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Thanks for the information, Gary. I know you've spent a lot of time researching this information, and I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that I appreciate every minute you invested in your quest for truth.

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You are welcome, Mark; and there really is much more to this subject matter than I had ever realized when I started this investigative venture almost eight years ago. Hopefully I can get "Forgotten" out by the end of the year. Unfortunately a medical issue sidetracked me for almost two months and my ability to continue to write and pursue this to the end will be hampered over the next several months. Nonetheless the project is 95% completed. One other little tidbit, again in an effort to advance the record of historical accuracy, the CIA were never the original "contractor" of this specific order for 4 million rounds of 6.5mm MC ammunition. Whether they later absconded with the ammunition is another matter altogether and one that I am currently trying to track down. Regardless of my efforts there are, I fear, going to be holes to fill and further leads to follow and I am already in the process of accumulating data and sketching the outline for "Forgotten II."



And yet, Special Agent Robert A. Frazier of the FBI measured the diameter of an unfired Western Cartridge Company 6.5mm Carcano bullet and found it to be 6.65 mm in diameter. Converted to inches, 6.65 mm equals .2618".


Hello Bob:

Unfortunately I am nowhere near my collection of Robert Frazier's lab work notes. I would like to consult these when I return home this evening before confirming as to whether or not Robert Frazier actually "measured the diameter..." of an unfired 6.5mm WCC cartridge and found the bullet to be 6.65mm in diameter. If you look at the testimony session from which this information is taken the initial response from Frazier on the question proffered by Melvin Eisenberg - "Could you give us a description of the contour of the bullet, and its length?" - Frazier volunteered the answer that the bullet possessed a "diameter" of "6.65 millimeters." However, Frazier followed this statement up by indicating a diameter, in inches, for the bullet in question as .267 inches, his use of inches I would interpret as a mathematical aid to those present in the room not familiar with the metric system. And of course .267 inches equates to 6.7818mm. This is followed thereafter by a question from John McCloy, directed to Frazier, asking Frazier to clarify his, Frazier's "diameter" as to whether or not Frazier meant "6.65 or 6.5 millimeters." Frazier's response to this query is interesting, to wit: "I was looking for that figure on that. It is about 6.6 - 6.65 millimeters." To me this would seem to indicate that Frazier is attempting to find/confirm the "about" metric diameter that he is "looking for" in his lab notes, or potentially the one spiral bound notebook that he constructed prior to this March 1964 testimony session from which this information is offered. [3H399-400] As soon as I find the time, I will find my copies of Frazier's notes and see if he made specific notations indicating metric vs "inches" figures.


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