could be a member of the Birchers.

So -- y'all have a mismatch. Allen Dulles wasn't that stupid.


--Paul Trejo

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No - don't agree that the Dulles brothers were heroes. They were among the worst villains of the 20th century. They didn't have to see JFK as a Communist. That is so simplistic. They were not that stupid. But he was their enemy, and the enemy of the military industrial complex. The history of the sixties in particular was all about preventing a non-violent revolution from succeeding, about protecting global corporate interests. Dulles and Bush and the rest of them were successful, and the rest is history. As Pope Francis says, uneven distribution of wealth is the biggest problem the world faces today. We can thank those regressive forces for putting the wealthy first and cementing their power. Assassination was and is a major tool of the CIA. They put together an assassination squad - you've read many of the names over the years on various posts - and used it for decades. Did Walker do that? Walker was a hater, an obviously lonely man who needed to see himself as more important than he was. Dulles was beyond important, a man at the center of American power. Can you doubt for one second his hatred of JFK, a man who created enemies with his increasingly humanist view of the world, with his desire to see peace in his lifetime between east and west? The proof is in the pudding. Castro lived, millions of SE Asians and thousands of American boys died - for what? The continuation of a morally decrepit world view.

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No - don't agree that the Dulles brothers were heroes. They were among the worst villains of the 20th century. They didn't have to see JFK as a Communist. That is so simplistic. They were not that stupid. But he was their enemy, and the enemy of the military industrial complex. The history of the sixties in particular was all about preventing a non-violent revolution from succeeding, about protecting global corporate interests. Dulles and Bush and the rest of them were successful, and the rest is history. As Pope Francis says, uneven distribution of wealth is the biggest problem the world faces today. We can thank those regressive forces for putting the wealthy first and cementing their power. Assassination was and is a major tool of the CIA. They put together an assassination squad - you've read many of the names over the years on various posts - and used it for decades. Did Walker do that? Walker was a hater, an obviously lonely man who needed to see himself as more important than he was. Dulles was beyond important, a man at the center of American power. Can you doubt for one second his hatred of JFK, a man who created enemies with his increasingly humanist view of the world, with his desire to see peace in his lifetime between east and west? The proof is in the pudding. Castro lived, millions of SE Asians and thousands of American boys died - for what? The continuation of a morally decrepit world view.

Well, Paul B., I perceive that you bring your political bias to this discussion. We all have political views, so that's no crime, but I believe your political views have clouded your evaluation of JFK research.

Your view is biased against the wealthy -- the rich -- the 1% who control the wealth of the USA as compared to the 99% who have less than they do.

We might add, however, that among that 99% there are many millionaires. That's right. Millionaires. The 1% today are billionaires and multi-billionaires.

This is nothing new. In 1937 Ferdinand Lundberg wrote, "America's 60 Families" to show that not 1% but 1% of 1% of 1% of the population owned most of America, and controlled Americans with a financial fist.

However, America has thousands of millionaires today, compared with 1937, and paradoxically, the fact that as much as 1% of the population are in control of the Economy is real progress.

Most other nations don't have it so well -- they are still ruled by 1% of 1% of 1%. So, I say to my leftist fellow Americans -- look on the bright side.

Also, JFK himself was part of that upper 1%. It is too simplistic to say that JFK was the enemy of the "military industrial complex." In fact, the Kennedy family was heavily invested in that same military industrial complex.

I realize that in my opinions here I'm also challenging the great Jim Garrison, who also wished to blame the CIA for the murder of JFK, and who also cited the Vietnam War as one of their main goals.

I admit that Jim Garrison was the courageous leader of JFK research when nobody else wanted to follow that path. However, this does not make Jim into a saint or a prophet -- and not everything Jim Garrison said was correct.

So, to answer your question, Paul B., yes, I can easily doubt that Allen Dulles hated JFK, or regarded him as an enemy of the upper 1% of America. Quite the contrary.

I admit that Dulles probably believed that JFK was mistaken on many issues -- including his own fitness to be CIA Director. Yet I don't compare Allen Dulles a John Birch Society fanatic like Ex-General Edwin Walker.

I say that the John Birch Society and Ex-General Edwin Walker stand at the *center* of the murder of JFK. What is my evidence, which challenges the mountain of evidence provided by Jim Garrison?

My evidence is Jack Ruby himself -- a man far closer to the events in Dallas than Jim Garrison ever was there in New Orleans. Jack Ruby personally told Supreme Court Earl Warren that those responsible for the JFK murder were the John Birch Society and General Edwin Walker in Dallas.

People somehow let this fact of testimony slip through their fingers. Jim Garrison let it slip, too. That was his most glaring error of his entire heroic investigation, IMHO.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Dear Paul Trejo , I suspect you havent read Harvey & Lee by Armstrong. Every person at the Trade Mart incident was CIA asset or FBI informant and all for the "PLAY" so to speak to create the illusion of PRO-Castro LHO. THUS IF SHELLY IS AT THE TRADE MART, WE HAVE A MANIPULATION GOING WAY BEYOUND WALKER/JBS.




In other words -- why would Alan Dulles back the Cuban Exiles to murder JFK, but then support the Lone Nut theory that Oswald acted alone -- knowing that this depoliticized Oswald and the JFK murder itself? It seems like a mismatch

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo


"Alan Dulles back the Cuban Exiles to murder JFK, but then support the Lone Nut theory that Oswald acted alone" ///// TREJO = Dulles dosent care who he motivates to kill JFK. If you read the material I presented you understand that DULLES family represented ,at times, British interests who wanted the survival of a Communist Cuba. The existence of Cuba is like the sand and the oyster, it's a creative irritant,creating a militant interventionist globalist USA. If at one time Dulles wanted Cuba gone he changed his mind as his Anglo betters directed. (see above thread post - # 49 - John Dulles creates CFR). As to anti-Castro rhetoric post assassination by Dulles ,thats all in the play/manipulation of elites to the masses.In the same fashion JFK did the same thing (though for better, IMHO, reasons). JFK researchers have shown JFK pro-Vietnam War rhetoric was designuous and that he was planing a withdrawal. see http://www.history-matters.com/vietnam1963.htm and http://www.thenation.com/article/177332/jfks-vietnam-withdrawal-plan-fact-not-speculation


Jack Ruby personally told Supreme Court Earl Warren that those responsible for the JFK murder were the John Birch Society and General Edwin Walker in Dallas.

People somehow let this fact of testimony slip through their fingers. Jim Garrison let it slip, too. That was his most glaring error of his entire heroic investigation, IMHO.

--Paul Trejo
No one lets it slip through ....Ruby's bosses the FBN/CIA have always provided (had ready) a number of cover stories for there ELM ST act. Low level operative Ruby knows there are some loose connections to useful idiots like JBS/Walker to the plot and he tells the story. Warren may have believed and covered it up but others ,sigh, actually believe the tales of Ruby. Ruby was fighting for his life and his tales were the only pressure he had to save his life. Ruby much deeper than the official story. (see below)

JFK: The Ruby Connection, Gary Mack's Follies - Part One
By James DiEugenio


One of the problems with this show is that its very title is deceptive. Because there is simply no exploration of who Jack Ruby was and what his connections to the John F. Kennedy case were or may have been. I say "may have been" because, as with Oswald, the Warren Commission's exploration of Ruby's actual background was, to be kind, cursory. To be unkind, today it looks humorous. For instance, the Commission famously wrote that Ruby had no significant link to organized crime. (Jim Marrs, Crossfire, p. 389) Yet the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) listed a series of phone calls made by Ruby in the month leading up to the murder of Kennedy. It clearly exposes that assertion as dubious. In fact, the House Select Committee specifically criticized both the Warren Commission and the FBI for "failing to analyze systematically ... the data in those records. " (Vol. V, p. 188) Ruby's phone usage went up by a factor of 300% in November of 1963. (ibid p. 190) At this time, Ruby was in phone contact with the likes of Irwin Wiener, Barney Baker, Nofio Pecora, Lewis McWillie, and Dusty Miller, all of who had ties to organized crime. (ibid pgs. 193-195) And as Jim Marrs writes in Crossfire, "the record shows his involvement in a number of criminal activities including gambling, narcotics, prostitution, and gun running." (Marrs, p. 389) But, as the quote above shows, these activities were not done only with the Mafia.

Ruby's gun running was at least partly done with former CIA agent Thomas Eli Davis. (Henry Hurt, Reasonable Doubt, pgs 401-405) And Davis' connections reportedly went all the way up to the CIA assassin famously code named QJ/WIN. Davis had a slight resemblance to Oswald and he used the name Oswald at times in his work. (ibid, p. 402) In fact, Ruby was so close to Davis that, after he shot Oswald, Ruby actually volunteered Davis' name to his attorneys. Incredibly, Ruby said that if he beat the Oswald rap he wanted to go back into the gun running business with Davis. (ibid) Both Davis and Ruby had been involved with another gun runner named Robert McKeown. (ibid) McKeown had run guns to Castro and during one of Ruby's contacts with McKeown, Ruby offered him 25,000 dollars for a letter of introduction to the Cuban dictator. (Hurt p. 177) Where Ruby would get that kind of money and why he himself needed to contact Fidel so badly is something that we will mention later, but which Gary Mack never brings up in this show that supposedly tells the viewer about Ruby's connections to the JFK case.

Neither does Mack explain another interesting riddle. Less than three weeks after the assassination, Davis was attempting to sell guns in Morocco. He was arrested. While he was searched, the authorities found a strange handwritten letter on him referring to "Oswald" and the assassination. (ibid p. 403) In fact, there is evidence that on the day of Kennedy's murder, Davis was in Algiers for gun-running activities, and was released with the help of QJ/WIN himself. (ibid p. 404) Geez, those are interesting Ruby connections to the JFK case: Castro, the Mafia, the CIA, and the usage of Oswald's name. They aren't on this program though.

