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Energy and the Human Journey: Where We Have Been; Where We Can Go

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Hi Joe:

To your second post first; most of my posts are intended to elicit a chuckle or two, or maybe a mind-smile.  :)  

On Global Warming, your analogy is apt, in a few ways.  Let’s take cancer.  The establishment said that cancer was part of a normal aging process, that you can’t do anything to prevent getting it, and if you get it, the only sane choice is to submit to their ministrations, which have the virtue of being lucrative and killing you.  It has gotten a little better, in that they now allow that what we put in our bodies has something to do with it, but it is still the attack-the-tumor paradigm of treatment.  

So, yes, they make money going and coming, and the masses line up.  To deny the cancer epidemic because its treatment is a racket is like denying Global Warming because of all the interests that plan to cash in on their “solutions,” and I have not seen an effective one yet, other than free energy (another reason to suppress it  :) ).  Or, when they finally acknowledge that there is a cancer problem, they just chalk it up to aging.  That Morris Fishbein promoted cigarettes, while trying to monopolize actual cancer cures, is a great example of this issue.  

Watching the Global Warming wars can be educational, if you have never seen such a dynamic, but I have seen too much of it.  Global Warming denial plays to people’s egocentrism of business as usual, and the oil companies are only too happy to abet that delusion.  You really have to have your head in the sand to buy it, and scientific literacy can really help here, so you can see the fraudsters at work.  They play similar games of statistical obfuscation and other tricks that the medical racketeers do.  

All of the temperature slicing and dicing holds little interest to me.  The world’s ice is rapidly melting.  How much more obvious can it get?  The temperature anomaly in the Arctic is very dramatic, with the permafrost melting, etc.  Over Earth’s history, it is the poles that get the dramatic swings, not the equatorial regions.  In greenhouse Earth phases, there are forests near the poles, and during icehouse phases, they are covered in ice.  

The additions to the carbon cycle have historically come from volcanism, and the subtractions from deposition and burial.  With what humanity has already vented to the atmosphere in the industrial age, at 100 times the contribution from volcanism this year, for instance, it will take 100,000 years for it to come out in deposition.  Many climate scientists think that it is already too late to prevent a pretty big temperature rise.  It is similar to what I recently read on mass extinctions, that once it gets going, there is no stopping it, as the systems collapse.  You can reach a tipping point that initiates a runaway effect.  We are toying with that today, and worse, with our profligate burning of Earth’s hydrocarbons.  



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What else disappears in the transition to the Fifth Epoch?  All scarcity-based ideologies, including:

Any ideology that tends to make out-groups will vanish, because all in-group/out-group ideologies are based on scarcity and survival.  Those ideologies will quickly become pointless in a world where scarcity and survival are no longer issues.  

Not only will those ideologies become pointless, their very basis will vanish.  Racial, lingual, religious, and other differences are the result of geographic isolation.  When all people can travel the world in minutes, the human traits born of geographic isolation will end.  There will be one race, probably golden-skinned.  There will be one language, or maybe a few, one for daily conversation and one or more for more formal discussions, such as scientific or artistic.  Everybody will be able to understand everybody.  English is already the lingua franca of the Internet.  Those universal languages likely won’t look or sound quite like anything on the planet today.  The disappearance of race will likely take a century or three, as humanity interbreeds like never before.  Today’s organized religions won’t last long, either, especially when humanity openly interacts with ETs.  What will replace it will be infinitely more enlightened, more like what the teachings of the masters really looked like, not the priesthood-serving distortions of today’s organized religions.  

The scarcity-based ideologies will disappear in a generation or so.  Nations will likely not last more than a generation, maybe two.  Again, none of them will end through coercion, but because they will no longer make any sense.  When everybody can travel the planet and solar system in their vehicles, who will want to enslave a horse to pull a cart?

Cities as we know them will also vanish.  I expect that in the first generation of free energy’s appearance, all manner of “alternative” lifestyle will be explored, and when people can live in abundance anywhere, nobody is going to want to live cheek-by-jowl in cities.  Cities as we know them will become obsolete, and I would think that they will stop being the abode of humans within a century.  When I have made these predictions, one objection was that everybody would then become hillbillies.  Those objectors don’t yet understand.  Nobody will be geographically isolated unless they really want to, but almost nobody is going to want to do that.  That isolation today results from poverty, survival, and fear.  When those dynamics go away, so will the desire to be geographically isolated.  If some desire the hermit’s existence, they will easily have it, but few will, and almost none for long.  They might try the hermit lifestyle for a little while, and then decide on something else.  

