Steven Gaal Posted October 22, 2014 Share Posted October 22, 2014 (edited) JUST IN EMAIL TO ME Paul Trejo says JFK was a member of the top 1% income brackets and therefore would have done nothing to curtail their power. I guess he's never read Gibson's book ########################################## RELATED POST In any case, your case for a CIA plot to kill JFK is based only on political bias, and not on solid evidence. That's my final word on it. == Part 7 =In any case, your case for a CIA plot to kill JFK is based only on political bias, and not on solid evidence. That's my final word on it. Regards,--Paul Trejo==SUSPECT # 1 Allen Dulles. (Gaal,That's my final word on it.) "That little Kennedy," he spat out. "He thought he was a god." (Quote Suspect #1) =================================== Donald Gibson Shows That JFK Was a Hamiltonian Dirigist Devoted to National Economic Progress, Not a Monetarist or Keynesian; His Enemies Included Allen Dulles and the CIA, the Morgans, Henry Luce and Skull and Bones, David Rockefeller, John J. McCloy and the Council on Foreign Relations Webster G. Tarpley, – World Crisis RadioNovember 16, 2013 [download audio] == ############################ comment on this post about the first meeting of the Warren Commission more than 50 years ago, a reader notes how former CIA director Allen Dulles reached his conclusion before the Commission’s investigation began. “On page 51 of the transcript Allen Dulles passes out a book that he says will predict the outcome of their investigation — lone gunman. He says other than the attack on President Truman, all assassination attempts against American Presidents fit the lone assassin pattern. John McCloy retorts that the Lincoln assassination was a conspiracy, to which Dulles replies that one man was so dominate ‘it almost wasn’t a plot.’” The reader continues: “I think this transcript shows that Allen Dulles had an agenda to promote the lone assassin theory of the case from the inception of the Warren Commission.” ================ Alan Dale says:December 16, 2013 at 1:40 pmI had one personal encounter with President Kennedy’s Press Secretary, Pierre Salinger. It was at The French Ambassador’s residence in Washington, DC. Mr. Salinger had responded enthusiastically to the live music he was hearing and, based upon that reaction, I did approach him, shook hands, and made the impulsive decision to ask for an autograph. He was very friendly, very positive, and while he was signing I said something very close to this: “Did you ever think it was strange that someone such as Allen Dulles, who had been fired by President Kennedy, would be entrusted to participate in the investigation of his assassination?” Still smiling, he looked up at me and repeated the line which I believe is credited to Winston Churchill, “Dull. Duller. Dulles.” That’s what he said, folks. Stay tuned for David Talbot’s next book, “The Devil’s Chessboard” which focuses on Allen Dulles and the practices of entrenched authority versus new attitudes and new policies of reform as represented by President John F. Kennedy.---------------------------------- Stanley says:December 16, 2013 at 2:09 pmOn page 13 it appears Dulles draws focus away from pursuing getting an original of a report from Mexican authorities by talking about the incompleteness of a Russian report. Then he discusses how publishing Oswald’s diaries will show how much more was happening with the Russians than is “known around here”. Seems obtuse to me. Is he implying they should drop further requests for info because it will bring undue attention to those dealings? Or, in railroading the discussion about getting a Mexico report, are the concerns he expresses about Russia actually the identical concerns he has about Mexico? It’s been said that Mexican authorities were essentially CIA assets and so the topic of what went on in Mexico with Oswald may be nuclear, per Simpich on Mary Ferrell. Is Dulles doing fancy smoke and mirrors to direct the Commission away from Mexico? Note how the topic dies after that. ------------------ Fearfaxer says:December 16, 2013 at 2:54 pmYes, I would say Dulles’ pipe smoke was being blown exactly as you suspect, trying to get his fellow commissioners to not probe too deeply into whatever was going on in Mexico. FWIW, I’ve also noticed that in a number of witness interviews, he would suddenly interject himself in such as way as to remind everyone that Oswald Was A Commie. This is usually just a matter of asking a very brief question about Oswald’s possible Marxist beliefs, then allowing the discussion to continue along other lines. It’s almost as if he was trying to drive a subliminal thought into the minds of the other Commissioners. Edited October 22, 2014 by Steven Gaal Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Robert Mady Posted October 22, 2014 Share Posted October 22, 2014 (edited) Paul, I don't know all that may have been publicaly expressed in NAZI Germany, but it must be clear that HITLER could not have attained power