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Harry J.Dean

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Presidential candidate Donald Trump aims to bring his total Republican and Democrat opposition

kicking and objecting back to the U.S. Constitutional concept and against use by all previous administrations

of the disastrous 1945  United Nations Treaty/Charter in both world and domestic affairs!

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So you're saying he aims to leave the United Nations? Since he's already backtracking on Obamacare, who knows what he aims to do?



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Ron - I admit I have no idea what he will do despite the nasty things he has said. If I could wave my magic wand I would bring the demonstrators home. They've made their point and they are rightfully outraged. I would also get Trump to publicly condemn racial and ethnic violence, tell the kkk to put their robes back in their closets and shut the hell up. And then I would have him say to the left that he hears their concerns. 

We have to learn to talk, to disagree respectfully. I blame Republicans for their politics of division, and implore Democrats to take the high road and stop demonizing Trump. It's too soon. We have the moral high ground, but looking down at the deplorables destroys any possibility of constructive engagement. 

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17 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

Ron - I admit I have no idea what he will do despite the nasty things he has said. If I could wave my magic wand I would bring the demonstrators home. They've made their point and they are rightfully outraged. I would also get Trump to publicly condemn racial and ethnic violence, tell the kkk to put their robes back in their closets and shut the hell up. And then I would have him say to the left that he hears their concerns. 

We have to learn to talk, to disagree respectfully. I blame Republicans for their politics of division, and implore Democrats to take the high road and stop demonizing Trump. It's too soon. We have the moral high ground, but looking down at the deplorables destroys any possibility of constructive engagement. 

Sounds good, but tell that to Harry Reid. (I hear he's resigning. Thank God. Talk about someone deplorable. Who's next? Someone decent?) 


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37 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

Ron - I admit I have no idea what he will do despite the nasty things he has said. If I could wave my magic wand I would bring the demonstrators home. They've made their point and they are rightfully outraged. I would also get Trump to publicly condemn racial and ethnic violence, tell the kkk to put their robes back in their closets and shut the hell up. And then I would have him say to the left that he hears their concerns. 

We have to learn to talk, to disagree respectfully. I blame Republicans for their politics of division, and implore Democrats to take the high road and stop demonizing Trump. It's too soon. We have the moral high ground, but looking down at the deplorables destroys any possibility of constructive engagement. 


I agree with you. But in Trump's case he demonized himself.

I've told my liberal friends that I believe Trump's ugly talk was rhetoric designed to get the vote of angry and hateful people, and that it will stop now that he is elected. But they are fully convinced by Trump's act. (What I believe was an act.) They say that if he behaves better now, that will be an act.

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We have to learn to talk, to disagree respectfully. I blame Republicans for their politics of division, and implore Democrats to take the high road and stop demonizing Trump. It's too soon. We have the moral high ground, but looking down at the deplorables destroys any possibility of constructive engagement. 

I agree 100% with you, Paul.  It's time to wrap up the outrage about his election and get on with things. He said the right thing when he was at the WH recently and though I'm not letting that be the excuse to erase all of the hateful things he's ever said, it's a tiny ray of hope, at least for me.  I've always thought, too, that the crazy things he was saying during the campaign was to keep the crazies stirred up on his side.



No matter who is president, here are some folks who may or may not have voted for Trump who now want him to come to their rescue.  If Carrier, the company who is moving their factory to Mexico so they can pay Mexicans 50 cents an hour to build their products, wants to move, it's their right to do so.  Remember, according to the Supreme Court, "businesses are people too" and they have the right to do whatever they want.

So how is Trump, or *any* president D or R, going to reconcile that? IMO, this is the REAL problem of America, of companies moving manufacturing out of the country, of taking their money and parking it overseas (Apple anyone), and keeping their stock prices high, while abandoning the so-called middle class.

Edited by Michael Walton
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