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just reading what you wrote alongside the image you supplied on your blog and I now see that you too have no doubts about it being a manipulated photo.


if the monster really did come from the WWP then it's placement over the original newspaper image on the website would be a little more forgivable, no? Why not put it back up and explain it's from a legitimate source who were clearly manipulating images of Oswald before he went into enemy territory?

It is certainly more forgivable than if they had both created Frankenstein and pasted it over the article. But as Parker says, it is still a form of research fraud and Hargrove was right to remove it and I give him credit for that. I don't believe WWP was manipulating anything. I just think it was a poor quality image for some unknown reason. The possibility still exists that White or someone else altered it, but that is less likely for the reasons I have explained.

We need to know the trail of the unaltered image used in the return story. Why was it not used in the "defection" story? How would WWP have a photo of Oswald in the military a day after the defection?

See... I can't get my head past the fact that they interviewed Robert and he supplied a photo of himself (unless someone is claiming WWP also had one of him). Any photo that Robert supplied to the newspaper would have been unaltered. So the newspaper itself tampered with the photo prior to publishing it - then nearly 3 years later, used the unaltered version.

So the question for me is, how and when did WWP get involved in all of this? Is it being suggested that the newspaper sold their alterered version of the photo to WWP and that WWP further altered it? In any possible scenario, who held the original during this time? It just does not add up. If the newspaper had a copy of the original all along, why didn't they just sell/give Armstrong a copy of that? And if WWP had it, why didn't they sell a copy of it to Armstrong?

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just reading what you wrote alongside the image you supplied on your blog and I now see that you too have no doubts about it being a manipulated photo.


if the monster really did come from the WWP then it's placement over the original newspaper image on the website would be a little more forgivable, no? Why not put it back up and explain it's from a legitimate source who were clearly manipulating images of Oswald before he went into enemy territory?

It is certainly more forgivable than if they had both created Frankenstein and pasted it over the article. But as Parker says, it is still a form of research fraud and Hargrove was right to remove it and I give him credit for that. I don't believe WWP was manipulating anything. I just think it was a poor quality image for some unknown reason. The possibility still exists that White or someone else altered it, but that is less likely for the reasons I have explained.

We need to know the trail of the unaltered image used in the return story. Why was it not used in the "defection" story? How would WWP have a photo of Oswald in the military a day after the defection?

See... I can't get my head past the fact that they interviewed Robert and he supplied a photo of himself (unless someone is claiming WWP also had one of him). Any photo that Robert supplied to the newspaper would have been unaltered. So the newspaper itself tampered with the photo prior to publishing it - then nearly 3 years later, used the unaltered version.

So the question for me is, how and when did WWP get involved in all of this? Is it being suggested that the newspaper sold their alterered version of the photo to WWP and that WWP further altered it? In any possible scenario, who held the original during this time? It just does not add up. If the newspaper had a copy of the original all along, why didn't they just sell/give Armstrong a copy of that? And if WWP had it, why didn't they sell a copy of it to Armstrong?

This is speculation but I would call it informed speculation since I used to sell photos occasionally before the digital revolution changed the market. Wide World Photos is or was a stock photo house apparently under the umbrella of the AP. If you search Wide World Photos the first thing on Google is AP Images which may be simply a rebranding of WWP. Hargrove states previously in this thread that Armstrong called the FWST and they referred him to WWP. This makes sense because WWP was apparently the stock photo agency for the AP in the 1997 time frame and handled requests for images. Once the photo came under control of the AP, FWST would not be involved. How and when Frankenstein ended up in the condition it did is unknown, but Hargrove has said he will provide further proof, so we will see. I would guess that Robert did supply the original photo as you suggest is a possibility, but only he could answer that and I gather he doesn't talk much at this point.

As for how the photo ended up looking the way it does, I can imagine the journey an image might make from the late fifties until 1997. There would probably be a period when the agency was switching from analog to digital and something might have occurred then. But the Armstrong camp either took advantage of a mishap of some type or someone (probably White) manipulated it. But if he did it was early on before he sent it to me in 1997.

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If Jack White had exercised intellectual integrity while composing his poster, as opposed to digging for *any* means to prove his point, he would never have included that photo in the lineup.

I decided to post this here since there has been much discussion of Jack's methods:


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Jack White was an early voice against the official story and was responsible for getting a lot of people interested in the matter. But he was crackerjack crazy like Fetzer, allowing his paranoia and bizarre world view to taint his common sense. Granted, he was attacked in his own bed by a naked intruder, so that may have impacted his judgement and powers of reasoning. But any complete overview of his actions/posts/theories will "out" him as a loony bird. Tragic really.

