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Sorrels gets 2 copies, 1 is immediately sent to Rowley.   Zap should have original and a best copy...

Except that’s not what Max writes....    3rd Print?



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On 7/9/2020 at 4:04 PM, Chris Davidson said:


I haven't forgotten about 16FPS being the final divisor.

In fact, I'll lend it some initial support for now with this document.

Itek's study of the Nix film












 A 18.3fps film with frames removed via a slowdown by the limo.

The following insight provided:

.3ft (3.74mph) per frame /.18ft(2.24mph) per frame = 1.66… / 1 ratio

1.66 - 1 = .66frames

4frames + .66 = 4.66 frames

3.5ft / 4.66 frames = .751ft per frame

.751 x 18.3 = 13.744ft per sec /1.47(1mph) = 9.35mph

9.35mph x (18/18.3) = 9.2mph

9.2mph = ITEK = PAYDIRT

.3 / 1.666... = .18

.66... x 1.5 =1


2.24mph / 7.47mph = .3 x (3.33…) = 1 whole frame

3.33 frames - 1frame = 2.33frames

18.3-2.33 frames = 16fps = PAYDIRT - Premature to assume that the speed reduction ratio translates as the same fps reduced ratio, at this time.



Edited by Chris Davidson
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29 minutes ago, Chris Davidson said:

2.24mph / 7.47mph = .3 x (3.33…) = 1 whole frame

3.33 frames - 1frame = 2.33frames

18.3-2.33 frames = 16fps = PAYDIRT

Got it all up to here...   really fantastic how this works....

7.47 mph x 1.47 = 10.98 feet per second but...

Where does 7.47 mph come from?

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2 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

from your link...

Below could be more likely because the .3ft per frame limo speed is what was used regarding alteration calculations.

z280-z313 = 23.73ft
21 x 2 = 42 frames
12 x 2 = 24 frames
              66 frames / (23.73-3.93) = 19.8ft = .3ft per frame

Stopping distance @ 9.7mph = 3.93ft

Z280 (441.57)-z301(458.1) = 16.53ft

After instantaneous stop 16.53 - 3.93 = 12.6ft left

4.85mph = .39ft per frame

12.6ft/.39ft per frame = 32.3 frames

42 total - 32.3 + (10 frames car stop or something to this effect)

I get the 21 frames = 23.73ft...


21 x 2 equates to 18.3 x 2 or 36fps cut in half... or am I reading that wrong?


Edited by David Josephs
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On 8/3/2020 at 2:16 PM, Chris Davidson said:

2.24mph / 7.47mph = .3 x (3.33…) = 1 whole frame

3.33 frames - 1frame = 2.33frames

18.3-2.33 frames = 16fps = PAYDIRT - Premature to assume that the speed reduction ratio translates as the same fps reduced ratio, at this time.



We are making great strides though.


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On 8/3/2020 at 4:30 PM, Chris Davidson said:

In case you don't understand what is being shown to you, here is an easier way to look at it:

 2.24mph increase in speed  = 1 frame removed, and so on and so on.

You can check it a couple of ways related to the link above and the CE884 .3ft per frame listing of z168-z171

7.2ft x .3 = 2.16ft

7.2ft - 2.16ft = 5.04ft

5.04ft / 12 frames = .42ft per frame

.42 x 18.3fps = 7.686ft per second / 1.47(1mph) = 5.228mph + 2.24 = 7.468mph


2.24mph x 3.333frames = 7.466mph

The sequence starts sooner than z301, but I think you get the picture now.



Edited by Chris Davidson
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1 hour ago, Chris Davidson said:

In case you don't understand what is being shown to you, here is an easier way to look at it:

Funny enough... I actually thought that was what you did with that gif....  the explanation makes even more clear.

A question though....  do you have a sense about how did they make it appear he was hit at z313 with the Moorman yellow curb in the frame....when Altgens is adamant that the headshot occurred right in front of him... 40 feet down the road?

Do you think this is after the limo passes him or as the limo passes him or up the street 15 feet?


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3 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

In case you don't understand what is being shown to you, here is an easier way to look at it:

 2.24mph increase in speed  = 1 frame removed, and so on and so on.

You can check it a couple of ways related to the link above and the CE884 .3ft per frame listing of z168-z171

7.2ft x .3 = 2.16ft

7.2ft - 2.16ft = 5.04ft

5.04ft / 12 frames = .42ft per frame

.42 x 18.3fps = 7.686ft per second / 1.47(1mph) = 5.228mph + 2.24 = 7.468mph


2.24mph x 3.333frames = 7.466mph

The sequence starts sooner than z301, but I think you get the picture now.



