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Tom Hume

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"ICO" stands for "Igor", "Case", and, "Oswald".

I am going to use this thread as a repository for individual ICO puzzles that I believe I've identified and, at least, partially solved. My hypothesis is that ICO created over two-hundred docodable anagram puzzles to explain the assassination, from their point of view, and to describe their efforts to prevent it. Please feel free to join in.

I’m going to leave this first post pretty much empty for now, and add an introduction to this thread later.


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According to my hypothesis, the “Hidell” aliases are anagram puzzle parts left for us by Richard Case Nagell and his “ICO” associates, Lee Harvey Oswald, and, Igor Vladimirs Vaganov.

“ICO” stands for “Igor, Case, Oswald”.

Like the faked serial number “C-2766” and other “ICO” stunts, the “A Hidell” alias appears to have come from an anagram of “Richard Case Nagell”:


When Oswald was arrested he had 3 fake “Hidell” cards, and when Nagell was arrested two months earlier, he had two fake id cards sewn into an item of clothing - one bearing the name "Aleksie Hidel", and the other bearing the name "Joseph Kramer. A third fake card of Nagell's showed up in his lawyer's files bearing the name "Lee H Oswald". That’s a total of 6 fake id cards with four of them using the “Hidell” alias.

“Richard Case Nagell” also anagrams to:


Note that the number “6” was translated from the letter “G”. The common letter/number translation devise used by ICO is at the bottom.

We would need a handwriting expert to judge the validity of the next two anagrams of “RICHARD CASE NAGELL”:



When Oswald was arrested, his wallet supposedly contained a Selective Service card bearing the name “Alek James Hidell”, and oddly, the card was signed “Alek J Hidell” in bright “GREEN” ink. The “green” ink appears be a tip-of-the-hat to this anagram of “RICHARD CASE NAGELL”:


Referring to the various “Hidell” aliases, Richard Nagell told Dick Russell that if some letters were changed, the meaning would change. What Nagell did not tell Russell is that he, Nagell, had created a vast series of anagram puzzles to explain the assassination and ICO’s efforts to prevent it.

The apparent full expression of the Hidell alias, “Alek James Hidell”, anagrams to:


“Alek James Hidell” also anagrams to:


The letters “HD” in the anagram above stand for “Historic Diary”, which anagrams to “RICHARD’S ’88’ TOY”. Inside the 12 pages of Oswald’s Historic Diary are ’88’ short pieces of bracketed discourse (puzzles), 44 bracketed in quotation marks, and 44 bracketed in parentheses. The full list of '88' can be found in post #14 at the link below:


In addition to “Historic Diary” anagramming to “Richard’s ‘88’ Toy”, it also anagrams to

“R.C. ‘88’: A.H. ID STORY”

This puzzle part appears to promise that the “Story” of the “A.H. ID" alias will be told in the diary, and while there are individual puzzles that deal with the “Hidell” names, the puzzle anagram above is itself, actually two small puzzles. I will stay away from puzzle solving in this post, however, and simply stick to ICO’s “Hidell” anagrams.

The name on Richard Case Nagell's fake "ALEKSIE HIDEL" card anagrams to:

"LEE'S HD '88' LEAK"



Richard Case Nagell's second piece of fake id bore the name, "JOSEPH KRAMER", and anagrams to a perfect description of what Richard was doing:


Lee Oswald had a fake immunization card signed by “DR A J HIDEEL”, and that name anagrams to:


The above is also the first step in an ICO puzzle. Notice that J Edgar Hoover appears to be indicated in most of the previous “Hidell” anagrams. “A J HIDELL” anagrams to:


“A J HIDELL” is the name that was stamped on the FPCC handbills. Post #9 of the thread linked below shows how the entry “F.P.C.C. A J HIDELL” contains a “GAP” that needs to be filled to complete the Carcano serial number “C-2766”. After some easy puzzling, “F.P.C.C. A J HIDELL” puzzles out to:

“C-2766. GAP FILLED”


The simplest Hidell alias, “A HIDELL”, was supposedly used to order a rifle from Klein’s. “A HIDELL” is only 7 letters and to make sense of it, we need to pump it up to 14 letters using ICO’s “Double Talk” cypher at the bottom of the post. With the cypher, “A HIDELL” becomes “AHIDELL + KRSNOVV”, which anagrams to:


“LH” is “Lee Harvey”, and “VV” is Lee’s “twin” (figuratively or literally), “Vladimirs Vaganov”.

