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"More on Spanish Trace ... Giant Says the Shepherd Has a One-Inch Scar on Left Eyebrow"

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2 minutes ago, Thomas Graves said:

Dear Michael,

No, there isn't.

My "theory" is kinda like my so-called mind -- scattered all over the frickin' place.  (Pardon my German.)

Not to sound rude, but am I required to have a coherent theory?  If not required, expected, then?

In other words, what does it matter?

Am I really all that "influential" here?

Gosh.  I'm flattered!

Or is it that I;m just so gosh darned ... suspicious?

Would you rather that I leave?

--  Tommy :sun

Just wondering Tommy. No, you don't HAVE to have a prevailing theory. You've been at this a long time, I just figured that you did, or would. To be sure, do you have a position on LHO having fired THE shots or any shots. Again, I don't mean to persist in finding a label for you. I would just be surprised if, on that item, you did not have a position.



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2 minutes ago, Michael Clark said:

Just wondering Tommy. No, you don't HAVE to have a prevailing theory. You've been at this a long time, I just figured that you did, or would. To be sure, do you have a position on LHO having fired THE shots or any shots. Again, I don't mean to persist in finding a label for you. I would just be surprised if, on that item, you did not have a position.




But you are, aren't you.

nice try

Edited by Thomas Graves
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2 minutes ago, Thomas Graves said:


But you are, aren't you.

nice try

Yeah, I get it. I kind of knew I was doing it whist doing it. It's just surprising. I didn't know it was possible to be so completely agnostic on the issue.



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1 minute ago, Michael Clark said:

Yeah, I get it. I kind of knew I was doing it whist doing it. It's just surprising. I didn't know it was possible to be so completely agnostic on the issue.



Cheers yourself.


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4 hours ago, Thomas Graves said:


Ninth paragraph down.


Note the scar on Morales' left eyebrow.

FWIW, He was half Spanish (his mother was from Spain), and half Yaqui Indian.

Image result for "david sanchez morales"


"A certain person who is known to you"  (Morales?)



Camera-toting (note the thin leather strap around his neck) "Neck Scratcher" enters from the left at 03:55 while scratching his neck.

No, this was not filmed at the Maison Blanche Building, but down the same street (Canal) on the same day (August 9, 1963).  This short clip was shot by 16-year old James Doyle from Portland, Oregon.



--  Tommy :sun

No more comments?

Too boring?

Not "sexy" enough?

Not sufficiently "Deep State"?

Remind everybody too much of Trejo's "CT"?


Edited by Thomas Graves
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9 minutes ago, Michael Clark said:

Yeah, I get it. I kind of knew I was doing it whist doing it. It's just surprising. I didn't know it was possible to be so completely agnostic on the issue.



Dear, "Tommy-Don't-Tell"

It is not lost on me that I ended-up labeling you as "agnostic".

Label removed

Back to whatever it is you are doing. I'll do likewise.



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22 minutes ago, Michael Clark said:

Dear, "Tommy-Don't-Tell"

It is not lost on me that I ended-up labeling you as "agnostic".

Label removed

Back to whatever it is you are doing. I'll do likewise.



Dear Michael,

I'm honored.


Any more "comments"?

--  Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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2 hours ago, Thomas Graves said:

No more comments?

Too boring?

Not "sexy" enough?

Not sufficiently "Deep State"?

Remind everybody too much of Trejo's "CT"?


Gotta keep bumping it to keep it ahead of Michael's cogent comments!

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On 4/2/2017 at 2:46 PM, Paul Brancato said:

Also, Billings account mentions the scar on the eyebrow Mexican seen with Oswald at the Carousel club in Nivember of 1963. Seems Garrison was onto Morales. Question for my busy and lazy self - did Garrison refer to Morales by name?

Is this it, Paul?

"Garrison says Oswald can almost definitely be placed in the Carousel. ... Check statement of Harvey [sic] Wade (Vol XXV, CE 2370) ... Wade says Oswald was sitting with a white male, 30 t0 32, stocky, dark, 200 pounds, etc ... The Spanish trace continued ... Wade made his statement on Nov. 26 ... Said he saw Oswald in club Nov. 10 ... Furthermore, the mind reading MC Bill de Mar ... Also in CE 2370 ... He says a photographer snapped picture of table, whereupon Ruby grabbed film and tore it up. "

Or is it somewhere else?

--  Tommy :sunn be placed in the Caroustore it up . . .

Edited by Thomas Graves
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4 hours ago, Thomas Graves said:


Yes.  Maybe.  I mean it's logical.  In that CIA Mexico City may have had photos of Spanish-speaking Morales acting as Oswald's "shepherd" and suspected that he was up to no good, but, in the interest of trying to figure out who was manipulating and / or impersonating Oswald in Mexico City (and whether or not Morales himself was involved), they couldn't reveal, except to J. C. King, what they had, so Goodpasture substituted the 10/02/63 of the burly, balding "Yuri Moskalev" / "Mexico City Mystery Man" figure instead, but those aren't the photos that Mexico City actually sent to J. C. King.  I'm thinking they sent the "real deal" photos of "the shepherd" (Morales?) to King, and only to King.

I think this ties is with Simpich's theory in State Secret, and also, unfortunately, with Trejo's "CT" as well.

--  Tommy :sun


I think your position is that the assassination plot was more of an "elements of the CIA" thing than a CIA thing.