I am sympathetic to people whose minds are blown by posts like this, and that is why I know that I seek needles in haystacksNobody could imagine the previous Epochal Events before they happened, and very few people today can begin to wrap their minds around the Fifth Epoch’s changes before they happen.  Fear almost instantly rises, as their imaginations run amok, thinking about all that could go wrong.  It is just the projection of fear, which is typical.  People have always feared change, because in a world of scarcity, it meant winners and losers.  In the Fifth Epoch, everybody wins, although Godzilla and friends have been doing everything that they can to prevent the Fifth Epoch from manifesting, and so far, humanity has been easily kept in their pens of scarcity and fear.  Godzilla reacts in fear, too.  You might call him the master of fear, being on the dark path like he is.  Even he can win, but he might also seek other planets to exploit, so that he can explore evil further.  It is a valid path, although ultimately illusory.  



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Another dramatic change will be in humanity’s health, diet, and medical practices.  Today, they are abominable.  While it is true that humanity has adapted to cooked food, the same does not go for processed food.  Most of the human diet should be raw fruits and vegetables, but in our world of scarcity, it is expensive, and food processors have essentially concocted addictive foods.  In the Fifth Epoch, all people will have instant access to live food.  Most people will be involved in producing the food they eat.  But they won’t be peasants.  :) It will likely take only a few minutes a day to tend and prepare food for consumption.  And with that increasing human conscience that grows in a world of abundance, when it becomes obvious that nobody needs to eat animals, nobody will.  

Today’s medical system is one huge racket that feeds off of misery and death.  All of the world’s rackets will disappear in the Fifth Epoch, and the demise of the medical racket will be one of the most welcome developments of the early Fifth Epoch.  Prevention will be medicine’s byword, not lucrative, violent interventions.  Any treatments will be gentle and effective.  In the Fifth Epoch, obesity will go the way of slavery, so will all addictions, which are all brief, debilitating escapes from misery.  People will live to be a hundred or more, in perfect health for their entire lives.  

Everybody will exercise in fun ways, and competition will also vanish.  All competitive games and sports will disappear.  Gambling will be pointless.  The idea of winners and losers will disappear.  The idea of becoming rich and famous will become obsolete, as will the related celebrity culture.  It all will cease making any sense.  

One reflexive reaction to these coming changes is something along the lines of, “You are taking away our reason to live!”  All of these vanished aspects of today’s world that I am describing do not exist in this world, and their lives are vastly happier and more fulfilling than what anybody on Earth experiences today, with the constant hum of scarcity and fear in the background.  



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Human sexuality is going to change dramatically in the Fifth Epoch.  Humans and bonobos are the only land animals that use sex for both recreation and procreation.  The bonobo experience is very germane to the human journey.  A doubling of their food supply after gorillas left the region resulted in a radical restructuring of the societies of the chimps that became bonobos.  Chimp societies are male-dominated, and you could call them psychopathic.  About half of male chimps die violently, and infanticide is common.  Just this week, I saw a report of a male chimp cannibalizing a newborn chimp.  Nobody dies violently in bonobo societies, and the only act that brings down societal retribution is if a male chimp remotely looks like he is threatening an infant, and then the entire society will come down on him, no matter his mother’s rank (male bonobos get their rank through their mothers).  Life is one big orgy in bonobo societies.  They enjoy their lives, while chimp societies are governed by fear and violence.  

When women began bringing in more calories than men in horticultural societies, they often became matrilocal, which broke a pattern that was likely established before gorillas.  Those became humanity’s most peaceful preindustrial societies, as they broke up ruling male gangs.  Women’s status universally declined with the rise of civilization, and only rose again with industrialization, which also freed the slaves.  

Today, it is thought that the nuclear family began when the human line understood paternity.  Before that, with nine-month gestation periods, nobody understood that sex led to procreation.  The nuclear family is likely related to a man’s investing his time and energy in raising offspring that he has a genetic investment in.  So, the nuclear family is above all an economic institution.  Women have sought “dads, not cads,” for the entire human journey.  The idea of a cuckold will become obsolete.  :) In the Fifth Epoch, women won’t need men to provide for their children, and the nuclear family will likely become obsolete.  I strongly doubt that the Fifth Epoch is going to mark the ascent of cads.  Human sexuality is likely going to go the bonobo way.  Women will be in complete control of their sexuality, and only conceive when they want to.  

