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2 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

As long as you invoke Project Veritas, or Posobiec, I'll be right behind you to provide antidote for your disinformation. 

And, as stated on another thread, 

I feel no need to "explain" 'this.'

And I suggest you refrain from slurs hurled at a combat veteran who acknowledges openly that he suffers PTSD. He's unable to take you on here, and you know it, but I will on his behalf.

The moderators need to stay on top of your attempted psychological intimidation, and your misogynist rants, imho. 

Please edit or remove your post please. Disinformation means I am knowingly posting false information, which I am not. Please remove your post 

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Here is an interesting sub stack that alleges Ukrainian Neo (N)azi participation in J6

https://georgeeliason.substack.com/p/jan-18-2021-were-ukrainian-neo-National Socialists

Jan 18, 2021 Were Ukrainian Neo-National Socialists Involved In Planning, Executing The Capitol Hill Siege? 

Mar 22, 2022

Democrats were working with Ukraine as well as US militants (AntiFa, BLM) to stop the January 6 thpresentation of election fraud evidence on Donald Trump’s behalf.

How far did that cooperation to destroy Donald Trump go?

At the end of the article, I’ll clearly lay out AntiFa’s long relationship to Ukraine’s violent neo-National Socialist groups. In Ukraine, what the world labels “neo-National Socialist” are official Antifa groups.

There is both direct and circumstantial evidence Ukrainian nationalists working with AntiFa were the violent parties that attacked Capitol police on January 6 th. The circumstantial evidence raises big questions.

The direct evidence is Pravy Sektor’s Sergei Dybynyn at the front of the violent Capitol groups yelling “Faster! Faster!” in Russian. At first, the media started trying to paint Dybynyn as a Russian propagandist and provocateur. But, the fact Dybynyn received a medal from former Ukrainian president Petr Poroshenko for his work changed that story and big media dropped it. Because of his work for Poroshenko, he is wanted for supporting terrorism in the Donbass Lugansk People’s Republic

(Open link for rest of the article and pictures) 

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21 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

Please edit or remove your post please. Disinformation means I am knowingly posting false information, which I am not. Please remove your post 

If the moderators insist, I will but not before I argue that you now have the facts that (at least on occasion) Project Veritas publishes disinformation as borne out in the courts, so, I believe it's incumbent upon you to remove those related Project Veritas links, otherwise yes, you are knowingly posting false information.

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On 3/11/2023 at 9:42 AM, Matthew Koch said:

During the 2016 election cycle Democratic Operatives were caught paying people to stir up trouble at Trump rallies so that the media could make stories about MAGA supporters being violent racists.. That is where the Trump is a fascist narrative started. I tried finding the video on Youtube but YouTube for an obvious reason mixes Project veritas's videos up and so I can't find it by going back, the left censorship on search engines is getting out of control and is starting to look like 1984 





This one has the video https://www.npr.org/2016/10/19/498587397/sting-video-purports-to-show-democrats-describing-how-to-commit-voter-fraud

That is where the Trump is a fascist narrative started.

You persist with disinformation, witting or not ... 

Donald Trump had borrowed from an online account, @ildulce2016: “It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep.” We know that it was Il Dulce, the fascist dictator Benito Mussolini, who was rescued by Hitler’s favorite commando, SS Otto Skorzeny; we also know that it was Skorzeny, captured in a cordial if not flagrantly warm photo with Benito’s son Romano in 1960, who served as the tactician for the plot to assassinate John Kennedy in Dallas.


Although Buchanan’s presidential campaign of 2000 was dwarfed by Republican moderate George W. Bush, his ideology never lost traction among arch-conservatives and libertarians. So, by 2015, as candidate Donald Trump developed his campaign strategy, the soil had been tilled and he was able to effectively resurrect the America First theme for his presidential campaign, tweaking the slogan to “Make American Great Again.'' In one of his first major speeches which was promoted as a an unveiling of his foreign policy platform, Trump used the Center for the National Interest as back drop. From the venue of CNI, whose leadership was, ironically, a virtual who’s who of alleged “deep state” alumni - including President Richard Nixon’s Secretary of State Henry Kissinger -Trump declared that “’America First’ will be the major and overriding theme of my administration.” According to a junior fellow at the think tank who was fired for publicly expressing his concerns that the real estate tycoon and reality TV show host had been invited to speak, “the speech was more that of a booster rally than a serious presentation.” The America First theme of anti-immigration would also drive his domestic platform, appealing to passions of the extreme right with a vitriolic vow to construct a permanent wall between Mexico and the Southern border of the US. 


In response to questions about the 2016 campaign and election, William “Bill” Regnery, grandson of one of the founders of the America First Committee and nephew of publisher Henry Regnery,  seemingly appreciated the archetypal role filled by Donald Trump when he reached for a word to describe the effect: “I think Trump was a legitimizer,” he argued. White nationalism “went from being a conversation you could hold in a bathroom, to the front parlor,” said Regnery. His family publishing house, Regnery Publishing’s first two titles had been critical of the Nuremberg Trials, and the third was a pro-National Socialist book attacking the Allied air campaign of WWII. By 1954, Regnery was doing its part in advancing the Cold War with publication of books for the John Birch Society. According to CIA agent E. Howard Hunt, who is cited in the Lafitte records, the agency had subsidized Regnery because of “its pro-N azi stance.” Hunt had been central to many CIA operations run by CIA officer Tracy Barnes.