or rebuild Germany without the expressed assistance from International Bankers. Which continued to support Germany for much if not all of the war. NAZI Germany is an example of a government ruled by corporations as was Italy. As is United States There is FASCI or an axe with bundled handles, a traditional symbol of Roman absolute power or control, these ornaments adorn each side of the podium. They are on the wall in the most prominent position for a specific reason. This symbol even appeared on dimes, even though no one realized what the symbol meant, I was told it was the top of a model T ford behind a fence. We are just ignorant of the true power in control in this country. Did WE ever have control, probably not, it is just an illusion they propagate to retain control. Another question might be asked and that is why the god Mercury appeared on our money? Along side the image of Mercury is IN GOD WE TRUST...which god are they referring to? Edited October 22, 2014 by Robert Mady Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paul Trejo Posted October 22, 2014 Share Posted October 22, 2014 (edited) ...============== jeffmorley = In comment on this post about the first meeting of the Warren Commission more than 50 years ago, a reader notes how former CIA director Allen Dulles reached his conclusion before the Commission’s investigation began. “On page 51 of the transcript Allen Dulles passes out a book that he says will predict the outcome of their investigation — lone gunman. He says other than the attack on President Truman, all assassination attempts against American Presidents fit the lone assassin pattern. John McCloy retorts that the Lincoln assassination was a conspiracy, to which Dulles replies that one man was so dominate ‘it almost wasn’t a plot.’” The reader continues: “I think this transcript shows that Allen Dulles had an agenda to promote the lone assassin theory of the case from the inception of the Warren Commission.” ================ What your example neglects to notice, Steven, is that Allen Dulles made that statement after he was recruited to be on the Warren Commission. When LBJ was recruiting members of the Warren Commission, he told them explicitly that all they would have to do was to rubber-stamp the FBI position articulated by J. Edgar Hoover on 11/22/1963 (one hour after Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested), namely, that Lee Harvey Oswald was a "Lone Shooter" and "had no accomplices who are still at large." That was a dogma for the FBI and for the Warren Commission. So -- Allen Dulles was merely following the line established by the White House and the Justice Department -- marching in step with the program. I repeat again -- if Allen Dulles had truly been part of the plot to murder JFK, he would have followed the pattern of that plot, namely, to insist that Lee Harvey Oswald had COMMUNIST accomplices in CUBA who must be destroyed. The whole purpose of FRAMING Lee Harvey Oswald as a fake officer of a fake FPCC in New Orleans was to blame the Communists for the murder of JFK. Since Allen Dulles was merely repeating the doctrine mandated by J. Edgar Hoover, then we can easily surmise that Allen Dulles was part of the Cover-up Team, which had the OPPOSITE goals of the JFK Kill Team Finally -- just because a person hated JFK is no proof that they were part of the JFK Kill Team. Regards, --Paul Trejo Edited October 23, 2014 by Paul Trejo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paul Trejo Posted October 22, 2014 Share Posted October 22, 2014 (edited) Paul, I don't know all that may have been publicaly expressed in NAZI Germany, but it must be clear that HITLER could not have attained power or rebuild Germany without the expressed assistance from International Bankers. Which continued to support Germany for much if not all of the war... What your example neglects to mention, Robert, is that ALL nations in the past 500 years have attained power with the expressed assistance of International Bankers. Such an ingenuous attitude toward International Banking is just what fuels the myth of an International Banker conspiracy. I repeat: the Third Reich ideology fanned the flames of hatred against Jews in Germany by combining their fears of International Bankers with their traditional hatred of Jews. The Rothschild family name was the poster child for this hate-festival. Among the common people, this urban myth has never died. It's too bad for any culture. Civilization has never operated without money. Large civilizations have never operated without banks. Global civilizations require international banks. It's a fact of life that country bumpkins never got used to. Thus the Third Reich was able to make hay on those irrational fears. I'll continue to oppose on this Forum any lazy claim that International Bankers were responsible for the JFK murder. It's a cheap shot, unfounded, and lazy thinking. Sincerely, --Paul Trejo Edited October 22, 2014 by Paul Trejo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paul Brancato Posted October 22, 2014 Share Posted October 22, 2014 You simply have not fully grasped the situation with Hitler, or the nazis after the war. Rather than waiting for files that will never be released, wait for Talbot's book on the Dulles brothers. I don't think by the way, that any of us have said that it was the international bankers that ran the assassination. To imagine that Dulles just marched in lockstep on the WC is ridiculous on its face. