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Five most important reasons there was a conspiracy

Tim Gratz

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Hey John,

Why don't you have a problem with the confession of Tony Cuesta, who was just a convict in jail. What is different for James Files?  :D

I have on several occasions raised questions about the value of so-called “confessions”. As I have pointed out, such confessions are common in famous murder cases. This is one of the reasons why detectives are careful about holding back information about the crime scene. This enables them to dismiss most of these crank claims. The problem with confessions about being involved in the assassination of JFK is that there is so much information that has been published that they can include in their confession.

I am especially sceptical about confessions that have been made by people serving a term of “life imprisonment”. Clearly, their confession means they will not have to suffer punishment for their crime. It is clearly very appealing for someone who knows they will never be released from prison to make a confession that they were involved in the killing of Kennedy. Not only do they create publicity, they also provide an opportunity to make money from their story (either for themselves or their family).

Tony Cuesta’s confession (and that of John Martino) does not fall into that category. In both cases they insisted that their stories were not published until after their deaths. No attempt was made to make money out of their confessions.

Of course, one has to ask what was there motivation? In Cuesta’s case it was for revenge. He rightly believed he had been betrayed by those who organized the assassination. John Martino’s reasons are more difficult to make out. However, I suspect it had something to do with guilt. Like many on the fringes of the assassination, they regretted what they had done after the event.

Even more importantly, it is about what they had to say about the case. The stories of Tony Cuesto and John Martino make sense when you look at it in the context of what else we know of the assassination. The James Files case is very different. His story has been dismissed by all serious researchers. I would also argue that your own credibility has been seriously undermined by your insistence on believing this story.

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It is now known exactly how Joe and John Kennedy won in WVA.

Each county had a Slate, a list of preferred candidates. The Kennedy team

made sure each county sheriff who selected the slate got five to ten thousand dollars cash. SOme of this money came from Chicago, ie Giancana.



I agree that Maxwell Taylor was a participant, but it went way beyond simply steering the limosine past the book store depository. That detour was made to put Kennedy in the path of the triangulated fire, not just to be under Oswalds window. As chief of staff he was a cabinet level figure as described in the 25th amendment and had access to intelligence on Kennedy's innermost habits behaviors and beliefs. He was in a position to propose Kennedy was technically incapacitated and unworthy of a security clearance, which I believe was the central cover/rationale for the well co-ordinated executive sanction in Dallas.


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It is now known exactly how Joe and John Kennedy won in WVA.

Each county had a Slate, a list of preferred candidates.  The Kennedy team

made sure each county sheriff who selected the slate got five to ten thousand dollars cash. SOme of this money came from Chicago, ie Giancana.



I agree that Maxwell Taylor was a participant, but it went way beyond simply steering the limosine past the book store depository.  That detour was made to put Kennedy in the path of the triangulated fire, not just to be under Oswalds window.  As chief of staff he was a cabinet level figure as described in the 25th amendment and had access to intelligence on Kennedy's innermost habits behaviors and beliefs. He was in a position to propose Kennedy was technically incapacitated and unworthy of a security clearance, which I believe was the central cover/rationale for the well co-ordinated executive sanction in Dallas.


It is my premise that when Joe Kennedy made his deal with the Mafia, he never intended to keep it. Reportedly some of the Mafia leaders were reluctant to back Jack because of RFK (his activities as counsel for the Racket Committee and his book The Enemy Within). Supposedly Joe replied it was a business deal, he was asking their support for Jack, and "he would take care of Bobby". Yet, after the election it was Joe who almost forced Jack to select RFK as AG, against the counsel of some of his colleagues, including Sen Smathers and Clark Clifford.

However, there are reports that Joe helped transfer the ownership of the Cal-Nev Lodge to Giancana and his buddies. This may have been the real pay-off to the Mob.

But with respect to the W Va primary one must not discount the well-organized campaign that the Kennedy campaign mounted.

I ran across reference to what looks like a fascinating book on the W Va primary. I'll try to post reference to it.

Arguably, our discussion here is relevant only if we assume the Mob "hit" Kennedy as a result of Joe's doublecross. Of course, this theory has many adherents.

