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Challenge for Paul Trejo -- Why would the US Government cover up a Gen. Walker conspiracy?

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32 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:


You say you have evidence that Hoover knew shortly after the assassination  that Oswald was a fake commie. But when I ask for evidence, all you give me are links.

The links may or may not point to the evidence you believe you have. But I'm not going to find it for you. So I will continue believing you have no such evidence.


Very well.  

I'm not interested in convincing anyone of my ideas - that's what the likes of ___________ and ___________ do on this forum.  

If you don't want to look at the cites I provide and other evidence unless it's spoon fed to you, I understand completely.





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1 hour ago, Sandy Larsen said:


If the FPCC gig was CIA (which I too believe it was), why would Hoover have known (shortly after the assassination) that Oswald was no commie?


Sandy, It's clear that the FBI and CIA were not disconnected. Mccord was working LHO and the FPCC. Hoover would not be ignorant of our Soviet abortive defector.


Edited by Michael Clark
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37 minutes ago, Jason Ward said:

Very well.  

I'm not interested in convincing anyone of my ideas - that's what the likes of ___________ and ___________ do on this forum.  

If you don't want to look at the cites I provide and other evidence unless it's spoon fed to you, I understand completely.





That's a cop-out, Jason. Paul Trejo likes to "cite" the "WCR", or "Garrison". Are you going to do the same?

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On 8/24/2017 at 6:35 PM, Sandy Larsen said:


Regardless, even Oswald said (in NOLA) that he was a Marxist and not a communist. So that's the label we should be using...


The following is my opinion:

Oswald wasn't even a Marxist.  He was a poser.  He wanted to get a job in the CIA, but since he wasn't bright enough, he behaved as though the CIA would be impressed by all his pseudo-Marxist rhetoric.

A real Marxist behaves quite differently than Oswald behaved.   A real Marxist has quite different friends and associates than Oswald had.

A real Marxist doesn't hang out at 544 Camp Street in New Orleans with Guy Banister, David Ferrie and Clay Shaw.

So, even though Oswald said (in NOLA) that he was a Marxist, he was lying through his teeth.

--Paul Trejo

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2 hours ago, Michael Clark said:

That's a cop-out, Jason. Paul Trejo likes to "cite" the "WCR", or "Garrison". Are you going to do the same?

Michael, I already detailed where exactly to find the relevant information in my reply to you earlier in this thread.  I detail section and paragraph.   

I'm not here to defend anything.  If you and Sandy aren't interested in clicking on a link and following the detailed instructions I give - so the both of you don't have to do something so difficult as a Google search on your own - fine.   I'm interested in working with people who want to explore the evidence together; I'm less interested in leading the lazy to the facts they can find on their own.



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34 minutes ago, Jason Ward said:

I'm not here to defend anything.  If you and Sandy aren't interested in clicking on a link and following the detailed instructions I give - so the both of you don't have to do something so difficult as a Google search on your own - fine.   I'm interested in working with people who want to explore the evidence together; I'm less interested in leading the lazy to the facts they can find on their own.


Hey Jason, if you don't want to support what you're saying with evidence, that's your prerogative. But you must be living in some kind of Bizarro world if you think it's your audience's job to find the evidence proving your position.

Providing a link is like providing a book or an article. It's not providing evidence that might be contained therein. If it were, we could all say our evidence is at www.google.com.

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1 minute ago, Sandy Larsen said:


Hey Jason, if you don't want to support what you're saying with evidence, that's your prerogative. But you must be living in some kind of Bizarro world if you think it's your audience's job to find the evidence proving your position.

Providing a link is like providing a book or an article. It's not providing evidence that might be contained therein. If it were, we could all say our evidence is at www.google.com.

I don't have a position to prove, Sandy.  I'm not here to sell my CT to you.  

The "Bizarro" world I live in is the world of professional academic journals.   A citation is given to a page number, and that's it.  For 200 years before the internet this meant people would go to a library, find the book, and verify the source.  Now you are too lazy to click on a link and use ctrl-f to find the quotes I use.   In this thread above I've already gone further and told you EXACTLY where on the page to find the relevant information.   But you are too lazy to read the thread.  I am supporting everything I say with evidence - you are choosing not to read the whole thread and follow the VERY detailed instructions I give towards locating information on the linked pages.   