As Seth discussed, children won’t try to “grow up” too fast and have sex too early.  Seth said that the so-called sexual liberation of women in the West was actually a restriction of human expression.  Child abuse and sexual abuse is going to become unthinkable.  Sex is going to have its place, and a prominent one, but it is not going to be the dominant channel of human expression and the primary dance of the genders.  We can barely imagine what the Fifth Epoch will be like on these matters.

Places such as Hollywood will vanish, along with cities, and the repeated sex scandals (Cosby and Weinstein in recent years) will go the way of slavery.  Celebrity culture will vanish.  There won’t be any point in it.

Women are not going to need to sell their attractiveness, and the many sexual dysfunctions of men and woman are going to disappear.  What replaces it will be infinitely more enlightened.  My guess is that nuclear families may still exist, but they will be one option among many and probably rare, and may be seen as quaint.  Human sociality is going to change dramatically, just as it has in other Epochs.  I can’t overemphasize that the social changes came as a result of an Epochal Event, and were never a cause of them.  People get it entirely backwards when they think that some kind of new social movement is going to usher in the Fifth Epoch.  Sociality is based on survival.  In the Fifth Epoch, survival issues vanish, so human sociality is going to take directions that few of us can imagine today.  Human sexuality is just part of that dynamic.  The closest human relationships will likely still be a mother and her offspring, but that might also change some.  Flexibility in human relations will likely be the mark of the Fifth Epoch.  We likely have little idea of what that will look like.  If it looks anything like that heavenly Roads world, who would not want to sign up?  OK, dark pathers likely won’t, but who else?  



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What else disappears in the Fifth Epoch?  Elites.  Elites appeared in the Third Epoch, and will become obsolete in the Fifth.  Elites found a way to skim off the scarce economic surplus from agrarian societies, and became prominent with the rise of civilizationDark pathers flocked to those scenes like moths to a candle, and still do.  Early elites claimed divine status, and the priesthood entered into a Faustian deal with them.  Elites always garnered economic power as a path to political power.  While some sat on thrones, they discovered that being behind the throne was the place to be, and you have never heard of today’s most powerful elites.  They see Bill Gates as just a boy with his toys, and even David Rockefeller did not play at the highest levels.  Sitting American presidents are puppets.  The last president who thought that he could make a dent was rudely disabused of the notion.  During my adventures, we ran afoul of the global elite, as we pursued free energy.  We had more dealings with them than I can publicly discuss today, but let’s just say that their pockets are deep, their toys are many, and while humanity collectively sleeps and is its own worst enemy, we do not get to play with them, as we live in scarcity and fear, which allows the global elite to easily call the shots on Earth.  

Those global elites don’t really have the power that they aspire to, and act like nearly everybody else: fearfully.  They don’t want their world-straddling role to disappear, which is why they are the leaders in suppressing the public dissemination of free energy and related technologies.  They like ruling in hell just fine, thank you, even as they toy with making Earth uninhabitable.  In the Fifth Epoch, their ill-gotten role will disappear.  Not only the evil-minded elites, but all elites, who have always been economic elites above all else, and conspicuous economic consumption has always been the mark of their status.  In a world of abundance, the very idea of elites will vanish.  Gone will be elites and their power, financial, and cultural centers such as Washington, D.C, Wall Street, and Hollywood.  Cities as we know them will also end, so those centers will doubly disappear.  They won’t be missed.  Celebrity culture will vanish along with them.  

Some people might become relatively prominent due to their talent or virtue, but they are not going to be elites and celebrities.  Even gossip will largely vanish.  Gossip is a human invention, partly to replace grooming as a social glue among simians, and humans have used gossip to keep their in-group members in line, so that nobody took too much advantage of their position, and economically above all else.  Humans universally punish people who cheat the system.  In the Fifth Epoch, none of that will make sense any longer.  Human sentience is going to be put to far greater use than gossip and punishing cheaters.  Cheating is not going to make any sense, and it will quickly become evident that “cheaters” are really cheating themselves.  Those chapters of the human journey will close, and they won’t be missed.  