Ruby also lied about how many times he had been to Cuba. He said he had been there only once, in August of 1959. (ibid, p. 178) Yet there is evidence Ruby was there two times just in that same year. Again, it appears the Commission tried to cover up this fact about Ruby. How? By blending the two trips, which took place in August and September, into one. (Warren Report, p. 370, p. 802, WC Vol. XXII p. 859) Robert Blakey, Chief Counsel of the HSCA, once wrote that it was "...established beyond doubt that Ruby lied repeatedly and willfully to the FBI and the Warren Commission about the number of trips he made to Cuba and their duration ... Their purpose, was to courier something, probably money, into or out of Cuba." (Marrs, p. 394)

The man who Ruby was closest to in Havana was the mob associated gambler, Lewis McWillie. Elaine Mynier, a girlfriend of McWillie, described the two men. She said McWillie was "...a big time gambler, who has always been in the big money and operated top gambling establishments in the United States and Cuba. He always had a torpedo (a bodyguard) living with him for protection." She went on to say that Ruby was "a small time character who would do anything for McWillie ... (Marrs, p. 393, italics added) The Commission had to have known that McWillie was a gambler and killer who Ruby idolized. (WC Vol. V, p. 201, Vol. XXIII, p. 166) While managing the Tropicana in Havana, McWillie became associated with some of the Mob's top leaders like Santo Trafficante and Meyer Lansky, who were part owners. (FBI Memo of 3/26/64) It was Trafficante's association with McWillie that has led some commentators to relate one of Ruby's visits to McKeown as a favor for McWillie. In early 1959, McWillie's boss Trafficante was arrested and jailed outside of Havana by Castro. Just a few days later, Ruby got in contact with McKeown. He told McKeown that he represented Las Vegas interests who were seeking the release of three prisoners in Cuba. Ruby told him that he would offer him five thousand dollars per prisoner for his help. McKeown said he wanted to see the money first. (Marrs, p. 396)

McWillie was also a former employee of a main power inside the Delois Green gang – Benny Binion – who had moved to Las Vegas. Binion also worked at the Tropicana in Havana in 1959. (See CD 1193, WC Vol. XXIII p. 163) Binion probably knew Frank Sturgis since Sturgis was Castro's supervisor of gambling concessions in 1959. Further, Ruby was reportedly involved in gun running with Miami arms dealer Eddie Browder. Browder was also involved with Sturgis. (Marrs, p. 392) Frank Sturgis, of course, was connected to the CIA, Castro, and the Mafia.

There was also the testimony of Ruby employee Nancy Perrin Rich to attest to Ruby's intelligence ties and his gun running activities. She testified that she had moved to Dallas in 1962 to reconcile with her husband Robert. Once they did so, two local detectives who knew Robert had helped her find a job. It was tending bar for Jack Ruby. But she said she didn't like Ruby because of his overbearing manner and temper. So she quit.

She said that later her husband Robert had met with a military officer about getting some anti-Castro Cubans out of Cuba and into Miami. This meeting in Dallas was presided over by a U.S. Army colonel. The colonel suggested a cash payment of ten grand. A few nights later, the Perrins met again with the colonel but this time there were a couple of Cubans in attendance. At this second meeting the assignment was more well-defined. They were not just going to get refugees out; they were also running guns into Cuba. When they heard this, the Perrins wanted more money. The implication made by the Cubans and colonel was that the money would be arriving soon via a bagman. Rich then told the Commission: "I had the shock of my life ... A knock comes on the door and who walks in but my little friend Jack Ruby ... and everybody looks like ... here comes the savior." The Commission did not mention any of Rich's testimony in their report. Further, in 1966, Nancy Rich told Mark Lane that the Commission had eliminated the telling detail that, outside of the apartment house where the second meeting took place, was a cache of military armaments. (Mark Lane, Rush to Judgment, pgs 287-297, Marrs, p. 397)

In fact, this aspect of Ruby's life – his relations to CIA-Mafia activities in Cuba – was obvious to even Commission staffers. Warren Commission attorneys Leon Hubert and Burt Griffin, who ran the Ruby investigation, wrote a memo to Chief Counsel J. Lee Rankin in March of 1964. They wrote that, "The most promising links between Jack Ruby and the assassination of President Kennedy are established through underworld figures and anti-Castro Cubans and extreme right-wing Americans." (John Armstrong, Harvey and Lee, p. 948) Two months later, they wrote another memo: "We believe that a reasonable possibility exists that Ruby has maintained a close interest in Cuban affairs to the extent necessary to participate in gun sales and smuggling ... Neither Oswald's Cuban interests in Dallas nor Ruby's Cuban activities have been adequately explored ... We believe the possibility exists, based on evidence already available, that Ruby was involved in illegal dealings with Cuban elements who might have had contact with Oswald. The existence of such dealings can only be surmised since the present investigation has not focused on that area." (WC Memorandum to J. Lee Rankin, 5/14/64) In other words, Griffin and Hubert were saying that the connection between the two men very likely existed in these Cuban matters. But since the FBI was not interested in it, they couldn't really discover if it was there.


Gunrunner Ruby and the CIA
by Lisa Pease

It's not as if they didn't know. Assistant counsels to the Warren Commission Burt Griffin and Leon Hubert wrote, in a memo to the Warren Commission members dated March 20, 1964, that "the most promising links between Jack Ruby and the assassination of President Kennedy are established through underworld figures and anti-Castro Cubans, and extreme right-wing Americans." 1 Two months later, Griffin and Hubert wrote another memo to the Commission, significantly titled "Adequacy of the Ruby Investigation" in which they warned, "We believe that a reasonable possibility exists that Ruby has maintained a close interest in Cuban affairs to the extent necessary to participate in gun sales or smuggling."

"They're going to find out about Cuba.
They're going to find out about the guns,
find out about New Orleans,
find out about everything."
Ruby had talked about it himself while in jail, reportedly telling a friend, "They're going to find out about Cuba. They're going to find out about the guns, find out about New Orleans, find out about everything." 2 Tales of Ruby running guns to Cuba abounded in the FBI reports taken in the first weeks after the assassination, yet neither the Warren Commission nor the House Select Committee pursued those leads very far. Griffin and Hubert expressed concern over this, saying that "neither Oswald's Cuban interests in Dallas nor Ruby's Cuban activities have been adequately explored." 3
If They Dared
Hubert and Griffin expressed in their memo of May 14 to Rankin that "we believe that the possibility exists, based on evidence already available, that Ruby was involved in illegal dealings with Cuban elements who might have had contact with Oswald. The existence of such dealings can only be surmised since the present investigation has not focused on that area." 4 They expressed concern that "Ruby had time to engage in susbtantial activities in addition to the management of his Clubs" and that "Ruby has always been a person who looked for money-making 'sidelines'." They even suggested that since the Fort Worth manufacturer of the famous "Twist Board" Ruby was demonstrating the night after the assassination had no known sales, and was manufactured by an oil field equipment company, that "[t]he possibility remains that the 'twist board' was a front for some other illegal enterprise." But what Griffin and Hubert kept coming back to is that there was "much evidence" that Ruby "was interested in Cuban matters, citing his relationship to Louis McWillie; his attempted sale of jeeps to Castro, his reported attendance of meetings "in connection with the sale of arms to Cubans and the smuggling out of refugees"; and Ruby's quick correction of Wade's remark that Oswald was a member of the Free Cuba Committee, a group populated with such notables as Clare Booth Luce, Admiral Arleigh Burke, and Hal Hendrix. "Bits of evidence link Ruby to others who may have been interested in Cuban affairs."

What was their recommendation, based on such tantalizing evidence? "We suggest that these matters cannot be left 'hanging in the air.' They must either be explored further or a firm decision must be made not to do so supported by stated reasons for the decision." History has given us the commission's decision on this, but a clue to the motivation shows up in this same memo, in regards to Seth Kantor, who claimed to have seen Ruby at Parkland hospital around the time of Kennedy's death. "We must decide who is telling the truth, for there would be considerable significance if it would be concluded that Ruby is lying." [emphasis added] The concern was not what the truth was, but what the truth might mean if it was uncomfortably discovered.

Ruby was lying, and the implications are enormous.

Cuban Excursions
Ruby had told the Warren Commission he had only been to Cuba once, on vacation, for a week to ten days. Not true. According to Cuban travel records, Jack Ruby entered Cuba from New Orleans on August 8, 1959; left Cuba September 11, 1959; re-entered Cuba from Miami on September 12, 1959; and returned from Cuba to New Orleans on September 13, 1959. 5 But bank records 6, Dallas police records 7, and FBI records 8 showed Ruby in Dallas August 10, 21, 31, and September 4, days which fall right in the middle of his supposedly continuous stay in Cuba. Somehow, Ruby was getting in and out of Cuba without the Cuban authorities detecting and recording such. Why was Ruby making multiple excursions to Cuba during this time? What were the nature of these visits and why did he choose to hide them?

The reticence of investigative bodies to investigate these matters make sense when one realizes that Jack Ruby was not going to Cuba on pleasure trips. The Warren Report tells of an incident in early 1959 where Ruby made "preliminary inquiries, as a middleman, concerning the possible sale to Cuba of some surplus jeeps located in Shreveport, La., and asked about the possible release of prisoners from a Cuban prison." 9 Ruby's sister indicated the jeeps might have been military surplus from W.W.II. 10 Both the story of the jeeps and the story of the prisoners tie Ruby to some interesting Cuban activities.

