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Great New Movie Spells out the Case for Oswald as Prayer Man

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Sorry about that.

Try the Google server.


Just click on "download" .


I don't understand Chris. This looks like the same 2-second video we've deen looking at.

I didn't click on download... just clicked play. But that should make no difference, right?

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It's the same segment, but not exactly the same version.

I've tweaked the brightness and contrast somewhat.


P.S. If I can find the original source video, I will post it. But, it's been a long time since I accessed this footage.

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Question for Tommy and Robert:

I'm just curious... would you believe that the guy smoking out in front of the TSBD is Lovelady if he weren't wearing that red plaid shirt? What about if the photo was taken nearby by not at the TSBD.... again sans plaid shirt?

Merry Christmas guys!

Dear Sandy,

Yes, I would, because I have watched the Martin and Hughes films and in the Hughes film I can see him exhaling cigarette smoke through his mouth, jutting his head forward and distorting his face in the process. Taking that into consideration, plus his bald spot, his heavy "5 o'clock shadow" and the fact that he's obviously in need of a haircut (just like the guy sitting in the chair in the police station who, interestingly enough, has a pack of cigarettes in his shirt pocket) and the fact that most if not all of those people on the steps and directly in front of the TSBD must have been employees who were waiting to get inside the building, leads me to the conclusion that this guy must have been a TSBD employee, too, not just an interested passerby.

--Tommy, the Serious :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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Sorry about that.

Try the Google server.


Just click on "download" .


Thanks Chris - that's great. :)

One thing I noticed is that there are 2 men we can see standing behind the 'Lovelady in a t-shirt guy'. One is quite small with no hat and one is almost as tall as "Lovelady" but with a hat.

They are all standing very close together so if Lovelady is standing on something it must be quite small as the small guy walks quite closely behind Lovelady.

That or it isn't Lovelady at all.

Chris, I have to say I'm not having much luck making out the guy on the steps below PM. You guys have much better eyesight than me on this one.

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry about that.

Try the Google server.


Just click on "download" .


Thanks Chris - that's great. :)

One thing I noticed is that there are 2 men we can see standing behind the 'Lovelady in a t-shirt guy'. One is quite small with no hat and one is almost as tall as "Lovelady" but with a hat.

They are all standing very close together so if Lovelady is standing on something it must be quite small as the small guy walks quite closely behind Lovelady.

That or it isn't Lovelady at all.

Chris, I have to say I'm not having much luck making out the guy on the steps below PM. You guys have much better eyesight than me on this one.

Bumped. Just for the heck of it.

--Tommy :sun

PS: Vanessa, your "Lovelady in a [white] t-shirt guy" dude behind the "BOOKS" boxes in the gif isn't wearing just a white t-shirt. He's also wearing a slightly darker-appearing shirt over his white t-shirt (only "slightly" darker-appearing because of the harsh lighting conditions).


Edited by Thomas Graves
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It is small wonder the American legal system is such a mess, when many of the population cannot distinguish hearsay from testimony.

Hi Robert!

I just now stumbled upon this FBI document regarding Pauline Sanders:


This document from the Special Agent in Charge of the Dallas FBI office points out to J. Edgar Hoover that Pauline Sanders had said (or someone had mistakenly written) "November 22, 1964" instead of "November 22, 1963" -- an obvious mistake -- in her original FBI statement.
The important thing for us is that this 4/01/64 document says, "Mrs. Sanders has initialed such correction" and that the "Bureau [is] requested to correct its copies [plural] ..."
My question to you, Robert, is: Why don't we see Pauline Sanders' initials (see above) on the 11/22/63 document that is available for us to view on the Internet?
Answer: Because what we are looking at on the Internet is a copy, not the Dallas FBI original. Which would explain why it (the copy) wasn't signed or initialed by Sanders.
She signed, and later initialed (see above), only the Dallas FBI original.
--Tommy :sun

Edited and bumped for Robert Prudhomme

Edited by Thomas Graves
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  • 9 months later...
On 12/7/2015 at 10:16 AM, Thomas Graves said:

Howdy Bob!


I just now stumbled upon this FBI document regarding Pauline Sanders:



This document from the Special Agent in Charge of the Dallas FBI office points out to J. Edgar Hoover that Pauline Sanders had said (or someone had mistakenly written) "November 22, 1964" instead of "November 22, 1963" -- an obvious mistake -- in her original FBI statement.
The important thing for us is that this 4/01/64 document, a letter / memo from Dallas FBI to Hoover, says, "Mrs. Sanders has initialed such correction" and that the "Bureau [is] requested to correct its copies..."
My question to you, Robert, is: Why don't we see Pauline Sanders' initials (see above) on the 11/22/63 document that is available for us to view on the Internet?
Answer: Because what we are looking at on the Internet is a copy, not the original. Which would explain why it (the copy) wasn't signed or initialed by Sanders.
She signed, and later initialed (see above), only the Dallas FBI original.
--Tommy :sun


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  • 11 months later...

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