I recently came across a publication by Tim Nicholson.

If interested in more of his work, you can contact him at: tim.a.nicholson@gmail.com

Tim is gracious enough to allow me to post excerpts from one of his academia papers.

He used a more sophisticated method of determining frame removal and here is one of those excerpts pertaining to the above. I believe we've reached mutual support.





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1 hour ago, David Josephs said:

Funny enough... I actually thought that was what you did with that gif....  the explanation makes even more clear.




That gif should give you a side x side speed comparison of walking vs jogging.

This gif, overlays that difference for you.


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On 8/3/2020 at 2:16 PM, Chris Davidson said:


 A 18.3fps film with frames removed via a slowdown by the limo.

The following insight provided:

.3ft (3.74mph) per frame /.18ft(2.24mph) per frame = 1.66… / 1 ratio

1.66 - 1 = .66frames

4frames + .66 = 4.66 frames

3.5ft / 4.66 frames = .751ft per frame

.751 x 18.3 = 13.744ft per sec /1.47(1mph) = 9.35mph

9.35mph x (18/18.3) = 9.2mph

9.2mph = ITEK = PAYDIRT

.3 / 1.666... = .18

.66... x 1.5 =1


2.24mph / 7.47mph = .3 x (3.33…) = 1 whole frame

3.33 frames - 1frame = 2.33frames

18.3-2.33 frames = 16fps = PAYDIRT - Premature to assume that the speed reduction ratio translates as the same fps reduced ratio, at this time.



We can now incorporate more of Tim's work in relationship to my speed bump comparison from ITEK.

This was very helpful as I could only plot an average speed from extant z276-z301 of 9.71mph.

With that said, the average reduced speed between extant z276-z301(9.71mph) and extant z301- z313(7.47mph)= was 2.24mph.

Sound familiar!!!



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1 hour ago, Chris Davidson said:

This gif, overlays that difference for you.

I here ya Chris... yet I was curious on your thoughts specifically.

The 2nd shot they admit to, in the vicinity of Z313, is the same shot we see in this gif closer to Moorman than Altgens

According to the plat the yellow curbs are 40-45 feet apart...  Altgens testimony impeaches the shot at z313 as being much too far away from him and that it did not occur that way...

The overlay still does not move the actual head shot we see any further down Elm... your gif frame #13...

The right frame is z313 as we see it today... but the left frame is from further down the street, right?... suggesting the head shot was before they reached Moorman.

So yeah, I'm a little confused



Now, in the three frames above.... the sun visor over Kellerman's head in 291 is touching the left side of Moorman... 292 it's dead center on her and 293 it's at her right side..

Isn't there a problem with angles, focal lengths, distance and how the camera is moved?  Side to side, up and down all while panning (rotating around an axis) will produce some strange results, no?  Isn't the fact the visor moves a uniform distance in each frame counter-intuitive to the angle differences?

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Sorry If I wasn't more clear on what the gifs represent.

The previous two gifs concern only Glover and her jogging cohort in the background. Comparison purposes only, for what's coming up.

That which relates to the current excision of frames discussion.



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On 8/7/2020 at 3:36 PM, Chris Davidson said:

We can now incorporate more of Tim's work in relationship to my speed bump comparison from ITEK.

This was very helpful as I could only plot an average speed from extant z276-z301 of 9.71mph.

With that said, the average reduced speed between extant z276-z301(9.71mph) and extant z301- z313(7.47mph)= was 2.24mph.

Sound familiar!!!



Now add the FBI's Webb analysis(credit Gary Murr) to Tim's frame removal study(z291+) and my ITEK Nix bump at the Z equivalent of z289-z293.

This should provide a fairly accurate indicator as to when a major excision was beginning. imo





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Let's add Charles Brehm for help with some of the distance.

Tim's average true speed(2.33mph + 2.06 + 2.13) for the limo from extant z291-z317 = .174ft per frame

Starting with Z291 to z313 = 22frames

I'll use 48 frames(the reason in next post) as my real total frame count between z291-z313

.174ft per frame x 48 frames = 8.35ft

8.35ft + 2.379ft(plotting of headshot farther West down Elm, until Specter moves it that distance farther East and it's labeled as extant z313) = 10.729ft

LIsten to Brehm and count the shots starting slightly before z291.

BREHM expressed his opinion that between the first and third shots, the President's car only seemed to move 10 or 12 feet. It seemed to him that the automobile almost came to a halt after the first shot, but of this he is not certain. After the third shot, the car in which the President was riding increased its speed and went under the freeway overpass and out of his sight.







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