A Whole Lot of Jeeps
Texas gunrunner Robert McKeown said Ruby "had a whole lot of jeeps he wanted to get to Castro." Ruby wanted McKeown to write a personal letter of introduction to Castro for Ruby so he could talk to Castro about releasing some unnamed friends detained in Havana. 11

At that time, Santo Trafficante was being held at the Trescornia detention center in Cuba. Was Ruby instrumental in winning Trafficante's release at that time? John Wilson Hudson (a.k.a. John Wilson), an English journalist supposedly detained with Trafficante in the camp, indicated that Ruby came to see Trafficante in Trescornia. 12 After Ruby shot Oswald, according to CIA cables, Wilson contacted the American Embassy and reported that "an American gangster called Santo...was visited by an American gangster type named Ruby." 13 If Ruby was trying to sell jeeps to Castro, as McKeown said, was this an arms-for-hostages type deal? Get Castro the jeeps and get Trafficante out of jail? Recent events remind us this certainly wouldn't have been the only such effort in history. Trafficante was released from the detention center in August, 1959, 14 possibly just after Ruby's appearance there.

Questioning Trafficante
Trafficante is a person often portrayed as one of Ruby's mob contacts. But Trafficante was one of the "gangsters" who participated in the CIA's Castro assassination attempts, according to the CIA Inspector General's report. Key to understanding the seriousness of defining Trafficante's relationship with Ruby are the questions originally put to him before Blakey took over the HSCA, by then-chief counsel Richard Sprague. 15 To all of the following, Trafficante's response was, "I respectfully refuse to answer that question pursuant to my constitutional rights under the 1st, 4th, 5th, and 14th amendments." This is the legal outlet allowed when a truthful answer will be self-incriminating, and Trafficante used it throughout.

"Mr. Trafficante, have you at any time been an employee, a contract employee, or in any manner been in the service of the Central Intelligence Agency, or any other agency of the Federal Government of the United States?"
The first question out of Sprague's mouth is probably indicative of why he was eventually ousted - he had a habit of getting right to the point:

"Mr. Trafficante, have you at any time been an employee, a contract employee, or in any manner been in the service of the Central Intelligence Agency, or any other agency of the Federal Government of the United States?"
The rest of the questions followed in a similar vein:

"Mr. Trafficante, did you know John Rosselli?"
"Mr. Trafficante, did you know Sam Giancana?"
"Mr. Trafficante, do you know Robert Maheu?"
"Mr. Trafficante, prior to November 22, 1963, did you have information that President Kennedy was going to be assassinated?"
"Mr. Trafficante, prior to November 22, 1963, did you advise other people of the assassination of President Kennedy?"
"Mr. Trafficante, prior to November 22, 1963, did you know Jack Ruby?"
"Mr. Trafficante, have you ever met with representatives of the Central Intelligence Agency to discuss the assassination of various world leaders, including Fidel Castro?"
"Mr. Trafficante, is any agency of the U.S. Government giving you any immunity with regard to any plans to assassinate any world leaders?"
"Mr. Trafficante, did you ever discuss with any individual plans to assassinate President Kennedy prior to his assassination?"
"Mr. Trafficante, while you were in prison in Cuba, were you visited by Jack Ruby?"
When the questions were opened to the others present, more questions followed in the same vein. Note: no one was asking questions about Trafficante's mob involvement. They were interested in his ties to the government:

"Mr. Trafficante, as a result of your appearance here today, have you been threatened by anyone, any group or agency? Has your life been threatened in any way?"
"Mr. Trafficante, have you been contacted by any agency in the executive branch, say the CIA or FBI, in connection with your possible testimony before or after you received formal subpena to appear before this committee?"
Trafficante's involvement with the CIA and Ruby bear further scrutiny. The Review Board should be asked to release all CIA and FBI files on Santo Trafficante.

The story of Jack Ruby getting Trafficante out of a Cuban jail was not the only such allegation. There is another allegation from a different source that Ruby was involved in some guns for hostages deal.

Nancy Perrin Rich told the Warren Commission a fascinating story about a group running Enfield rifles to Castro in order to run refugees out of Cuba to Florida. The guns were to be run through Mexico. Ruby was evidently the bagman for this group, since his appearance on at least one occasion made the cries about lack of money disappear when he walked in. 16

Nancy Perrin Rich's story is perhaps the most widely retold of Ruby's gunrunning episodes. But there are a number of other odd stories that bear dissemination, some with more substantiation than others. There are the new Elrod revelations that put Ruby in the middle of yet another gunrunning scenario. 17 And there is a story from Islamorada, Florida that leads to interesting places.

Jack and James
Mrs. Mary Thompson met a man named "Jack" accompanied by a women, not his wife, named "Isabel" at the home of Mary Lou and James Woodard in Islamorada, Florida. 18 At the time, Mary Thompson was accompanied by her daughter Dolores and Dolores's husband. Jack was said to be from Chicago originally. Mrs. Thompson placed the date of this encounter around the end of May of 1958. Interestingly enough, she said Jack's first real name was Leon but went by Jack. Jack Ruby's middle name was Leon.

Mary Lou Woodard said Jack had a trunk full of guns he was going to supply to Cubans. Mary Thompson stated she'd been told there were supplies of guns hidden in the marshes that were being collected by the Indians in the area to be sold to the Cubans, as this was around the time of the Cuban revolution. Mary Thompson's daughter Dolores also saw and described this same Jack, as did Mrs. W. R. Simons.

Dolores recalled that her husband's friend James Woodard, while drunk one night, declared he would run guns to Cuba with Jack. Woodard had two or three guns of his own but said Jack had a lot more. When shown a photo of Jack Ruby she said it resembled the man she remembered, although she didn't remember his last name as being "Ruby."

A check of the Knoxville FBI files showed that James Woodard was considered "armed and dangerous", packed a weapon, and had a violent temper when drinking. Interviewed by the FBI in September of 1963, Woodard "in somewhat rambling and incoherent manner" talked of his participation in an invasion of Cuba prior to the Castro regime, that he had again participated in the Bay of Pigs and had furnished ammunition and dynamite to both Castro and the Cuban exile forces. On October 8, 1963, Woodard was questioned again, this time concerning dynamite found at his residence in South Dade County, Florida, as the dynamite had been stolen from a construction company. He claimed the dynamite was being used by Cuban exile forces fighting the Castro regime.

After the assassination, James Woodard's sister said James had been in Texas a lot, and that she had asked James if he ever knew Ruby. He said no, but then promptly disappeared and hadn't been seen since November 25, 1963. If he truly had been running guns with Ruby to the CIA-sponsored Cuban exile forces, one can surely imagine a hefty motive for his sudden disappearance after Ruby appeared on the public scene by shooting Oswald. Woodard is another person whose records the Review Board should look into to shed light on Ruby's contacts with Cubans and gunrunning.

Perhaps Ruby was concerned enough to hide his activities not so much because he was running guns, but because of who he was running them for, and with.

By far the most interesting account of Ruby's gunrunning is found in an FBI report taken a week after the assassination. Informant "T-2" (Blaney Mack Johnson) revealed that in the early 1950s a man he knew then as "Rubenstein" arranged illegal flights of weapons to the Castro organization in Cuba. He added that Rubenstein "left Miami and purchased a substantial share in a Havana gaming house in which one COLLIS PRIO (phonetic) was principal owner." 19 One recognizes the name Carlos Prio Soccaras, especially when T-2 linked "COLLIS" to Batista. In the early 50s Prio was a supporter of the Batista regime under which he had grown exceedingly wealthy, but in the mid to late 50s Prio worked hand in hand with Castro, aided by the CIA, to overthrow the increasingly difficult Batista.

In a letter to Lee Rankin of the Warren Commission, Hoover had this to say of the ongoing (since 1952) investigation of Dr. Carlos Prio Socarras, a.k.a. Carlos Prio: "The neutrality and registration act investigation related primarily to the activities of Carlos Prio Socarras, who, with a number of others including McKeown, was involved in a conspiracy to ship arms, munitions, and other war materials to Fidel Castro to assist him in his efforts to overthrow the Batista regime in this investigation." 20 In the attachment, the FBI had McKeown knowing Castro and Carlos Prio Socarras personally. As referenced earlier, McKeown was the one who revealed Ruby's possible jeep deal and Ruby's attempt to get friends released from Cuban detention. McKeown also said that Ruby came to him offering a large sum of money in return for a personal letter of introduction to Castro. 21

Mysterious Mr. Browder
But T-2's account revealed possibly a contact of Ruby's even more interesting than Prio. T-2 stated that the man he recognized as Ruby but knew formerly as Rubenstein was smuggling arms to Cuba with one Donald Edward Browder. T-2 went on to name three people who he said could corroborate his story: Joe Marrs of Marrs Aircraft whom Ruby contracted to make flights to Cuba; former Chief of Police in Hialeah, Florida Leslie Lewis, who would know of Ruby's gunrunning and smuggling operations; and Clifton T. Bowes, Jr., formerly captain of National Airlines, Miami, for further corroboration.

Joe Marrs worked for Eastern Airlines. He claimed he never flew for hire or transported goods. He knew Browder, but claimed he avoided Browder as he saw him as a shady promoter who was all talk about air transport plans but no money (an amusing revelation from a man who just a few words earlier had said he didn't fly for hire.) 22

Les Lewis, the former Chief of Police, denied knowing Jack Ruby and claimed to have "no knowledge whatsoever of persons flying weapons to Cuba." A Hialeah Police Chief having no knowledge of persons flying weapons to Cuba in the fifties is a bit hard to believe. And of course, Lewis completely denied ever knowing a Donald Edward Browder. 23

Clifton T. Bowes was sure he never knew a Jack Rubenstein and said he first heard of Ruby watching him on television. He did not know a Donald Edward Browder but did claim to know Blaney Mack Johnson, saying he understood Johnson was ill and had been hospitalized, was "highly imaginative" 24, the usual FBI line for an unwelcome witness.

When the FBI collected these denials, they returned to Johnson. Johnson stuck tightly by his story and insisted all the information he had provided had been true and accurate. He also said he understood why Lewis, Marrs and Bowes would have lied to conceal their knowledge of and/or involvement in Ruby's activities. And of course, Johnson replied he had never been hospitalized.