I think I read it here: when an assassination researcher died and got to Heaven, his first question to the Deity was: "Who really killed Kennedy?" and God's reply was: "I've got a theory about that. . ."

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Hey John,

Why don't you have a problem with the confession of Tony Cuesta, who was just a convict in jail. What is different for James Files?  :D

I have on several occasions raised questions about the value of so-called “confessions”. As I have pointed out, such confessions are common in famous murder cases. This is one of the reasons why detectives are careful about holding back information about the crime scene. This enables them to dismiss most of these crank claims. The problem with confessions about being involved in the assassination of JFK is that there is so much information that has been published that they can include in their confession.

I am especially sceptical about confessions that have been made by people serving a term of “life imprisonment”. Clearly, their confession means they will not have to suffer punishment for their crime. It is clearly very appealing for someone who knows they will never be released from prison to make a confession that they were involved in the killing of Kennedy. Not only do they create publicity, they also provide an opportunity to make money from their story (either for themselves or their family).

Tony Cuesta’s confession (and that of John Martino) does not fall into that category. In both cases they insisted that their stories were not published until after their deaths. No attempt was made to make money out of their confessions.

Of course, one has to ask what was there motivation? In Cuesta’s case it was for revenge. He rightly believed he had been betrayed by those who organized the assassination. John Martino’s reasons are more difficult to make out. However, I suspect it had something to do with guilt. Like many on the fringes of the assassination, they regretted what they had done after the event.

Even more importantly, it is about what they had to say about the case. The stories of Tony Cuesto and John Martino make sense when you look at it in the context of what else we know of the assassination. The James Files case is very different. His story has been dismissed by all serious researchers. I would also argue that your own credibility has been seriously undermined by your insistence on believing this story.

I agree with most of John's post except with respect to the alleged Cuesta confession.

The only witness to the alleged confession was Fabian Escalante, a member of Castro's intelligence services.

If Cuesta thought the CIA had betrayed him, why did he not wait until his return to the US and tell someone he trusted, eg a lawyer or relative, about the assassination, with their pledge to keep it quiet until his death. Remember, Trafficante confessed to his attorney and Martino discussed it with his wife and son.

Why would Cuesta confess to a member of Castro's forces who had kept him locked up for years? On its face, it makes no sense.

Gordon Winslow heard Escalante report the alleged confession and he does not believe it.

Remember there are some people who do believe Castro did it (and he certainly had a motive: simple self-defense). Since Castro is a suspect, any report of an alleged confession by an agent of Castro's enemy ought to be suspect. I mean even if Castro was innocent, he may still have wanted to throw in a little disinformation.

Assume for instance the Mob alone did it, with no other co-conspirators. But Castro hates the CIA. He may have wanted to blame the CIA even if he was innocent.

Since Cuesta apparently never told anyone within the US (eg a relative) the story as reported by Escalante, I would not credit the Escalante report for the reasons set forth above.

Martino's "confession" is different; so is Trafficante's.

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Eisenhower came on TV and denied that the U-2 was a spy plane. A tape recording of air traffic controllers trying to unsuccessfully raise the pilot was even played for the American public. The charade lasted seven days until Francis Gary Powers was paraded before the international press by the Soviets. His CIA ID card was shown along with maps of his mission, film from his cameras and his own verbal admission of being on a spy mission.

While Humphrey had been been pushing a domestic platform of social reform Kennedy had been questioning the credibility of the Eisenhower Administation in Defense Policy. All indicators were that Humphrey felt he would do well inWest Virginia because of his appeal to the blue collar type workers and the anti-catholic feelings. It is true that Kennedy had the organizational support and a massive amount of money but do not under rate the impact of having had the president caught in a lie and and being the candidate who was stressing the fact that the American President was weak in dealing with the Soviets. Fear is a major motivator.

It was not just the primary that was important. The presidential election itself, so close, would not have been close if the Paris Peace Summit had been a success and a Nuclear Test Ban Treaty had been signed by Eisenhower with Nixon standing by his side. An end to the Cold War could have been proclaimed by Nixon.

