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Did Shelley & Lovelady leave the TSBD steps before Officer Baker's arrival and then return?

Sandy Larsen

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On 3/28/2018 at 9:00 AM, Sandy Larsen said:


Why in heaven's name would we trust someone's 55-year-old memory when we have films and photos to gather information from directly?

Also we have Calvery's son who certainly knew his father's height. That alone (well, along with the films) proves that the woman you believe to be Calvery is too short.


No doubt you choose the easy way out instead of going through everything, spoken like a true internet warrior.

And those observations you have presented these past few years from a quality p.o.v. leave a truckload to be desired.

You believe Doyle now as well? Show us the transcript of Doyle's non existent convo with Gloria Calvery's son! 

Go on indulge us all.

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13 hours ago, Bart Kamp said:

No doubt you choose the easy way out instead of going through everything, spoken like a true internet warrior.

And those observations you have presented these past few years from a quality p.o.v. leave a truckload to be desired.


If so, why didn't you challenged me on any of it? I mean with something other than name calling?

I think yours is a case of sour grapes.


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2 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


If so, why didn't you challenged me on any of it? I mean with something other than name calling?

I think yours is a case of sour grapes.





A case of sour grapes?  Bart?

More like a fried-out Kombi full, one would think.


--  TG


Edited by Thomas Graves
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Keep at it Tommy boy,  deflect anything, but providing a real answer.

Sandy I have refuted you plenty of times, have you forgotten already?

Both of you should be able to provide that transcript of that phone call...........but you cannot and rather waffle on like Brian Doyle does.

You actually wonder whether anyone believes the typed up excrement you two dump here, think again!

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1 hour ago, Bart Kamp said:

Sandy I have refuted you plenty of times, have you forgotten already?


You think that saying I'm wrong and following that with a blanket "your arguments are weak" is a refutation?

Why don't you show me how my arguments are wrong instead?


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Copied and pasted here from my "A Question For James Gordon" thread, in which I ask James to please consider readmitting Brian Doyle to the Forum.


Bart Kamp posted:


NFW, you are both dead wrong with this. He has not spoken with GC's son. The guy is a xxxx, he still has not provided one iota of proof.

The guy is a disgusting xxxxx and he fully deserved what he got. This forum is not an isolated case, he has been kicked/moderated at DPF, ROKC, MacRae's and Amazon.

Perhaps Tom Graves might explain his latest behaviour these past few weeks!




How do you know Brian Doyle hasn't spoken with Gloria Calvery's son?  Why would he prevaricate about Calvery's son telling him, in so many words, that Sandy and I correctly identified his mother in Betzner3, the Z-film, and Couch-Darnell about a year ago?  Especially since Brian has been claiming for a long time that Gloria Calvery is the "Running Woman on Elm Street Extension" in Couch-Darnell?  In other words,why would Brian fabricate a phone conversation so that he could publicly embarrass himself about having been so wrong about something for such a long time?  

Brian told me today that Debra Conway has accepted his theory.  If true, that sound's like a ringing endorsement to me.

Why should I (or anyone else on this forum) have to "explain my recent behavior"?  Have I done something wrong?  Is this an Inquisition?  If you're wondering why I've recently started supporting Brian on his theory that Prayer Man is Gloria Stanton, let me say this:

Starting with my discovery in the photographic record about a year ago of self-described Native American Stella Mae Jacob and her TSBD colleagues Gloria Jeanne Holt and Sharron Simmons, and moving on to Sandy and my ensuing discoveries of largish Gloria Calvery in Betzner3, the Z-film, and Couch-Darnell, those discoveries, taken in conjunction with what Buell Wesley Frazier, in his 2013 Sixth Floor Museum interview, said about his having spoken with a "heavyset Sarah" on the TSBD steps a short time after the assassination, and various statements made by Gloria Calvery and Joe Molina and others, it seems to me that Brian is on the right track when he says that Sean Murphy's "Prayer Man" was actually Sarah Stanton, and that Marion Baker and Roy Truly did enter the TSBD about one minute after the assassination.

Sorry to be so blunt, but Andrej's unconvincing-to-me attempts to show how Prayer Man could or even must have been a 5' 9" man (just like Lee Harvey Oswald of all people!) only serve to reinforce my opinions, as I outlined in bare-bones form, above.


-- TG  


Trivia factoid:  LHO was 5' 9.5"



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On 3/30/2018 at 3:23 PM, Bart Kamp said:

You believe Doyle now as well? Show us the transcript of Doyle's non existent convo with Gloria Calvery's son! 

Doyle's account of what Calvery's son said contradicts his own long-held position. Nevertheless Doyle sucked up his pride and even apologized. I'd say that that gives him some credibility in terms of honesty. That and the fact that nobody posting here noted examples of his being untruthful when I asked.

But having said that, let me point out that we don't need Doyle's hearsay evidence to prove our point.  I note it because it supports what we've been saying. It doesn't matter to me if some chose to disbelieve it because they don't trust Doyle. Though I do think it wise that they take into account how this new information contradicted Doyle's prior position,


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Sandy do you play dumb or? I suggest you read up on Doyle a tad more, all by yourself.

Thomas I suggest you stop playing games dude.

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23 hours ago, Bart Kamp said:

Sandy do you play dumb or? I suggest you read up on Doyle a tad more, all by yourself.

Thomas I suggest you stop playing games dude.



Are you accusing me of "playing games" on the Forum regarding Gloria Calvery, Gloria Jeanne Holt, Buell Wesley Frazier, Billy Lovelady, William Shelley, Sarah Stanton, Peggy Burney, Stella Mae Jacob, Marrion Baker, et al?

Isn't that like impugning a Forum member's intellectual honesty, which is prohibited by Forum rules?

--  TG


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10 hours ago, Bart Kamp said:

Sandy do you play dumb or? I suggest you read up on Doyle a tad more, all by yourself.


This is my impression of Doyle:

Before I became forum member, I posted something on Amazon in reply to a review of a  JFK assassination book. Somehow a guy named Ralph Yates took from what I wrote that I was a WC apologist, and he labeled me a CIA disinformation agent... or something along those lines.

I later saw a lot of posts in one of the forums claiming that Ralph Yates, Albert Doyle, and Brian Doyle were the same person. One of those (Albert, I think) was actually his father's name. But that Bryan Doyle was posting from under all three names.

I later read his posts on this forum for several weeks, maybe a few months. He struck me as being very opinionated and very difficult to sway from his opinion. I remember on the Prayer Man thread he sided with Duncan (Prayer Man really being Prayer Woman) and (I think) Richard Gilbride. I just couldn't see either of those positions making sense (for reasons I won't go into).

Doyle wrote a lot. Nothing pithy.

And I saw him attacked relentlessly on the Prayer Man thread. Both he and Duncan. By guys from ROKC, I believe.

Even though I disagreed with his positions, and found his long repetitive posts to be annoying, I never got the impression that he was dishonest. I think there were claims to that effect, but no evidence. I tend to ignore unsubstantiated personal attacks.

I don't know why he was kicked off this forum. I wonder if it was because he countered attacks from the ROKC chaps.


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