Enter Eddie Browder. Eddie Browder testified before the House Select Committee on Assassinations in the 70s. 25 He was a former Lockheed test pilot who was serving a 25-year prison sentence for "security violations." He told the committee he worked for the CIA. One time he had leased a B-25 bomber under the name of a non-existent company and flown it to Haiti a year after the Kennedy assassination. He cashed a check signed by George DeMohrenschildt's Haitian business associate Clemard Charles, in the amount of $24,000. What's interesting is that the HSCA used Browder's testimony in the DeMohrenschildt section, not the Jack Ruby section. Is there a tie there linking DeMohrenschildt to Jack Ruby? Only three small "innocuous" reports of the more than 1000 pages the FBI has on Browder were released to the Warren Commission. 26 It's time the remaining documents on Browder, including the full text of his executive session testimony before the HSCA, were released. Any Browder who used the Don Eduardo alias 27, worked with DeMohrenschildt, and ran guns with Ruby to Cuba is worthy of further study.


(Continued in the next issue of Probe.)
George Michael Evica, And We Are All Mortal (University of Hartford, 1978), p. 161. (Back to text)
Peter Dale Scott, Deep Politics and the Death of JFK (University of California Press, Ltd, 1993), p. 179. (Back to text)
Memorandum to J. Lee Rankin from Leon D. Hubert and Burt W. Griffin, May 14, 1964, p. 3. (Back to text)
Memorandum to J. Lee Rankin from Leon D. Hubert and Burt W. Griffin, May 14, 1964, p. 4. (Back to text)
HSCA, Vol. 5, pp. 197-198. (Back to text)
HSCA, Vol. 5, p. 204. On page 205 Stokes said that Ruby was admitted to his box on August 20th, but the copy of the FBI report on the bank records on the previous page show both a typewritten date of August 21 and a handwritten note with the same date. (Back to text)
Anthony Summers, Conspiracy (Paragon House paperback edition, 1989), p. 439. (Back to text)
HSCA, Vol. 5, p. 221. (Back to text)
Report of the Warren Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy (McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1964), p. 345. (Back to text)
WC Vol. 26, p. 661, CE 3069. (Back to text)
Summers, p. 437 (Back to text)
Summers, p. 441. (Back to text)
Summers, p. 440; HSCA Vol. 5, p. 365. (Back to text)
HSCA, Vol. 5, p. 325. (Back to text)
HSCA, Hearings March 16, 1977, pp.37-41. (Back to text)
WC Vol. 14, pp. 349-350. (Back to text)
For a lengthy treatment of Elrod, see the article by Ray and Mary La Fontaine, The Washington Post, 8/7/94, "The Fourth Tramp". (Back to text)
WC Vol. 26, p. 642-649. (Back to text)
WC Vol. 26, p. 634, CE 3063. (Back to text)
WC Vol. 26, p. 650, CE 3066. (Back to text)
Summers, p. 437. (Back to text)
WC Vol. 26, p. 639. (Back to text)
WC Vol. 26, p. 639. (Back to text)
WC Vol. 26, p. 640. (Back to text)
Jim Marrs, Crossfire (Carrol & Graf, 1989), p. 284. (Back to text)
Marrs, p. 392. (Back to text)
Don Eduardo was a well known alias of E. Howard Hunt. But James McCord also used the name Don Eduardo. Jim Hougan, Secret Agenda (Random House, 1984), p. 80. Blaney Mack Johnson said Don Edward Browder was sometimes called "Don Eduardo." WC Vol. 26, p. 642.


JFK: The Ruby Connection, Gary Mack's Follies Continued
Part Two
By James DiEugenio


As I proved in Part One, the title to this documentary is a misnomer. Since it deliberately shears off all the possible connections Jack Ruby could have to the Kennedy assassination i.e., to the Cosa Nostra, to the CIA, to Oswald, and finally to the Dallas Police. In Part One, I presented only a précis of the multitude of connections Jack Ruby had to those three entities and to Oswald. Other authors, like Jim Marrs and John Armstrong, have done longer and fuller examinations of what those ties were. For instance, Armstrong traces Ruby's gun-running activities with the CIA back to the late fifties. But how could that be if Castro was not in power at the time? Because, as it often does, the CIA was playing both sides in the Batista/Castro struggle. So they were actually sending some aid to Castro at the time. And Ruby appears to have been part of it. (See John Armstrong, Harvey and Lee, pgs. 177, 586)




Most other nations don't have it so well -- they are still ruled by 1% of 1% of 1%. So, I say to my leftist fellow Americans -- look on the bright side.

Paul Trejo
The U.S. Has The Worst Income Inequality In The Developed World ...

SimilarAug 15, 2013 ... This echoes an OECD study from earlier this year that found the U.S. had the
highest income inequality in the developed world. It followed only ...
The U.S Ranks 4th in Income Inequality | Inequality for All

SimilarThe U.S. is nearly the most wealth-unequal country in the entire world. Out of 141
countries, the U.S. has the 4th-highest degree of wealth inequality in the world, ...

Edited by Steven Gaal
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__Almost admit to having Castro survive= see GREEN BELOW._


"Alan Dulles back the Cuban Exiles to murder JFK, but then support the Lone Nut theory that Oswald acted alone" ///// TREJO =

Dulles dosent care who he motivates to kill JFK. If you read the material I presented you understand that DULLES family represented ,at times, British interests who wanted the survival of a Communist Cuba. The existence of Cuba is like the sand and the oyster, it's a creative irritant,creating a militant interventionist globalist USA. If at one time Dulles wanted Cuba gone he changed his mind as his Anglo betters directed. (see above thread post - # 49 - John Dulles creates CFR). As to anti-Castro rhetoric post assassination by Dulles ,thats all in the play/manipulation of elites to the masses.In the same fashion JFK did the same thing (though for better, IMHO, reasons). JFK researchers have shown JFK pro-Vietnam War rhetoric was designuous and that he was planing a withdrawal. see http://www.history-m...vietnam1963.htm and http://www.thenation...not-speculation (GAAL)


"For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."Page 405 of Rockefeller's autobiography, "Memoirs", October 15, 2002 ISBN-13: 978-0812969733.
Edited by Steven Gaal
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Dear Paul Trejo , I suspect you haven't read Harvey & Lee by Armstrong. Every person at the Trade Mart incident was CIA asset or FBI informant and all for the "PLAY" so to speak to create the illusion of PRO-Castro LHO. THUS IF SHELLY IS AT THE TRADE MART, WE HAVE A MANIPULATION GOING WAY BEYOUND WALKER/JBS.




In other words -- why would Alan Dulles back the Cuban Exiles to murder JFK, but then support the Lone Nut theory that Oswald acted alone -- knowing that this depoliticized Oswald and the JFK murder itself? It seems like a mismatch

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo


"Alan Dulles back the Cuban Exiles to murder JFK, but then support the Lone Nut theory that Oswald acted alone" ///// TREJO = Dulles dosent care who he motivates to kill JFK. If you read the material I presented you understand that DULLES family represented ,at times, British interests who wanted the survival of a Communist Cuba. The existence of Cuba is like the sand and the oyster, it's a creative irritant,creating a militant interventionist globalist USA. If at one time Dulles wanted Cuba gone he changed his mind as his Anglo betters directed. (see above thread post - # 49 - John Dulles creates CFR). As to anti-Castro rhetoric post assassination by Dulles ,thats all in the play/manipulation of elites to the masses.In the same fashion JFK did the same thing (though for better, IMHO, reasons). JFK researchers have shown JFK pro-Vietnam War rhetoric was designuous and that he was planing a withdrawal. see http://www.history-matters.com/vietnam1963.htm and http://www.thenation.com/article/177332/jfks-vietnam-withdrawal-plan-fact-not-speculation



Jack Ruby personally told Supreme Court Earl Warren that those responsible for the JFK murder were the John Birch Society and General Edwin Walker in Dallas.

People somehow let this fact of testimony slip through their fingers. Jim Garrison let it slip, too. That was his most glaring error of his entire heroic investigation, IMHO.


--Paul Trejo


No one lets it slip through ....Ruby's bosses the FBN/CIA have always provided (had ready) a number of cover stories for there ELM ST act. Low level operative Ruby knows there are some loose connections to useful idiots like JBS/Walker to the plot and he tells the story. Warren may have believed and covered it up but others ,sigh, actually believe the tales of Ruby. Ruby was fighting for his life and his tales were the only pressure he had to save his life. Ruby much deeper than the official story. (see below)


JFK: The Ruby Connection, Gary Mack's Follies - Part One

By James DiEugenio


Yes, Steven, I'm already aware of the vast research on Jack Ruby. It doesn't prove my point is wrong -- in fact, I believe it supports my point. Jack Ruby was a bit player in a much larger game. But even Jack Ruby knew that Edwin Walker and John Birch Society rogues were involved up to their necks.

As for the Allen Dulles connection with British interests, they clearly existed insofar as the USA and England were Allies during WW2, but to suggest that they had global consequences after the clear defeat of England and the clear assumption of US Imperial power after WW2 is not only unproven, it is unnecessary.

The British have indeed tried to influence US politics after their utter defeat (along with Germany, as both Berlin and London were reduced to rubble and at the mercy of USA charity). However, that does not mean that they were SUCCESSFUL at their attempts to influence the USA. Quite the contrary. The USA has played the UK card quite deftly since 1945.

Your strongest argument above, IMHO, is your argument that "If Shelly is at the Trade Mart, then we have a manipulation going way beyond Walker/JBS."

However, I believe I have an answer to your argument.

One of the major players at the NOLA Trade Mart (besides Clay Shaw), as shown by Jim Garrison, was former ONI and FBI officer Guy Banister. Guy Banister, we have learned, was also a ranking officer of the Louisiana Minutemen, as well as a member of the John Birch Society.

That is a double-connection with Ex-General Edwin Walker. Walker was not only a leader within the Dallas John Birch Society, but he was also a ranking officer of the Texas Minutemen.

