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Was Oswald an Intelligence Agent?

Jon G. Tidd

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Steven Gaal,

Norman Mailer in the 1990s said that Marina told him in an interview he conducted as prelude to writing "Oswald's Tale" that she would tell him the "key to her life". The key was that she had been raped at age 17, a fact she said that she kept hidden from Oswald and about which she said she felt guilt. According to Mailer, the guilt was not over the rape but rather the fact she concealed the rape from Oswald.

Theirs was a troubled marriage, something students of the JFK case tend to ignore. IMO it's centrally important in understanding the two of them. No one manipulated the marriage, except possibly Ruth Paine. Even if Ruth Paine manipulated Marina, which I believe is likely, Marina wanted to be separated from Lee here in America. Maybe because her husband was too odd; perhaps because he had Aspergers Syndrome, as Greg Parker has written.

Marina said, I believe to the Warren Commission, that her husband played games.

Lee Farley has written here that Marina trashed herself before the Warren Commission. She did, I agree. But I believe she believed she had to give the hated (from her perspective) FBI what it wanted from her, or she'd be deported.

I don't believe anything Marina has said about her husband. I do think she's been screwed over.

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I don't believe anything Marina has said about her husband. I do think she's been screwed over. // Tidd


Yes and no . You cant believe in much of what she said about her husband. Screwed over yes. BUT DID YOU READ pg 197 above ?? She went down a wild path that led her to be first exploited by her intel Uncle. The KGB/MVD figured out LHO to be a false defector and if they had a partial wild child/ adult to stick it back at USA intel ,so be it, per their viewpoint.

Edited by Steven Gaal
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Steven Gaal,

I was married, from 1981 to 1990. I'm still good friends with my ex. We have one child, a daughter aged 31.

Marriages are relationships that depend upon the partners.

My ex was a fairly wild child. I think she would agree to this characterization. I was a traditional dick.

You could paint me as an assassin. Former military intelligence officer. Married to a wild child. Good luck.

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You could paint me as an assassin. Former military intelligence officer. Married to a wild child. Good luck. // Tidd


Golly not trying to paint anyone.

Senior Lecturerpicture-98.jpg gee he looks a little like you,but its CIA not really military intell.

John Tidd served with the Central Intelligence Agency for most of his professional career. He joined the Agency in 1975 after earning a BA in international affairs from Occidental College and an MA from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). Dr. Tidd has spent most of his career in the Directorate of Intelligence—the CIA's analytic wing—first as an analyst following Soviet economic issues, then as a manager directing the analysis of international trade and energy developments. During this period Dr. Tidd earned an MA in economics from the University of Virginia and his PhD from Johns Hopkins SAIS. After serving as chief of the Agency's international energy division during the Persian Gulf War, Dr. Tidd directed the analytic group of the DCI Crime and Narcotics Center (CNC) in the mid-1990s. Beginning in the late 1990s, he served as chief of staff for the Directorate of Intelligence, then in several executive positions in the Agency's Directorate of Science and Technology. Dr. Tidd returned to CNC as its deputy director in early 2002, and during part of his tenure served as acting director.

In Fall 2004, Dr. Tidd came to the University of Arizona as part of the CIA's Officer in Residence Program, and he has continued to lecture since his retirement in 2006. As an adjunct at the School of Government and Public Policy, he teaches courses on US intelligence history, the current US intelligence system, and the use of covert action as a security policy tool. He also teaches several courses on globalization and both graduate and undergraduate courses on US public policy and bureaucracy. Dr. Tidd's research interests include the history of the US intelligence system, globalization and international intelligence sharing, and the emergence of "public intelligence" and its implications for US national security decision making.


++++++++++++++++++++ Lived on Corliss St from 3 to 9. Played all over OXY as a kid. Latter studied via internet its extensive globalist outlook.


Got a good lawyer?

You confused John M. Tidd with Jon G. Tidd.


Way to go, Stevie Baby.

--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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gee he looks a little like you


didn't know "looks a little you" bit can be taken to court

Which soap rendering factory in Ukraine would you like to be sent to, Stevie Baby?

--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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John M. Tidd looks like me (Thomas Graves)? //// what do you look like, only half a photo sg

Got a good lawyer? You will need one if Jon G. Tidd sues you.

Go to my FB page, "Tom Graves (Tommy)" , to see my full face in the same photo which wasn't automatically re-sized / cropped on FB as it was here at the EF.

So, Gaal, are you saying that I, Thomas Graves, am John M. Tidd or that I am Jon G. Tidd, or that all three of us are one and the same person (kinda like Harvey and Lee and Henry)? Or are you just trying to change the subject?

Got a good lawyer? You will need one if I sue you.

Just delete your posts and admit it, Gaal. You're a lousy, paranoid, knee-jerk-reaction, "researcher."

--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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You could paint me as an assassin. Former military intelligence officer. Married to a wild child. Good luck.// TIDD

Golly Mr. Tidd opens himself up to ideas. Paint him as what ?? So his second cousin is spooky. I just think that the they (MARINA and LEE) were both complex people that couldn't/wouldn't reveal the whole truth. So I will keep posting and not get in party to a lawsuit (which I would win ) I will delete post.

Edited by Steven Gaal
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...I just think that the they (MARINA and LEE) were both complex people that couldn't/wouldn't reveal the whole truth. So I will keep posting...

