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It seems he used VON MOHRENSCHILDT...  or is this for someone else with a Polish passport issued 10/30/37 in Belgium?

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41 minutes ago, David Josephs said:


It seems he used VON MOHRENSCHILDT...  or is this for someone else with a Polish passport issued 10/30/37 in Belgium?




With all due respect, here's a little something from that evil, evil, evil CIA website known as Wikipedia.

"(George DeMohrenschildt's) wealthy father, Sergey Alexandrovich von Mohrenschildt, was of German, Swedish, and Russian descent.  .......  George von Mohrenschildt migrated to the United States in May 1938, after which he changed the nobiliary particle in his name from the German "von" to the French 'de'.[12] "



--  Tommy  :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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Wikipedia, and worse yet - Bugliosi....    :huh:     :up

Instead of using a 2008 source referenced in Wiki where 50% of the text requires citations,
why not use the 1964 source?

Mr. JENNER. At this point I might ask you--the name was Von Mohrenschildt at this particular time? 
Mr. JENNER. Your name is now De Mohrenschildt. 
Mr. JENNER. I think your brother still uses the Von, does he not? 
Mr. JENNER. Would you explain that? 
Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. Yes--because I am more or less of a French orientation. And when I became an American citizen, I did not like the prefix "Von" which is German to the average person. And so we used "De" which is equally used in Sweden or in the Baltic States, interchangeably. And my uncle, who was here in the States for quite some time, and died here----

Real fine research tommy...  :sun  

What did you find regarding Ms. Lilia LARIN, his companion?

Mr. JENNER. You liked American girls, too, didn't you? 
Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. I am not queer, you know. Although some people accuse me of that even--even of that. Not as much as some other people, you know-- because this girl really was the love of my life Lilia Larin. Anyway, both Machado and I fell in love with this girl. She was a divorcee. 

Let's see, footnote 12 from your post is to Russ Baker's Family of Secrets...  wonder if the sources are the same...

https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/docid-32159212.pdf  is the document I posted... and is not in the references...


The POINT that you continually miss, is that evidence is not factual until authenticated...  of which Chain of custody, the uniqueness of an item, and/or the substantiation that an item is unique provides Authentication...  REAL EVIDENCE does not get admitted unless authentic


Only 2 books in the bibliography... here's one of them - EXCELLENT sourcing and quality investigative work tommy...  :up


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53 minutes ago, David Josephs said:




With all due respect, according to your world-class research, is the Wikipedia article wrong when it says that George's name when he moved to the U.S. was "von Mohrenschildt," or was it "Daffy Duck" and the evil, evil, evil CIA made him change it?

--  Tommy  :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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t.g. - 

how would you know until you authenticate the evidence?  Using Bugs' book is a wonderful place for you to start....

... tens of thousands of words and not one fact between you...


FWIW... your "respect" opening is pure non sequitur....  (do I need to explain?)   :sun


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1 minute ago, David Josephs said:

t.g. - 

how would you know until you authenticate the evidence?  Using Bugs' book is a wonderful place for you to start....

... tens of thousands of words and not one fact between you...


FWIW... your "respect" opening is pure non sequitur....  (do I need to explain?)   :sun

Ones again, I do agree 100%

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I actually liked her spelling



You wear "SPELLING NAZI" so proudly....   too bad you don't have the same attention to detail for facts in support of your speculation...




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5 hours ago, David Josephs said:

I actually liked her spelling



You wear "SPELLING NAZI" so proudly....   too bad you don't have the same attention to detail for facts in support of your speculation...






You actually prefer a lower case "D"?



Sorry David, no matter how much I despise you, and Trump and Putin and Assange and ..., common civility requires that I spell your names with an upper-case first letter.  That way I don't come across as some "small," vindictive person.

Bummer, huh?


--  Tommy  :sun


PS  Nice "pivot," by the way.



Edited by Thomas Graves
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tommy...  your worry about appearances over substance is well understood here and most anywhere you express opinions...

Other than the regurgitating of the same info offered, why did you come to this thread? to show you know how to Google "Wiki" ?


From what I've seen, everything about you is "common", including your civility. 

It's way past time for you to be concerned with being perceived as a "small" vindictive person... was there anything else to you?


A little gnat who can't help but excuse himself for being such a burden...   :rolleyes:  when so few see the value in your stand alone vapid opinions which would benefit from ANY supportive research and common sense discussion...  not a burden buddy, just an annoyance.

But those two elude you still... after all this time reading the work of your betters, your mentors, your guides...

... all that concerns you is proper spelling and etiquette... 
(Netflix is showing VERSAILLES ... you might like it as it was Louis XIV who made etiquette enforceable... )

cause we all know you're about how it looks, not what it says    :drive


So you avoiding the sad fact you've not read most of what you recommend?

Golitsyn ... ever read anything or do you just spout off about Nosenko cause you really have nothing better to offer... and is it you know how to spell A-N-G-L-E-T-O-N correctly...  
Spy Wars...  did you ever offer us YOUR take on the reading of this great work...?  DID you ever read it?

What did it add that you can share here?   you know, like what the rest of us do when we find or see something in which others may be interested... Anyone can recommend...

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9 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

tommy...  your worry about appearances over substance is well understood here and most anywhere you express opinions...

I always  knew and suspected this about  Dave but this nice little  post confirms it.

Somewhere along the  way Dave developed  a problem with authority. Therefore  he's  made at the world and authority  which explains  why he believes  everything in the WC is wrong.

Except  of course  when something  supports one  of  his pet theories. Then he quotes at will.

The irony  is rich.

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4 hours ago, David Josephs said:





With all due respect ..... "Why did I come to this thread?"


To help you to understand that George's original name really was " von Mohrenschildt, " that's why.

Why did you think I came to this thread?


--  Tommy  :sun


PS  Was the Wikipedia article right about that, btw?



Edited by Thomas Graves
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Except you didn't do anything but post a bit of Wikipedia....

That is what you call "help"...

... if you don't know if the Wiki article is correct... why did you link to it?



{edit:  never-mind... oxymoronic)

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