The Minutemen (for those few who aren't sure) were ultra-rightist, armed militia who met regularly for paramilitary exercises in woods and swamps around the USA. Their main fear was a Communist invasion from South America. (The 1984 movie starring a young Patrick Swayze, namely, Red Dawn, is from a 1960's script documenting the culture of the Minutemen.)

There is a bigger connection. We have Lee Harvey Oswald being "sheep-dipped" (to use Jim Garrison's term) starting in April 1963, when he arrives in New Orleans, through August 1963, when he is finally ready to make his trip to Mexico City, taking his "street credentials" as an FPCC officer to the Cuban Embassy there.

What else happened in April 1963? That's right, the fact (IMHO) that Oswald tried to kill Ex-General Walker. Both George De Mohrenschildt (I'm a Patsy, I'm a Patsy!, 1978) and Volkmar Schmidt (1987) admitted that they tried to convince Lee Harvey Oswald to hate ex-General Walker enough to kill him. This was in February of 1963. In March of 1963 Oswald ordered firearms through the mail. In April of 1963 Oswald (as Marina testified) admitted to Marina that he tried to kill Edwin Walker at his home.

Dick Russell's 1993 book, The Man Who Knew Too Much, also documents the fact that after George De Mohrenshildt and his wife figured this out three days later, George told his friends, the Voshinins, about it four days later, and they told the FBI immediately. The FBI (I surmise) told Edwin Walker that same day (Easter Sunday) because Walker maintained in his personal papers, often and for the rest of his life, that he knew Oswald was his shooter days after the shooting.

Yes, Walker lied to the Warren Commission about that -- but he told the truth to Senator Frank Church about it in the late 1970's. I surmise from all this that:

(1) Walker was very close to Guy Banister through the Minutemen and the John Birch Society;

(2) Walker knew Lee Harvey Oswald was his shooter on 14 April 1963;

(3) Walker told his friends in the Minutemen about this outrage;

(4) Guy Banister had a close associate, David Ferrie, who knew Lee Oswald since his youth;

(5) Guy Banister, David Ferrie and Edwin Walker conceived a plot to get revenge on Lee Harvey Oswald;

(6) Their plot would offer Oswald fame and fortune in a special, secret "CIA" operation to kill Fidel Castro;

(7) Lee Harvey Oswald quickly moved to New Orleans to take advantage of this special offer;

(8) The plan of Banister and Ferrie (with Ed Butler of INCA and Carlos Bringuier of DRE) would frame Oswald as an FPCC officer;

(9) Oswald played his role with great gusto. Thus, Oswald knew his framers very well, and trusted them.

(10) As the framing plot gained momentum in July and August, other people, like Clay Shaw, were brought into the mix.

Clearly, once Clay Shaw was in, then rogue elements of the CIA began to participate.

Thus, as I say -- I can explain the entire NOLA Trade Mart operation with Edwin Walker and the John Birch Society at the very center of that cyclone.

It was not the CIA who planned this -- it was rogue CIA members and their street-punk assets who claimed to be CIA (and so fooled Jim Garrison, Joan Mellen and many others), who came in after the fact.

Once the patsy was perfectly groomed, everything else fell into place. Without the patsy, this plot (like many others) would have been called off.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Thus, as I say -- I can explain the entire NOLA Trade Mart operation with Edwin Walker and the John Birch Society at the very center of that cyclone.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo


The Trade Mart incident was made up of CIA/FBI people. Walker/Birchers could not put that together. Shelly is there also ,this is a vast and deep organization, which I will post about below.


As for the Allen Dulles connection with British interests, they clearly existed insofar as the USA and England were Allies during WW2, but to suggest that they had global consequences after the clear defeat of England and the clear assumption of US Imperial power after WW2 is not only unproven, it is unnecessary.

--Paul Trejo


It is an Anglo/American relationship that is striving for domination.

This book might be of help to you. http://www.carrollquigley.net/pdf/The_Anglo-American_Establishment.pdf


Ruby was part of a transnationally protected narcotics network connected to the School Book depository for many years before the assassination and its Elm St home.



I should add that the Orwellian behavior of the U.S. governing has included not only suppression of the truth, but the propagation of lies. In the 1950s, when CIA operations in Southeast Asia were partly financed by proceeds from the KMT-controlled drug traffic, the U.S. routinely parroted the false claims of Harry Anslinger, chief of the federal Bureau of Narcotics (FBN), that KMT drugs reaching America via Bangkok and Hong Kong were coming instead from Communist China.106 (Anslinger “had established a working relationship with the CIA by the early 1950s.”)107
In a major FBN bust in 1959, for example,
The arrests were delayed until after the ringleader, Chung Wing Fong, a former Hip Sing president and official of the San Francisco Anti-Communist League (a KMT front) had been ordered by the US consulate in Hong Kong to travel to Taiwan. In this way Fong became no more than an unindicted conspirator, and the KMT disappeared from view; [George] White then told the US press that the heroin had come from Communist China (“most of it from a vast poppy field near Chungking”).108
(FBN official George White was simultaneously a CIA operative.)
The FBN propaganda line on Asian opium, which effectively protected the pro-KMT societies distributing it in America, went essentially unchallenged in the US press until the 1970s, when Nixon began revising U.S. policy towards China.


see http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=16754


Book Documents The Mafia's Mexican Connection

Before the Mexican drug cartels, it was the Italian Mafia who supplied Americans with party favors.

In La Cosa Nostra en Mexico author Juan Alberto Cedillo states that during the 1940s Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel, Charlie "Lucky" Luciano and Meyer Lansky smuggled narcotics fom the land of the shaking earth, and the wise guys even sent Virginia Hill south of the border to charm the pants off dirty officials as reported by Fox News Latino.

In 1923, he was a little-known

Assistant U.S. Attorney in the state of New York, who became

friends with super-rich Albert Lasker, one of the heads of the

General American Tank Car Company, which had the first patent

for a welded petroleum railway tank car (without rivets) and

dominated the shipment of Rockefeller petroleum on Harriman

railways. This, plus Lasker’s tight family connections with

Germany, and his financial cronyism with most of the Robber

Barons, allowed him to introduce Donovan to all the right people.

With Lasker’s encouragement, Donovan became a celebrity when

he and Federal Bureau of Narcotics agent Ken Oyler cracked an

major drug ring in Buffalo, and made a huge drug seizure in

Canada, making America look virtuous just before the 1924

Geneva Opium Conference. These drugs were traced to the

Golden Triangle, where the borders of Burma, China, Laos and

Thailand meet. Lasker introduced Donovan to the Rockefellers and

Harrimans. Oyler introduced Donovan to FBN chief Harry

Anslinger, who got his job as drug czar because he married the

niece of Coolidge Administration Treasury Secretary Andrew

Mellon. Mellon was one of the Robber Barons who had set up the

Federal Reserve system. Mellon’s son-in-law, diplomat David K.

Bruce, later helped Allen Dulles, Anslinger and Donovan organize

the OSS.7 It was practically a Mellon family enterprise.

Once OSS was set up, Donovan became heavily involved in

opium and heroin, mingling narcotics with espionage during the

war.8 He learned a lot from the Brits. In China, he worked with

SOE’s William and John Keswick of Jardine-Matheson, Britain’s

biggest opium cartel in Asia, with a controlling interest in

Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation, and ties to the

Openheimer family through the giant mining firm Rio Tinto Zinc.

(HSBC was one of the main repositories of Santy’s gold, and has

blocked all efforts by his heirs to access it.) Together, Donovan

and the Keswicks arranged deals with KMT spy-boss General Tai

Li and his underworld business partner, druglord Du Yueh-sheng.

So did Commander “Mary” Miles of SACO, the Sino American

Cooperative Organization set up by Donovan’s old friend Navy

Secretary Frank Knox, as cover in China for the Office of Naval

Intelligence (ONI). Their currency in covert operations was drugs,

gold, and diamonds.

Donovan also set up a special office in OSS called X-2

which spied on foreign insurance companies – many of the biggest

being in Nazi Germany. His partner in running X-2 was Cornelius

Starr, who started out selling insurance in Shanghai in 1919 and

6 New Epilogue ~ GOLD WARRIORS by Sterling & Peggy Seagrave

went on to build American International Group (AIG), into one of

the largest insurance companies on earth today.9 Early in the

war, Donovan sent James Jesus Angleton to Rome as chief of X-2

and other OSS black operations there. Angleton paid Sicilian and

Calabrian Mafiosi to smuggle OSS agents into Sicily and across to

the toe of Italy.10 In appreciation, Angleton and Donovan put

Sicilian gangsters in positions of political leverage in Palermo and

Rome, and kept them supplied with gold and guns. In America,

the Mafia helped government agents keep an eye out for Nazi

spies along the Atlantic and Gulf waterfronts, on the understanding

that when the war ended, Mafia dons currently serving time in

federal penitentiaries would be freed and “deported” back to Sicily.

In effect, Donovan and his circle of intimates wove a web

linking the underworld in Asia, Europe, and America, to U.S. banks

and the U.S. Government. This would pay off richly during the

Cold War.

In 1946, when the OSS was shut down by Truman, to be

succeeded by the CIA, Donovan pretended to resume private

practice as a Wall Street attorney, but in reality spent most of his

time helping Paul Helliwell set up black banks to make use of the

Black Eagle Trust. To disguise these postwar operations,

Donovan founded World Commerce Corporation (WCC) with

financial backing from the Rockefellers, particularly Nelson

Rockefeller. One of WCC’s main objectives was to buy and sell

surplus U.S. weapons and munitions to foreign underworld groups,

like the Chinese and Italian mafias, in return for their cooperation

against communist and socialist political parties, or labor unions.