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I’ll return to this theme periodically, as it is one of my work’s most important, IMO, but I’ll wrap up this series of posts for now.  In short, what disappears in the Fifth Epoch includes:

  • Scarcity
  • Fear
  • Violence
  • Abuse
  • Disease
  • Environmental destruction
  • Drudgery
  • Addiction
  • Ideological indoctrination
  • Delusions, such as calling the darkness the light
  • Geographical isolation
  • Materialism
  • Unhappiness

What becomes standard in the Fifth Epoch includes:

  • Abundance
  • Love
  • Health, both humanity’s and the environment’s
  • True learning
  • Space travel
  • Self-realization
  • “Mystical” abilities
  • Enlightenment
  • Happiness

Earth and humanity will cease being raped.  Life, work, study, and play will become far more meaningful and fulfilling, the world will end as we know it, and it won’t be missed.  Almost none of humanity’s activities today will continue into the Fifth Epoch, as they are almost all oriented around scarcity and fear, and those will not be the operational principles of the Fifth Epoch.  And we will all find plenty to do.  :)

I can’t overemphasize that this is not some impractical and ungrounded New Age “vision,” but readily predictable outcomes of the introduction of technologies that I know already exist on Earth, and many of the most important technologies are likely older than I am.  But, as Greer says, the worst elements of humanity control those technologies today, and we don’t get any while we collectively sleep and are our own worst enemies.  I am not saying that the above lists are inevitable, but that they are very likely.  This kind of world begins to come into focus in the Fifth Epoch.  The energy surplus of the Fifth Epoch makes things feasible that are barely imaginable today, as it was for all prior Epochs.

The biggest event in the human journey, as we become a Type 1 civilization, will necessarily bring the biggest changes in the human journey.  I can’t overemphasize that if we don’t get the benefit of clean and abundant energy, then almost none of those changes will happen.  Free energy and related suppressed technologies are a precondition for those changes, as a new level of energy surplus provides the foundation of the coming Epoch, just as it has for all previous Epochs.  It takes a modicum of scientific literacy to understand those ideas, not any more than is needed to digest my big essay, which is really not much at all.  As I have stated plenty, what I ask of my readers is trivial, compared to the magnitude of the task at hand, but I also know that very few on Earth today are willing and able to muster such effort.  Not many have the right stuff to help, and it does no good to judge the situation; those are just the numbers, numbers that I discovered the hard way.

Perhaps the most important contribution that I bring to this effort is intimate knowledge of the paths to manifesting free energy that have not worked and are unlikely to, and I came to my current approach through a life-risking and life-wrecking process of elimination more than anything else.  I am constantly approached by free energy newcomers who propose their “bright ideas” that are all variations on those failed approaches, as they seek some quick and easy way to the Fifth Epoch.  None of those “bright idea” people have done the necessary work, if they want to help with what I am doing, so their constant attempts to find an easy way reflect their levels of awareness and commitment.

There are no quick and easy answers to this conundrum.  If I or somebody else forms that choir, then it will be easy, but forming the choir will be the hard part.  But, in order to be choir material, people have to jettison all of the self-serving and comforting fictions of their conditioning.  Perhaps more than anything else, that is what my work is intended to assist.  We can’t get there by dragging along our baggage.  That baggage is where all of those “bright ideas” come from.

What I also get a lot of are people who can’t handle imagining what can be while comparing it to the current situation on Earth.  While I am sympathetic to that challenge, it is really not that hard to meet it.  My visions have sustained me through the repeated nightmares of my journey, as I discovered the hard way how our world really works.  I do not ask anybody to go through what my fellow travelers and I experienced.  There is no need to.  This field has quite enough martyrs to the cause, to show how the land lies.  Nobody needs to risk their lives to join my effort.  