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Robert Mady Posted October 22, 2014 Share Posted October 22, 2014 Paul, I believe it is more complex then you are crediting the conspirators. "They' may have had many goals but had to select most probable successful outcomes on the fly. I believe that one of the anticipated plot lines was to use OSWALD as the connection to CASTRO and ultimately the excuse to invade Cuba. This is why 'they' originally found a MAUSER ARGINTINE rifle, this was one type of weapon the CIA provided to Castro to support his struggles in Cuba, no doubt there would have been a direct link along with some Cubans killed trying to escape, hence the photograph of OSWALD on the steps in ALTGENS 6 was published, as a visual connection to Cuba, when OSWALD was not murdered at the TSBD by BAKER or at the TT the plot had to change to lone nut and the invasion of Cuba disappeared from possibilities and ALTGENS 6 was withdrawn from further publication. Hence the next day the Carcano was discovered to be the murder weapon. The 'pristine' bullet changed from a MAUSER bullet to a Carcano 'pristine' bullet. The plot had to be extensive to take in as many variables as possible and the flexibility to be altered when it became necessary to cover unexpected occurrences.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Robert Mady Posted October 22, 2014 Share Posted October 22, 2014 Paul, I have no argument with what you are saying, I agree that Hitler had the backing of international banking. I have no idea what the NAZIS said about the jews or their connections to banking or the Rothschilds, nor do I care. Class warfare is standard operating procedures for governments. Romans created hatred for the Christians. American government turns blacks against whites, upper class against middle class, Americans against Latinos, Americans against Islamic. Hitler was extreme, but no more extreme than Americans murdering indigenous people - Indians, Americans murdering a million Vietnamese in a war for their freedom or a million Iraqis to steal their oil or thousands of Afghanistan's to steal their poppy fields and secure an oil pipeline. Americans murder for greed, Hitler murdered for another reason. What's the difference? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Robert Mady Posted October 22, 2014 Share Posted October 22, 2014 Paul, Dulles ran the WC did he not, I thought Warren was there intermittently and basically lent his name as the stamp of approval. Why would Dulles not fully support the conspiracy and assure that the WC followed prescribed outcome? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Robert Mady Posted October 22, 2014 Share Posted October 22, 2014 9/11 What created the smoke or dust and what material is it made from? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Robert Mady Posted October 22, 2014 Share Posted October 22, 2014 9/11 There are many images of vehicles that were burnt, there are no incidences of people with burns. How is this possible? The people caught in the cloud of dust said it felt slightly warm. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paul Trejo Posted October 22, 2014 Share Posted October 22, 2014 (edited) Paul, I believe it is more complex then you are crediting the conspirators. "They' may have had many goals but had to select most probable successful outcomes on the fly. I believe that one of the anticipated plot lines was to use OSWALD as the connection to CASTRO and ultimately the excuse to invade Cuba. This is why 'they' originally found a MAUSER ARGINTINE rifle, this was one type of weapon the CIA provided to Castro to support his struggles in Cuba, no doubt there would have been a direct link along with some Cubans killed trying to escape, hence the photograph of OSWALD on the steps in ALTGENS 6 was published, as a visual connection to Cuba, when OSWALD was not murdered at the TSBD by BAKER or at the TT the plot had to change to lone nut and the invasion of Cuba disappeared from possibilities and ALTGENS 6 was withdrawn from further publication. Hence the next day the Carcano was discovered to be the murder weapon. The 'pristine' bullet changed from a MAUSER bullet to a Carcano 'pristine' bullet. The plot had to be extensive to take in as many variables as possible and the flexibility to be altered when it became necessary to cover unexpected occurrences.. Well, Robert, we do agree on a few things. I do agree, for example, that the FBI tampered with the ballistic evidence of the JFK murder. Yet I don't agree with