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1. Why do you have the "full screen" capability turned off? You might want to turn them on so folks can do that direct from your website. It seems odd that when almost every other website from here to China turns that function on you have it turned off?

2. Can you please start turning on the capability of auto close captions when you export to Google? It's far from perfect but with a news show like this, when the on-air talent tends to speak more deliberately, the auto close captions work quite well. Not perfect, mind you, but deaf and hard of hearing people will take whatever they can get vs. hearing folks who take their hearing for granted. And it's not just for me - there are many, many other folks out there who depend on captions and titles to understand what's being said.

On this page:

...and the 11/25 newscast, here's where the big fudging campaign begins by the Bad Guys in cahoots with their faithful media friends. Start at around 18:20 when good old Danny "I was watching a completely different film...nah just doing what I'm told" Rather "forgetfully" fails to mention the violent back and to the left movement of Kennedy as he reporterly describes the Zapruder film. But never mind that Americans were just too dumb and the Bad Guys decide, then and there, to not show this film to the public and allow them/us be the judge of what we'd be seeing :)

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1. Why do you have the "full screen" capability turned off? You might want to turn them on so folks can do that direct from your website. It seems odd that when almost every other website from here to China turns that function on, you have it turned off?

I assume you're talking only about the videos that I've uploaded using Google Drive on my websites. The Full Screen buttons work perfectly fine on "YouTube" videos, but for some spiteful and unknown reason, Google Drive (which is an outstanding uploading and file storage service overall) will not allow an embedded video to be expanded into Full Screen mode.

I, like you, have noticed that glitch in the past, and I don't like it. (And since you brought it up today, I just this minute sent a "Glitch Report" to Google Drive via their Feedback link. Thanks for bringing it to the forefront. Maybe they'll fix it soon.)

But, Michael, you CAN still go to Full Screen mode via my embedded "Drive" videos by merely clicking the "Pop-out" link in the upper-right corner of every video. That will take you to a stand-alone URL page for that particular video (which will be presented in a larger player than I can present on my webpages). And then you can make the player even bigger by clicking the "Full Screen" button in the lower-right corner of the player (after hitting Play first). The Full Screen button always works on the stand-alone pages, like this one:

drive.google.com/file/September 11th, 2001 Audio

2. Can you please start turning on the capability of auto close captions when you export to Google?

I have no control whatsoever when it comes to any captioning options on my videos uploaded through the Google Drive service. There is no option for the uploader to turn captions on or off. It's an option that does not exist. The "Drive" video players resemble YouTube video players, but there has never been any option or setting for "Captions" or "Subtitles" on the control panel of the "Drive" players. Captions just aren't available through Google Drive. Perhaps that's something Google will add to its player controls in the future. Google Drive is a relatively new service. It's only been part of the Google family of services since 2012. So I would expect some things to be tweaked and expanded to the service as time goes on.

NOTE -- And I just now noticed that the "Caption" options aren't even showing up on my YouTube videos anymore. I have no idea why. I know that option previously had been there on YT videos. Odd. ~shrug~

EDIT -- And now, just seconds after checking it, the Caption buttons are back on my YouTube videos. Geez, how weird. (Must be a Captioning Conspiracy.)

EDIT #2 -- Now I see that the Caption option only appears on some of my YouTube videos, but not on all of them. I guess they just pick and choose at random when to put the Caption button in there. ~another shrug~

EDIT #3 -- I figured out the "Captions" mystery at YouTube. The Caption button only appears on videos shorter than approximately 105 minutes in length (perhaps 106.775 minutes). :) Longer videos don't have the Caption option available at all. But even that restriction seems to be hit and miss on some of my videos. They just like to keep you guessing I guess.

Edited by David Von Pein
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Dave - all good points and thanks for clarifying as I didn't realize they were Drive files vs. YTV files. I agree - I like Drive too and use it all the time as seen from this recent vacation video:


PS - I know you catch a lot of grief on this forum but I do appreciate your video efforts for the JFK case. I just wish you'd take an ever so slight step over to us to see that, yes, this country was and continues to be royally f#### by JFK's death.

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I like Drive too and use it all the time as seen from this recent vacation video:


Thanks for the NYC vacation link. Nice aerial views.