Helping make the Fifth Epoch happen beats watching TV.  :)  



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I finished The Human Advantage yesterday, which Krishna recommended.  I cite Suzana Herculano-Houzel’s work in my big essay a little, and her book will make it into it more when I revise my essay.  It was interesting how she came onto Richard Wrangham’s cooking hypothesis and incorporated it into her work.  What was new to me was that primate brains evolved differently from other mammals, and primate brains pack several times more neurons into them, pound-for-pound, and Herculano-Houzel’s hypothesis is that the number of neurons in the cerebral cortex determines potential intelligence for mammals, and I’ll buy that.  Nothing else on Earth comes close to humans, even whales.  I’ll have to reconsider the idea of cetacean intelligence, although they pass the mirror test, which is arguably near the threshold of sentience, but human sentience is arguable:)

While her work was perceptive in ways (such as her thinking on the demise of the Neanderthals), in others, she could have benefitted from reading Frank Niele’s book (or my big essay :) ).  A lot of her book was about how the human line overcame the energy constraints that other animals had, particularly our great ape cousins, but then she framed the rise of humans in technological terms.  Instead of the energy epochs of my work, she wrote about technological revolutions, and she named six:

  • Stone tools
  • Control of fire
  • Agriculture
  • Industrialization
  • Automated machines (such as washing machines)
  • Thinking machines (such as computers)

I wrote long ago about the factors of humanity’s rise: energy, intelligence, and manipulative ability, and wrote the summary of my hypothesis before I wrote my big essay:

“Each epoch of humanity’s past was initiated and sustained by achieving the social organization and technological prowess that enabled the exploitation of previously unexploitable energy resources.”

I think that energy epochs are a more meaningful measure of the human journey than technological revolutions are.  In my framework, stone tools and the control of fire are part of the same Epoch, which was about growing the human line’s brain to the point of behavioral modernity.  Behaviorally modern humans, with their superior toolkit and other traits such as language, easily conquered Earth, and Neanderthals were just one of many species that Homo sapiens drove to extinction as they conquered Earth.  Because men will mate with anything that moves, some Neanderthal DNA made it into our genome.  Herculano-Houzel got it right, IMO, when she stated that Homo sapiens easily drove Neanderthals to extinction with their superior toolset and abilities, much like Europeans drove the Western Hemisphere’s natives to extinction while mating with some of them.  

But an energy framework is more meaningful and important, IMO, than Herculano-Houzel’s technological revolution framework.  Stone tools were about gaining more energy, fire was about using orders of magnitude more energy, which helped grow the human brain (while I think that there is something to Wrangham’s cooking hypothesis, it is far from proven, as far as the human line’s dramatic brain growth, but Herculano-Houzel goes whole hog on it), and the agricultural and industrial revolutions were founded in tapping a new energy source.

I split both revolutions into two parts, and not just because the chapters became too long ( :) ), as there were phases of them, and the rise of Europe was definitely related to the Industrial Revolution, and Europe conquered the world while riding on the back of history’s greatest energy technology to that time.  

I broke the Industrial Revolution into two parts: the exploitation of coal (although it did not overtake wind and water power for more than a century – coal was initially more important for smelting metal) and the exploitation of oil and electricity.  The energy sources defined the Epochs, and while washing machines and computers are great innovations, they all use the same energy sources.  To me, the technological innovations and social changes were outcomes of tapping the new energy sources.  Give people enough energy, and they are going to find new ways to use it.  

The energy issues that humanity faces today are nowhere in her book, not to mention the foundational energy of the next Epoch:)  

The Human Advantage is an important book, no doubt, and it deals at length with how humans overcame the energetic constraint of our evolutionary heritage through technology, but it could have been a little more energy-centric.  It would have made some things clearer.  



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I recently wrote about Hillary’s psychopathic chuckle about Gaddafi’s murder, and here is an article that you won’t see in the Western media, similar to how Chomsky is almost never seen or heard in the Western media.  Overthrowing Libya’s government and murdering Gaddafi was a key step in the Western effort to recolonize Africa.  The greatest mass murderer alive today, Paul Kagame, is lionized in the West as some kind of heroic figure, as he slaughters millions of people and raids the Congo’s mineral wealth.  

In replying to a critique of their work on Rwanda, Ed Herman and David Peterson wrote:

“In short, once the RPF (Kagame’s army) controlled the Rwandan state, it immediately turned its prodigious killing machine towards Zaire’s natural resources.  This it may have done under cover of chasing the Hutu “genocidaires,” but the pillage of Zaire-the DRC (Democratic Republic of the Congo) worked out so well for the RPF that by the late 1990s it had ‘built up a self-financing war economy centered on mineral exploitation,’ in the words of the UN Panel, with the pillage of resources so complete that it not only finances the RPF’s aggression, but generates annual surpluses back in Kigali as well.  As the historian René Lemarchand sums up this system of blood and money: ‘It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that by turning a blind eye to the profits drawn from the looting of the Congo’s wealth, the international community . . . is tacitly encouraging a colonial enterprise in the best tradition of European imperialism.’  Of course, what is true of the ‘international community,’ is true of academics as well.”

