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The Oxnard Call

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Seems pretty obvious to me that the "I'm using the phone" statement was not the same person as the whispering mad woman but a regular customer on the party line... which makes your assumption that the mad woman was a middle age woman a but suspect... but you go right on speculating all you want... when you get to some real evidence, you'll let us know.

Seems you didn't read the FBI report. The two operaters were certain there was no connection made to anyone else.

As for the rest... for the benefit of those just landing here - David is doing his damnedest to try and give the impression that I somehow endorse or believe in witchcraft, UFOs and whatever else. Anyone actually reading what I wrote could not come away with that opinion. But David is motivated to do this just as a 2 year old who has had an unsafe toy taken away for his own good, will sometimes respond with anger and frustration. David does not appreciate me taking apart his favorite theory and he feels this is somehow balancing the books.

For your information, David, I no longer support the dual plot. Two things led to that conclusion - being suckered by your motorcade timeline (it was WRONG!) and believing that the woman was a native of California. I will be updating the information in volume 3 of the book.

The woman was not loony, Her rhythmic chanting and repeated phrasing is a hallmark of various religions and cults. Her timing of 10:10 (12:10 Dallas time) will be shown to have been pretty damn good; her immediate adjustment of that to 10:30 (12:30 Dallas time) spectacularly on the mark.

Your hyperbolic approach to this just highlights your true intention. You look more and more petty, if not downright pathetic every time you post in that manner.

Edited by Greg Parker
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keep pitching Vol 1, 2 or 3 buddy... gotta be SOMEBODY out there who'll buy it...


"MY" motorcade timeline...? look just a little deeper Greg... you'll find it...

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I still contend that the word "heostat" is a mishearing of the word "hemostat"...a clamp used to control bleeding.

I can find NO such word as "heostat." [Having grown up in the 1960's I know perfectly well what hemostats are...see "roachclip"...]

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I still contend that the word "heostat" is a mishearing of the word "hemostat"...a clamp used to control bleeding.

I can find NO such word as "heostat." [Having grown up in the 1960's I know perfectly well what hemostats are...see "roachclip"...]

Could be, but I think "rheostat" fits better with the other words.

The three words (if I am right about "rheostat") are about control of things like heat and light. And "control" of things was what this was about.

I contend that when she said the government takes over everything, lock, stock and barrel, she was referring to a fascist coup and that her words in that respect are very similar to Ruby's warning that "a new form of government was going to take over". I note in that respect that Neocons started to entger government with the ascension of LBJ.

Edited by Greg Parker
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A rheostat is a variable resistor. In automotive applications, a rheostat controls how bright or dim your dash lights are.

A thermostat controls temperature.

A hemostat can be used to control the rate of bleeding.

Greg, I'm not disagreeing with your interpretation; in fact, I'm pretty much in agreement that it's about "control."

I was simply trying to turn a bogus word--"heostat"--into a legitimate word that simply may have been misheard or mis-transcribed.

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A rheostat is a variable resistor. In automotive applications, a rheostat controls how bright or dim your dash lights are.

A thermostat controls temperature.

A hemostat can be used to control the rate of bleeding.

Greg, I'm not disagreeing with your interpretation; in fact, I'm pretty much in agreement that it's about "control."

I was simply trying to turn a bogus word--"heostat"--into a legitimate word that simply may have been misheard or mis-transcribed.

Thanks for clarifying. I guess either may be right. I can't think of anything else it could be,

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The Logansport Press from Logansport, Indiana · Page 12


....Congo and Algerian issues and Rome's "cosmobiologist," Prof. Tommaso Palamidessi,

forecast Kennedy "will obtain notable solutions to eliminate the cold war......


I believe this is an AP article from December 20, 1960.....the full article is rather interesting.....

Edited by Robert Howard
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  • 2 years later...

I am wondering if the caller was receiving and sending information on a "Race Wire", sharing information as it came in from Dallas, possibly from the Carousel Lounge itself.

Some may know that I have suspected that Jack Ruby was using the very-close proximity of the Carousel to the Dallas telephone company Central office, to tap lines, collect information, extort people, serve as a link on Mafia Race Wires, and transfer information between Marcello in NOLA and other Mob hubs such as Chicago and LA. I also surmise that the tapped lines at the Carousel was used for communications during the assassination and clean-up operations.


Edited by Michael Clark
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On 5/20/2015 at 10:09 AM, Ron Ecker said:

IMO the Oxnard call, made just minutes before the assassination, is prima facie evidence of a conspiracy. 



Quoting the opening post of this thread.

Edited by Michael Clark
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