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Evidence for the location of limo at moment first rifle shot is heard

Robert Mady

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When do you believe the lead car stopped...after the first rifle shot heard, second shot heard or did they wait until the third rifle shot heard?


I have already proven that the limo decelerated starting at Z-300. You think the lead car just kept on going, oblivious to the action of the limo?

The motorcade came to a halt at hearing the first rifle shot, this did not occur before Z-313.

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Mark, Gary Mack can't post on forums because he is the curator of the museum and his actual opinion can not be shared, he must maintain the party line dictated by the museum. Gary can be useful for information, but remember it always follows official guidelines. Just as news readers do not share personal opinions or factual news, they broadcast the propaganda dictated by the corporation that employs them, they simply read the script dictated by government or the elite while looking you straight in the eye with all sincerity of TRUTH.

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When do you believe the lead car stopped...after the first rifle shot heard, second shot heard or did they wait until the third rifle shot heard?


I have already proven that the limo decelerated starting at Z-300. You think the lead car just kept on going, oblivious to the action of the limo?

The motorcade came to a halt at hearing the first rifle shot, this did not occur before Z-313.


What speed did the limo decelerate "from and to" at Z300?

And, at what speed was it traveling from Z300- Z313 and Z313-Z351?

What did you base this on?


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It does not matter to me how fast the limo was traveling or how much it decelerated.

It is most important to know that the limo began to slow significantly around Z-300 as evidenced by HARGIS and MARTIN overtaking the limo before being able to readjust their speed, right before the first rifle shot is heard, IMO GREER slowed to allow the transfer of HILL to limo and or as a reaction to CONNALLY laying down, GREER accelerated at Z-345 after the third rifle shot was heard.

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"It does not matter to me how fast the limo was traveling or how much it decelerated.

It is most important to know that the limo began to slow significantly around Z-300 as evidenced by HARGIS and MARTIN overtaking the limo before being able to readjust their speed, right before the first rifle shot is heard, IMO GREER slowed to allow the transfer of HILL to limo and or as a reaction to CONNALLY laying down, GREER accelerated at Z-345 after the third rifle shot was heard."

Z313-Z351 = 38 frames/30.2ft /18.3fps = 2.07 seconds = 30.2ft/2.07 seconds = 9.92mph average

Do you believe the limo was traveling at the speed depicted at Z313 on the Z film? What do you believe the speed was?

What damage if any, did the third rifle shot inflict?

That would be counting the rifle shot at Z313, as the #1 shot, in the sequence of the last three.


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Excerpt from Robert:

"It does not matter to me how fast the limo was traveling or how much it decelerated.

It is most important to know that the limo began to slow significantly around Z-300 as evidenced by HARGIS and MARTIN overtaking the limo before being able to readjust their speed"

Z313-Z351 = 38 frames/30.2ft /18.3fps = 2.07 seconds = 30.2ft/2.07 seconds = 9.92mph average

Do you believe the limo was traveling at the speed depicted at Z313 on the Z film? What do you believe the speed was?

What damage if any, did the third rifle shot inflict?

That would be counting the rifle shot at Z313, as the #1 shot, in the sequence of the last three.


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Chris the first rifle shot heard was at ~Z-313 and inflicted the fatal head wound, disintegrating a portion of KENNEDYS head in the occipital region.

I don't know how fast the limo was moving, with alteration of the Z-film it may never be understood fully what speed the limo was traveling at any particular time.

Second rifle shot heard inflicted wounds on CONNALLY ~Z-325

Third rifle shot heard occurred ~Z-345 and inflicted a wound on TAGUE

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There are ways to determine the speed.

If you believe the Zfilm was altered, to what extent?

I gave you an equation for it: 30.2ft/5.5seconds = 5.49ft per sec = 3.74 mph

5.5 seconds, see the testimony you previously supplied for Curry.

5.5 seconds, document CE560

Sam Kinney, imo, appears to agree with supplied equation. It's just a matter of how long it traveled at this speed and for what distance.


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David Josephs

MRS. JACK FRANZEN – FBI: “she heard a noise which sounded to her as if someone had thrown a firecracker into the President's automobile. She advised at approximately the same time she noticed dust or small pieces of debris flying from the President's automobile.”

Affidavit: She (Mrs. Jack Frazen) advised shortly after the President's automobile passed by on Elm Street near where she and her family were standing, she heard a noise which sounded to her as if someone had thrown a firecracker into the President's automobile. She advised at approximately the same time she noticed dust or small pieces of debris flying from the President's automobile.