Marina revealed the whole truth as she knew it, Steven. Get over it.

Remember that even though she appeared to agree with the WC conclusion of a "Lone Nut" in 1964, she qualified her remarks by adding that she could only conclude temporarily based on the data that she was allowed to see.

Based on the data that the FBI allowed her (and the USA) to see, the conclusion of a "Lone Nut" was practically guaranteed. But the WC admitted that they would withhold the whole truth until 2039.

Also, the HSCA (1979) officially admitted that JFK was "probably killed as the result of a conspiracy."

Marina Oswald was hopeful that the full truth would come out in 1979, but the Cold War with the USSR was still raging, so even the HSCA could not reveal the whole truth to us (and therefore fell back on a cheesy Mafia-did-it theory).

Marina was disappointed at the amount of evidence still withheld in 1964 and in 1979. She revealed the whole truth as she knew it. The FBI stomped on everything but a "Lone Nut" scenario. There was nothing Marina (or any of us) could do about that. All we can do now is wait until 26 October 2017; or just keep guessing with an open mind.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Marina revealed the whole truth as she knew it, Steven. Get over it. // TREJO



On the topic of when she first learned of the name "Hidell", Marina told three different stories.


If story # 3 was the truth, then the first two stories were lies.

She was never questioned about why she lied to the SS in December 1963 or why she lied under oath to the Commission in February 1964. The Commission just accepted her latest version of events as the truth because her latest version satisfied its preconceived notions.

"Oswald's membership card in the "New Orleans chapter" of the committee carried the signature of "A. J. Hidell," purportedly the president of the chapter, but there is no evidence that an "A. J. Hidell" existed and.....there is conclusive evidence that the name was an alias which Oswald used on various occasions. Marina Oswald herself wrote the name "Hidell" on the membership card at her husband's insistence." ( Report, pg. 292 )


Problematic history (early prostitution and taken under the wing of MVD uncle) that Marina withheld in public interviews.

Marina Prusakova was born in Molotovsk on July 17, 1941. She lived with her mother and stepfather until 1957 when she moved to Minsk where she lived with her uncle, Ilya Prusakova, who worked at the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD). There is also an allegation that Marina was raped at age 16 by an Afghan ambassador and that she was kicked out of Leningrad for suspicion of prostitution, or what’s known as a honey pot.



Yuri Merezhinsky, interviewed by Norman Mailer for his book Oswald’s Tale, says she was anything but virtuous, claiming she was a prostitute. He knew Marina quite well and says she was in a group of four people—two women and two men—that were plying their trade in a Hotel Leningrad that were eventually booted out of the city. It was an offence strong enough to be sent to a labor camp, which didn’t happen to Marina. What would lead her to this alleged occupation can only be speculated at but the KGB did maintain, "honey traps" for intelligence gathering purposes from various officials, both local and foreign. She would have been known as a "swallow" in the honey trap. Marina was known to associate with diplomats and high government bureaucrats. Her basic clientele would have been foreigners. She would years later admit to being raped by an Afghan ambassador. How would she meet up with this sort of individual? Never the less, Marina suddenly leaves Leningrad and ends up living with her aunt and uncle in Minsk, where he was a member of the secret police, the MVD. Merezhinsky, though not her lover, said she was quite promiscuous with many of his friends without regard to reputation. He said he never told Lee any of this. (Although Lee, understanding Russian would have picked up on the gossip.)


Oswald immediately decides to head back to the United States, and in spite of her uncle's supposed objections — and Prusakov could have stopped this dead in its tracks if he wanted — she is granted permission to leave the Soviet Union in the company of an American defector. The time between her formal request and receiving permission is a matter of weeks.

If the Warren Commission has the facts right — and we think they do — then this is clear: the Soviet government wanted Marina and Oswald to marry and they wanted them to go together to the United States. That is crystal clear. Now, we take a leap, but a reasonable one: The only agency in the Soviet Union with the ability and interest to get this done was the KGB. If Marina wasn't KGB, she did one hell of an imitation.


The story about Marina and Nixon was so farfetched that not even the Warren Commission bought into it (Warren Report pp. 187-188). It has been demolished by many authors; most notably Peter Scott who notes that to believe it, Marina had to have locked Oswald in the bathroom to keep him from committing this murderous act; yet the bathroom locked from the inside. Also, as the Commission noted in the pages above, Nixon was not in Dallas until several months after the alleged incident. Further, there was no announcement in any local newspaper that Nixon was going to be in Dallas at this time period -


Marina Oswald to Jesse Ventura in 2010:

"Would you sacrifice your children for the truth?" – Marina Oswald to Jesse Ventura in 2010

I would say that she has not been forthcoming via threats and odd background. Get over it. (GAAL)



]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] Trejo hopes records release will help his theory.......trend is not your friend TREJO !!


USA Today: "The White House is removing a federal regulation that subjects its Office of Administration to the Freedom of Information Act, making official a policy under Presidents Bush and Obama to reject requests for records to that office." (link)

The White House said the cleanup of FOIA regulations is consistent with court rulings that hold that the office is not subject to the transparency law. The office handles, among other things, White House record-keeping duties like the archiving of e-mails.

Edited by Steven Gaal
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