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13 minutes ago, Mervyn Hagger said:

In any event David, I suggest you keep quiet for awhile and see how someone has obviously groomed you to be yet another "patsy" in posting misinformation.

Who's been "grooming" me, Mervyn?

Please tell me. I'm anxious to know who he is myself.


Edited by David Von Pein
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1 minute ago, David Von Pein said:

Who's been "grooming" me, Mervyn?

Please tell me. I'm anxious to know myself.


Oh boy!

What a question!

The answer seems to be the same people who got you to promote the Warren Report.


People who get groomed don't know that they are being groomed, if they did they probably would get very angry at the person who was trying to take away their own freedom of thought.


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9 minutes ago, Mervyn Hagger said:

The answer seems to be the same people who got you to promote the Warren Report.

So, you think a certain individual (or a group of people) tricked me into becoming a "Lone Assassin" advocate and then got me to promote the WR all over the Internet for the last 20 or so years. Is that it?

Because nobody in his right mind could possibly really believe Oswald acted alone, right?

Any idea who those dastardly tricksters might have been?

(At least give me a hint.)


Edited by David Von Pein
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4 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

So, you think a certain individual (or a group of people) tricked me into becoming a "Lone Assassin" advocate and then got me to promote the WR all over the Internet for the last 20 or so years. Is that it?

Because nobody in his right mind could possibly really believe Oswald acted alone, right?

Any idea who those dastardly tricksters might have been?

(At least give me a hint.)


The reason you don't know that you were groomed is because you were successfully groomed. As I previously explained to you, if you knew that you were being groomed in all probability you would have got angry and resisted. But that is how a "patsy" becomes a "patsy". Or to put it another way, that is how people are conned out of millions each day by conmen who simply want to steal money. The sex trade works the same way. Young people are groomed to become sex slaves and some people, such as yourself are groomed to become political misdirects.

If you need further assistance in understanding this process, please ask and if I can't help you I can probably refer you to various professional bodies who specialize in dealing with cases such as your own.

That's all (for now.)


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11 minutes ago, Mervyn Hagger said:

Young people are groomed to become sex slaves and some people, such as yourself are groomed to become political misdirects.

Then you do, therefore, think that a person could not possibly ON HIS OWN believe and promote the Lone Assassin scenario in the JFK case, correct?

Ergo, since I say I'm an "LNer", that must mean (per your analysis) that someone else put me up to it.

Is that about the size of it?


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7 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

Then you do, therefore, think that a person could not possibly ON HIS OWN believe and promote the Lone Assassin scenario in the JFK case, correct?

Ergo, since I say I'm an "LNer", that must mean (per your analysis) that someone else put me up to it.

Is that about the size of it in your crazy world of "grooming"?


"Grooming" is not a crazy idea, it is something that medical professionals and law enforcement deal with every hour of every day. It is not a joke.

In your instance, what makes you stand out from the rest is that you are the doyen of Warren Report memorabilia in that it has become an obsession with you. Clearly from your previous remarks you do not understand psyops and consequently you do not understand what it is that you are trying to promote. You are a victim of your own making and you need help. But you should seek out a professional who can advise you on how to free yourself from the cult membership that you have become attached to.


Edited by Mervyn Hagger
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4 minutes ago, Mervyn Hagger said:

You are a victim of your own making and you need help. But you should seek out a professional who can advise you on how to free yourself from the cult membership that you have become attached to.

It's quite clear to me that somebody involved in this ridiculous conversation needs "help". But I don't think it's me.



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1 minute ago, David Von Pein said:

It's quite clear to me that somebody involved in this ridiculous conversation needs "help". But I don't think it's me.



Look around this forum David, not everyone believes the Warren Report. The one person who is out of step is you, the majority have various views, but you seem to have only one that supports the Warren Report. You may have heard the saying about "none so blind ... ect." Well, in this instance, it is you.

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Just now, Mervyn Hagger said:

Look around this forum David, not everyone believes the Warren Report. The one person who is out of step is you, the majority have various views, but you seem to have only one that supports the Warren Report. You may have heard the saying about "none so blind ... ect." Well, in this instance, it is you.

So, Mervyn, was Vincent Bugliosi also "groomed" (prior to 1986) to believe the Lone Assassin conclusion?

What about Gerald Posner? Was he groomed by those professional groomers too?

And Jim Moore? And Dale Myers? And Jean Davison? And John McAdams? And John Lattimer? And William Manchester?

Are all of the above authors nothing more than sheep at the mercy of the grooming professionals?


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David, the evidence from many, many sources regarding many, many evidential facts clearly make a mockery of certain authors such as Gerald Posner. The others, well there may have been a degree of self-deception for a variety of reasons. Some like Vincent Bugliosi may have a slightly different reason for advancing the same sort of nonsense that you support, and William Manchester may be excused if he was not privy to some of the concealed evidence that has now come to light. But it is your goose-step march that identifies you as a true believer in Kennedy cultism. Many religious cult followers have the same problem. It is so easy to start following the leader and so difficult to start thinking for yourself and wondering if the leader was wrong. However, as far as the Kennedy cult is concerned you are pretty low on the totem pole of leadership, so don't worry about other people, worry about yourself.

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DVPs cool,man -  well (!!!???!!!) informed and versed. And a fast food kingpin.

All arguable topics need a devil’s advocate and I for one do not know all the answers to this multi faceted puzzle and like to weigh up the odds after hearing two sides to a story.

He is wrong 99.9% of the time tho 🤭

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30 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

Let's now try to get as far away as possible from the imaginative dreck being posted by conspiracy fantasist Mervyn H. and get this "Kennedy Videos" thread back on track.....


No, let's not, David. If anyone is the cult believer in conspiracies it is you and your avalanche of assorted material collected in support of the Warren Report.

First you admit to not knowing what the Special Group (Augmented) or SGA is, then, when pinned into a corner you waffle your way out by saying you read about it somewhere, but you don't care to know about it.

The conspiracy cult began with Winston Churchill and his claim in a full page 1920 newspaper article that he wrote about the Illuminated Jews being the reason for the USSR. Not all Jews, only Jews who refused to convert to Churchill's brand of Christianity like Benjamin Disraeli. Today Churchill's stupid and bigoted views would get him booted into oblivion. Churchill was the father of modern terrorism backed by the State (SOE) and father of the CIA via OSS.

The Steve Martin School says stick to point number one and don't let David Von Pein wiggle his way out of the trap he set for himself, and I won't. I am a student of the SMS and its lesson when applied works wonders!



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