Uncle Ed wrote:

“The warfare in Syria is a follow-on to the attacks on Iraq and Libya.  We may recall General Wesley Clark’s claim in March 2007 that shortly after 9/11 a Pentagon official had shown him a Rumsfeld-Wolfowitz list of seven Middle East and North African countries that were scheduled for attack and regime change.  Iraq and Libya, both on that list, have been attacked and transformed into U.S.-destroyed states with new or unsettled leadership.  The United States has been supporting regime change forces in Syria as far back as 2011, but the job has not been completed, in part because of Russian support for president Assad.  Truce efforts by the U.S. and Russia have regularly broken down because the U.S. still aims at regime change and supports the rebel forces that Russia targets, many or most of which are Al Qaeda- or ISIS-related and whose victory would mean another Libya-like failed state.”

Time to begin my busy week.  I am likely going to be fairly quiet for the next few weeks.  



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Not long ago, I looked again at the sunpump site that Krishna directed me to last year.  A beautiful picture introduces it, so much so that I put it in my screensaver collection, but as I looked a little more at their site, I saw that they are a hand-to-mouth start-up, with an installed base of 20 systems.  A hundred companies came and went during that first go at it, and Dennis was by far the most successful, which is partly why he ended up in prison.  

Times change.  More than a generation ago, making a windmill farm was a way to get a death threat, but it does not work that way anymore, to my knowledge.  Maybe somebody like Dennis would not be wiped out when attempting to carpet states with that heat pump, but I won’t be dipping my toe into that water to find out.  But an installed base of 20 systems, by onesies and twosies, is not going to attract the snuff job, unless they begin talking big and showing that they could deliver.  

The reasons why those hundred companies failed were rarely because of organized suppression.  Other than Dennis, none ever got to the stage where they threatened to disrupt the energy markets.  Bringing any new technology to market is difficult, in many ways.  The history of the American marketplace is littered with failed technology introductions that did not fail because of organized suppression.  

It looks like the sunpump company is making them part of the original homes, and with far more surface area than Dennis’s heat pump.  Notice how they cite their inspiration as NASA and don’t mention their predecessors.  Maybe they really are ignorant of their predecessors, but I doubt it.  That story is not going to help them sell their systems.  Better to cite NASA as their inspiration.  Wiped-out pioneers receiving no mention is as American as apple pie.  

So, I wish them the best, but they have many hurdles to overcome, even if they don’t get the cement shoes.  Also, I have found that operations like that never want to hear from people like me.  Kind of like that 18-year-old about to rush out on a battlefield.  Keep whistling that happy tune and wear your lucky rabbit’s foot, and the bullets won’t find you.  



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In recent months, I have been reading Jennifer Clack’s magnum opus, Gaining Ground, which has been inaccurately described as being written for the layman.  It is definitely not popularized science, but is for the graduate specialist.  As such, I likely won’t be citing it much, if at all, in next year’s essay update.  That said, it is a tour de force of tetrapod evolution.  Airport reading last spring got me into this area a bit more.  While Clack helped coin the term Romer’s Gap, her recent work has been closing the gap.  

In Gaining Ground, Clack shakes up the evolutionary tree a bit, and as she also did recently, she dismissed Peter Ward’s low-oxygen explanation of Romer’s Gap.  While Clack cites the many technological and technique advances in her field of study, and she cited the explosion of the Internet as one of the most important, she is very skeptical of metadata studies.  She stated that in order to get each piece of data into its slot so that the numbers can be crunched, important relational and other information is lost, so that the results can be bizarre and invalid.  That highlights one of the hazards of the reductionistic aspects of analysis, as features are increasingly “atomized,” and their relationships either lost or reconstructed rather ignorantly or fancifully.  