those who believe that the reason for the tampering was to hide the real JFK killers (even though that's how it surely appears). Instead, I say that the FBI tampering with the ballistics evidence in the JFK murder was to convince the American public that Lee Harvey Oswald acted ALONE and had NO ACCOMPLICES who were still at large. This was the mandate of J. Edgar Hoover on the afternoon of 11/22/1963, and became the mandate of Washington DC from that point forward (until 1979, when the HSCA formally set that mandate aside). It wasn't the JFK Kill Team who tampered with the ballistics evidence -- it was the JFK Cover-up Team that tampered with the ballistics evidence. The JFK Kill Team would have been thrilled to say that Lee Oswald, the COMMUNIST, had COMMUNIST Accomplices who were still at large! See? That could have CONFIRMED to the American people that MANY COMMUNISTS killed JFK, and that we should go to war right away! The JFK Kill Team was ALL ABOUT CUBA, about INVADING CUBA and about blaming FIDEL CASTRO so that the USA would jump into CUBA in a heartbeat. The FBI "Lone Shooter" theory undermined the JFK Kill Team. I think that's the point you're missing. Regards, --Paul Trejo Edited October 22, 2014 by Paul Trejo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paul Trejo Posted October 22, 2014 Share Posted October 22, 2014 (edited) Paul, Dulles ran the WC did he not, I thought Warren was there intermittently and basically lent his name as the stamp of approval. Why would Dulles not fully support the conspiracy and assure that the WC followed prescribed outcome? No, Robert, Allen Dulles did not run the Warren Commission. Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren ran the Warren Commission -- yet even the Warren Commission conducted no investigation on its own -- Earl Warren permitted the FBI to remain in charge of all the investigative duties. Further, Earl Warren marched in lock-step with J. Edgar Hoover, the FBI and LBJ to push the "Lone Shooter" theory, no matter WHAT evidence would be presented. For any evidence that hinted at ACCOMPLICES for Lee Harvey Oswald, the FBI would tamper with it, so that it would ALWAYS appear that Lee Harvey Oswald acted ALONE. The FBI and the WC openly told Sylvia Odio that no matter what evidence she presented, if it didn't agree with J. Edgar Hoover's LONE SHOOTER doctrine, then they wouldn't accept it. That was disheartening for her to hear. They openly told her they would not support her telling the Truth. She saw two other men with Lee Harvey Oswald in the context of the JFK murder. Now, Allen Dulles was only one of seven men on the Warren Commission, and actually he went along with everything that Earl Warren and J. Edgar Hoover said. Everything. No way was Dulles in charge. Regards, --Paul Trejo Edited October 23, 2014 by Paul Trejo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Robert Mady Posted October 23, 2014 Share Posted October 23, 2014 (edited) Paul, interesting points and I am in general agreement with how you stated the roll of the FBI vs hit team, deed verses cover-up. My point was the intention was to shape the assassination to incriminate Castro, this would have been done by the planners of the operation, HOOVER would be concerned with containing the investigation. The point is there is abundant evidence to show incrimination of Cubans in this operation and this was intentional, but it had no traction, I am proposing that we never witnessed this part of the plan in full operation because OSWALD lived too long. Obviously this is just conjecture. Side note It is obvious TO ME, the man with the umbrella and the Cuban were part of the operation, this is one of the best examples of putting a person who could be mistaken for Cuban in a position to be recognized and associated with the assassination. Not only is he at this location, he steps into the street and he is waving in an unaccustomed manner. This is unusual behavior and as such calls attention - INCLUDE -> standing near a man with an open umbrella!!! If I recall correctly, John Judge made the comment in one of his talks that Warren was absent most of the time during hearings and testimony and that Dulles ran the WC in his absence which was the majority of the time. On paper the commission operated under Warrens authority but in practice it was Dulles, the only information I have on this I believe came from John Judge, which I have great trust in. PS how do you quote another post??? Edited October 23, 2014 by Robert Mady Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Robert Mady Posted October 23, 2014 Share Posted October 23, 2014 (edited) Paul I just read Jack Whites post from 2009 in "Was Altgens 4 a message to Bobby?" Fletcher Prouty claimed 'coincidences' don't happen they are planned. Prouty's statement reinforces all of my points about the Cuban presence and association with the assassination, OSWALD activity in New Orleans, false CIA story of OSWALD visit to Cuban Embassy, OSWALD on the steps, the Cuban near