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More Evidence for Harvey & Lee -- Oswald was missing a MOLAR, but his exhumed body was not!

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2 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:



What you say here makes no sense. An expert should make a judgement based only on the evidence, his knowledge, and his experience. Not on the qualifications of a another person drawing his own conclusions.

This is just your knee jerk reaction to my common-sense, compelling observations that threatens your point of view, but for which you have no answer.



2 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:



What you say here makes no sense. An expert should make a judgement based only on the evidence, his knowledge, and his experience. Not on the qualifications of a another person drawing his own conclusions.

This is just your knee jerk reaction to my common-sense, compelling observations that threatens your point of view, but for which you have no answer.




With all due respect, as Micah asked eight hours ago, does the drying out of a corpse's tissues cause at least some of its teeth to move around a bit?


--  Tommy  :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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1 hour ago, Thomas Graves said:

With all due respect, as Micah asked eight hours ago, does the drying out of a corpse's tissues cause at least some of its teeth to move around a bit?

If so, Tommy, isn’t it a miracle that they decided to stand up straight and suddenly look like normal teeth,  instead of wobbling in any other direction? 

Of course, miracles DO happen with our boy.  

He changes his height and his weight at will.  

He can make gunshot wounds in his arm disappear!  

He can make a front tooth grow back while in his grave!   

He can be in two places at the same time, again and again. 

He can, and can’t, drive a car.

He can do so many other AMAZING things!

You have a point, Tommy.  Miracles can happen to “Lee Harvey Oswald!”   Even to his cadaver.  I shouldn’t have doubted you.

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22 hours ago, Tom Hume said:

Now imagine what kind of person might become a Forensic Odontologist. I’d guess that she/he would be very smart, be really interested in teeth, eager to answer technical teeth-related questions, and especially motivated toward solving teeth-related mysteries. 

If you’re correct, I’d guess that you’d find some objective and respected ears. If it turns out you’ve got something hot that can pass peer review hurdles, who knows? This discovery might become a Forensic Odontological landmark event, and maybe answer some pressing questions.


An Odontologist might be the best person to ask about this. But I certainly wouldn't bring up the fact that this case is related to the Kennedy assassination. Nor would I bring up the fact that an opposing opinion (Norton's) has already been reached. Doing either of these would surely invite preconceived biases and fear of having one's reputation smeared.


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54 minutes ago, Jim Hargrove said:

If so, Tommy, isn’t it a miracle that they decided to stand up straight and suddenly look like normal teeth,  instead of wobbling in any other direction? 

Of course, miracles DO happen with our boy.  

He changes his height and his weight at will.  

He can make gunshot wounds in his arm disappear!  

He can make a front tooth grow back while in his grave!   

He can be in two places at the same time, again and again. 

He can, and can’t, drive a car.

He can do so many other AMAZING things!

You have a point, Tommy.  Miracles can happen to “Lee Harvey Oswald!”   Even to his cadaver.  I shouldn’t have doubted you.


With all due respect, the-one-and-only Lee Harvey Oswald was 5' 9.5", which some people rounded up to 5' 10", and which he, wanna-be spy and all, two or three times exaggerated all the way up to a towering 5' 11".

--  Tommy  :sun

PS  As regards Oswald's "changing his height and weight at will," if you'll read  Simpich's "State Secret," you'll realize it was FBI agent John Fain and CIA officer Bill Bright who collaborated on that sort of thing so that Oswald's CIA computerized "biographics" file would make it appear that Oswald was a Robert Webster-like 5' 10", 160 pounds. (Or was it 165?)

Edited by Thomas Graves
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16 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:

An Odontologist might be the best person to ask about this. But I certainly wouldn't bring up the fact that this case is related to the Kennedy assassination. Nor would I bring up the fact that an opposing opinion (Norton's) has already been reached. Doing either of these would surely invite preconceived biases and fear of having one's reputation smeared.

That’s going to be hard to do.  Most of the exhumation photos have “LHO” plastered all over them, and the date of the procedure.  

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10 hours ago, Micah Mileto said:

What if the corpse's tissues drying out straightened up the molars?



I do believe that teeth can or will loosen after death. In fact, I saw evidence of one loosened tooth when I studied the exhumed teeth. It changed position slightly between two photographs.

Can that explain the molars straightening up? No, not in this case. Because the earlier x-ray shows the two molars making contact and NOT parallel to one another, and the forces from that contact would have to be overcome in order to straighten both teeth.


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On ‎2‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 5:24 PM, Sandy Larsen said:



It is my belief also that one of the Oswalds lost a tooth in that fight. In that case it was a front top tooth, and possibly two adjacent teeth.

We know that it was HARVEY in the tomb. The exhumed body was not missing any teeth (ignoring the wisdom teeth). So we know that it was LEE who was missing both a molar and one or two front teeth.

I have been studying Oswald's dental charts and have developed what I believe to be a likely explanation for why the Norton team received HARVEY's left-side x-rays but LEE's right-side x-rays. I might give a presentation on that at a later date.


"We know that it was HARVEY in the tomb." =  Who was the person that Jack Ruby shot? Was it the same person who ended up in the ground? If not, when and how was a switch made?

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Jack Ruby shot Russian-speaking HARVEY Oswald, and it is HARVEY who is buried in Rose Hill Cemetery in Fort Worth.  American-born LEE Oswald, whose identity HARVEY shared, lost one or two upper front teeth in a schoolyard fight and was missing a molar.  From the exhumation photos, HARVEY had all his teeth.  It is all explained here:


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14 minutes ago, Jim Hargrove said:

Jack Ruby shot Russian-speaking HARVEY Oswald, and it is HARVEY who is buried in Rose Hill Cemetery in Fort Worth.  American-born LEE Oswald, whose identity HARVEY shared, lost one or two upper front teeth in a schoolyard fight and was missing a molar.  From the exhumation photos, HARVEY had all his teeth.  It is all explained here:



With all due respect, do you really think your rough-tough, macho "Lee" would have been caught dead wearing that "girly-looking" shirt to school the day he (in actuality the one and only bookworm/amateur astronomer Lee Harvey Oswald) was photographed sitting in the back row in a class, hamming it up for the photographer?