If it's true that Morales was in MC with Oswald, and was impersonating Oswald (which means he was double-crossing Oswald)... you must have an idea what Morales might have been up to. Was it to facilitate setting up Oswald as the patsy?

Also, is this idea related to the mole hunt I've seen you guys debating? If so, who is the mole? I mean, is it Morales or Oswald? Or someone that you ave no idea who it could have been.

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On 4/2/2017 at 7:32 PM, Sandy Larsen said:


I think your position is that the assassination plot was more of an "elements of the CIA" thing than a CIA thing.

If it's true that Morales was in MC with Oswald, and was impersonating Oswald (which means he was double-crossing Oswald)... you must have an idea what Morales might have been up to. Was it to facilitate setting up Oswald as the patsy?

Also, is this idea related to the mole hunt I've seen you guys debating? If so, who is the mole? I mean, is it Morales or Oswald? Or someone that you ave no idea who it could have been.



What do you make of it?

BTW, Have you had enough free time to take a peek at Chapter 5 and 6 of State Secret yet?

--  Tommy :sun

PS  Maybe Morales had disingenuously "involved" himself in the joint FBI-CIA anti-FPPC operation, and volunteered to chaperone Oswald to the Mexico City Cuban Consulate?  Or REALLY went "rogue" and just got Oswald to believe that that was what Morales was doing with him?

Edited by Thomas Graves
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2 hours ago, Thomas Graves said:

Is this it, Paul?

"Garrison says Oswald can almost definitely be placed in the Carousel. ... Check statement of Harvey [sic] Wade (Vol XXV, CE 2370) ... Wade says Oswald was sitting with a white male, 30 t0 32, stocky, dark, 200 pounds, etc ... The Spanish trace continued ... Wade made his statement on Nov. 26 ... Said he saw Oswald in club Nov. 10 ... Furthermore, the mind reading MC Bill de Mar ... Also in CE 2370 ... He says a photographer snapped picture of table, whereupon Ruby grabbed film and tore it up. "

Or is it somewhere else?

--  Tommy :sunn be placed in the Carousel . . .Check statement of Harvey [sic] Wade (Vol. XXV, CE 2370) . . . Wade says Oswald was sitting with a white male, 30 to 32, stocky, dark, 200 pounds, etc. . . . The Spanish trace continued . . . Wade made his statement on Nov. 26 . . . Said he saw Oswald in club Nov. 10 . . . Furthermore, the mind reading MC, Bill de Mar . . . Also in CE 2370 . . . He says a photographer snapped picture of table, whereupon Ruby grabbed film and tore it up . . .

Garrison says Oswald almost definitely can be placed in the Carousel . . .Check statement of Harvey [sic] Wade (Vol. XXV, CE 2370) . . . Wade says Oswald was sitting with a white male, 30 to 32, stocky, dark, 200 pounds, etc. . . . The Spanish trace continued . . . Wade made his statement on Nov. 26 . . . Said he saw Oswald in club Nov. 10 . . . Furthermore, the mind reading MC, Bill de Mar . . . Also in CE 2370 . . . He says a photographer snapped picture of table, whereupon Ruby grabbed film and tore it up . . .

Yes that's it. But I read the whole Wade story afterwards somewhere else. Probably googled it. (Yes I know how) uh - wait - this doesn't mention the scar. So that must be in Wade's testimony. 

Edited by Paul Brancato
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I just looked at the 'did Ruby know Oswald' thread. If I knew how to bump something from that thread to this one I would. Maybe you could. On page two you will see a post by me with a link to Wade's Warren Commission testimony. Also on page one of that thread, there is a post by Steve Thomas with a picture of someone at the Carousel that looks a bit like Oswald. To his left is someone with a hairline like Bill Shelley. Check it out, maybe bump that one too. He starts the thread with the quote from Billings which you put on your recent thread.

btw, do you know if Garrison knew Morales by name?

Edited by Paul Brancato
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9 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:


I just looked at the 'did Ruby know Oswald' thread. If I knew how to bump something from that thread to this one I would. Maybe you could. On page two you will see a post by me with a link to Wade's Warren Commission testimony. Also on page one of that thread, there is a post by Steve Thomas with a picture of someone at the Carousel that looks a bit like Oswald. To his left is someone with a hairline like Bill Shelley. Check it out, maybe bump that one too. He starts the thread with the quote from Billings which you put on your recent thread.

btw, do you know if Garrison knew Morales by name?

Edited 5 minutes ago by Paul Brancato


Here it is, Paul.  I remember commenting about it now, back in the day.  Thanks.


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1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

I just looked at the 'did Ruby know Oswald' thread. If I knew how to bump something from that thread to this one I would. Maybe you could. On page two you will see a post by me with a link to Wade's Warren Commission testimony. Also on page one of that thread, there is a post by Steve Thomas with a picture of someone at the Carousel that looks a bit like Oswald. To his left is someone with a hairline like Bill Shelley. Check it out, maybe bump that one too. He starts the thread with the quote from Billings which you put on your recent thread.

btw, do you know if Garrison knew Morales by name?

Paul, I just did a "ctrl" + "F" (drop-down "search" box) check on all of Billings' Journal's pages, and the name Morales does not appear in any of them.  

Why do you ask?  Would you expect Garrison to have heard of Morales by 1967?

If Garrison did know Morales, would that somehow make Morales more of a "usual suspect" in your opinion?

--  Tommy :sun

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