My brother will probably be taking that exact same helicopter flight around NYC in just a few days. He's on vacation now in the northeast and taking tons of videos for his YouTube channel (which is one of the top channels for "Travel Videos" on YT)....


BTW, I love Carly Simon too :)....


And speaking of NYC --- tomorrow is the 15th anniversary of the worst day in recent memory....


Edited by David Von Pein
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Mr. Von Pein, have you ever read Dr Finck's HSCA testimony about the back wound? Finck, as you well know, was chief of wound ballistics pathology for the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology.

Finck claimed that he attempted to use a metal probe in the back wound, but was unable to find the bullet track. He then testified that he ordered x-rays of the chest cavity in order to try to determine where the bullet went.

Yet the x-ray technician who took those x-rays testified that, when he took the x-rays of the chest, they showed an empty cavity because the lungs and other internal organs had already been removed. Now, it would appear to a logical person that if there had been a bullet track within the internal organs, removing the organs would also remove the evidence of a bullet track.

Now...are you also familiar with the Warren Commission testimony of Dr. Marion Jenkins? Dr. Jenkins testified that, because of "the obvious physical characteristics of a pneumothorax," doctors in Trauma Room 1 "put in a closed chest drainage tube."

Do you even know what a pneumothorax is? [THIS is where the copy of Gray's Anatomy would most likely be more beneficial than anything Mr. Bugliosi ever wrote.]

I would suggest you STOP right here and right now, and look up the definition of the term and then look up the primary causes of a pneumothorax. [Hint: Bullets passing between strap muscles in the neck are not listed as a cause for a pneumothorax.]

THIS is why I recommend educating yourself on exactly what the doctors were saying.

Since the most likely cause of a pneumothorax in a gunshot victim would be a bullet or bone fragment puncturing a lung, it would have been nice for the bullet wound pathologist, Dr. Finck, to have had the lungs still in the chest cavity to examine. This might have helped him determine with a better degree of certainty the path of the bullet.

But according to the x-ray technician who took the chest x-rays when Dr. Finck ordered them--and the reason he ordered them, according to Finck's HSCA testimony, was to try to locate a bullet in the chest cavity, if it was still there--the lungs had already been removed at the time of the x-rays.

And there is NO testimony on file that I can find that states that the lungs were thoroughly examined...at least to the degree that a bullet wound pathologist would have examined them. In his testimony before the AARB, Dr. Finck stated that "(t)he brain, the heart, and the lungs had been removed before my arrival."

Notice that in Dr. Finck's testimony, he insists on referring to the wound as one in the upper back, and not a neck wound.

Notice that--if you did your homework and learned what a pneumothorax is--somehow, the right lung had apparently been breached in some way.

Yet there is no mention of an examination of the lungs, or even a mention of when the lungs were removed...except that their removal occurred prior to the arrival of the wound ballistic pathologist [Dr. Finck].

The Warren Commission Report will NOT explain the significance of a pneumothorax to you. Nothing that Bugliosi wrote will explain that to you. But a textbook of anatomy and physiology, in tandem with a good medical dictionary, WILL give you that information. And they are unbiased. They give information, and have no agendas.

Which is why I recommended you consult an unbiased source upon occasion. NO film clip from a fake trial of Oswald will tell you how a pneumothorax occurs...or none that I'm aware of.

Mr. Knight has well expressed the true nature of JFK's back wound, and the ensuing respiratory condition and medical emergency referred to as a "tension pneumothorax".

While somewhat difficult for the layman to understand, a tension pneumothorax is actually quite simple to explain.

In JFK's case, a fragmenting or a frangible bullet would have entered his back at about the level of the thoracic vertebra T3. Entering at this point, it would have gone directly into the top of his right lung, come apart and stopped midway through his right lung.

When JFK was laid on his back in Trauma Room One, it is likely the wound made by the bullet into the back of his chest cavity would have been sealed by his flesh pressing against the table.

JFK was intubated by Dr. Carrico, who inserted an endotracheal tube down JFK's trachea to a point where the tip of this tube would have been well above the two bronchi leading to the lungs.

Dr. Carrico inflated the cuff of the endotracheal tube in order to seal the tube against the inside of the trachea. Carrico misjudged the insertion, despite using a laryngoscope to guide him during intubation, and the inflatable cuff was placed slightly above the tracheal wound, and a perfect seal was not made against the inside of the trachea.