The last weekend in July of 1963, Oswald spoke to a group of students training to be Jesuit priests (his cousin Eugene having invited him). Notes taken by students who were in attendance show that the U-2 incident and the failure of the Paris Summit was very much on Oswald's mind at the time. He was upset with both governments for this failure and, I believe, he realized that he had played a part in that failure.

Jim Root

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The James Files case is very different. His story has been dismissed by all serious researchers. I would also argue that your own credibility has been seriously undermined by your insistence on believing this story.



This is simply not true.

Files's story has not been dismissed by anyone that have seriously looked into it and have met the men himself. There are retired FBI agents, among others Zack Shelton. Friends and associates of James Files, you have never heard of, like Kenny Larry or big Mike. The vast majority of the prison guards at Stateville, believe his story. A few of them told me so. The difference with these guys and the people you mean, is that they know Files.

It has not been dismissed by Jim Marrs , Peter Dale Scott and Robert Groden. Antoinette Giancana believes his story, her former husband and mafia lawyer Bob McDonnell does, as does another serious researcher that has really looked into it, but I don't know if I can name him here.

I have asked you before to name the serious researchers who dismiss the Files story.

Let's see if it's really "all serious researchers". It is also noteworthy that most of these researchers refuse to answer my questions. This is the pattern that irritates Tosh so much. It is alright to say he is lying about something, but when it is disproven, there is no apology or retraction from such a researcher. An example is that Larry Hancock says that Tosh was in jail. Tosh was NOT in jail at the time larry claims he was. There is no document to support he was in jail.

None of these "serious researchers" have met with Files, with the exception of Vernon, who has now very different motives to dismiss it. Most of these researchers have not even seen the original video, not to speak about the second one we did last year.

Look at the reviews of the original video at Amazon .com. The only negative valuation is from David von Pein, one of the most persistent "lone nutters' there is.


I have yet to recieve a negative review on the second video:


And I get emails like these all the time:

Wonderful job people, Im 35 years old and been visiting your website for 6 years now on a regular basis! Ive read everything also researched everything on the JFK assasination and NO were do you find such AWESOME info! This needs to come out now. I will help in anyway possible!!! All the best,take care God bless!

But even if what you suggest is true, I could not care less about being a minority. I don't think that's a valid argument, and certainly not on this subject. A year ago the majority of Americans believed that Saddam helped Osama in planning the 9/11 attack. Does that make it true? There is a lot of parrot behaviour in the JFK research community. Some people here have trouble speaking out their support for further invetigation of the James Files story, probably because it has received so much discreditation. A lot of that discreditation comes from people who YOU don't even consider serious researchers, like McAdams, Mack or Vernon. And a lot of that discreditation is based on allegations that have since been proven untrue, like the availibility of the XP-100, the absence of a Daltex parking lot, and such.

I know for a fact there are a lot of members here that believe that Files DOES deserve a closer look. There is even one who said that the second video changed his mind. But for some strange reason, these people do not speak out. I sure would appreciate them to do so, instead of sending me private emails only.

You are always in favour of debating the evidence. But your only argument against Files seems to be that "his story has been dismissed by all serious researchers", which is not true anyway.

I would appreciate HARD and IRREFUTABLE evidence that Files CANNOT be telling the truth, for if there is one person that wants to know that Files is a hoax, it would be me.

If you could answer the following questions for me, then maybe I'll start thinking about what you said.

1) What do you make of Joe Granata? Is he lying too?

2) What is your explanation for Files knowing there was a toothmark on the shell casing, while nobody else knew that?

3) If Files is a hoax, who else was/is involved in perpetrating the hoax?

4) Why has the man who Files says killed JD Tippit, never come forward to refute the claim?

5) What is your explanation for the information below (from a guy that hates James Files) ? If Files is a hoax, who else was/is involved in perpetrating the hoax?


A post of Dave Ostertag

The interesting part:

Some interesting things happened with Files' military record and his

criminal history during the sentencing part of his trial. The

military refused to honor the subpoena for his records.

Why subpoena for Files military records if supposedly Files lied about his military past and there are no records? Note that the military did not say: we don't have them. They refused to honor the subpoena! Why?