Umbrella man, MAUSER - ARGINTINE connection to Castro so on. Edited October 23, 2014 by Robert Mady Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paul Trejo Posted October 23, 2014 Share Posted October 23, 2014 (edited) Paul, interesting points and I am in general agreement with how you stated the roll of the FBI vs hit team, deed verses cover-up. My point was the intention was to shape the assassination to incriminate Castro, this would have been done by the planners of the operation, HOOVER would be concerned with containing the investigation. The point is there is abundant evidence to show incrimination of Cubans in this operation and this was intentional, but it had no traction, I am proposing that we never witnessed this part of the plan in full operation because OSWALD lived too long. Obviously this is just conjecture.... It is obvious TO ME, the man with the umbrella and the Cuban were part of the operation, this is one of the best examples of putting a person who could be mistaken for Cuban in a position to be recognized and associated with the assassination. Not only is he at this location, he steps into the street and he is waving in an unaccustomed manner. This is unusual behavior and as such calls attention - INCLUDE -> standing near a man with an open umbrella!!! If I recall correctly, John Judge made the comment in one of his talks that Warren was absent most of the time during hearings and testimony and that Dulles ran the WC in his absence which was the majority of the time. On paper the commission operated under Warrens authority but in practice it was Dulles, the only information I have on this I believe came from John Judge, which I have great trust in. PS how do you quote another post??? Well, Robert, let's take it by the numbers: (1) If you think there is "there is abundant evidence to show incrimination of Cubans in this operation," then I would ask you to make a sharp distinction between pro-Castro Cubans and anti-Castro Cubans. The intent of the JFK plotters was to blame the Pro-Castro Cubans -- the COMMUNISTS -- for the murder of JFK. That way they could justify a new invasion of Cuba. The JFK plotters clearly used anti-Castro Cubans on their side. These would be Cubans who had fled from Cuba because they were rich or at least fervent supporters of the rich Cubans who had supported Batista in the old regime in Cuba. They were anti-Castro because they were anti-Communists. We know they were involved, because Jim Garrison uncovered many of them. So did Gaeton Fonzi for the HSCA, and so did Joan Mellen earlier in the current century, and so has Larry Hancock in very recent years. Jim Garrison, for example, identified Carlos Bringuier and Ed Butler -- two Cuban Exiles in New Orleans who were ACCOMPLICES of Lee Harvey Oswald in the plot to try to murder Fidel Castro. Also, Jim Garrison investigated several more Cuban Exiles groups, like Alpha 66, JURE, the DRE, the CRC and many more. This involved their Hispanic supporters in the USA like Loran Hall, Larry Howard and their mercenary leaders like Gerry Patrick Hemming, who were continually making sniper raids on Cuba with the mercenary support of American citizens in the Minutemen as well as JBS donors. (2) You note, Robert, that the Cuban connection "had no traction." But that's because the JFK plotters only wanted to blame the pro-Castro and pro-Communist Cubans -- while J. Edgar Hoover knew it -- and he wouldn't let them do that. In defiance of their plan, Hoover came up with a brilliant ploy -- Lee Harvey Oswald had NO ACCOMPLICES AT ALL. That's why the "Cuban" connection never got any traction. But if the truth ever came out (as Jim Garrison bravely tried) the world would have seen lots of Cubans in association with Lee Harvey Oswald -- but all Cuban Exiles -- all anti-Communist Cubans like Carlos Bringuier and Ed Butler. We even have these two on film with Oswald in New Orleans as hard evidence. (3) The man with the umbrella has been the topic of a large literature -- in connection with Cuban Exiles and anti-Communists. I firmly believe "umbrella man" was part of the assassination team to murder JFK. (4) Even if Allen Dulles put more hours into the WC hearings than did Earl Warren, that made no difference because the CONCLUSION and DIRECTION of the WC was set at the start by J. Edgar Hoover AND NOBODY ELSE. The LONE SHOOTER mandate was the only game in town, and Allen Dulles towed the line. (5) How to quote another post: Robert: in your browser, at the bottom of every Forum post you should see four "buttons". They are: Report, Edit, MultiQuote, and Quote. Do you see them? If you do, then simply click on the Quote button when you want to reply to a post, and that post will be automatically quoted inside your reply. If you don't see those four "buttons," I don't know why. I see them under every post. Regards, --Paul Trejo <edit typos> Edited October 23, 2014 by Paul Trejo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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