A related anagram of “AHIDELL + KRSNOVV” is:


A quite different anagram of “AHIDELL + KRSNOVV” is:


When the slightly longer alias, "A J HIDELL", is applied to the "DT" cypher, we get "AJHIDELL + KTRSNOVV", which anagrams to:


While we have the “Double Talk” cypher handy (and while trying to stay sort-of on topic), The name Lee used at his last apartment was “O H LEE”. Applying this alias to the “DT” cypher yields, “OHLEE + YRVOO”, and this anagrams to:


I’ve only touched on a few of the “HIDELL” anagram puzzles, and except for an occasional use of the "DT" cypher, I did no serious decoding. I’m currently working on something else but I couldn’t help butting in.


Letter/Number translation device:


The “Double Talk” cypher:



Edited by Tom Hume
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Dear Tom:

I have noted your intriguing ICO puzzles here and in your previous posts. They are most interesting, indeed. However, I am not sure how much of "subjective" decisions one needs to make during solving these puzzles. The more of decisions which are not driven by the code or the anagram, the more difficult it is to reproduce a solution. For instance, I have entered the anagram: "RHTELJELEHMIFTHTGLAAFIE" into several online deciphering programs and ended up with either no solution or with a list of words of different lengths. Some programs ask about the number of words hidden in the anagram which cannot be known ahead. Or, can they?

Would you please be so kind to elaborate on how you reached your solution: “FEMALE AT LEFT, JEH RIGHT. I”

I think you have acquired some specific sensitivity to the anagrams of this type which helps you to take the right decisions.



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Hi Michael,

You wrote: “I’m skeptical - very, very skeptical - of Nagell’s claims. And I’m a dyed-in-the-wool conspiracy believer through and through.”

I don’t know which claims you’re referring to, but generally, I don’t believe many of the things he told Dick Russell (The Man Who Knew too Much). But Nagell was walking a tight rope, and he had serious choices to make about what he said. A major metaphor and major tool in the ICO puzzles is, “Double Talk” - it’s at least a double entendre. It’s not only ICO’s “DT” cipher, but, I submit, Richard’s way, and ICO’s way, of getting by while leading “double” lives.

From Russell’s book I get the strong impression that Nagell was not only very precise in his use of language, but insisted on being quoted exactly. From my point of view, it appears that Nagell was telling Russell misleading things, while at the same time embedding the truth in his precise statements, albeit in puzzle form - when it comes to solving anagram sorts of puzzles, one wrong letter and the puzzle doesn’t work.

Nagell claimed to have stashed away a bunch of telling and incriminating evidence. I’ve been exploring the possibility that much of that is here, in his ICO puzzles.

Hi Andrej,

Good eye - I’m glad you’re paying attention.

From the letters “RHTELJELEHMIFTHTGLAAFIE” you can’t exactly make the anagram, “FEMALE AT LEFT, JEH RIGHT. I”, because I inadvertently left two letters out - the first two: “LH”. I’ve now fixed the anagram I posted:


Anagram engines can be helpful, especially for finding long words. But they don’t have many of the names we need, such as “Ferrie” or “Fiorini”, for example, and the programs don’t know the ICO vocabulary. Imagine entering “DALAEDILDCTYWJ”. The anagram engine would spit out something, but it takes a human that knows the puzzle vocabulary to make: “WALLACE DID. DT ‘JY’”. This answer wants us to use the “DT” cipher on the letters “JY”, and once we decode this to “TI”, we have our puzzle answer, “WALLACE DID IT” (DT cypher at the bottom).

Andrej wrote: “I am not sure how much of "subjective" decisions one needs to make during solving these puzzles. The more of decisions which are not driven by the code or the anagram, the more difficult it is to reproduce a solution.”

I agree, and every day I’m irritated that Nagell didn’t tell his story in a clear and objective way. However, I think that some first-class puzzle solvers could agree on many, if not most, solutions (“first-class” doesn’t describe me). I’ll give you a simple example (Number/Letter translation device at bottom):

“HISTORIC DIARY” anagrams to “RICHARD’S 88 TOY”. Does this have meaning? Then from the label of the Undeliverable Package, we get this relevant anagram: “N PARENTHETIC ‘DT’ TOY”. And this also re-anagrams to the invaluable, “ATTENTION: ‘DT’ CYPHER”.

