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JFK Assassination Plot Mirrored in 1961 France

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Thanks for posting these articles. The Talbot book is a key treatment of Dulles. I have always thought that the political events of the day (which surround Kennedy's presidency) provide important clues to his murder. Certainly Bay of Pigs is of interest and (imho) closely connected. I would now add the attempts on deGaulle's life and efforts to unseat him as another important "dot" to connect.


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That chapter is one of the high points of Talbot's book.

The best short treatment I ever read on the subject.

And the DeGaulle interview at the end should be mandatory reading for everyone.

He sounds like Castro the day after.

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Anyone know how well this book is selling?

Why is it that Lone Nut books make the best seller list before they're released? Why it's almost as if someone were able to control this sort of thing... :rant


Edited by Tom Neal
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DeGaulle and France are so analogous to Castro and Cuba.

Fighting Communists under the rationale of national security. JFK was clearly in a foreign policy battle with his own government. As James Douglas put it, his administration was at war with the Pentagon and the "complex". Money, influence, natural resources (oil, gas, Middle Eastern real estate). More in the name of Harriman Brothers than the American public.

The old guard didn't go easily or quickly. Take a picture of those who carried or mourned Dulles' at his funeral ... and you have a picture of the plotters. I researched his services briefly ... Nixon sent Spiro Agnew in his stead. No foreign dignitaries, like his brother Foster's services. Harvey, Angleton, Hunt, et al. only masters of intrigue and regime overthrow.

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Anyone know how well this book is selling?

Why is it that Lone Nut books make the best seller list before they're released? Why it's almost as if someone were able to control this sort of thing... :rant


Its doing pretty well. It made both the NY Times and LA Times bestseller lists.

It was number 20 in the former and number 7 in the latter.

It has already gone into reprinting.

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Anyone know how well this book is selling?

Its doing pretty well. It made both the NY Times and LA Times bestseller lists.

It was number 20 in the former and number 7 in the latter.

It has already gone into reprinting.

Thanks, Jim!

That 13 point East Coast v. West Coast spread is "interesting."


Edited by Tom Neal
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Anyone know how well this book is selling?

Its doing pretty well. It made both the NY Times and LA Times bestseller lists.

It was number 20 in the former and number 7 in the latter.

It has already gone into reprinting.

Thanks, Jim!

That 13 point East Coast v. West Coast spread is "interesting."


Well, that is why they call it the Left Coast.

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