Another question: Why were his rap sheets "cleaned"?

Van:Dave Ostertag (daveostertag@aol.com)

Onderwerp:James Files

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Datum:2001-09-24 08:44:46 PST

Hello to all. I'm the Police Officer that James is in prison for. I

was shot in the chest with an exit wound on the right butt cheek.

Personally I think he is full of dung. His story chages to fit the

facts. I think he is entertaining though. I'm glad that he and Dave

Morley will probably be spending the rest of their life in prison.

Some interesting things happened with File's military record and his

criminal history during the sentencing part of his trial. The

military refused to honor the subpoena for his records. In regards to

his Criminal History. I had arrested Files in 1984 or 1985 for a bond

forfeiture warrant for possession of explosives out of Texas. I

remember looking at his criminal history at that time and saying, this

is a guy I'm going to run into again. He had a hommicide and other

arrests and convictions on the record that showed he was a true

professional criminal as compared to the street thugs you normally

come across. I saved the Criminal History knowing that I would see

him again. At the time of my gunfight with Files and Morley his rap

sheet was clean. Both Files and Morley had active Federal Parole

warrants at that time. Neither warrant appeared in the NCIC computer

queries. Morley had begun his criminal carreer in 1975. He and his

Step Father broke Morley's Step Brother out of a prison in Florida.

Morley shot twqo Prison Guards in the escape and was shot three times

himself. He was dropped off at a Hospital in Atlanta where he was

arrested. The Step Brother was killed by the FBI a year later in

Mobile, Alabama. Morley was sentenced to prison for the breakout and

for shooting the Guards. He escaped in 1982 and was later caought and

sentenced for the 1982 escaped. He had done time for that and for

three subsequent Federal convictions and prison sentences with Files

for Bank robberies. The Federal Parole violation warrants outstanding

at the time of my gunfight with them were for the last Bank Robbery

convictions. When my department arrested Morley one week prior to our

gunfight, he had no arrests or convictions or the warrant on his

criminal history. Files also had a clean criminal history. The

Probation Officer that prepared their pre-sentence investigations used

the 1985 criminal history that I had saved for Files and, had to

contact local Law Enforcement and the Florida Department of

Corrections to rebuild Morley's. I'm sure that there is an

explanation but, it does raise questions. I'm just glad the two of

them will be spending the rest of their life in prison. Just wanted

to check in and say hello.

Edited by Wim Dankbaar
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Eisenhower came on TV and denied that the U-2 was a spy plane.  A tape recording of air traffic controllers trying to unsuccessfully raise the pilot was even played for the American public.  The charade lasted seven days until Francis Gary Powers was paraded before the international press by the Soviets.  His CIA ID card was shown along with maps of his mission, film from his cameras and his own verbal admission of being on a spy mission.

While Humphrey had been been pushing a domestic platform of social reform Kennedy had been questioning the credibility of the Eisenhower Administation in Defense Policy.  All indicators were that Humphrey felt he would do well inWest Virginia because of his appeal to the blue collar type workers and the anti-catholic feelings.  It is true that Kennedy had the organizational support and a massive amount of money but do not under rate the impact of having had the president caught in a lie and and being the candidate who was stressing the fact that the American President was weak in dealing with the Soviets. Fear is a major motivator.

It was not just the primary that was important.  The presidential election itself, so close, would not have been close if the Paris Peace Summit had been a success and a Nuclear Test Ban Treaty had been signed by Eisenhower with Nixon standing by his side.  An end to the Cold War could have been proclaimed by Nixon.

The last weekend in July of 1963, Oswald spoke to a group of students training to be Jesuit priests (his cousin Eugene having invited him).  Notes taken by students who were in attendance show that the U-2 incident and the failure of the Paris Summit was very much on Oswald's mind at the time.  He was upset with both governments for this failure and, I believe, he realized that he had played a part in that failure.

Jim Root

Very interesting post. The dates are significant as well. The U2 was shot down on May 1, 1960 (quite sure the date is right) and the W Va primary was May 10. JFK once stated that Eisenhower should have apologized for the U2 incident. In the campaign, Nixon jumped all over him for that remark as a show of weakness.

