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Challenge for Paul Trejo -- Why would the US Government cover up a Gen. Walker conspiracy?

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I'm impressed that you're scouring the Mary Ferrell web site and finding even more data connecting General Walker and Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963 than I've found.  

Great work,
--Paul Trejo

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15 hours ago, Jason Ward said:

I wonder how often Oswald chatted with Walker over the phone?



It's an interesting question -- yet based on the sworn testimony provided by Marina Oswald (even allowing that Lee Harvey Oswald often lied to her) -- I would hazard a guess here.

Since we have photographs of General Walker's house among Oswald's possessions, and since Marina testified that LHO kept a whole scrapbook on General Walker, it is at least plausible that LHO also looked up General Walker's telephone number in the phonebook, and kept this among his possessions, also, just in case he wanted to taunt Walker.

That is -- keeping in line with what Marina Oswald and George and Jeanne De Morhenschildt believed about LHO -- that he tried to kill Walker -- that would be my guess.

Now -- Jeff Caufield tracks the CT by Gareth Wean (1971) also shared by Gerry Patrick Hemming, namely, that the Walker shooting was a "false flag" event, intended for publicity for Walker.  If (and only if) this is correct, then we might consider that LHO was working for Walker, and that would be a secondary explanation, IMHO, about why LHO had Walker's telephone number in his address book.

--Paul Trejo


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1 hour ago, Paul Trejo said:


I'm impressed that you're scouring the Mary Ferrell web site and finding even more data connecting General Walker and Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963 than I've found.  

Great work,
--Paul Trejo

The facts are that General Walker has knowledge of Lee Harvey Oswald in the summer of 1963.   The only plausible explanation for Walker knowing these details:

  • Oswald's role in the 10 April 63 attack at the Turtle Creek House
  • The date Oswald obtains a passport
  • The intended fall journey of Oswald to Moscow
  • The sightings of Oswald and Ruby meeting prior to the assassination

... is that Walker or his associates are directing or monitoring Oswald's activities months prior to 22 November 1963.

Furthermore, given that Walker begins leaking information on the day of the assassination about Oswald to a French journalist, published in Paris Match; to the Dallas Morning News, published on 23 November; and in the Deutsche National und Soldaten Zeitung, published on 24 November, indicates he was interested in shaping the public perception of the presidential assassin and his motives.  

Walker obviously wants to avoid any scrutiny of the political Right and influence the trajectory of enquiries towards the Hard Left and communists.   The evidence comes close to suggesting Walker has advance knowledge of the assassination.



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7 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:


. . .

Now -- Jeff Caufield tracks the CT by Gareth Wean (1971) also shared by Gerry Patrick Hemming, namely, that the Walker shooting was a "false flag" event, intended for publicity for Walker.  If (and only if) this is correct, then we might consider that LHO was working for Walker, and that would be a secondary explanation, IMHO, about why LHO had Walker's telephone number in his address book.

--Paul Trejo



Does Dr. Miller nail it in May of 64?  Perhaps we should say Jeff Caufield tracks Gareth Wean who tracks Martin Miller?






Edited by Jason Ward
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The radical right believe Oswald shot at Kennedy from the sixth floor TSBD. According to them, Oswald was the shooter, not a patsy. I've not read any article that says otherwise.

So are you abandoning the patsification of Oswald and the date that the plan to make Oswald a patsy began? 



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1 hour ago, George Sawtelle said:


The radical right believe Oswald shot at Kennedy from the sixth floor TSBD. According to them, Oswald was the shooter, not a patsy. I've not read any article that says otherwise.

So are you abandoning the patsification of Oswald and the date that the plan to make Oswald a patsy began? 



Hi George, thanks for your kind note.

 I'm really working on the ultra-right angle and there's plenty that's been largely overlooked. There are a few things that are now clear to me that I didn't know 3 weeks ago, as largely indicated by the evidence I've posted above.   In a nutshell, General Walker has knowledge of Oswald that only Oswald and the conspirators can possibly have; he knows more about LHO than the government.  

....so I remain uncertain about the date of Oswald's patsification.  I still think its critical.   There seems to be 3 or 4 cities with patsy-candidates in place - Dallas, Chicago, Miami, and maybe LA.  However, I don't see any evidence that LHO was designated patsy until the Mexico trip or even later.

As far as the radical-right, they were desperately hoping to pin the assassination on a Castro-oriented-communist conspiracy.  For all of the 1960s they repeated the communist conspiracy narrative - and some are still repeating it today.   

Look up how popular Billy Hargis was - he was preaching that the commies killed Kennedy until the day he died.  Here a few examples of the radical Right below showing their hope to pin the assassination onto a conspiracy of communists:


General Walker's house in Dallas perpetuated a communist conspiracy hidden by the Warren Commission until 1978:


The John Birch Society advertised that a communist conspiracy killed Kennedy throughout their 1960s literature:



pamphlet from Gerald K Smith saying its a communist conspiracy:







The items below are from popular Evangelical Billy Hargis, The Far Left.  Chapter 5.  Available for free here:








...my pesonal favorite, Carlos Bringuier still says its a communist plot:



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The radical right said Oswald killed Kennedy. They did not say JFK was killed by someone else and Oswald was set up to appear to be the killer. IOWs, the radical right agree with the WC. And of course the WC believes Oswald was no patsy.

So it seems you have abandoned the patsy angle. True or not true?

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15 minutes ago, George Sawtelle said:


The radical right said Oswald killed Kennedy. They did not say JFK was killed by someone else and Oswald was set up to appear to be the killer. IOWs, the radical right agree with the WC. And of course the WC believes Oswald was no patsy.