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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6 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

That is where the Trump is a fascist narrative started.

You persist with disinformation, witting or not ... 

Donald Trump had borrowed from an online account, @ildulce2016: “It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep.” We know that it was Il Dulce, the fascist dictator Benito Mussolini, who was rescued by Hitler’s favorite commando, SS Otto Skorzeny; we also know that it was Skorzeny, captured in a cordial if not flagrantly warm photo with Benito’s son Romano in 1960, who served as the tactician for the plot to assassinate John Kennedy in Dallas.


Although Buchanan’s presidential campaign of 2000 was dwarfed by Republican moderate George W. Bush, his ideology never lost traction among arch-conservatives and libertarians. So, by 2015, as candidate Donald Trump developed his campaign strategy, the soil had been tilled and he was able to effectively resurrect the America First theme for his presidential campaign, tweaking the slogan to “Make American Great Again.'' In one of his first major speeches which was promoted as a an unveiling of his foreign policy platform, Trump used the Center for the National Interest as back drop. From the venue of CNI, whose leadership was, ironically, a virtual who’s who of alleged “deep state” alumni - including President Richard Nixon’s Secretary of State Henry Kissinger -Trump declared that “’America First’ will be the major and overriding theme of my administration.” According to a junior fellow at the think tank who was fired for publicly expressing his concerns that the real estate tycoon and reality TV show host had been invited to speak, “the speech was more that of a booster rally than a serious presentation.” The America First theme of anti-immigration would also drive his domestic platform, appealing to passions of the extreme right with a vitriolic vow to construct a permanent wall between Mexico and the Southern border of the US. 


In response to questions about the 2016 campaign and election, William “Bill” Regnery, grandson of one of the founders of the America First Committee and nephew of publisher Henry Regnery,  seemingly appreciated the archetypal role filled by Donald Trump when he reached for a word to describe the effect: “I think Trump was a legitimizer,” he argued. White nationalism “went from being a conversation you could hold in a bathroom, to the front parlor,” said Regnery. His family publishing house, Regnery Publishing’s first two titles had been critical of the Nuremberg Trials, and the third was a pro-National Socialist book attacking the Allied air campaign of WWII. By 1954, Regnery was doing its part in advancing the Cold War with publication of books for the John Birch Society. According to CIA agent E. Howard Hunt, who is cited in the Lafitte records, the agency had subsidized Regnery because of “its pro-N azi stance.” Hunt had been central to many CIA operations run by CIA officer Tracy Barnes.

Please remover your post, my links are not disinformation and your reply makes no sense because it has nothing to do with people being fired for what Veritas caught them on camera saying, thanks! 

Edited by Matthew Koch
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6 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

Please remover your post, my links are not disinformation and your reply makes no sense because it has nothing to do with people being fired for what Veritas caught them on camera saying, thanks! 

You stated erroneously that this is where the Trump is a fascist narrative started.  

That is simply not true. You've read Coup, so you're aware of the information we provide on Bill Regnery.

Social science experts and historians know Regnery, all of the Regnerys, who published Holocaust denial decades ago, and Bill Regnery remarked as early as 2016 that Trump had given legitimacy to White Nationalism. You can dispute the application of 'fascism' but Holocaust denial and White Nationalism go hand in glove with Mussolini's philosophies. 

You're welcome to ask the moderators to adjudicate this issue.

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3 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

You stated erroneously that this is where the Trump is a fascist narrative started.  

That is simply not true. You've read Coup, so you're aware of the information we provide on Bill Regnery.

Social science experts and historians know Regnery, all of the Regnerys, who published Holocaust denial decades ago, and Bill Regnery remarked as early as 2016 that Trump had given legitimacy to White Nationalism. You can dispute the application of 'fascism' but Holocaust denial and White Nationalism go hand in glove with Mussolini's philosophies. 

You're welcome to ask the moderators to adjudicate this issue.

Donald Trump was given a Tree of Life award from the Jewish community of NYC, his daughter is Jewish as are his grandsons. He has a town named after him in Israel and has been one of the most pro Israel presidents in American History. This is just projection like when you attempted to project on me in the 56 years thread that a prior Qanon post I made about operation trust that I was using Bolsheviks as a dogwhistle code word for "Jews" Sadly like here you didn't open the links to see that I copy and pasted from the article.

Your behavior of accusing people (mostly me) of being crypto fascists, white supremists and antisemites has been abominable. 

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3 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

Donald Trump was given a Tree of Life award from the Jewish community of NYC, his daughter is Jewish as are his grandsons. He has a town named after him in Israel and has been one of the most pro Israel presidents in American History. This is just projection like when you attempted to project on me in the 56 years thread that a prior Qanon post I made about operation trust that I was using Bolsheviks as a dogwhistle code word for "Jews" Sadly like here you didn't open the links to see that I copy and pasted from the article.