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The James Files case is very different. His story has been dismissed by all serious researchers. I would also argue that your own credibility has been seriously undermined by your insistence on believing this story.



This is simply not true.

Files's  story has not been dismissed by anyone that have seriously looked into it and have met the men himself. There are retired FBI agents, among others Zack Shelton.  Friends and associates  of James Files, you have never heard of, like Kenny Larry or    big Mike. The vast majority of the prison guards at Stateville, believe his story. A few of them told me so.  The difference with these guys and the people you mean, is that they know Files.

It has not been dismissed by Jim Marrs , Peter Dale Scott and Robert Groden. Antoinette Giancana believes his story, her former husband and mafia lawyer Bob McDonnell does, as does another serious researcher that has really looked into it, but I don't know if I can name him here.

I have asked you before to name the serious researchers who dismiss the Files story.

Let's see if it's really "all serious researchers".  It is also noteworthy that  most of these researchers refuse to answer my questions. This is the pattern that irritates Tosh so much. It is alright to say he is lying about something, but when it is disproven, there is no apology or retraction from such a researcher. An example is that Larry Hancock says that Tosh was in jail. Tosh was NOT in jail at the time larry claims he was. There is no document to support he was in jail.

None of these "serious researchers" have met with Files, with the exception of Vernon, who has now very different motives to dismiss it.  Most of these researchers have not  even seen the original video, not to speak about the second one we did last year.

Look at the reviews of the original video at Amazon .com. The only negative valuation is from David von Pein, one of the most persistent "lone nutters' there is.


I have yet to recieve a negative review on the second video:


And I get emails like these all the time:

Wonderful job people, Im 35 years old and been visiting your website for 6 years now on a regular basis! Ive read everything also researched everything on the JFK assasination and NO were do you find such AWESOME info! This needs to come out now. I will help in anyway possible!!!  All the best,take care God bless!   

But even if what you suggest is true, I could not care less about being a minority.  I don't think that's a valid argument, and certainly not on this subject.  A year ago the majority of Americans believed that Saddam helped Osama in planning the 9/11 attack. Does that make it true?  There is a lot of parrot behaviour in the JFK research community.  Some people here have trouble speaking out their support for further invetigation of the James Files story, probably because it has received so much discreditation.  A lot of that discreditation comes from people who YOU don't even consider  serious researchers, like McAdams, Mack or Vernon. And a lot of that discreditation is  based on allegations that have since been proven untrue, like the availibility  of the XP-100, the absence of a Daltex parking lot, and such.

I know for a fact there are a lot of members here that believe that Files DOES deserve a closer look. There is even one who said that the second video changed his mind. But for some strange reason, these people do not speak out.  I sure would appreciate them to do so, instead of sending me private emails only.

You are always in favour of debating the evidence.  But your only argument against Files seems to be that  "his story has been dismissed by all serious researchers", which is not true anyway.

I would appreciate HARD and IRREFUTABLE evidence that Files CANNOT be telling the truth, for if there is one person that wants to know that Files is a hoax, it would be me. 

If you could answer the following questions for me, then maybe I'll start thinking about what you said.

1) What do you make of Joe Granata? Is he lying too?

2) What is your explanation for Files knowing there was a toothmark on the shell casing, while nobody else knew that?

3) If Files is a hoax, who else was/is involved in perpetrating the hoax?

4) Why has  the man who Files says killed JD Tippit, never come forward to refute the claim?

5) What is your explanation for the information below (from a guy that hates James Files) ? If Files is a hoax, who else was/is involved in perpetrating the hoax?


A post of Dave Ostertag

The interesting part:

Some interesting things happened with Files' military record and his

criminal history during the sentencing part of his trial. The

military refused to honor the subpoena for his records.

Why subpoena for Files military records if supposedly Files lied about his military past and there are no records? Note that the military did not say: we don't have them. They refused to honor the subpoena! Why?

Another question: Why were his rap sheets "cleaned"?

Van:Dave Ostertag (daveostertag@aol.com)

Onderwerp:James Files

View this article only


Datum:2001-09-24 08:44:46 PST

Hello to all. I'm the Police Officer that James is in prison for. I

was shot in the chest with an exit wound on the right butt cheek.