Following intubation, JFK was connected to a respirator, and positive pressure ventilation was occurring in his lungs. It was this higher than atmospheric pressure ventilation that brought about the tension pneumothorax.

With the tearing of lung tissue, the right lung would have lost its airtight qualities and would have collapsed. With each inspiration from the respirator, higher pressure air would attempt to inflate the right lung, and air would escape from the lung into the right pleural cavity. On exhalation, the lung would collapse again, preventing air in the pleural cavity from escaping. Within the space of a minute, enough air would build in the right pleural cavity to prevent any air from entering the right lung at all. The left lung, being in its own pleural cavity, would still inflate but, eventually, enough pressure would build on the right side to impair the left lung, as it exerted pressure laterally to the left, and JFK would asphyxiate.

Following intubation and connection to a respirator, Dr. Carrico listened to JFK's chest for breath sounds. He found the breath sounds to be diminished, due to some respirator air escaping through the tracheal wound, but he also observed the breath sounds in the right lung to be greatly diminished, in comparison to breath sounds in the left lung.

Dr. Carrico's observation of reduced breath sounds in the right lung would be universally interpreted in the medical world as being caused by one thing, and one thing only; a tension pneumothorax building air pressure in the right pleural cavity preventing additional air from entering either the right lung or the right pleural cavity.

There are other signs, observed by Drs. Perry and Carrico, that are unmistakeable signs of a tension pneumothorax, but I will save them until DVP has had a good chance to rant at my post first.

Edited by Robert Prudhomme
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Thanks for sharing your brother's travel channel. Looks like he's very well traveled too. He does a nice job of documenting where he goes.

Carly's great - she's from NY so I thought it was a good fit for the copter video I made.

Actually 9/11 is the second worst in recent memory and bookends the other one we talk so much about on this forum.

I always tell anyone who cares to listen that no matter if you believe in LN or CT, the Kennedy murder truly and disastrously f####ed up the political process of this country and even today we continue to feel its reverberations.

I'm not saying he was perfect and he was human like the rest of us. But he had the right to proceed with the normal course of politics and if he did what the country wanted him to, then they would have continued to vote for him. If not, then they would have voted him out. It's as simple as that.

Instead, his administration was torn asunder and we got Johnson, a guy who was totally and completely the opposite of what and who Kennedy was. And then it went on from there.

I liken it to what happened when Lincoln was murdered. If you read Lincoln's last inaugural address, he was already ready to go about forgiveness of the redneck hillbillies who started the war down there. Can you imagine that happening in today's toxic political environment? I think Reconstruction would have turned out vastly different than it ended up being with Johnson, a southern hillbilly himself.

So, yeah, 9/11 was horrible and really a completely ridiculous act when you think about it - it solved absolutely nothing except making the paranoid sector of this country even more paranoid (remember the Alert colors)?

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Mr. Von Pein, have you ever read Dr Finck's HSCA testimony about the back wound? Finck, as you well know, was chief of wound ballistics pathology for the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology.

Finck claimed that he attempted to use a metal probe in the back wound, but was unable to find the bullet track. He then testified that he ordered x-rays of the chest cavity in order to try to determine where the bullet went.

Yet the x-ray technician who took those x-rays testified that, when he took the x-rays of the chest, they showed an empty cavity because the lungs and other internal organs had already been removed. Now, it would appear to a logical person that if there had been a bullet track within the internal organs, removing the organs would also remove the evidence of a bullet track.

Now...are you also familiar with the Warren Commission testimony of Dr. Marion Jenkins? Dr. Jenkins testified that, because of "the obvious physical characteristics of a pneumothorax," doctors in Trauma Room 1 "put in a closed chest drainage tube."

Do you even know what a pneumothorax is? [THIS is where the copy of Gray's Anatomy would most likely be more beneficial than anything Mr. Bugliosi ever wrote.]

I would suggest you STOP right here and right now, and look up the definition of the term and then look up the primary causes of a pneumothorax. [Hint: Bullets passing between strap muscles in the neck are not listed as a cause for a pneumothorax.]

THIS is why I recommend educating yourself on exactly what the doctors were saying.

