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Jean-Rene Souetre aka Robin Hood

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On 4/15/2016 at 2:14 PM, Chuck Schwartz said:

Dick Russell wrote in "The Man Who Knew Too Much":

• OAS had contact in New Orleans with anti-Castro groups

• In March-April 1963, Souetre met with Howard Hunt (of Watergate and Bay of Pigs infamy) in Madrid.

• In April-May 1963, Souetre met with Gen. Edwin Walker (who Oswald allegedly shot at) in Dallas.

• Souetre trains that summer with Alpha 66 and the 30th of November (both anti-Castro groups) in the New Orleans Mandeville region.

• Their headquarters' location in New Orleans: 544 Camp Street.

• OAS' Mandeville "cell" worked closely with elements of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).

Thanks Steve for reminding us of this thread. Hard to corroborate Fensterwald but so many interesting things. I recall asking Larry about Hunt meeting Souetre in Madrid. Hunt later became station chief there, but not in 1963. 
resurrecting this for Leslie Sharp.

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On 2/16/2023 at 8:21 AM, Paul Brancato said:

Thanks Steve for reminding us of this thread. Hard to corroborate Fensterwald but so many interesting things. I recall asking Larry about Hunt meeting Souetre in Madrid. Hunt later became station chief there, but not in 1963. 
resurrecting this for Leslie Sharp.

Thanks Paul, I'm reading the full thread now.

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On 6/9/2021 at 2:37 PM, Calvin Ye said:


Jean Souetre's name was decoded by Eugene Dunkin in an cryptography


I recall something about intercepted OAS radio traffic, not specifically Souetre.

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