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Jim Di Eugenio, Pat Speer, others: Can you please provide your moral authority in JFK Facts?

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In a rare exception, Jeff Morley is touching an extremely pertinent topic: The real possibility of being president Trump who will decide on disclosure. Yes, the same Trump who has said:

"It was Oswald alone".

The same Trump whose main supporter is the TV network where otherwise honest reporters sell their dignity: Bill O'Reilly, Geraldo Rivera and God knows how many others.


Our esteemed Bob Prudhomme and Larry Schnapf (for entirely different motivations?) are trying to shut down the topic.


ps: I have attempted to post the following, let's hope that it manages to go through:


Edited by Ramon F. Herrera
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Pat Speer: My apologies for misspelling your last name. I don't think the Subject line can be edited? [My typo was fixed by the Administrators]

Bob Prudhomme, I love you like a brother (the one I didn't kill :-) -- This time we are going to agree to disagree.

The position of Larry Schnapf is very convenient (trying to be diplomatic here): When his Trump side is winning, he is happily participating in the conversation. As soon as I shred his argument to tears, he want to close the chapter: kick the lamp and leave.


Edited by Ramon F. Herrera
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Why is this posted here if the discussion is on JFK Facts?

US Constitution, Amendment No. 1


-Respectfully signed:

-Ramon F Herrera, Internet Pioneer and Co-Founder while at MIT, Co-Author of the rules that today govern Internet Forums.

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-Respectfully signed:

-Ramon F Herrera, Internet Pioneer and Co-Founder while at MIT, Co-Author of the rules that today govern Internet Forums.

Ooops, almost forgot this part. I don't want to be an ingrate:

(*) Muchas Gracias, Al!!!


ps: Al Gore was inducted to the Internet Hall of Fame, where Social Conservatives need not apply.

pps: Mr. Gore was also appointed by his best friend, Steve Jobs, as Member of the Apple Board of Directors, where Social Conservatives need not apply.

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Not sure about the "moral authority" part, but I went ahead and added a comment at JFK facts. In a nutshell, some of the posters there think Donald Trump's comments about Ted Cruz's father regarding the Kennedy assassination are examples of his being a loose cannon, while Ramon thinks there's more to it. I agree with Ramon. Trump's comments about Cruz's dad were designed to point out that Cruz was an "other" from an unknown origin...that we just can't trust. He pulled this same trick on Obama. (It seems clear he knew full well Obama was born in Hawaii but used the birth certificate issue to make Americans question the direction of their country--a direction in which a system traditionally controlled by white males was rapidly becoming a system controlled by people of more diverse backgrounds.)

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Not sure about the "moral authority" part, but I went ahead and added a comment at JFK facts.

You are too modest, Pat. :-)

In reference to the comment you have attempted to add, it is still on hold. Blocked. It has not seen the light of day. I am just asking folks who are participants in JFK Facts and the Education Forum (I cannot reach all of them via PM, Kathy) to post anything at all in that thread. Let your voice be counted.

In the JFK Forum they can "moderate" my posts... Heck, I have saved the full collection for future historians. Let's see if they stop that thread after posts from you, (hopefully) from Jim D., and who knows how many others who want to keep that particular debate (which has been VERY civilized) alive.

David Von Pein: What says you? You have told me repeatedly that you are apolitical to a fault and don't bother to vote. However, you are probably interested on who will release/block the National Archive records, aren't you?


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AFAIK, there is only one moderator at JFKfacts, and he probably has a regular job (he doesn't get paid for moderating), and since posts are pre-screened, then it may take a bit for them to be approved and "up".

Hi Kathy: I have worked for JFK Facts for years (translations, editing audio and video, etc.). Jeff Morley has always had some kind soul help him with the moderation part. The latest one is "Tom S." who has received specific instructions from Jeff: "Freedom of expression is top priority" (or words to that effect). Since that departure from the past, things have naturally become more heated (I believe Photon was let go).

For those interested in other forums, as soon as I have a minute I will explain the exact reason why Jeff is walking a thin line, being pulled in 2 opposite directions. I don't blame him. He has taken a very heavy load on his shoulders.


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Americans need to know in the presidential campaign what Trump's views are on disclosure of U.S. documents being withheld that deal with the JFK assassination.

In the same vein, Americans also need to know what Trump's financial ties are with Putin and the Russian oligarchs:

From the article: "Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets," Trump's son, Donald Jr., told a real estate conference in 2008, according to an account posted on the website of eTurboNews, a trade publication. "We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia."


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Apologies for the urgency ... False alarm ... Nothing to see... Keep on driving ...

As Kathy wisely stated/predicted, the posts (by me and Pat) have been approved.


Allow me to congratulate the "new" management: Jeff and Tom S., have indeed reactivated that essential site. They (Jeff, actually) have something that nobody else has: The Joannides discoveries plus lawsuits.


ps: Many thanks to Douglas Caddy, as well.

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