As it turns out, Oswald’s Historic Diary contains “88” pieces of “parenthetic” discourse; 44 bracketed in parentheses, and 44 enclosed in quotation marks (the list of 88 puzzles and links to a readable version of the diary are in post #14 on the Oswald Code thread).

And adding to my hypothetical example above, we find a ton of answers like this: “WALLACE DID IT. 88-17”. And when we look at puzzle #17 in the Historic Diary, it will relate to and enhance our “Wallace did it” answer.

I’ll give a breathtaking real example: During Nagell’s arrest for firing two shots in an El Paso bank, he blurted out what must the most public declaration of his life, “CAPITALISTIC SWINE!”. This puzzle runs on for many pages, but I'll just give you the pertinent highlights.

"CAPITALISTIC SWINE" is 17 letters, and a couple of anagrams of this are: “CIA TWIN SPECIALIST”, and, “L, I, 2 TWIN CIA PATSIES."

This puzzle is primarily about Lee Oswald and Igor Vaganov being “TWINS”, either literally or figuratively, and it’s a splendid example of ICO’s puzzle making genius - pay close attention to what happens next and I think you’ll agree.

All written ICO puzzle discourse which includes an exclamation point (EP) at the end, also provides an anagram that tells one to regard that “EP” as part of the puzzle, i.e. turn the EP upside down and use it as a letter “I” (post #23, the Oswald Code thread).

“Capitalist Swine”, however, was spoken by Nagell, and even though typists would naturally include an EP at the end, we, the puzzle solvers, would like some justification for doing so - and indeed we get it from several anagrams of the puzzle itself. Here are three of them, “CAPITALISTIC SWINE” anagrams to:


“C.S., IT AWAITS E.P. - 88-11. CN”


Notice that not only do we get permission to add an “EP”, but our attention is being called to puzzle “88-11” in the diary. Once we add the “exclamation point”, the eighteenth letter, “I”, we can no longer make all the seventeen letter anagrams because of the left-over letter “I”, but we can make this anagram:


Once again I apologize for not being able to post photos, but below is a link to page #2 of Oswald’s Historic Diary. Puzzle #11, “(TO VIOLINS)”, is on the second line:


The “O” in “VIOLINS” has what appears to be a vertical line running through it and it’s more than a little ambiguous (if you have a way to zoom in, it’s very distinct). This was intentional, and boy do we want that “O” to look as much like a “W” as possible, because then we could anagram “TO VIOLINS” to:


But our “W” permission is not going to come from the "Two Violins" puzzle, we need to go back to “CAPITALISTIC SWINE” for that. The 17-letter version of “CAPITALISTIC SWINE” anagrams to:

“C.S. ANTICIPATES 88-11 ‘W’”

And the 18-letter version with the additional “I” anagrams to:


"'SIC' W" - Very cool!

That was several steps, but not only have we learned something important about LO and IV’s relationship, but we’ve had the experience of knowing that we've been following the 52 year old instructions of Richard Case Nagell.

This sort of thing happens over and over in the ICO puzzles, and I guarantee that ordinary discourse will not yield instructions like this except through occasional happenstance. Although I make mistakes and often get off track, I’m six years into this, with several thousand pages of unorganized notes, and to my mind, and for the time being, the ICO puzzles are objective enough. I think total objectivity is down the road, and I think I might know where to find it.

The bottom line for me is, Richard, Lee, and, Igor, lost the November 22nd battle, but they were God damn heroes. Playing a role. For keeps.


Number/Letter translation device:


The "DT" cypher - for decoding it works from the top down:



Edited by Tom Hume
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The topic is Marina Oswald’s birth certificate, and I apologize for not being able to post a photo of it - some sort of kB problem that’s got me currently baffled. I’ll post it here when I can. For now, if you want to actually see Marina’s supposed birth certificate, CE129, it’s in post #338 at the link below:

HI Tom,

Just wanted you to know I've read your posts whenever I came across them with somewhat baffled fascination. I never commented because I simply had no idea what to say, and I'll bet many others are in the same clueless boat with me. I kind of wish you'd put the post back into the original thread, just in case anyone might come across it some day who might be able to add something substantial. No doubt you have an extraordinary talent with ciphers or cryptography or whatever you call it. If you'd be kind enough to explain to me what the ICO puzzles are and how they relate to Mr. Nagell and if any of this goes beyond him (which it certainly seems to), I'll reciprocate in advance with the following....