So it seems you have abandoned the patsy angle. True or not true?

Hi George,

I think understanding the date Oswald becomes a patsy is critical.   While it's true the radical right did not say someone else set up Oswald in so many words - they really did insist that Oswald was just a pawn.  Pawn is almost to patsy.   They are saying that Oswald pulled the trigger but it's the Communist Conspiracy that made it all possible.  I disagree when you say that the Radical Right is in sync with the Warren Commission - see the words of General Walker, The John Birch Society, Billy Hargis, Carlos Bringuier, et al.,  that I post above: these guys for their whole lives see the WC as a cover up because it fails to find conspiracy between Oswald and the communists.


So pinpointing the data of Oswald's patsy designation will illuminate precisely who gave him the patsy status.   There is a phone call, a letter, a document, a witness that indicates when Oswald's role is crystallized.  We hope.


BTW, in my view the evidence in front of the WC leads an unbiased reader to pursue a fruitful source of answers - the Radical Right.   Staff attorney Liebeler is totally certain of Walker's involvement at some level as shown by his disbelief that Walker had nothing to do with the article in a German newspaper.  Walker was leaking info to the press that only the conspirators knew:



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On 8/26/2017 at 7:54 PM, Jason Ward said:

Does Dr. Miller nail it in May of 64?  Perhaps we should say Jeff Caufield tracks Gareth Wean who tracks Martin Miller?




I have never before seen this document from Dr. Martin Miller to Rankin, RFK and Hoover.

It is amazing to me that much of my own CT -- and that of Jeff Caufield -- was so articulately and plainly laid out by Dr. Miller back in May, 1964.


--Paul Trejo

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20 hours ago, Jason Ward said:



What is Jack Ruby trying to tell Earl Warren about General Walker?   Why twice does he attach sinister motives to the John Birch Society?






I have been asking the same question on this Forum for more than five years.

--Paul Trejo

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7 hours ago, Michael Clark said:

Trejo uses a distinction that a patsy is a player, in the game. He uses that distinction to the extent that he says "I am a patsy" is a confession.

I think this brings up some important distinctions.  The confusing part is that the distinctions may be blurry between a patsy (knowingly involved in the game; but with a different assigned role than he imagines) and what I'm calling a pawn (taking orders / cannon fodder / someone who assumes they are on a suicide mission or dangerous mission but is loyal to a cause).    I think we tend to oversimplify and choose a false dichotomy - either LHO was or was not with a malicious state of mind on 22Nov.

I mean what do we call it when Oswald thinks he's part of some type of covert action but has no idea JFK is targeted in any way --- versus an Oswald who thinks he is part of a covert action targeting Kennedy for a fright / message / attack with blanks?  Both are probably still patsies but there's a big difference in state of mind between he who knows the intent is to scare/harm/kill Kennedy and he who thinks no violence is intended but that something noticeable will happen.

There are many permutations here.   What did Oswald know and when did he know it?



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On 8/26/2017 at 1:51 PM, Jason Ward said:

The facts are that General Walker has knowledge of Lee Harvey Oswald in the summer of 1963.   The only plausible explanation for Walker knowing these details:

  • Oswald's role in the 10 April 63 attack at the Turtle Creek House
  • The date Oswald obtains a passport
  • The intended fall journey of Oswald to Moscow
  • The sightings of Oswald and Ruby meeting prior to the assassination

... is that Walker or his associates are directing or monitoring Oswald's activities months prior to 22 November 1963.

Furthermore, given that Walker begins leaking information on the day of the assassination about Oswald to a French journalist, published in Paris Match; to the Dallas Morning News, published on 23 November; and in the Deutsche National und Soldaten Zeitung, published on 24 November, indicates he was interested in shaping the public perception of the presidential assassin and his motives.  

Walker obviously wants to avoid any scrutiny of the political Right and influence the trajectory of enquiries towards the Hard Left and communists.   The evidence comes close to suggesting Walker has advance knowledge of the assassination.



The following is my opinion.

It is a slight detour -- but I want to repeat again that I accept Marina Oswald's insistence that Lee Harvey Oswald told her repeatedly -- and she testified repeatedly -- that he was going to Mexico City in order to get to Cuba.  Not Russia.  Cuba.  Only Cuba.   No place else.

The one and only reason that Lee Harvey Oswald went to the Russian Embassy in Mexico City was because the Cuban Consulate turned him down flat for a Visa to get to Cuba -- despite his Fake FPCC "credentials."   They dared him to go to the Russians -- and Oswald took the dare.  

My further evidence is that when Oswald returned from the Russian Embassy, he lied to the Cuban Consulate clerk, telling her that the Russians said everything was OK.  Naturally, she called the Russians right away, and the Russians told her everything was not OK.  So she called her manager.

Her manager escorted Oswald out of the Consulate.   My point is that there WAS NEVER TO BE ANY RUSSIAN VISA.  Never.

So -- the question now becomes this -- where did the Radical Right get the rumor that Lee Harvey Oswald was looking for a Russian Visa in Mexico City?

There is only one explanation that I can find for this -- and his name is FBI agent James Hosty.   This, actually, is the main theme of James Hosty's book, Assignment Oswald (1996), from beginning to middle to the end -- namely, that the purpose of Oswald's visit to Mexico City was to meet Kostikov.   He said he knew this only weeks after it happened.

Well -- the alleged Kostikov connection was really a CIA secret.  So, how did James Hosty know?   This is part of the JFK conspiracy, IMHO.

We can quickly tie Hosty to Walker through Surrey.    It is most likely, IMHO, that Hosty got the rumor from David Morales.

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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