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A Question For Jon G. Tidd

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I'm not certain Bundy was the mastermind of the JFK assassination. Only that he possessed the means and the ability to mastermind it and that he may have had a motive to get rid of JFK.

As to means and ability, Bundy was well connected. A person with his intelligence and connections would have known the right parties to handle the details. Bundy would only need to understand an outline of the assassination and cover-up.

I don't have a coherent theory as to Bundy. I do believe he was an evil and powerful person capable of recruiting others to kill JFK.

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I briefly attended Bundy's Political Science I course in fall 1979 at NYU. At the time, I was a mere callow youth who only knew his name from Kennedy books. First class, Bundy makes us write in a blue book what issues we would like to learn about in Poli Sci. I wrote that I would like to learn about the influence of multinational corporations on American politics.

End of next class, Bundy calls roll and dismisses us each after we grab our blue books. I go down to get mine, and Bundy says, "Oh, it was you." He did not, I think, much like my cap, hair, and beard. So schoolboy Andrews was asked to stand by while everyone down to Zimmerman got their books and left. It was a large class.

After the room emptied, and while his TA looked on balefully, Bundy asked me where I had learned that multinationals had any influence on US politics. I told him the truth: I learned it reading Lyndon LaRouche (something I have since stopped doing, many years ago).

Bundy, looking at me like I had summoned up the devil in Salem, told me that he had no knowledge of multinationals influencing US politics, and further that the subject was not fit for a Poli Sci course. Later, in having to teach a community college Poli Sci course, I found out that the second statement was substantially correct; though I stuck the first proposition in whenever I could. Bundy also told me to be careful of the sources of things that I read, which was good advice.

Feeling the prevailing wind, I soon dropped Bundy's course, which worked in my favor - they gave me a poorboy's scholarship for getting three A's in my other courses in my first semester there.

On the whole, I wish I had run into Bundy later, and had been better prepared to take the course and ask significant questions - though I can't be sure if he took any questions on his personal political experience. I wish I'd been more circumspect in my blue book question. But then there might have been no scholarship, and Bundy might never have felt the temperature of the times.

I have looked back and found that this was Bundy's first semester at NYU also. For what little this is worth, the basic facts of my tale are readily verifiable: there is a W on my record where I dropped Bundy's course. Tell NYU that it still owes me my Phi Beta Kappa key, which supposedly disappeared in the mail.

Edited by David Andrews
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David Andrews,

Really interesting. You and I may have crossed paths. Beginning in November 1979, I worked for NYU in a non-academic role. Lived in the Village, just off West Broadway.

I had no idea, until your post here, that Bundy worked at NYU in the late 1970s. (I was clueless then.)

You asked a perceptive question and got a telling response.

Thanks so much.

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Lived in Weinstein Hall, opposite Washington Mews, where I once unexpectedly ran into Cary Grant and his young wife in early 1983. Now that was a moment.

Jimmy Durante once asked me on a train if I'd caught any fish.

True story.

Now that was a moment.

--Tommy :sun

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Tommy, had you?

Don't be silly. He's still on a fishing expedition here... and he intends staying on it till he lands something.

Any resemblance between you and a great white whale is of course, purely coincidental and definitely not the result of a CIA doppelganger operation... so I'm told...

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Tommy, had you?

David Andrews, NYC is that sort of place, I've found.

Jon G. Tidd.

Yes, I had. Bluegill perch and crappie mostly.

In the pond on my uncle's Indiana farm.

I was around 14 years old and about six feet tall (I maxed out at 6'5" a couple of years later) and I towered over "The Snozz." He was getting off the train in Del Mar to go to the horse races there, and my mother and I were getting off there, too, because the taxi ride from Del Mar to La Jolla was a little shorter and more scenic than from downtown San Diego to La Jolla.

--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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I can't vote [in the Informal Poll regarding the Martin and Hughes' film clips of "Lovelady" in front of the TSBD being "normal" or "abnormal"] until I'm pretty sure [a] neither the FBI nor any other government agency got its hands on the originals of these films, and the clips shown here are originals.

Jon G. Tidd,

You seem to be suggesting that the bad guys either photographically altered both the Martin clip and the Hughes clip to make Lovelady appear in them, or that the scene was staged at a later date.

Update: Taking your most recent post on the subject (#23, the "Informal Poll" thread) into consideration, do you think that the guy who at least resembled Lovelady and was wearing the mostly-red "plaid" shirt in front of the TSBD was wearing a shirt like Lovelady's by sheer coincidence, or do you think that this TSBD scene was staged at a later date with someone who at least resembled Lovelady but intentionally distorted his face by exhaling cigarette smoke through his mouth (opening his mouth and jutting his chin out in the process)? Why would an actor so critical-to-the-staged-scene, the "center piece" if you will, intentionally distort his face during the brief time he was being filmed? To try to make himself resemble Billy Lovelady a little less?

That's a contradiction which defeats the purpose, doesn't it.

Why wear Lovelady's shirt then? Why stage the scene at all?

Martin / Hughes film sync TSBD doorway Credit: Gerda Dunckel

Give the Gif time to load



--Tommy :sun

moved here from the "Informal Poll -- Normal vs Abnormal" thread
PS -- I think that might be Dallas Secret Service SAIC Forrest Sorrels wearing the fedora with the broad band in the upper left corners of both clips. When he turns his head I think you can get a glimpse of his glasses.
Edited by Thomas Graves
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Here's my take on the Martin film. I find it hard to believe the guy in the plaid shirt is Lovelady. He has a bald spot; so do I. His hair is either black or very dark brown. Lovelady's hair was lighter-colored, from what I judge from photographs.

The guy in the plaid shirt is bulky -- has a barrel chest and a meaty left shoulder. Also something of a stomach bulge. The Lovelady I've seen in photographs is more bony, more angular.

The guy in the photograph has a head that thrusts forward on his neck. From what I've seen, Lovelady's head was erect, pretty much.

The guy in the photograph has something of a beard-look to his face. Due to dark whiskers. I've never seen a photo of Lovelady depicting such facial hair.

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Here's my take on the Martin film. I find it hard to believe the guy in the plaid shirt is Lovelady. He has a bald spot; so do I. His hair is either black or very dark brown. Lovelady's hair was lighter-colored, from what I judge from photographs.

The guy in the plaid shirt is bulky -- has a barrel chest and a meaty left shoulder. Also something of a stomach bulge. The Lovelady I've seen in photographs is more bony, more angular.

The guy in the photograph has a head that thrusts forward on his neck. From what I've seen, Lovelady's head was erect, pretty much.

The guy in the photograph has something of a beard-look to his face. Due to dark whiskers. I've never seen a photo of Lovelady depicting such facial hair.

Do you agree that the guy in the Martin clip is wearing a shirt just like Lovelady's (see below) ?

Yes or No or "Can't Say"?



Can you see the guy in the Martin clip expelling cigarette smoke through his mouth and jutting his chin out?

Yes or No or "Can't Say" ?

Martin / Hughes film sync TSBD doorway Credit: Gerda Dunckel

Give the Gif time to load


--Tommy :sun

PS I'm sorry that you have a bald spot. I'm a senior citizen and I don't have a bald spot. Lots of men don't have a bald spot. In fact, more men don't have a bald spot than do have a bald spot. Maybe only Intelligence Agents and gun thieves have bald spots.

Edited by Thomas Graves
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