Yes, I remember reading about his being attacked now that you mention it. Very unfortunate and I guess that could make you a little paranoid for sure. Good man with good intentions but one who sometimes used questionable methods.

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Jack White was an early voice against the official story and was responsible for getting a lot of people interested in the matter. But he was crackerjack crazy like Fetzer, allowing his paranoia and bizarre world view to taint his common sense. Granted, he was attacked in his own bed by a naked intruder, so that may have impacted his judgement and powers of reasoning. But any complete overview of his actions/posts/theories will "out" him as a loony bird. Tragic really.

Yes, I remember reading about his being attacked now that you mention it. Very unfortunate and I guess that could make you a little paranoid for sure. Good man with good intentions but one who sometimes used questionable methods.

White reminds me of this guy - "they are all out to get Jack White" was a regular refrain.

In March 2005 customs officials gave Monis a tour of the security system at Sydney airport to dispel his fears he was being targeted. Arguedas said Monis was “observant” during the meeting, but the idea he was at the centre of a government conspiracy continued “churning in his mind”.


(and anticipating that some will relish this as an opportunity to claim I am comparing White to a "terrorist" - forget it, I am comparing his claims about "others" out to get him as a way of inflating his ego and credentials).

As for his methodology, all the cult members use the same play book. Witnesses trump any other evidence every single time.

Edited by Greg Parker
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could you tell us where you think John Woods got these photos?

Also David do you or does anyone else here have a better copy of the Evolution of LHO poster where the text under each image is readable?

The book refers to it and when and why it was made with Jack White but points only to a collection of twelve mug shots on the CD with the date under each one, red background(jfk101-13). At least on my copy it does. I had no luck with Google.

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Speaking of 101 does everyone put the altered FWST one where he has his hand on hips together with the one with his arms raised or is there a good reason not to?

Nice big copy here.


Just an observation but either he knew the photographer or perhaps he found "her" charming.

Edited by Clive Largey
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could you tell us where you think John Woods got these photos?

Also David do you or does anyone else here have a better copy of the Evolution of LHO poster where the text under each image is readable?

The book refers to it and when and why it was made with Jack White but points only to a collection of twelve mug shots on the CD with the date under each one, red background(jfk101-13). At least on my copy it does. I had no luck with Google.

Hi there Clive....

John Woods would send me images from time to time as he knows I'm very focused on them and do a lot of imagery work... I don't know where/how he got it. Given that Pricilla Johnson was CIA connected, the photo is, as JA states, "LIKELY" to have been created by the CIA... If I had to guess, that's what I would think.

Regarding the White work: I have also sent an email to John to see what he has... will let you know.



Jack White's "Evolution of Lee Harvey Oswald" poster was created at the

suggestion of John Armstrong. It contains 77 images of Lee Harvey Oswald

from the cradle to the grave, and is the single most valuable visual

resource to seeing for oneself evidence that more than one person was

using the name "Lee Harvey Oswald," as well as evidence that someone went

to a lot of trouble in a few cases to blur the distinction. It can be

ordered at Mr. White's Web site: www.flash.net/~jwjfk [LINK 30 of 30]

A miniature version of the poster is reproduced in Robert Groden, *The

Search for Lee Harvey Oswald.

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Speaking of 101 does everyone put the altered FWST one where he has his hand on hips together with the one with his arms raised or is there a good reason not to?

Nice big copy here.


Just an observation but either he knew the photographer or perhaps he found "her" charming.

They do appear to be the same uniform at about the same time at what appears to be the same place - these are all LEE (except for the altered FWST photo)


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Thank you David.

I guess that poster is somewhat of a collectors piece I was hoping to read the comments under each image and I think if you hear back from John on where those images came from it could put an end to some of the speculation.

On the side note, this is no trick of the eye or favourable lighting, Johnson was actually was very good looking back then. What happened to her? Did she have bad plastic surgery at some stage in later years?


Anyway I put down what I was reading and got into the book thanks to this thread, introduction I found extremely good, modern and put me in the best possible frame of mind to continue on.

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Thank you David.

I guess that poster is somewhat of a collectors piece I was hoping to read the comments under each image and I think if you hear back from John on where those images came from it could put an end to some of the speculation.

