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Larry Tye on the Kennedys

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This book is ostensibly about RFK, but since a lot of it by necessity discusses President Kennedy, I decided to post it here.

Its a pretty bad book which the dying MSM has praised--NY Times, Wash Post etc.  You will be bale to see why in the review.

Nathaniel H said a few months ago we needed a review of the book.  Sorry I am so late but....


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Jim, the only thing I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around is when Hoover wanted to surveil MLK around the time of the March on Washington, RFK approved it.  And JFK had to have known about it.

The only thing I can think of is people do change.  Perhaps when RFK went through the trauma and turmoil of 11/22, perhaps he began to see the light more?  I'm sure he did a lot of reflection on how things were handled after the assassination and perhaps came to some regret on what he and JFK (like the MLK surveillance).


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Thanks Joe.  Hope you do so.

Mike, the best explanation I have seen of that is by Curt Gentry.  Hoover was trying to drive a wedge between RFK and MLK.  So he therefore badgered RFK with all this baloney about the SCLC being a pawn of the Kremlin.  RFK did not buy it, but the Kennedys understood how Hoover would use this to discredit King and their sympathy for civil rights.

So RFK granted that permission on the understanding that once they came up with zilch, which he was sure they would, it would be withdrawn.

Well, what happened is that, yes, there was no evidence of foreign involvement but then JFK got killed.  After that, RFK had no control over Hoover.  And what made it worse is that LBJ never had the relationship with King that the Kennedys did. So once they had their falling out, Hoover started a massive surveillance program on King.  Which ended up in that so called "sex tape".  If you recall, when Hoover tried a similar political dossier on King, RFK made him withdraw it.

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This is really a complex subject.  And what this book does, in my opinion, it try to take advantage of the fact that most people simply don't have the time to sift through all of the info, or sources in the book.

It literally took me weeks to study the guy's notes and bibliography.  But what he did with the Missile Crisis was really a giveaway in my view.

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