Author Douglas Valentine called it a sort of private Marshall Plan, a

cross between “an import-export combine and a commercially

oriented espionage network”.1112

To maintain secrecy, WCC was registered in Panama. Many

of its operations involved the Nationalist Chinese in Asia, and the

Sicilian and Calabrian Mafia in Europe. The Nationalist Chinese

provided the hard drugs, and the Sicilians moved them into the US

through Meyer Lansky in Havana and Santo Traficante in Tampa,

or through Mexico to Bugsy Siegel in California.

Mixing drugs and espionage in Italy, Donovan and Angleton

forged a three-way alliance with the Mafia, the postwar Christian

Democratic Party, and the Vatican. New York narcotics boss Frank

Coppola was recruited to be Donovan’s liaison with Sicilian

godfather Salvatore Giuliano. In May 1947, paid by Donovan and

provided with guns by Coppola, Giuliano’s men murdered eight

people and wounded 33 in a Sicilian village that had made the

mistake of voting for Communist Party candidates. Coppola’s main

mission was to get Mafiosi into the Christian Democratic party, and

the party’s deputies into government, while eliminating rival

Communist candidates, killing them if necessary. Their reign of

terror was so successful that by 1948, Italian Communist Party

boss Palmiro Togliatti accused the US of subverting Italy’s

elections, not the first or last time that was voiced.

The point here is that it was not strictly a CIA operation, it

was a Donovan operation supported by the CIA, and Donovan’s

WCC had been set up with Rockefeller money. Where do you

draw the line?

In Asia, Donovan was a registered agent of the Thai

government, creating an alliance between the disgraced

Nationalist regime on Taiwan and crooked Thai generals.

Together, they moved opium and heroin out of the Golden

Triangle, bypassing old French channels of the Union Corse,

which had gone through Laos and Vietnam. To dominate the Asian

drug trade, remnant Nationalist Chinese armies stranded in

southwest China crossed the border into Burma where they seized

control of the Golden Triangle. They were lavishly supported by

Washington on the pretext that they were carrying out guerrilla

operations against the Chinese Communists. These KMT forces

became the main movers of drugs into the international market,

aided by the CIA airline Air America, and the CIA shipping line Sea

Supply, set up by Helliwell and Donovan.

Air America was dreamed up by Donovan and Old China

Hands William Pawley, Whiting Willauer, and General Claire

Chennault. In the 1930s, Pawley had set up the Central Aircraft

Manufacturing Company (CAMCO) for Madame Chiang Kai-shek,

to assemble planes for what later were called the Flying Tigers.

Pawley was paid lavishly by the Chiang regime, the Soong family,

and druglord Du Yueh-sheng. In 1950, Donovan and Pawley

bought out Chennault and took over his beat-up airline. They

persuaded the China Lobby to pay Chennault $5-million for his

airline, which was re-named Air America. Pawley then “retired” to

Havana where he went into business with Meyer Lansky. Pawley

spent lavishly, buying sugar plantations, an airline, and a bus

company. When Fidel Castro seized control of Cuba from the

Batista regime, Pawley escaped to Miami where he continued his

alliance with Lansky, using a Miami bus company as his front.13

Meanwhile, Pawley helped Donovan persuade Texas right-wing oil

man H.L. Hunt to support the KMT regime with millions of dollars

for covert operations. Valentine points out that Pawley and

8 New Epilogue ~ GOLD WARRIORS by Sterling & Peggy Seagrave

Donovan were aided in all this by CIA’s Allen Dulles, Admiral

Charles Cooke, ambassador William Bullitt, Brooklyn publisher M.

Preston Goodfellow, former SOE agent William Keswick, and

Satiris Fassoulis, vice president of Commerce International China,

a subsidiary of Donovan’s WCC.

Donovan kept up his close ties to General Chennault and

former Flying Tigers’ physician Dr. Margaret Chung, said to be a

key link between the KMT drug generals and Bugsy Siegel. While

the China Lobby insisted that all narcotics came from Communist

China, the KMT’s General Tuan and General Li assured us over

dinner in Chiangmai that they were the ones moving the drugs.14

We observed their opium-laden mule trains, trucks, and planes,

and airdrops over the Gulf of Thailand to waiting Taiwanese cargo

and fishing vessels.

One of Donovan’s top financial allies was Helliwell’s front

man General Erle Cocke, whose family had been in banking for

generations. After WW2, Cocke served in the World Bank and

IMF, and as head of the American Legion, but also on the board of

CIA banks such as Nugan Hand. In April 2000, just two weeks

before he died of pancreatic cancer, General Cocke agreed to give

a legal deposition to the attorney of six plaintiffs who said they had

been swindled by former intelligence agents of the South African

Apartheid regime. The scam was typical of many rackets run

under a part of the Black Eagle Trust called Project Hammer, in

which unsuspecting investors were encouraged to put up money

for projects in the Third World, which then collapsed, swallowing

their money.15

In his deposition, reproduced on our CDs, General Cocke

said he knew a lot about the Black Eagle Trust’s Project Hammer

because he had been a part of the Donovan spider web for

decades. He testified that by the 1990s, he knew personally that

Project Hammer had assets exceeding $1-trillion. Cocke testified

that no Project Hammer transaction could take place without the

personal approval of Citibank CEO John Reed. General Cocke

explained that Reed was “the cheese” (the Big Cheese, boss, or

overseer) of Project Hammer. “I had no problem seeing the

president of the United States, but I could never get in to see John

Reed.” Reed was third in a string of Citibank CEOs groomed by

Donovan, each the mentor of the next, starting with George Moore

who was an OSS agent during the war. Rising quickly to head

Citibank after the war, he trained Walter Wriston as his

replacement, who in turn trained John Reed.16

Ties between Citibank and the CIA were always close, and a

number of top spooks joined the bank when they left the Agency,

such as former DCI John Deutsch, who left Langley under a cloud

to immediately become a member of Citibank’s board. John Reed,

who denies knowing anything about Project Hammer, has since

left Citibank under a cloud, and is now head of the U.S. Stock


It is curious that in the 1990s – while Reed and Citibank were

being sued for moving $50-billion in Santa Romana’s gold from

New York to the Bahamas, and General Cocke testified that Reed

was overseeing Project Hammer with assets of over $1-trillion –

that Citibank claimed to be going bankrupt. It was not the only

player in the game of musical chairs by major banks, as various

Rockefeller Holdings absorbed each other and their offshore

holdings companies like hungry amoebas.

By this time, Spain’s Santiago Vila Marques, also was

serving as the attorney for Alberto Cacpal’s huge gold deposits,

many of them at Citibank. Before John Reed retired, Vila Marques

cabled him asking for a meeting to “clarify” Cacpal’s assets in

Citibank, which totalled hundreds of millions of dollars. Reed never

replied.17 In effect, Reed was succeeded at Citibank by President

Clinton’s Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, the new chairman of

Citigroup, who has been equally opaque and evasive.

As documented in earlier chapters, Santy’s Bengal Trading

stashed most of his gold at UBS in Zurich, in the name of Pedro

Palafox Laurel. These bonds, which UBS first acknowledged were

redeemable in 2003, then reversed itself by claiming then were

now considered false. This is odd because when Santy’s daughter

Diana Luatic visited UBS as an adult, the official in charge of the

gold repository said in front of witnesses that he remembered first

meeting her as an adolescent when he had taken her prints as part

of security measures for her gold accounts. Vila Marques, as

attorney for Loretta Laurel, is preparing to launch a legal battle with

UBS, as soon as he has washed his hands of the US Fed.18

Seen as a giant spider web, the involvement of a great many

organizations and individuals becomes apparent.

Of one thing we can be sure: Since the Federal Reserve

system was established in 1913, privatising the money supply and

making gold vanish, it has served “The Illuminati” and their

servants in “The Octopus” far better than it has served the great

majority of American citizens. Interlocking directorships and

personal networks reveal an astonishing variety of racketeering

between the moneymen, the spooks, the druglords, and the

10 New Epilogue ~ GOLD WARRIORS by Sterling & Peggy Seagrave

underworld. National Security hides little from America’s enemies.

But it hides a great deal from U.S. citizens.

The fact that the US Government has been able to pull in all

this gold, both Japanese and Nazi war loot and gold from a large

number of endangered banks and desperate individuals, and then

renege on redeeming their holdings, has enabled the US to

acquire companies and properties throughout the world that

represent an American financial global empire by massive fraud.

One is tempted to speculate that these manuevers were part of

what put the Clinton Administration in the black. US imperial policy

pretends to occupy a theological and morale highground compared

to Old Europe and Old Asia, but it is a farce.

It was all summed up brilliantly by Henry Ford: “It is well

enough that the people of the nation do not understand our

banking and monetary system for, if they did, I believe there would

be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”19




see http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=9010&page=2

Edited by Steven Gaal
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The Trade Mart incident was made up of CIA/FBI people. Walker/Birchers could not put that together. Shelly is there also ,this is a vast and deep organization, which I will post about below.


Steven, I will admit that that story about Bill Shelley being at the NOLA Trade Mart and also at the Dallas TSBD building is important news.

I don't think that it shoots my theory about Walker out of the water, though.

Bill Shelley is also important because he actually testified before the Warren Commission on 14 May 1964, in Dallas, questioned by Attorney Joseph Ball. Here's a snippet of that testimony:

==================== Shelley testimony snippet BEGIN =============

Mr. BALL. ...Do you recall seeing a couple of guns in the Texas School Book Depository Building on the 20th of November 1963?

Mr. SHELLEY. Yes, sir.

Mr. BALL. Where?

Mr. SHELLEY. Just outside Mr. Truly's office on the will-call counter.

Mr. BALL. And how did they get there?

Mr. SHELLEY. Mr. Warren Caster had just purchased them and brought them in and stopped by to see us.

Mr. BALL. Did you handle the guns?

Mr. SHELLEY. I held the .22.

Mr. BALL. And was there another make of gun too---there was, wasn't there?

Mr. SHELLEY. Yes; I believe there was a .30-06 Mauser that had been converted. It was a foreign make converted to a .30-06.

Mr. BALL. Did you handle that?