On the side note, this is no trick of the eye or favourable lighting, Johnson was actually was very good looking back then. What happened to her? Did she have bad plastic surgery at some stage in later years?


Anyway I put down what I was reading and got into the book thanks to this thread, introduction I found extremely good, modern and put me in the best possible frame of mind to continue on.

Very glad to hear Clive... it definitely requires more attention and effort than to just read... if you PM me with your email addres I can send you the work I did with John to create a large spreadsheet which puts the events on a side-by-side timeline... makes things a bit easier to follow as the excerpts are from the book.

I also recommend you keep the Baylor notebook website available since there is usually much more info and back-up documentation in the notebooks. There are docs scanned from the Archives that can only be gotten from the Archives.

http://digitalcollections.baylor.edu/cdm/tabs/collection/po-arm should take you to the index page... I've downloaded many of these notebooks so they are available in full as reference... on the site you can only view one page at a time.

I asked John to see if he did not have any hi res scans of the poster itself... and what the back story was... I'm sure I'll hear soon since he's back in the US and at a location where much of the original records reside.

While nothing is definitive in this case, the book, CD and notebooks do present a very thorough case for what the evidence provided and avoided points to related to H&L and their dual lives merged into one history..

The questions that seems to get forgotten in this mess is...

Why would the FBI be so interested in the goings on of this man 5, and 10 years before the crime?

What difference does it makie which Jr High school he attended for a few weeks or where he worked in 1957 & 1958 unless there were obvious conflicts which needed addressing?

Palmer McBride's FBI statement was the initial problem since Oswald was in Japan during that time... Also a problem was his attending Stripling Jr High in the fall of 1954.

Literally within 8 hours of Oswald being charged, the FBI shows up to take the Stripling records.

Literally the week of the McBride interview (11/26) FBI agents are sent to Pfisterer's to confront the issue

One only need check CE1961 to see what the WCR and USMC say about where Oswald was at the time.

http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/exhibits/ce1386.htm http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh22/html/WH_Vol22_0370b.htm

Date 11/26/63 (Dictated 11/23)

Airman Second Class PALMER E. McBRIDE was interviewed at Air Police Headquarters, Patrick Air Force Base, Florida, and furnished the following signed statement:

"Patrick Air Force Base,Florida

November 23, 1963

"I, PALMER E. McBRIDE hereby furnish the following free and voluntary statement to JOHN R. PALMER who I know to be a Special Agent of the

FBI. I have been advised that this statement can be used in a court of law. No threats or promises have been made to me.

"I was born on November 29, 1937, at New Orleans, Louisiana. I enlisted in the United States Air Force on November 25, 1960 and since June 15, 1961, I have been assigned to Patrick Air Force Base, Florida. I am presently an Airman Second Class assigned to the 8550th Maintenance Group with Air Force serial number AF 25589222.

"In about June, 1955, I went to work as a dental messenger for the Pfisterer Dental Laboratory Company in the 200 block of Dauphine Street, New Orleans, Louisiana. In about December, 1957, a young man named LEE OSWALD was employed in the same capacity. Because we both enjoyed classical music I invited him to my home at 1416 Baronne Street, New Orleans, and he did visit my home

perhaps two or three times. I was living with my parents at that time, and during his visits we would listen to records in my room.

"During his first visit to my home in late 1957 or early 1958 the discussion turned to politics and to the possibility of war. At this time I made a statement to the effect that President DWIGHT EISENHOWER was doing a pretty good job for a man of his age and background, but that I did feel.....

On 11/23/63 at Patrick Air Force Base, Florida File # TP 62-455

By SA JOHN R. PALMER Date dictated 11/26/63

Palmer McBride is not called to testify


In September 1957 Oswald arrived in Atsugi, Japan and was photographed

standing in front of his locker. JFKlOl-03 Fellow Marine Zack Stout befriended Oswald and

the young men spent a lot of time together. I asked Zack if ever saw Oswald study the

Russian language.

Zack said, "Most of the time we were with a mobile radar unit.

Shortly after he arrived we left Japan and traveled constantly from location to location

in the South China Sea (beginning in November 1957). I know Oswald didn't attend

any Russian classes or read any Russian books or listen to any Russian records. He didn't

have anywhere to get such materials and if he had them we (Stout and fellow Marines)

would have known about it.

