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For Cliff Varnell: Where did the Bullet in JFK's Back go?

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Now, again, please explain to me how your poison projectile did not sever JFK's right carotid artery, and why the Z film does not show great spouts of blood erupting from JFK's neck.


See the anterior jugular vein at the very top of the diagram, positioned just above the trachea? It would have been directly in line with your projectile, and severing it would have produced a LOT of blood.

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Now, again, please explain to me how your poison projectile did not sever JFK's right carotid artery, and why the Z film does not show great spouts of blood erupting from JFK's neck.


See the anterior jugular vein at the very top of the diagram, positioned just above the trachea? It would have been directly in line with your projectile,

Not necessarily. JFK's head was turned and not every human being is the exact same.

and severing it would have produced a LOT of blood.

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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Show me one single witness in Dealey Plaza that saw a hole in JFK's throat. You are so hung up on on these dissolving poison darts, you have blinded yourself to the possibility JFK was only shot in the back, prior to z313.

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Show me one single witness in Dealey Plaza that saw a hole in JFK's throat.

Nellie and Linda W. described him dealing with throat issues. You can see him on the Z film if only your Pet Theory would allow you, Robert.

Since the round was originally designed to silence guard dogs -- wounds caused by this type of weaponry were not readily visible.

You are so hung up on on these dissolving poison darts, you have blinded yourself to the possibility JFK was only shot in the back, prior to z313.

I'm hung up on what the witnesses say and what the photos show.

You're not concerned with any of that, eh?

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So Nellie was describing JFK as "dealing with throat issues". Do you not think it possible that a man, shot in the lung and likely bleeding profusely into the pleural cavity, and unable to breathe with that lung, might show some form of respiratory distress that might be easily confused with "throat issues"? Seriously, is that the best you can do?

"Since the round was originally designed to silence guard dogs -- wounds caused by this type of weaponry were not readily visible."

Are you for real? JFK had a fricking hole in his neck that did not materialize until he got to Parkland?????? You've never hunted before, right?

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Why was there no blood visible in the area of JFK's throat? Or was he "different", and did not have any of these blood vessels in his neck?

You see his entire neck covered over with blood vessels?

Let me guess, you've got a Magic Bullet that will wind its way through those blood vessels. You're almost as much fun as David Von Pain.

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So Nellie was describing JFK as "dealing with throat issues". Do you not think it possible that a man, shot in the lung and likely bleeding profusely into the pleural cavity, and unable to breathe with that lung, might show some form of respiratory distress that might be easily confused with "throat issues"? Seriously, is that the best you can do?

"Since the round was originally designed to silence guard dogs -- wounds caused by this type of weaponry were not readily visible."

Are you for real?

I'm not sure the point of this contentless non-rebuttal.

The weapon was used to silence guard dogs without leaving anyone suspicious.

What part of this don't you grasp?

JFK had a fricking hole in his neck that did not materialize until he got to Parkland??????

Why didn't *your* bone fragment hit the jugular and make a mess upon exit?

You've never hunted before, right?

You haven't done your homework, right?


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Why was there no blood visible in the area of JFK's throat? Or was he "different", and did not have any of these blood vessels in his neck?

You see his entire neck covered over with blood vessels?

Let me guess, you've got a Magic Bullet that will wind its way through those blood vessels. You're almost as much fun as David Von Pain.

Of course it hit blood vessels. Shows it right on the x-ray. Doesn't mean it hit the jugular.

Savvy "internal bleeding"?

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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So Nellie was describing JFK as "dealing with throat issues". Do you not think it possible that a man, shot in the lung and likely bleeding profusely into the pleural cavity, and unable to breathe with that lung, might show some form of respiratory distress that might be easily confused with "throat issues"? Seriously, is that the best you can do?

Yeah, I have another winess for you to bash.

SSSA Glenn Bennett's contemporaneous notes:

(quote on)

...The Presidents auto moved down a slight grade and the crowd was very sparse.

At this point I heard a noise that immediately reminded of a firecracker. Immediately

upon hearing the so called firecracker, looked at the Boss's car. At this exact time I

saw a shot that hit the Boss about 4 inches down from the right shoulder; a second

shot followed immediately and hit the right rear high of the Boss's head.

(quote off)

Bennett was looking to his right at Z202. The back shot followed the throat shot by several seconds.

Sorry, Robert.

You got nuttin.

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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So Nellie was describing JFK as "dealing with throat issues". Do you not think it possible that a man, shot in the lung and likely bleeding profusely into the pleural cavity, and unable to breathe with that lung, might show some form of respiratory distress that might be easily confused with "throat issues"? Seriously, is that the best you can do?