Apparently this forum gives us a limited amount of graphic storage on its own servers, but then expects us to find another solution to keep the owners' bandwidth and storage costs halfway affordable. Sandy Larsen explained the simple work-around to me, and so here 'tis: Find any graphic anywhere on the net that you want to reproduce here. Right click on the graphic and select "Copy image address." (I use Linux, but Mac and Windows should be similar.) Then when you reach the point where you want to incorporate the graphic into your post on EF, click the "Image" box on the second line of the Reply menu (at the top of the window) and paste and enter the url you copied into the field that opens up. You'll immediately see the graphic in your composition window, and as soon as you post it so will everyone else. Amazingly simple once you know about it. Thanks again for your work, and please don't give up just because few of us can keep up with you.

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Hi Jim,

I put the post back on your thread, and thanks for asking. When I saw Marina’s birth certificate that David posted at #338, and read his comment that she was already in the US by July 19, 1961, it got my attention. The tip-off to many ICO puzzles is that they contain an obvious anomaly of some sort, and this anomaly usually lights the way to the puzzle’s solution - the irritant in the oyster that kick-starts the pearl.

So I stayed up late and solved as much as I could at the time, and posted some of the results on your thread while the topic of Marina’s birth certificate was still fresh. Since then, I’ve seen that the puzzle is actually multi-faceted and will take a while to unravel. I’ll add things to the post, or add a new post as the information develops.

This will give me the chance to remove that post from this thread, and write a proper introduction to the thread.

You wrote: “If you'd be kind enough to explain to me what the ICO puzzles are and how they relate to Mr. Nagell and if any of this goes beyond him (which it certainly seems to), I'll reciprocate in advance with the following....”

Excellent - and trying to answer your request will dovetail nicely with the introduction I should be writing to this ICO thread. It might take a couple of days.

I’ve got your graphic storage work-around instructions in my hot little hands and, Klutz that I am, I’ll see if I can pull this off. I think you’ve pin-pointed my problem - most of my previously posted photos are pasted from my computer - not from a url, and they’re sitting there at the EF eating up space.



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Thanks Tom.

If you want to put up a graphic on this forum that exists nowhere other than on your computer, you can probably use a freebie cloud solution like Google Drive or Dropbox or any of a number of others. You'll probably have to fiddle with the "sharing" or "permission" settings a bit, but once you figure that out, it should work fine.

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Hi Tom,

Thank you for your reply. Here's why I'm skeptical of Nagell. I've never believed for many years now that Oswald was the assassin. I believe, instead, that he was put into position by others to make it *appear* he was the assassin, or the patsy. I say this for a number of reasons:

  • He worked for the government when he was in Russia
  • After supposedly defecting to Russia during the Cold War, he returned to the U.S. way too easily
  • He was a low-level operative doing such things as handing out leaflets in New Orleans and being captured on film while doing so
  • He never posed for the backyard photos because those photos were faked to make him look guilty
  • He never went to Mexico in the fall of 1963 (Hoover said the man they have photos of and voice recordings of was not the same Oswald in the Dallas jail)
  • He was in the doorway as prayer man during the shooting
  • He left the TSBD by boarding a bus, got off, hailed a cab, gave the cab to a lady, and took another cab to his rooming house - hardly the actions of a crazed assassin
  • He never shot JD Tippit (because there were three[!] wallets that supposedly belonged to him, one of them a throw down at the Tippit murder scene)
  • He denied shooting Kennedy
  • He said he was out front during the shooting
  • He said in time he could show how his face was pasted onto someone else's body in the backyard photos
  • In a fit of anger because he was p***ed at his dilemna, he said "I'm nothing but a patsy" for all the world and and cameras to see and hear
  • His jail protecter, Fritz, casually walked ahead, breaking the security ring and letting Ruby shoot Oswald to death, silencing him forever
  • Before Oswald was barely cold in his grave, the assistant attorney general of the U.S. writes a memo saying to cut off all further conspiracy leads and to get the public to believe that Oswald was nothing more than a loner, crazed, Communist killer
  • For final good measure, the finger pointers also decide to tack on that Oswald was the Walker shooter, 9 months after the fact

If you believe the Nagell story, you then have to throw all of the above out and then assume that Oswald really was a hired assassin that planned to kill the president. That, in essence, is why I'm very skeptical of Nagell's claims. Based on the above, there's just too much solid evidence that shows otherwise, that he was nothing more than the fall guy to take the blame for the murders.