Mr. SHELLEY. No...

==================== Shelley testimony snippet END =============

This is additional confirmation of the claims of DPD sheriff Roger Craig, who was present when the DPD found the "murder rifle" on the 6th floor of the TSBD depository -- and standing only inches from it, saw clearly the words stamped right on the barrel: "30-06 MAUSER".

Shelley confirms -- under oath -- that he saw a Mauser at the TSBD depository on that day, too -- only it belonged to Mr. Caster, and it was shown in a harmless circumstance.

All this contradictory testimony is very suspicious to me. The fact that Shelley was also one of those arrested on 11/22/1963 is also suspicious. The fact that Shelley was also seen at the NOLA Trade Mart close to Lee Harvey Oswald, is also very suspicious.

Yet how in the world does that shoot down my theory about Ex-General Walker and the John Birch Society?

I've already shown the close connections between Walker and Guy Banister. They are connected precisely through the John Birch Society, as well as through the related paramilitary group, the Minutemen. Other fellow travelers on the right-wing in Dallas (along with General Walker) would be DPD officers Roscoe White and J.D. Tippit.

One final point -- Joan Mellen and Larry Hancock's recent works largely predominate the current reading of JFK researchers, and yet I think that their suspicions of the CIA are based too loosely on extremely low-level assets of the CIA, for example, in Joan Mellen's case, Fred Crisman and Jack S. Martin. (In Larry Hancock's case, we find a plethora of Cuban Exiles.)

Other CIA-connected assets include self-confessed plotters Frank Sturgis and Gerry Patrick Hemming -- but again they were very low level, and probably always hungry for the next cash 'contract' as mercenaries typically would be.

Lee Harvey Oswald falls into the same category -- he would probably have done anything to get hired full-time into the CIA (or even the FBI). He was a wannabe. That best explains why he cooperated so fully with his framers.

My point is that one mainly finds in the JFK plot these low-level assets among the CIA -- and they are so low-level that one is justified in doubting official CIA involvement.

(True, there are three bona-fide CIA Agents who were self-confessedly involved, namely: Richard Case Nagell, David Morales and E. Howard Hunt. Yet the first two were mainly "field" agents, and Hunt was nearing the end of his career, and admitted to being "a bench warmer" in the plot.)

Anyway -- even if Shelley turns out to be one of these low-level "assets" of the CIA, this cannot be used to prove that the CIA was officially involved. What the evidence strongly implies is that a bunch of these low-level CIA "assets" got together and made something work on their own.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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The Trade Mart incident was made up of CIA/FBI people. Walker/Birchers could not put that together. Shelly is there also ,this is a vast and deep organization, which I will post about below.


Steven, I will admit that that story about Bill Shelley being at the NOLA Trade Mart and also at the Dallas TSBD building is important news.

I don't think that it shoots my theory about Walker out of the water, though.

Bill Shelley is also important because he actually testified before the Warren Commission on 14 May 1964, in Dallas, questioned by Attorney Joseph Ball. Here's a snippet of that testimony:

==================== Shelley testimony snippet BEGIN =============

Mr. BALL. ...Do you recall seeing a couple of guns in the Texas School Book Depository Building on the 20th of November 1963?

Mr. SHELLEY. Yes, sir.

Mr. BALL. Where?

Mr. SHELLEY. Just outside Mr. Truly's office on the will-call counter.

Mr. BALL. And how did they get there?

Mr. SHELLEY. Mr. Warren Caster had just purchased them and brought them in and stopped by to see us.

Mr. BALL. Did you handle the guns?

Mr. SHELLEY. I held the .22.

Mr. BALL. And was there another make of gun too---there was, wasn't there?

Mr. SHELLEY. Yes; I believe there was a .30-06 Mauser that had been converted. It was a foreign make converted to a .30-06.

Mr. BALL. Did you handle that?

Mr. SHELLEY. No...

==================== Shelley testimony snippet END =============

This is additional confirmation of the claims of DPD sheriff Roger Craig, who present when the DPD found the "murder rifle" on the 6th floor of the TSBD depository -- and standing only inches from it, saw clearly the words stamped right on the barrel: "30-06 MAUSER".

Shelley confirms -- under oath -- that he saw a Mauser at the TSBD depository on that day, too -- only it belonged to Mr. Caster, and it was shown in a harmless circumstance.

All this contradictory testimony is very suspicious to me. The fact that Shelley was also one of those arrested on 11/22/1963 is also suspicious. The fact that Shelley was also seen at the NOLA Trade Mart close to Lee Harvey Oswald, is also very suspicious.

Yet how in the world does that shoot down my theory about Ex-General Walker and the John Birch Society?

I've already shown the close connections between Walker and Guy Banister. They are connected precisely through the John Birch Society, as well as through the related paramilitary group, the Minutemen. Other fellow travelers on the right-wing in Dallas (along with General Walker) would be DPD officers Roscoe White and J.D. Tippit.

One final point -- Joan Mellen and Larry Hancock's recent works largely predominate the current reading of JFK researchers, and yet I think that their suspicions of the CIA are based too loosely on extremely low-level assets of the CIA, for example, in Joan Mellen's case, Fred Crisman and Jack S. Martin. (In Larry Hancock's case, we find a plethora of Cuban Exiles.)

Other CIA-connected assets include self-confessed plotters Frank Sturgis and Gerry Patrick Hemming -- but again they were very low level, and probably always hungry for the next cash 'contract' as mercenaries typically would be.

Lee Harvey Oswald falls into the same category -- he would probably have done anything to get hired full-time into the CIA (or even the FBI). He was a wannabe. That best explains why he cooperated so fully with his framers.

My point is that one mainly finds in the JFK plot these low-level assets among the CIA -- and they are so low-level that one is justified in doubting official CIA involvement.

(True, there are three bona-fide CIA Agents who were self-confessedly involved, namely: Richard Case Nagell, David Morales and E. Howard Hunt. Yet the first two were mainly "field" agents, and Hunt was nearing the end of his career, and admitted to being "a bench warmer" in the plot.)

Anyway -- even if Shelley turns out to be one of these low-level "assets" of the CIA, this cannot be used to prove that the CIA was officially involved. What the evidence strongly implies is that a bunch of these low-level CIA "assets" got together and made something work on their own.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo





“In both the Tampa and Dallas attempts, officials sought a young man in his early twenties, white with slender build, who had been in recent contact with a small pro-Castro group called the Fair Play for Cuba Committee (FPCC). In Dallas that was Lee Harvey Oswald, but the Tampa person of interest was Gilberto Policarpo Lopez, who – like Oswald- was a former defector. 44 We later document eighteen parallels between Dallas suspect Lee Harvey Oswald and Gilberto Policarpo Lopez, but here are a few: Like Oswald, Lopez was also of interest to Navy Intelligence. Also similar to Oswald, Gilberto Lopez made a mysterious trip to Mexico City in the fall of 1963, attempting to get to Cuba. Lopez even used the same border crossing as Oswald, and government reports say both went one way by car, though neither man owned a car. Like Oswald, Lopez had recently separated from his wife and had gotten into a fistfight in the summer of 1963 over supposedly pro-Castro sympathies. 45 Declassified Warren Commission and CIA documents confirm that Lopez, whose movements parallel Oswald in so many ways in 1963, was on a secret ‘mission’ for the US involving Cuba, an ‘operation’ so secret that the CIA felt that protecting it was considered more important than thoroughly investigating the JFK assassination.” 46




Bannister really not low level his partner part of De Gaulle's assassination attempt. THIS NOT LOW LEVEL.

see http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=21269





PAUL PUT ON THINKING CAP == IF ASKED TO TAKE PART IN POTUS ASSASSINATION by low level CIA operatives, Ruby would double check with his non low level ultra-deep CIA contacts.....THE IMPLICATION OF this post

see http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=21269


Yes ,BANNISTER & GPH knew all the right wing kooks (all of them) ,but they were to find patsies/useful idiots to become possible Elm St fall guys. LOOKING AT THE NARA DOCS we see GPH in the END 62 and 63 MEETING WITH A NUMBER OF FAR RIGHT ELEMENTS (PATSY SEARCH). IF as HE ,GPH STATES, HE IS woring for James Jesus Angleton,then the conjecture of low-level CIA POTUS killing seems false.


Edited by Steven Gaal
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“In both the Tampa and Dallas attempts, officials sought a young man in his early twenties, white with slender build, who had been in recent contact with a small pro-Castro group called the Fair Play for Cuba Committee (FPCC). In Dallas that was Lee Harvey Oswald, but the Tampa person of interest was Gilberto Policarpo Lopez, who – like Oswald- was a former defector. 44 We later document eighteen parallels between Dallas suspect Lee Harvey Oswald and Gilberto Policarpo Lopez, but here are a few: Like Oswald, Lopez was also of interest to Navy Intelligence. Also similar to Oswald, Gilberto Lopez made a mysterious trip to Mexico City in the fall of 1963, attempting to get to Cuba. Lopez even used the same border crossing as Oswald, and government reports say both went one way by car, though neither man owned a car. Like Oswald, Lopez had recently separated from his wife and had gotten into a fistfight in the summer of 1963 over supposedly pro-Castro sympathies. 45 Declassified Warren Commission and CIA documents confirm that Lopez, whose movements parallel Oswald in so many ways in 1963, was on a secret ‘mission’ for the US involving Cuba, an ‘operation’ so secret that the CIA felt that protecting it was considered more important than thoroughly investigating the JFK assassination.” 46




Bannister really not low level his partner part of De Gaulle's assassination attempt. THIS NOT LOW LEVEL.

see http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=21269





PAUL PUT ON THINKING CAP == IF ASKED TO TAKE PART IN POTUS ASSASSINATION by low level CIA operatives, Ruby would double check with his non low level ultra-deep CIA contacts.....THE IMPLICATION OF this post

see http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=21269


Yes ,BANNISTER & GPH knew all the right wing kooks (all of them) ,but they were to find patsies/useful idiots to become possible Elm St fall guys. LOOKING AT THE NARA DOCS we see GPH in the END 62 and 63 MEETING WITH A NUMBER OF FAR RIGHT ELEMENTS (PATSY SEARCH). IF as HE ,GPH STATES, HE IS woring for James Jesus Angleton,then the conjecture of low-level CIA POTUS killing seems false.