With all of the controversy aside, what is very clear is that evolution happens atom-by-atom, cell by cell, as life changes.  In the recent epigenetic revolution, the ideas of Barbara McClintock have gained relevance, such as when she challenged scientists in her Nobel Prize acceptance speech to find out how organisms directed their own evolution.  Initially dismissed as verging on “mystical” and smacking of Lamarck, those ideas are being revisited in the light of epigenetic findings, although there is fierce attack of scientists proposing ideas that are uncomfortably close to “intelligent design,” which materialists avoid like the plague.  Interesting times.  



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Recent posts have been about the human brain, the USA’s murderous imperial behavior, the JFK assassination, fluoride and aging, another solar heat pump startup getting into the act, and tetrapods and evolution.  There is a method to my madness, which is helping people develop comprehensive perspectives.  That way, it is going to be a lot easier to understand what the Fifth Epoch means, which is a key, arguably the key, aspect of my work.  Then, the people I seek can easily keep their eyes on the ball.  

If you develop a comprehensive perspective, you won’t get sucked down the many rabbit holes that await the undiscerning and unwary, such as New Age and conspiracist topics that lead nowhere, alternative political and economic systems that are no more than reshuffling the deck of scarcity in the advocate’s favor, alternative science and technology that means very little in the big picture, or is delusional, such as the “science” behind denying Global Warming.  On my list of topics to write about in the near future is the mystical big picture (which none of us can truly see while we live in physical reality), and where it fits into my work.  It is really not hard to understand:

There are a few other odds and ends, but the basics are simple.  People tend to forget the basics, however, as their egos take over in a world of scarcity and fear.  Survival and temporarily sating their addictions becomes paramount.  I am here to help end all of that.  :)  



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My previous post on developing a comprehensive perspective veers into the mystical at its end.  I recently wrote on the topic of a mystical awakening and whether it is a choir requirement, and I doubt that it is, as long as those without it can reach these understandings.  It will not be an easy feat for materialists, but none of what I think is needed is an easy feat to achieve.  Not in this world.  Uncle Bucky said that college students were the best candidates for understanding, and I’ll agree.  They have their adult minds (and people like me not could be accused of trying to corrupt minors  :) ), yet their minds have yet to ossify into the dominant in-group ideologies.  They more easily understand that humanity is one, even that Creation is one.  

But the drumbeat of scarcity and fear is pervasive, in both obvious and subtle ways, and those who learn to stop dancing to that tune are very few and far between.  It is just the reality of the world that we live in.  

It took many years for me to make sense of the innumerable reactions of fear and denial that I have witnessed over the long years, to the idea of free energy and abundance.  I finally concluded that such reactions reflected their addictions to scarcity, or more accurately, to their adaptions to scarcity, which are evident in every breath that they take.  They won’t begin to understand until they can live in the Fifth Epoch, and that is normal.  I seek people who aren’t normal. :)  



Edited by Wade Frazier
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Hi Merry:

Having a family member murdered is very hard to deal with, and sorry to hear of your loss.  It happened repeatedly in my family, too, and it is easy to get into victim mode with that happening.  Physical reality is one hell of a place to be.  There is nothing easy about it.  

The victim mentality seems to be humanity’s default setting.  :) It is very hard to shake, and is behind all of those unproductive reactions to the free energy issue.  It is the root of the integrity issue that humanity has, the addictions to scarcity, etc.  It took many years for me to see what they all had in common: fear.  Love is the antidote, but in a world of scarcity and fear, there are no easy answers.  End scarcity and fear as humanity’s operative principles, and we will have an Epochal shift, the biggest so far in the human journey.

That denial or obsession with the global elite is another symptom of the problem.  That situation is similar to how Western medicine also operates: operating on the victim principle and treating symptoms while ignoring causes.  



Edited by Wade Frazier
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Hi Krishna:

Keep thinking!  :)

The engine definitely worked - a company built one and drove it in the Rose Parade - and I have heard the marveling over it from scientists and engineers, but it was not invented to do free energy, but to just wring more energy out of a gallon of gasoline.  Whether it could do free energy is still an open question for me, and as we were wiped out while building a prototype of it, it may always be at the “open question” level for me, although some scientists thought it was more than possible.

Compared to what I already know exists, it is no big deal.  But compared to everything else on the market today, it is marvelous and a real brain-breaker.  It was my introduction to the energy issue and the beginning of my bizarre journey, which started more than 40 years ago, how time flies.  



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