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Jerome Corsi: Soviet-Bloc Defector sheds light on Oswald's visit to Mexico

Douglas Caddy

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CIA releases presidential briefing on Oswald's visit to embassy
Published: September 20, 2015


Edited by Mark Knight
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It wouldn't surprise me if The-KGB-did-it, or some variant as described in the Corsi article, became the subject of the next spate of disinformation books to be published by several authors, just as LBJ-did-it was the subject of the last wave of publishing. It also wouldn't surprise me if forged documents supporting this thesis appeared in the future.

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Thanks for the links, Douglas. However, beware of Jerome Corsi.

This appears to be more of the same misdirection to which we've become accustomed over the years. Although a man's argument (in this case Corsi's) will stand or fall on its own merits independent of his prior work, I still have difficulty even allowing for the possibility that Corsi's JFK work would suddenly become worthwhile. After having read his opportunistically "timed for the 50th anniversary" release of Who Really Killed Kennedy (2013, WND Books), I became convinced that Harvard must be handing out PhD degrees in Poli-Sci like candy these days.

The number of basic factual errors he commits is stunning. Did you know that the author of Best Evidence apparently not only is a writer, but also brews some pretty popular tea (Lipton's pg. 77), as well? Did you know that the assassination really took place--not on November 22, 1963--but rather on November 23, 1963 and that Nixon didn't want the American people to know he was still in Dallas on that day (pg. 261)? And there are at least a dozen more such errors. These are simple, easily verified or refuted, factoids that are completely inaccurate. His lack of attention to detail in the small stuff--in the stuff that requires little to no analytical abilities--tends to damage his credibility beyond repair. After all, if he can't get the small stuff right...?

The book revealed nothing new, IMO. Its author displayed a shallow interpretation of the meaning of the events he reported and the book certainly did not live up to its title.

I see nothing to suggest that his newest effort will be much better.

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I should also mention in the interest of full disclosure that I personally know, Wayne Barnes, who was the FBI agent responsible for conducting the entire debriefing of defector, Ion Mihai Pacepa, named in the article.

In 2011, Wayne signed a copy of the book, Programmed to Kill, for me, which was written by Pacepa. I did not find the book very helpful in spite of Pacepa's obvious broad knowledge of Soviet Bloc inner workings. As I said to Wayne on several occasions, Pacepa relies extremely heavily on Edward Epstein's books to make his case. I find this unusual since Pacepa's credibility should mainly reside in his access to TOP SECRET operational sources and methods of the former Soviet Bloc from which he is the highest ranking Intelligence Officer to ever defect. He was very involved with the KGB, GRU, PGU (First Chief Directorate of the KGB), as well as the Romanian Espionage Service aka: the DIE, among others.

Perhaps the price of asylum was the authorship of misdirection...if not outright disinformation?

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IMO, Marina's husband never went to Mexico City, and the KGB had nothing to do with JFK's murder.

Why would theKGB kill JFK? Khruschev wouldn't have given the order. Moreover, JFK was good for business from the KGB's standpoint.

As for Marina's husband's going to Mexico City, David Josephs has laid this falsehood to rest, IMO. I'll only offer that the CIA pointedly failed to produce any facts showing Marina's husband was in M.C. That handiwork was provided by the FBI, which is known today to have fabricated many lies, including lies based on FBI lab work.

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Greg: I am well aware of Corsi and his underhanded activities. In 2004 he swift-boated John Kerry's tour in Vietnam using a pack of lies so that George W. Bush, whose days in the Alabama National Guard were cocaine- filled, would be re-elected. He appears frequently on coasttocoastam and I find his reporting there almost always biased.

I would not have posted the article except that it gave equal time to Jefferson Morley, for whom I have the highest regard. Morley's writing are fact-filled while Corsi's are error-filled.

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Greg: I am well aware of Corsi and his underhanded activities. In 2004 he swift-boated John Kerry's tour in Vietnam using a pack of lies so that George W. Bush, whose days in the Alabama National Guard were cocaine- filled, would be re-elected. He appears frequently on coasttocoastam and I find his reporting there almost always biased.