Your behavior of accusing people (mostly me) of being crypto fascists, white supremists and antisemites has been abominable. 


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2 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

Here is an interesting sub stack that alleges Ukrainian Neo (N)azi participation in J6

https://georgeeliason.substack.com/p/jan-18-2021-were-ukrainian-neo-National Socialists

Jan 18, 2021 Were Ukrainian Neo-National Socialists Involved In Planning, Executing The Capitol Hill Siege? 

Mar 22, 2022

Democrats were working with Ukraine as well as US militants (AntiFa, BLM) to stop the January 6 thpresentation of election fraud evidence on Donald Trump’s behalf.

How far did that cooperation to destroy Donald Trump go?

At the end of the article, I’ll clearly lay out AntiFa’s long relationship to Ukraine’s violent neo-National Socialist groups. In Ukraine, what the world labels “neo-National Socialist” are official Antifa groups.

There is both direct and circumstantial evidence Ukrainian nationalists working with AntiFa were the violent parties that attacked Capitol police on January 6 th. The circumstantial evidence raises big questions.

The direct evidence is Pravy Sektor’s Sergei Dybynyn at the front of the violent Capitol groups yelling “Faster! Faster!” in Russian. At first, the media started trying to paint Dybynyn as a Russian propagandist and provocateur. But, the fact Dybynyn received a medal from former Ukrainian president Petr Poroshenko for his work changed that story and big media dropped it. Because of his work for Poroshenko, he is wanted for supporting terrorism in the Donbass Lugansk People’s Republic

(Open link for rest of the article and pictures) 



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30 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:



I tried to read this. Jeez. Right up front it claims that during the Obama years with help from his CIA director Brennan thousands of Ukrainian fascists emigrated here. Then the article goes on to talk about the years this was occurring - late 2016-2020. Later in the article it links Antifa to Communists in Germany before the rise of the National Socialists. Really? Were there anti fascist Communists trying to prevent a fascist takeover of Germany at that time? Yes, most certainly. They lost however. There is no evidence that I am aware of that shows a link from then to now, other than ideologically. So - no there there. Boy, for someone who likes to warn people against confirmation bias you sure are prone to it. 1/6 is now a Democratic deep state operation, using Azov battalion Ukrainian fascists and American Antifa aimed at discrediting Trump and Republicans. This is simply ridiculous. 

Edited by Paul Brancato
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1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

I tried to read this. Jeez. Right up front it claims that during the Obama years with help from his CIA director Brennan thousands of Ukrainian fascists emigrated here. Then the article goes on to talk about the years this was occurring - late 2016-2020. Later in the article it links Antifa to Communists in Germany before the rise of the National Socialists. Really? Were there anti fascist Communists trying to prevent a fascist takeover of Germany at that time? Yes, most certainly. They lost however. There is no evidence that I am aware of that shows a link from then to now, other than ideologically. So - no there there. Boy, for someone who likes to warn people against confirmation bias you sure are prone to it. 1/6 is now a Democratic deep state operation, using Azov battalion Ukrainian fascists and American Antifa aimed at discrediting Trump and Republicans. This is simply ridiculous. 

Matt Koch is entirely correct about the participation of the Ukrainian far-right in the events of January 6:

Why Were Ukrainian National Socialists in the U.S. Capitol on January 6?

By Larry Johnson

Jun. 9, 2022 9:00 pm

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/06/ukrainian-National Socialists-u-s-capitol-january-6/

In light of the sham show trial regarding the alleged culprits behind the so-called January 6, 2021 “insurrection,” I think some actual facts are in order that, when you examine them, only raise more questions. One of the most troubling questions is why were Ukrainians tied to neo-National Socialist groups inside the U.S. Capitol mingling with undercover FBI agents and supporters of Donald Trump?

I have the answer for you thanks to the work of Yaacov Apelbaum. Yaacov wrote an outstanding investigative piece more than a year ago and few have paid attention to the facts he has uncovered. I am here to rectify that…

From Yaacov Apelbaum’s Operators, Hammers, Scorecards, and a Con Man:


The actual identity of Sergai Dybynyn, who Mary Fanning misidentified during the Capital riots as “pro-Russian” and his arrest warrant by the Lugansk People’s Republic. Before you start screaming that the “Zhidobanderite” image on Ihor Kolomoysky’s T-shirt was photoshopped, chill, this alliance/marriage of convenience with the ideology of the Právyi Séktor is well documented…

A deeper dive into Dybynyn and three other related individuals wanted in the LPR arrest warrants. All four are Ukrainian nationalists. Roman Bochkala, one of the wanted man, is a US Peace Corps volunteer in Ukraine who visits the US regularly and has attended training in the US (via the Open World program). Interestingly, he also seems to be frequent flyer on various US military aircrafts. If you are still not convinced about what these people really think about the Russians, check the message on Roman’s right hand bandage.

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