Since the most likely cause of a pneumothorax in a gunshot victim would be a bullet or bone fragment puncturing a lung, it would have been nice for the bullet wound pathologist, Dr. Finck, to have had the lungs still in the chest cavity to examine. This might have helped him determine with a better degree of certainty the path of the bullet.

But according to the x-ray technician who took the chest x-rays when Dr. Finck ordered them--and the reason he ordered them, according to Finck's HSCA testimony, was to try to locate a bullet in the chest cavity, if it was still there--the lungs had already been removed at the time of the x-rays.

And there is NO testimony on file that I can find that states that the lungs were thoroughly examined...at least to the degree that a bullet wound pathologist would have examined them. In his testimony before the AARB, Dr. Finck stated that "(t)he brain, the heart, and the lungs had been removed before my arrival."

Notice that in Dr. Finck's testimony, he insists on referring to the wound as one in the upper back, and not a neck wound.

Notice that--if you did your homework and learned what a pneumothorax is--somehow, the right lung had apparently been breached in some way.

Yet there is no mention of an examination of the lungs, or even a mention of when the lungs were removed...except that their removal occurred prior to the arrival of the wound ballistic pathologist [Dr. Finck].

The Warren Commission Report will NOT explain the significance of a pneumothorax to you. Nothing that Bugliosi wrote will explain that to you. But a textbook of anatomy and physiology, in tandem with a good medical dictionary, WILL give you that information. And they are unbiased. They give information, and have no agendas.

Which is why I recommended you consult an unbiased source upon occasion. NO film clip from a fake trial of Oswald will tell you how a pneumothorax occurs...or none that I'm aware of.

Mr. Knight has well expressed the true nature of JFK's back wound, and the ensuing respiratory condition and medical emergency referred to as a "tension pneumothorax".

While somewhat difficult for the layman to understand, a tension pneumothorax is actually quite simple to explain.

In JFK's case, a fragmenting or a frangible bullet would have entered his back at about the level of the thoracic vertebra T3. Entering at this point, it would have gone directly into the top of his right lung, come apart and stopped midway through his right lung.

When JFK was laid on his back in Trauma Room One, it is likely the wound made by the bullet into the back of his chest cavity would have been sealed by his flesh pressing against the table.

JFK was intubated by Dr. Carrico, who inserted an endotracheal tube down JFK's trachea to a point where the tip of this tube would have been well above the two bronchi leading to the lungs.

Dr. Carrico inflated the cuff of the endotracheal tube in order to seal the tube against the inside of the trachea. Carrico misjudged the insertion, despite using a laryngoscope to guide him during intubation, and the inflatable cuff was placed slightly above the tracheal wound, and a perfect seal was not made against the inside of the trachea.

Following intubation, JFK was connected to a respirator, and positive pressure ventilation was occurring in his lungs. It was this higher than atmospheric pressure ventilation that brought about the tension pneumothorax.

With the tearing of lung tissue, the right lung would have lost its airtight qualities and would have collapsed. With each inspiration from the respirator, higher pressure air would attempt to inflate the right lung, and air would escape from the lung into the right pleural cavity. On exhalation, the lung would collapse again, preventing air in the pleural cavity from escaping. Within the space of a minute, enough air would build in the right pleural cavity to prevent any air from entering the right lung at all. The left lung, being in its own pleural cavity, would still inflate but, eventually, enough pressure would build on the right side to impair the left lung, as it exerted pressure laterally to the left, and JFK would asphyxiate.

Following intubation and connection to a respirator, Dr. Carrico listened to JFK's chest for breath sounds. He found the breath sounds to be diminished, due to some respirator air escaping through the tracheal wound, but he also observed the breath sounds in the right lung to be greatly diminished, in comparison to breath sounds in the left lung.

Dr. Carrico's observation of reduced breath sounds in the right lung would be universally interpreted in the medical world as being caused by one thing, and one thing only; a tension pneumothorax building air pressure in the right pleural cavity preventing additional air from entering either the right lung or the right pleural cavity.

There are other signs, observed by Drs. Perry and Carrico, that are unmistakeable signs of a tension pneumothorax, but I will save them until DVP has had a good chance to rant at my post first.

I know y'all are out there; I can hear you breathing.

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