"Since the round was originally designed to silence guard dogs -- wounds caused by this type of weaponry were not readily visible."

Are you for real?

I'm not sure the point of this contentless non-rebuttal.

The weapon was used to silence guard dogs without leaving anyone suspicious.

What part of this don't you grasp?

JFK had a fricking hole in his neck that did not materialize until he got to Parkland??????

Why didn't *your* bone fragment hit the jugular and make a mess upon exit?

You've never hunted before, right?

You haven't done your homework, right?


You're hilarious, Cliff. No wonder no one takes us seriously.

Why would a wound from your magic gun be any less visible than a wound from any other gun? This argument does absolutely nothing to prove the throat wound was there when you say it was.

And I did not say a bone fragment exited his throat, I stated a bullet fragment exited his throat. Also, with the amount of blood from the head wound all over everything, the blood from a jugular vein or carotid artery would not be noticeable. On top of this, JFK's heart likely stopped beating about the time the bullet(s) went through his brain, as evidenced by no spurting arterial bleeds seen in the Z film post z313.

Edited by Robert Prudhomme
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Why was there no blood visible in the area of JFK's throat? Or was he "different", and did not have any of these blood vessels in his neck?

You see his entire neck covered over with blood vessels?

Let me guess, you've got a Magic Bullet that will wind its way through those blood vessels. You're almost as much fun as David Von Pain.

Of course it hit blood vessels. Shows it right on the x-ray. Doesn't mean it hit the jugular.

Savvy "internal bleeding"?

Not that close to the surface.

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So Nellie was describing JFK as "dealing with throat issues". Do you not think it possible that a man, shot in the lung and likely bleeding profusely into the pleural cavity, and unable to breathe with that lung, might show some form of respiratory distress that might be easily confused with "throat issues"? Seriously, is that the best you can do?

Yeah, I have another winess for you to bash.

SSSA Glenn Bennett's contemporaneous notes:

(quote on)

...The Presidents auto moved down a slight grade and the crowd was very sparse.

At this point I heard a noise that immediately reminded of a firecracker. Immediately

upon hearing the so called firecracker, looked at the Boss's car. At this exact time I

saw a shot that hit the Boss about 4 inches down from the right shoulder; a second

shot followed immediately and hit the right rear high of the Boss's head.

(quote off)

Bennett was looking to his right at Z202. The back shot followed the throat shot by several seconds.

Sorry, Robert.

You got nuttin.

Bennett hears a shot, and this is your evidence of a throat wound. Wow.

How do you know he's not combining the sound of the shot he heard with the hit he sees on the back? "At this exact time I saw a shot that hit the Boss about 4 inches down from the right shoulder..." Bennett may have been looking a little to his right, but JFK would still be in his field of vision.

I got nuttin? No, YOU got nuttin. You still have not shown one shred of proof that JFK had a throat wound before z313.

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So Nellie was describing JFK as "dealing with throat issues". Do you not think it possible that a man, shot in the lung and likely bleeding profusely into the pleural cavity, and unable to breathe with that lung, might show some form of respiratory distress that might be easily confused with "throat issues"? Seriously, is that the best you can do?

Yeah, I have another winess for you to bash.

SSSA Glenn Bennett's contemporaneous notes:

(quote on)

...The Presidents auto moved down a slight grade and the crowd was very sparse.

At this point I heard a noise that immediately reminded of a firecracker. Immediately

upon hearing the so called firecracker, looked at the Boss's car. At this exact time I

saw a shot that hit the Boss about 4 inches down from the right shoulder; a second

shot followed immediately and hit the right rear high of the Boss's head.

(quote off)

Bennett was looking to his right at Z202. The back shot followed the throat shot by several seconds.

Sorry, Robert.

You got nuttin.

Bennett hears a shot, and this is your evidence of a throat wound. Wow.

Follow the sequence.

He was looking to his right when he heard the first report, which sounded like a firecracker.

This is consistent with Willis 5, which shows him looking to his right.

This is a clear Willis 5, with Bennett seated on the far right looking to his right as per his statement.

It was only after he turned to face forward that he saw the back shot.

Altgens 6 shows his features blurred as he turned toward the front. Black line points to blur-faced Bennett.


JFK was shot in the back very soon after Z255.

How do you know he's not combining the sound of the shot he heard with the hit he sees on the back? "At this exact time I saw a shot that hit the Boss about 4 inches down from the right shoulder..." Bennett may have been looking a little to his right, but JFK would still be in his field of vision.

I got nuttin? No, YOU got nuttin. You still have not shown one shred of proof that JFK had a throat wound before z313.

I'll leave that assessment to the gentle reader...

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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