Personally I think he is full of dung. His story chages to fit the

facts. I think he is entertaining though. I'm glad that he and Dave

Morley will probably be spending the rest of their life in prison.

Some interesting things happened with File's military record and his

criminal history during the sentencing part of his trial. The

military refused to honor the subpoena for his records. In regards to

his Criminal History. I had arrested Files in 1984 or 1985 for a bond

forfeiture warrant for possession of explosives out of Texas. I

remember looking at his criminal history at that time and saying, this

is a guy I'm going to run into again. He had a hommicide and other

arrests and convictions on the record that showed he was a true

professional criminal as compared to the street thugs you normally

come across. I saved the Criminal History knowing that I would see

him again. At the time of my gunfight with Files and Morley his rap

sheet was clean. Both Files and Morley had active Federal Parole

warrants at that time. Neither warrant appeared in the NCIC computer

queries. Morley had begun his criminal carreer in 1975. He and his

Step Father broke Morley's Step Brother out of a prison in Florida.

Morley shot twqo Prison Guards in the escape and was shot three times

himself. He was dropped off at a Hospital in Atlanta where he was

arrested. The Step Brother was killed by the FBI a year later in

Mobile, Alabama. Morley was sentenced to prison for the breakout and

for shooting the Guards. He escaped in 1982 and was later caought and

sentenced for the 1982 escaped. He had done time for that and for

three subsequent Federal convictions and prison sentences with Files

for Bank robberies. The Federal Parole violation warrants outstanding

at the time of my gunfight with them were for the last Bank Robbery

convictions. When my department arrested Morley one week prior to our

gunfight, he had no arrests or convictions or the warrant on his

criminal history. Files also had a clean criminal history. The

Probation Officer that prepared their pre-sentence investigations used

the 1985 criminal history that I had saved for Files and, had to

contact local Law Enforcement and the Florida Department of

Corrections to rebuild Morley's. I'm sure that there is an

explanation but, it does raise questions. I'm just glad the two of

them will be spending the rest of their life in prison. Just wanted

to check in and say hello.


May I ask you a simple question and get a straight answer in return?

Files and you believe that Giancanna, Roselli and Nicolletti were whacked to keep them from testifying. My question is, why is Files allowed to talk freely and confess when he is extremely vulnerable to being whacked in Statesville? Please educate me!


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Al, why do you ignore 5 questions of mine and respond with a return question?

3 attempts on Files life were being made before he went to jail.

You can't keep killing everybody. Discreditation is a good tool too. Besides, killing him now would only draw more attention to his story and it would not make a difference, as his story is already on record.

Do you know anything about the blackop in Mexico I asked you about?


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Depending on how you look at the time zones while the U-2 was shot down on May 1st in Russia....It was actually April 30th in Washington DC. Eisenhower had given an order that no U-2 flight would be made beyond April 30th. In the legalistic mind of the CIA it was in reality April 30th......History is interesting.


No limo past the book store....no Oswald to blame. Whomever could put the limo past that bookstore is very key to whatever happpend on that day.

Jim Root

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Most witnesses heard 3 shots (or are on record as hearing 3 shots) of wich the last two were in very close order, in rapid succession. They could not have been fired both from Oswald's Carcano. Hence two guns, thus a conspiracy.


The last example I saw was Patsy Paschall: Pow .......................pow, pow.

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Wim Dankbaar Posted Today, 11:08 AM

  Most witnesses heard 3 shots (or are on record as hearing 3 shots) of wich the last two were in very close order, in rapid succession. They could not have been fired both from Oswald's Carcano. Hence two guns, thus a conspiracy.


The last example I saw was Patsy Paschall: Pow .......................pow, pow.

Yes, but let's not look at what happened over on that knoll. We already have that commie Lee Oswald in custody and the rifle too. Lee was a rapid shooter, and accurate, and witnesses heard echoes when we need to explain some shots we can't...

The single bullet theory explains everthing. Don't ask anymore.

Yours Truly,

The Warren Commission

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