Steven, your data is well-documented, but you still rush to many judgments, IMHO.

Gilberto Policarpo Lopez was also a very LOW-LEVEL intelligence asset. Yet even though his career parallels Oswald's in so many ways, it is rushing to judgment to presume that he was being groomed to be a patsy of the JFK murder.

Oswald was familiar with the sorts of tasks that Banister, Ferrie, Shaw, Butler and Bringuier asked him to do. These were the sorts of things anybody (including Lopez) would have done while SEEKING A FULL-TIME JOB WITH THE CIA or with some other Intelligence Agency. Oswald wasn't alone in these clandestine monkey-shines. But Oswald probably was alone in being told he was working on one of the countless "Kill Fidel through the Mexico City Embassy" projects, when in fact he was really being framed to be the patsy of the JFK murder in Dallas.

As for Guy Banister, he was once a high-level FBI Agent, and was certainly of use *as a flunky* for the CIA, but after he retired (or was fired) from the FBI, he became more and more right-wing, political and LOW-LEVEL in status for the CIA.

As for Jack Ruby -- uugh! -- he was a Mafia bag-man and a pimp. He ran drugs for the Mafia, and he used his nightclub to blackmail countless DPD Police Officers. Jack Ruby was Mr. Vice in Dallas. One cannot get any more LOW-LEVEL as a CIA asset than that. Jim Garrison was the first to point out that Jack Ruby was extremely liable to blackmail himself. Ruby was more of a liability than an asset. He was an expedient. Not only the Mob, but any underworld figure with a bankroll could buy Jack Ruby's services.

As for Gerry Patrick Hemming, he was famous for being a hot-head and not-a-team-player. He could never get a full-time job as a CIA Agent for that very reason. He baby-sat his Interpen buddies his entire life long -- so this made him more a liability to the CIA than an asset. He did contract work for the CIA (like Frank Sturgis and Johnny Roselli) but this must be honestly seen for the LOW-LEVEL work that it truly was.

All the CIA assets you cited above, Steven, were demonstrably LOW-LEVEL.

It all goes to confirm my suspicion -- that the JFK murder was conducted outside of the official CIA by LOW-LEVEL CIA rogues who ran amok.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Gilberto Policarpo Lopez was also a very LOW-LEVEL intelligence asset. Yet even though his career parallels Oswald's in so many ways, it is rushing to judgment to presume that he was being groomed to be a patsy of the JFK murder.



“In both the Tampa and Dallas attempts, officials sought a young man in his early twenties, white with slender build, who had been in recent contact with a small pro-Castro group called the Fair Play for Cuba Committee (FPCC). In Dallas that was Lee Harvey Oswald, but the Tampa person of interest was Gilberto Policarpo Lopez, who – like Oswald- was a former defector. 44 We later document eighteen parallels between Dallas suspect Lee Harvey Oswald and Gilberto Policarpo Lopez, but here are a few: Like Oswald, Lopez was also of interest to Navy Intelligence. Also similar to Oswald, Gilberto Lopez made a mysterious trip to Mexico City in the fall of 1963, attempting to get to Cuba. Lopez even used the same border crossing as Oswald, and government reports say both went one way by car, though neither man owned a car. Like Oswald, Lopez had recently separated from his wife and had gotten into a fistfight in the summer of 1963 over supposedly pro-Castro sympathies. 45 Declassified Warren Commission and CIA documents confirm that Lopez, whose movements parallel Oswald in so many ways in 1963, was on a secret ‘mission’ for the US involving Cuba, an ‘operation’ so secret that the CIA felt that protecting it was considered more important than thoroughly investigating the JFK assassination.” 46


  • Per Bolden the Secret Service coverup was orchestrated by the Secret Service HDQ in Washington DC.
  • There were the Tampa and Chicago plots (which I have already mentioned in this THREAD) indicating a larger organizational operation.
  • Lopez fits a pattern. Thomas Vallee in Chicago drove 1962 Ford Falcon that registered in the name of Lee Harvey Oswald. THUS THERE IS NO RUSH TO JUDGEMENT. I dont know why you dont see the higher level CIA operation. Its possible that your conservative ideology precludes you from criticism of police/military (CIA) organizations.

  • May 14th, 2008
    An Odyssey for Truth and Justice

    Ed McCarthy of the White House News Photographer Association/H.V. Press, Former SS Agent Abraham Bolden, and Adult Education Director of Newburgh Enlarged School District Gary Van Voorhis during Bolden’s recent visit to the area as part of his book tour for “The Echo from Dealy Plaza.”

    By Ed McCarthy

    An odyssey that began 5 decades ago by Abraham Bolden continues to this day. Bolden was the first African-American to serve The White House Presidential Protection detail. He was hand-picked personally by President John F. Kennedy to serve on the detail. President Kennedy affectionately referred to Bolden as "The Jackie Robinson of The Secret Service". Bolden had been a Pinkerton National Detective and an Illinois State Police Investigator prior to joining the U.S. Secret Service in October 1960.

    In the course of his duties, he found laxity in the security for the president and also some agents deep concerns as to President Kennedy’s safety. He also told of the severe racism that he encountered from some of the agents. (In current history there is a class action lawsuit by Black agents of the Secret Service alleging basically the same conditions exist. The case even refers to Bolden’s plight).

    Bolden then was assigned to the Chicago SS office where he worked counterfeit cases. On November 1, 1963, the Chicago SS office had received a teletype warning of a "Cuban" hit team in Chicago to Assassinate the President on his trip to Chicago, on November 2nd, to see the Army-Navy football game. Other agents, as well as Bolden, were made aware of the situation. A tip was received from a rooming house landlady who said her tenant, Thomas Arthur Vallee, was threatening the president and arranged to have off from work the next day. Chicago police and the Secret Service stopped a car driven by former U.S. Marine Vallee for a headlight that was out. The ticket is still sealed as classified at the national archives. Vallee’s car was found to contain explosives an M-1 Rifle and 3000 round of ammunition. Vallee was briefly detained and released. Simultaneously the SS agents had surveillance on two of the alleged Cuban Hitmen who managed to slip away. The President’s trip was cancelled.

    The license plate and registration on the 1962 Ford Falcon that Vallee was driving on November 1st in Chicago was New York Registration License plate # 311-ORF and was registered in the name of Lee Harvey Oswald. This is 21 days prior to President Kennedy’s assassination and the world knowing the name Oswald.

    Bolden shortly thereafter was back in Washington on assignment and spoke to Secret Service Director James J. Rowley and as he had with U.B. Baughman the previous director had told him of his observations and knowledge of the Chicago incidents. Bolden tried to contact Warren Commission Counsel J. Lee Rankin. The very next day Bolden was arrested and falsely accused of soliciting a bribe from counterfeiter. This put Bolden through two trials and wound up in prison for more than 3 years before the witnesses broke down under oath in Federal Court and told that they were forced by the Government to lie against Bolden. The Prosecutor in the case was called before the judge and took the 5th amendment when asked if the frame up were true. The ordeal of Bolden is well documented in his new book "The Echo from Dealey Plaza".

    In research at The National Archives in Washington of The Assassination files of 25 Million documents it turned up that in fact NY plate 311-ORF at the Vallee Traffic stop was registered in the Name of Lee Harvey Oswald. Documents declassified also state that same car in Dallas Texas at the time of the assassination. The detailed information with the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles is still withheld by order of The US Secret Service and The FBI. In the 1960’s license plate in the Hudson Valley were coded OR for Orange County, UL which meant Ulster County, SU was Sullivan County and DU was Dutchess County. Of the 25 Million documents in The JFK Assassination archives, there is a 6 page Secret Service report about a trip of President Kennedy to Stewart Air Force Base, (Newburgh, NY) and of him being shadowed by two member of George Lincoln Rockwell’s American Nazi Party.

    Bolden has never received an apology for what he was put through. This man is truly an American Hero. In this writer’s opinion, he should be given an apology publicly and Awarded either "The Presidential Medal of Freedom" or "The Congressional Gold Medal" which is awarded for "An especially meritorious Contribution to the security or National Security." Abraham Bolden today is as patriotic as they come and deeply believes in the American way. He is a true patriot and for him the dream’s not over. Let’s not disappoint him. This is a chance for America to make it right.

    Information for this article was from released documents from the National Archives.

posted in fair use from The Hudson Valley Press.




Propaganda officer David Phillips told HSCA investigators many contradictory stories; investigator Dan Hardway told author Gaeton Fonzi that "I'm firmly convinced now that he [Phillips] ran the red-herring, disinformation aspects of the plot. The thing that got him so nervous was when I started mentioning all the anti-Castro Cubans who were in reports filed with the Warren Commission and every one of them had a tie that I could trace back to him. That's what got him so upset. He knew the whole thing could unravel." Other agency employees dispute the official story in various ways. Explaining why CIA Headquarters sent out two cables on the Oswald with false information, prior to the assassination, officer Jane Roman said, "To me its indicative of a keen interest in Oswald held very closely on the need to know basis."


CIA Headquarters

Oswald with false information



I dont know why you dont see the higher level CIA operation. Its possible that your conservative ideology precludes you from criticism of police/military (CIA) organizations. (Gaal)

Edited by Steven Gaal
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Steven Gaal wrote:


"Thomas Vallee in Chicago drove [a] 1962 Ford Falcon that [was] registered in the name of Lee Harvey Oswald."




Have you ever seen any documents that prove this allegation, or you just going on what Ed McCarthy has written but not substantiated?

--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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