--  Tommy  :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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8 hours ago, Thomas Graves said:


With all due respect, the-one-and-only Lee Harvey Oswald was 5' 9.5", which some people rounded up to 5' 10", and which he, wanna-be spy and all, two or three times exaggerated all the way up to a towering 5' 11".

Everything you say above is incorrect, Tommy.  LEE Harvey Oswald’s  height is listed as 5’11” on his Marine Corps medical examination of 9/3/59 and on his “Armed Forces Report of Transfer or Discharge” dated 10/12/59.  As any USMC veteran will tell you, Marines are not asked to estimate their heights for medical exams.  THEY ARE MEASURED BY USMC STAFF!  The 5’11” height is also on the Selective Service registration card dated 9/14/59, and on the  9/10/59 passport as well as the 6/26/63 passport.

Miraculously, the Lee HARVEY Oswald on the slab in the Dallas morgue was measured as 5’9” in the autopsy report.  Perhaps Dead Oswald made that estimate?  HARVEY also said he was 5’9” tall during the interrogation on 11/23/63 and in earlier job applications.

Just because Mr. Simpich tells you that “Lee Harvey Oswald” exaggerated his height to government agencies doesn’t make it so.  At least two different USMC documents list his height as 5’11”.  Mr. Simpich is wrong that the USMC allowed Marines to declare their own heights for medical records.

SUMMATION: The Oswald buried in Rose Hill Cemetery was 5’9” tall and had all his teeth.  The man missing a molar and one or two front teeth was the 5’11” Oswald, who disappeared shortly after the assassination.

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1 hour ago, Thomas Graves said:


With all due respect, do you really think your rough-tough, macho "Lee" would have been caught dead wearing that "girly-looking" shirt to school the day he (in actuality the one and only bookworm/amateur astronomer Lee Harvey Oswald) was photographed sitting in the back row in a class, hamming it up for the photographer?

--  Tommy  :sun

What if as some suspect, Oswald was  a closet homosexual?

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12 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:



What you say here makes no sense. An expert should make a judgement based only on the evidence, his knowledge, and his experience. Not on the qualifications of a another person drawing his own conclusions.

This is just your knee jerk reaction to my common-sense, compelling observations that threatens your point of view, but for which you have no answer.


My point is if you were a qualified expert, your opinion would carry some weight. But since you are just an unqualified  guy sitting at home (with an agenda) who thinks he sees something in x-rays, that is not persuasive. I am not threatened by anything. If you can prove there were 2 Oswalds and that becomes a fact that is accepted by the scientific community, the media and so on, great. I don't believe you can do that though. When they find out who you are and what you are trying to do, they will run for cover. And not because they "are in on it" but rather because they understand something you guys do not which is there is all kinds of very persuasive evidence against your theory. So even if you could find an expert who thinks your theory has merit, he would have to weigh that against all of the available evidence.

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3 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

Jack Ruby shot Russian-speaking HARVEY Oswald, and it is HARVEY who is buried in Rose Hill Cemetery in Fort Worth.  American-born LEE Oswald, whose identity HARVEY shared, lost one or two upper front teeth in a schoolyard fight and was missing a molar.  From the exhumation photos, HARVEY had all his teeth.  It is all explained here:


But this is based completely on what the H&L people think they see in one (and only one) photo. So this is not an established fact at all.

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2 minutes ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:

My point is if you were a qualified expert, your opinion would carry some weight. But since you are just an unqualified  guy sitting at home (with an agenda) who thinks he sees something in x-rays, that is not persuasive. I am not threatened by anything. If you can prove there were 2 Oswalds and that becomes a fact that is accepted by the scientific community, the media and so on, great. I don't believe you can do that though. When they find out who you are and what you are trying to do, they will run for cover. And not because they "are in on it" but rather because they understand something you guys do not which is there is all kinds of very persuasive evidence against your theory. So even if you could find an expert who thinks your theory has merit, he would have to weigh that against all of the available evidence.


Has most everything you've posted on you anti-H&L website been reviewed and approved by experts? If not, why should anybody take anything you've written seriously?

Oh I know... because not everything requires expertise to understand. Common sense is often all that is needed.



But since you are just an unqualified  guy sitting at home (with an agenda) who thinks he sees something in x-rays, that is not persuasive.

So when you look at an x-ray, you can't figure out where a bone is and where it is not?

Come on Tracy, it doesn't take an expert to see where teeth are and are not in an x-ray. It doesn't take an expert to see the difference between a wide gap and a narrow gap. Or a tipped versus non-tipped tooth. It doesn't take an expert to see major differences between x-rays. Those are the types of things I reported seeing in those x-rays. And I think that anybody with a lick of common sense and self confidence can see the same.

I'll tell you what... why don't you point out something I noted in the x-rays where you think I might be wrong? I'd like to know what it is you believe requires expertise.


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38 minutes ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:
3 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

Jack Ruby shot Russian-speaking HARVEY Oswald, and it is HARVEY who is buried in Rose Hill Cemetery in Fort Worth.  American-born LEE Oswald, whose identity HARVEY shared, lost one or two upper front teeth in a schoolyard fight and was missing a molar.  From the exhumation photos, HARVEY had all his teeth.  It is all explained here:


But this is based completely on what the H&L people think they see in one (and only one) photo. So this is not an established fact at all.

It will be soon.


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