Thanks, Michael

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Dear Tom:

many thanks for your detailed response, I appreciate. After reading how much time you spent and how many notes you made whilst working on these puzzles I was able to understand why you are so comfortable with the ICO puzzles.

I would be grateful if you would check my reasoning in the following example. Let me assume that Oswald did purchase the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle under the assumed name Hidell (I am aware of the ongoing disputes over this issue). He allegedly used a magazine with a large number of adverts, yet he chose one particular advert and one particular rifle. The rifle was a junk and Oswald surely knew it. Maybe the rifle itself was not as important as the particular advert. The advert may have lent itself as a cipher. The advert says:

"6.5 ITALIAN CARBINE," and shows two prices, $12.88 and $19.95. There is also some text in small letters which I assume was used in the puzzle (if it is a puzzle).

Step 1: 65 ITALIAN CARBINE 1995 (I went for the higher price as it gave me more reasonable solutions)

Step 2: changing numbers to letters gives: GFITALIANCARBINETJF

Step 3: unscrambling the long string into words. Three solutions came to my mind. There may be more and better solutions though.

Solution 1: GFITALIANCARBINETJF splits into: xxxx GIANCANE BIT JF FT (not sure what FT could mean) [After posting this message, I noted that the word L I A R was changed by the server to xxxx. Thus, this solution reads: L I A R GIANCANE BIT JF FT].

Solution 2: GFITALIANCARBINETJF can also yield: ALEC FIT JF GIANT BRAIN (changing the order of these words may give different meanings)

Solution 3: GFITALIANCARBINETJF also makes: ALIANCE GIFT JF BRAIN T (this solution I like, however, not sure about the lone T at end).

Maybe it is all too simple and straightforward. I somehow feel that you would not stop here.



Edited 16/3: I realised that I mistyped 1995 as 1955 in my original post. I have now corrected 1955 to 1995. The letter conversion was made from 1995 though. Sorry about this inaccuracy - I found at least three different adverts allegedly associated with Hidell's rifle purchase.

Edited by Andrej Stancak
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Hi Michael,

Your wrote: I’ve never believed for many years now that Oswald was the assassin. I believe, instead, that he was put into position by others to make it ‘appear’ he was the assassin, or the patsy.”

I believe that too. Then you go on to list fifteen of your reasons for believing this. With a couple of caveats, I can buy into all of them.

Then you wrote: “If you believe the Nagell story, you then have to throw all of the above out and then assume that Oswald really was a hired assassin that planned to kill the president.”

I don’t know what “Nagell story” you’re talking about - the stories he told Dick Russell and others, or my hypothesis that Nagell appears to have told a fairly complete assassination story in puzzle form.

If you’re referring to my hypothesis, your if/then statement above totally misses the mark. Brief statements of my hypothesis are sprinkled around in my posts, and every once in a while I tweak it a little as I add new considered puzzle information.

(By the way Michael, this thread deals a lot with anagram puzzles and it’s good to get the quotes right. Oswald didn’t say “I’m nothing by a patsy”, he said “I’m just a patsy”. He also said “I didn’t shoot anybody, no sir.” And I think both of his statements are true.)

Below is some of what I wrote three years ago in my first post of The Oswald code thread concerning my hypothesis. It’s a bit out of date, and I’ll be updating it soon, and inserting it into the first post on this thread.


“After partially decoding a large number of apparent puzzles, I've accumulated thousands of highly subjective pieces of information, and even though some of my solutions may be questionable, or even flat-out wrong, I've come to a tentative point of view, a hypothesis of sorts.

My hypothesis is this: Lee Oswald and Igor V Vaganov followed through with a plan to prevent the assassination. The prevention plan appears to have originated with Richard Case Nagell and was called "N". "N" was directed against the assassination ground operation, "E", being planned and orchestrated by W Guy Banister, David Ferrie, David Atlee Phillips, with J Edgar Hoover apparently playing a significant role.