We slept in the same bunkhouse and most of the time worked on the same radar crew. The idea that Oswald studied Russian in Japan is ridiculous-it just didn't happen."2

(2) Author's interview with Zack Stout, November, 1998

Sharing the cubicle with Oswald were Zack Stout. Robert Royce Augg. Ronald Crawley and Thomas Bagshaw

Zack Stout remembered the day Oswald arrived and said, "I arrived in August,

1957, and Oswald arrived a month later. He was one of three or four who just came into

the barracks one day dragging their sea bags." Zack became one of Lee Oswald's closest

friends in Japan and worked with him for 10 months, but was not interviewed by the FBI or

Warren Commission


After repeatedly being challenged AND interviewed, Palmer had this to say about the experience. I too called Pfisterer's and got the same answer... Oswald was there when Palmer says he was.

One needs to ask whether the evidence offered by the FBI to claim he was in Japan (and all the strings which come with FBI evidence) is more substantial than the unmotivated responses of civilians who claim he was.

Over and over in this case we are treated to the evidence manipulations of the FBI... why this situation should be considered any different is to be proven... this is the same FBI that told us Oswald and Ruby did not know each other, that Oswald and 544 Camp were not related and that he took a bus ride to and from Mexico which required the wholesale manufacturing of evidence... the choice is for each of us individually

Take care



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They do appear to be the same uniform at about the same time at what appears to be the same place - these are all LEE (except for the altered FWST photo)



I neglected to ask the follow up 101 question, if we're happy they're part of a set or at least a pair then where did the one on the left come from? Seems pretty memorable, was Robert asked about it?

Also can anyone interested in this think of a legitimate reason for a newspaper man to block out that window?

It's hardly going to identify the area as a military base if left alone.

It would also be interesting I think to look at the rest of that FWST edition and see if any other image is as poor as the altered one we are focusing on.

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Thank you David.

I guess that poster is somewhat of a collectors piece I was hoping to read the comments under each image and I think if you hear back from John on where those images came from it could put an end to some of the speculation.

On the side note, this is no trick of the eye or favourable lighting, Johnson was actually was very good looking back then. What happened to her? Did she have bad plastic surgery at some stage in later years?


Anyway I put down what I was reading and got into the book thanks to this thread, introduction I found extremely good, modern and put me in the best possible frame of mind to continue on.


Please do study the H&L evidence and make up your own mind. But remember a few points:

Do keep the Baylor website handy. And while you are at it look at some of the documents in the endnotes from my article:


If you read those docs you will find a comedy of errors as Armstrong and several researchers tried desperately to connect Stephen H. Landesberg, a person with serious mental problems, to the assassination in any way. They also tried to implicate actor Steve Landesberg of Barney Miller fame until his chief of security made them back off.

Also check out the letters and emails at Baylor between Armstrong and researchers. You will find that when anyone started to question any part of the theory, they were given the cold shoulder rather than encouraged to think for themselves.

There are several areas such as the 1981 exhumation of LHO and the HSCA handwriting study which completely refute the H&L theory. Remember, the exhumation was done because of Eddowes who had his own two Oswald theory. He picked his own forensic experts and the results were it was the one and only Oswald in the grave. And the mastoid operation that was supposed to be on "Lee" was on "Harvey". They will counter with "why didn't Rose see it"? Rose said that he could have missed it since he wasn't looking for it. And someone missing something is different than it not being there. All is explained here in the work I did which drew on the previous good work of Gary Mack, Duke Lane and others.


I will be doing a piece in the near future with a summary of my views so watch for it.

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If I remember correctly Robert does not mention providing that photo...

In fact - what I am realizing now is that Warren Comm Doc 443 is a collection of photos or a variety of sizes and shapes most attributed to Oswald as photographer... a few with Oswald in them in Russia yet no other photos of Lee in Japan, just those 2.

What we do not find are any other photos of Oswald

The middle photo shows the same building in the background as the Oswald photo https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10877#relPageId=26&tab=page and is listed as "Marine friend of Oswald" on page 2. (This is the same batch of photos which includes Roscoe White (p25)


So maybe he handed the camera to his friend and had that photo taken... yet we'd have to go thru all the photos to find one similar to the published one with the square behind his head. It also seems that after page 27 or so the photos are all from Russia or afterward... with a few mixed in from an earlier time it appears.

I'm pretty sure that the photo originally given to the FWST had that square and the newspaper simply cropped it down to his face... yet they do not offer a source either...

As I say, Robert discusses the FWST article yet makes no mention that he supplied the photo.


Edited by David Josephs
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