I would not have posted the article except that it gave equal time to Jefferson Morley, for whom I have the highest regard. Morley's writing are fact-filled while Corsi's are error-filled.

Thanks, Douglas.

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More slight of hand and mud on the wall...BS. They (media and their enabler authors) trot this stuff out every anniversary...Hmm, little early folks, isn't it??

Can't wait till Halloween at least?


"Lincoln Lawrence" "Were We Controlled?" beat him to it by many decades. Bullxxxx for sure.


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Greg: I am well aware of Corsi and his underhanded activities. In 2004 he swift-boated John Kerry's tour in Vietnam using a pack of lies so that George W. Bush, whose days in the Alabama National Guard were cocaine- filled, would be re-elected. He appears frequently on coasttocoastam and I find his reporting there almost always biased.

I would not have posted the article except that it gave equal time to Jefferson Morley, for whom I have the highest regard. Morley's writing are fact-filled while Corsi's are error-filled.

Greg: I am well aware of Corsi and his underhanded activities. In 2004 he swift-boated John Kerry's tour in Vietnam using a pack of lies so that George W. Bush, whose days in the Alabama National Guard were cocaine- filled, would be re-elected. Swift boated? Kerry did a pretty good job of that on himself, he didn't need Corsi's efforts. Kerry committed treason against his country and needs no propping up. I find it strange you are still repeating the story that got Dan Rather fired from one of the highest profile jobs in the country, along with his partner in crime. You ever wonder why the Air National Guard would let a cocaine addict fly a fighter jet and do you think he could do that repeatedly and effectively while high on cocaine? With the high fatality rate amongst fighter pilots, you'd think those high on Coke would be most likely to plant themselves into the ground. Let's see, the documents were 'fake but accurate'.

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Douglas, providing a link to a liberal site which serves as a mouthpiece for the NY Times can hardly 'set the record' straight. They didn't point out anything at all that Corsi said that they claim is untrue, all the article does is bash Corsi. Do you believe that Kerry was in Cambodia on his swift boat at President Nixon's order at Christmas 1968? Kerry said he was.

I find it interesting that you chose to provide the link to 'set the record straight on Corsi' instead of providing a link to 'set the record straight' on George Bush.

I will point out that 'when the truth' got all shook out, that Dan Rather and Mapes were out of a job and GW Bush was re'elected president.

I realize I'm not going to change your mind about either of those two persons, and it doesn't matter if you do or do not, but there can be no doubt that Kerry was a traitor to his country. His meeting in Paris in 1970 with both branches of the enemy was clearly treason. G W Bush served 6 years and was a qualified fighter pilot that volunteered for duty in Viet Nam.

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If you want a different story on how well you can believe John Kerry, here's a little link:

Kerry's Cambodia Whopper

By Joshua Muravchik

Tuesday, August 24, 2004; Page A17

Most of the debate between the former shipmates who swear by John Kerry and the group of other Swift boat veterans who are attacking his military record focuses on matters that few of us have the experience or the moral standing to judge. But one issue, having nothing to do with medals, wounds or bravery under fire, goes to the heart of Kerry's qualifications for the presidency and is therefore something that each of us must consider. That is Kerry's apparently fabricated claim that he fought in Cambodia.

It is an assertion he made first, insofar as the written record reveals, in 1979 in a letter to the Boston Herald. read more:

: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A27211-2004Aug23.html

Realize this is the Washington Post:

Check this link for where he says it was President Nixon at that Christmas of 68


Edited by Kenneth Drew
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Kerry's Cambodia Whopper

By Joshua Muravchik

Joshua is a "scholar" for the American Enterprise Institute. He was probably sitting on Wolfowitz's lap while he typed this out.

So you're saying that when Kerry said on the floor of the US Senate that he was in Cambodia on Christmas 1968 on the orders of President Nixon and that it is in the Senate record, that someone was sitting on someone's lap in the Senate recording that? I don't think I'd be trying to make a hero out of John Kerry when even the Washington Post said he was a xxxx. If the Washington Post is opposed to a liberal, how bad can that be?

Joshua Muravchik is a fellow at the Foreign Policy Institute of Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies and an adjunct professor at the DC-based Institute of World Politics. Hmmmm

Edited by Kenneth Drew
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