The central idea of "N" was to prevent the assassination, and also to disseminate a large number of decodable puzzles, many of them thirteen letters long, that when decoded would tell the Oswald/Nagell/Vaganov story of "E", the planned assassination ground operation. The flagship of "N" was what has become known as the "Undeliverable Package", and at least one copy is extant - the one that was found in the Nixie section of the Irving, Texas Post Office shortly after the assassination. The numerous decodable 13-letter puzzles embedded on the label of the "Undeliverable Package" both provided assassination information, and served as a teaching guide to the decoding of other puzzles created by the "N" team. If the "N" plan succeeded, the puzzles would be meaningless; if the "N" plan failed, at least the Oswald/Nagell/Vaganov story would be discoverable. Although not following the 13-letter format, a similar set of 88 puzzles was imbedded in Lee Oswald's "Historic Diary", 44 are in parenthesis, and 44 in quotation marks.”

Yo Andrej,

Sorry for taking so long to respond to your post - it got me thinking, and I’ll get back to you soon.


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I don't see how the Oswald described in Dick Russell's book, or in documents or comments Nagell produced, refutes these points. In Russell, Nagell presents Oswald as an unknowable, unspecified part of the assassination plot, which Nagell warns Oswald against remaining involved in. Nagell, however, may not have had full knowledge of exactly what mission Oswald was truly on, and Oswald may have denied Nagell knowledge because of paranoia, distrust, or higher allegiances - Nagell being only a part of the great game, and a dirty trickster in his own right. I don't even see how the interest that Nagell's KGB handlers took in Oswald strictly defines Oswald as an "assassin for hire."

I have considered writing a screenplay based on Russell's book, but the foremost impediment to an audience's interest would be the difficulty in understanding Oswald's mission, as seen through Nagell's revelations. (In other words, the viewer won't much like a movie about Nagell and Oswald if he doesn't learn what Oswald was up to.) What I do understand does not contradict every one of your points, and perhaps not any of them.

Edited by David Andrews
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Thanks to Jim Hargrove and James Gordon for the tips. It looks like I’ve got photobucket working, and my next task is figuring out how to make the pictures bigger.

Below is a photo of the Undeliverable Package and a closeup of its label. We will be using these down the road. The label appears to read:





("Dallas" is mostly crossed out, and "Irving Texas" is written below the label)

The package was found in the ”nixie” section (dead letter office) of the Irving Post Office shortly after the assassination. It had apparently been there for a few days. On the day of the assassination, there were two postage due notices for Lee Oswald found at the Paine residence. The package did not become common knowledge at the time.

Sylvia Meagher was the woman who independently took on the unimaginable task of publishing the 1967 Subject Index to the Warren Report and Hearings and Exhibits. Buried inside the twenty-six volumes, she discovered references to this package.

Fred Newcomb had the package and label photographed at the Archives, apparently in 1972, and the pictures below are Internet copies of those photos. For years, I’ve been hoping that a better copy of the label photo would show up somewhere, but that hasn’t happened yet.

I exchanged emails with Fred Newcomb’s son, Tyler, and he can’t seem to locate the original photo. According to Lee Farley, the Archives claims the package is either lost or missing.



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UPDATE - Tom, do you know what's inside of the packages? Below is my reply that I typed after you posted the photos...

Hi Tom and David,

Thank you for the corrections, especially about what Oswald said about being a patsy. I agree that it's important to be accurate for "lay" folks who visit this forum so we get the info right. Thank you.

I confess I've not read Mr. Russell's book but I'd read here and there about Nagell. Just so I have a better understanding of who he is and his history, I read the crib notes on him here:

At least in my mind, reading the above just makes me think Nagell's stories are a little too far-fetched. And with the recent PM revelations, and if LHO is standing there in the doorway area with his arms crossed casually as Kennedy drives by, it just gives me more skepticism about Nagell's claims that he and LHO were trying to prevent the murder from happening.

I kind of chalk up the Nagell narrative to how Beverly Oliver claims she's the Babushka Lady.

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I'd bet the house that Bev's not Babushka Lady. I'd bet the house that Nagell was involved with Oswald and embroiled in pre-assassination maneuvering, to an extent, however, that we cannot yet (or ever?) completely define. Of course Nagell's claims demand investigation: he had things to protect, such as his own life, his children, and his pension. Nagell may have had his moral and psychological qualms about his work and the assassination, but his hands weren't clean, and he tried to exculpate himself by getting incarcerated both before the Dallas plot, and before a previous assassination plot set in another city. In the end, though, he told enough to lose everything he was protecting.

Edited by David Andrews
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