...and Yes, Sandy, all the evidence IS AT GOOGLE.COM, that's how a found it.

When I receive claims from the absolutely inane folks here who claim Ruth Paine works for the CIA, I look it up myself and do MY OWN research; you should try it sometime.   



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22 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:


Hey Jason, if you don't want to support what you're saying with evidence, that's your prerogative. But you must be living in some kind of Bizarro world if you think it's your audience's job to find the evidence proving your position.

Providing a link is like providing a book or an article. It's not providing evidence that might be contained therein. If it were, we could all say our evidence is at www.google.com.

On Wednesday at 9:29pm I posted precisely how to use the links I posted to find relevant information.  You are hectoring me because you're too lazy to look at what is already posted.  Read the thread.  Page 4.

Edited by Jason Ward
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37 minutes ago, Jason Ward said:
55 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:

Providing a link is like providing a book or an article. It's not providing evidence that might be contained therein. If it were, we could all say our evidence is at www.google.com.

On Wednesday at 9:29pm I posted precisely how to use the links I posted to find relevant information.  You are hectoring me because you're too lazy to look at what is already posted.  Read the thread.  Page 4.


This is precisely what you gave me:



The evidence Hoover knew Mexico City was a total fake-commie-sheep-dipping effort is here, among many other sources:




In Detail:


Anybody (who cares to) can see it for themselves in my reply to your post.

I don't see any instructions there. Do you?

Now, kindly refrain from calling me lazy.


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In this thread you started, you asked me why the Federal Government would want to cover-up a General Walker conspiracy.

The following is my opinion.

I think the events of Charlottesville Virginia this month provide a clue.

The Radical Right in the USA is larger than most folks want to admit.   The Confederate Flag and Confederate Statues still hold a deep place in many US hearts.

In 1963 the question was even more of a problem -- how many heavily-armed Radical Right Minutemen were there, coast to coast?

How would it look during the Cold War if LBJ had to call forth the US Military to shut them down?   Would it turn into another Civil War?

I think that Hoover, LBJ, Warren and Dulles didn't want to find out the answers to these questions the hard way.

The easiest solution was to blame Lee Harvey Oswald, and him ALONE for the JFK assassination, and keep doubling-down on that solution for 75 years.

It looks like it worked -- except that the Radical Right might have actually grown in size since 1963.  So, we kicked the can down the road, and now we have Virginia.

That's  one reason why the Federal Government would want to cover-up a General Walker conspiracy.  That's my opinion .

--Paul Trejo

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12 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


This is precisely what you gave me:



Anybody (who cares to) can see it for themselves in my reply to your post.

I don't see any instructions there. Do you?

Now, kindly refrain from calling me lazy.


 The instructions and detailed cite are on page 4.   I even gave you the date and time of the post to make it extra easy for you - Wednesday at 8:29pm.   I am reprinting my earlier post below and apologies for calling you lazy.


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On 8/23/2017 at 9:29 PM, Jason Ward said:

-----For the benefit of those unwilling to read the thread here is a repeat of how to use cited sources:



click on my links, and use ctrl-F to pinpoint search terms.  For the State Secret cite I gave, the quote I took is from the most relevant part to our discussion, which is under the bold black heading "Angleton and Hosty say the cover up was designed to protect the Soviets", and more specifically, the paragraph that begins:"Other CIA and FBI chiefs differed as to whether the assassination was perpetrated by foreign or domestic enemies, or whether Oswald acted alone. ...

Hoover knows Mexico City is a total scam.   Hoover knows it was a clownish attempt to make Oswald into a commie.  Therefore, Hoover knows Oswald is not a commie.



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On 8/20/2017 at 10:33 PM, Michael Clark said:

Jason, There are other threats at that time, including the Mafia, corrupt and threatened Democrats, Castro, Industrialists and even ant-Catholic elements.


Hi Mike, again I don't want to sell you on a theory or argue but I'm reading through the huge FBI file on Walker.   I do think that the Radical Right and their leaders were perhaps the most widespread assumed conspiracists in the short time before the lone-nut-commie coverup was fully instigated by the government and adopted by the public.  Hoover naturally assumed much the same thing.   Many many tips like this below appear in the FBI files:






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