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Jennifer Lawrence to Play Marita Lorenz

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I recall reading several years ago that Oliver Stone bought the film rights to Lorenz's first autobiography "Marita."

I assume that the Lawrence movie "Dear Fidel" is an adaptation of Lorenz's second autobiography, "Lieber Fidel" (Dear Fidel).

The first book included Sturgis and the assassination. The second book, which I haven't read (I assume it's in German so I wouldn't try), is apparently all about her and Fidel. A romantic comedy?

I would like to have seen Stone do something with the first Lorenz book, having bought the rights. Maybe he decided that he just didn't want to take another mainstream media flogging on the JFK assassination. He probably couldn't even get such a project funded.

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Aside from everyone's [opinion], please display a rouge of facts, everyone has a theory and opinion. Frank Sturgis also said, at no time did he ever visit Dallas Texas in 1963. I prove that's a lie, and I said prove, Frank was also supposed to have taken a polygraph, in-fact he did. I later found out that Frank took a polygraph test, and those results were turned over to his attorney Henry Rothblatt who then said he sold Frank's polygraph when he [promised] attorney Mark Lane he would release the results, but he didn't. That test had never been disclosed to the public.

The Rockefeller Commission said no test had ever been administered, another cover-up, I prove it has. No one, and I mean no one, not Marita Lorenz or the nephew by marriage James Hunt has written in more indepth report on Frank then I. And I'm not saying this in an arrogant way, I'm just telling you the truth. In my up date there is information I expose that has never before been exposed, such as Frank's role in the Chilean embassy break-in at Washington DC, all the Democratic senators they were planning on setting up during Watergate including Ted Kennedy for the sole purpose of extorting money out of them for another invasion into Cuba.

Who the inside men were at the Chilean embassy and at the Watergate hotel, "Deepthroat" was a fictional character created by Mr. Felt and sold to Woodward and Bernstein because of their role in discovering the money trail. So, this Deepthroat was created to sell their books.

If there is one single person in this forum, or a member of another that can provide proof that Frank Sturgis had no involvement whatsoever in Kennedy's assassination, I will be more than happy to counter your proof before the release of my new material with facts.

Edited by Scott Kaiser
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