You believe the FRANZENS are describing the bullet & debris from the first shot coming from the limo bouncing off the street? Which shot would this be EXACTLY?

Do you know where the FRANZENS were located, the shots occurred prior to the limo passing no matter how her claim is stated.

The debris they are describing is the same debris described by a dozen other witnesses and is the result of a portion of KENNEDYS head being blown off at Z-313, the same debris that showered HARGIS and MARTIN and propelled a portion of KENNEDYS skull towards BREHM.

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Chris the first rifle shot heard was at ~Z-313 and inflicted the fatal head wound, disintegrating a portion of KENNEDYS head in the occipital region.

I don't know how fast the limo was moving, with alteration of the Z-film it may never be understood fully what speed the limo was traveling at any particular time.

Second rifle shot heard inflicted wounds on CONNALLY ~Z-325

Third rifle shot heard occurred ~Z-345 and inflicted a wound on TAGUE

Do you believe that JFK was also hit with the last shot ( #3 of 3) if starting with #1 at Z313?


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Chris, the speed makes sense because CLINT HILL was able to overtake the limo within a few seconds.

Note: SSA KINNEY in effect actually corroborates the first shot heard coming at Z-313, because this is at that time when the limo slows down.

Thanks for the post.

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And, I would agree with you, except the speed of the limo on film is not 3.74mph at the time of Z313.

I would also agree that Kinney describes the first shot, but uses the word "fatal" headshot before the limo accelerated.

Just substitute the word "last" of 3 shots for the word "fatal"

Altgens does. Wooward does. The Connallys do. Numerous others do.

What you see on film isn't always the truth.


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~Z-189 : 1st shot : Silent : wounds KENNEDY in the throat from the front

~Z-313 : 2nd shot : Rifle shot : causes fatal head wound : KENNEDY is seen to 'slump'

~Z-325 : 3rd shot : Rifle shot : wounds CONNALLY : KENNEDY is seen to disappear into the seat, making him appear that he has been hit again, in reality JACKIE panics and starts to get out of limo, she stops supporting KENNEDY, and he falls to his left and disappears from view. From distance there is no way to determine that KENNEDY was not hit by both bullets because there is noticeable movement after both shots 2 and 3. Also keep in mind no one understood that KENNEDY was wounded by a shot prior to Z-313.

~Z-345 : 4th shot : Rifle shot : hits curb, injuring TAGUE

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Chris, I have already posted about 40 witnesses that would disagree with a shot coming before Z-313.

In future posts I might get into government / news media witnesses aligning with the WC story VERSES civilian witnesses aligning with conspiracy model.

I will leave it here and advise you to look at the SSA reports, not two of them are corroborative, almost all of them lied or told half truths, ALTGENS lied, CONNALLYS lied.

This was a coup and a cover-up, they worked for the government, they lied.

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Mr. RANKIN - Can you give us the approximate location of where it was when you heard the second shot?
Mr. CURRY - Well, it would have been just a few feet further because these shots were in fairly rapid succession.
Mr. RANKIN - How many feet do you mean?
Mr. CURRY - I would say perhaps, and this is Just an estimate on my part, perhaps 25 or 30 feet further along.
Mr. RANKIN - Then at the time of the third shot?
Mr. CURRY - A few feet further, perhaps 15-20 feet further.
Mr. RANKIN - Do you have an opinion as to the time that expired between the first shot and the third shot?
Mr. CURRY - This is just an opinion on my part but I would think perhaps 5 or 6 seconds.
Mr. RANKIN - Did you hear any more than three shots?

Robert's quote: "CURRY places limo when first rifle shot is heard at Z-313, followed by 2 more shots in rapid succession where the limo only moves another 15-20-30 feet further during the shooting."


I am not addressing shots that came before Z313.

I've made it clear that I am dealing with the 3 shot scenario, starting with Z313 as shot #1.

I understand people lied.

What would be the purpose for Kinney to reveal the limo was going 3-5 mph at the Z313 mark?

What would be the purpose for Curry to estimate 30ft and 5-6 seconds?

Did Curry say his head was blown away from the Z313 shot?

Altgen's is standing approx 30ft farther down Elm and states directly in front is the last shot. The shot which blew JFK's head off.

What's his reason for even introducing this if the official story is the last shot to JFK was at Z313?

I can weed out the lies, but not all of them are .


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