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"Seven Days in May"

Jim Root

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Today is the running of the Preakness horse race.

In Seven Days in May, a betting pool on the Preakness is used by the Joint Chiefs of Staff as a code cover for the coup.

I think that the code cover for the Dealey Plaza operation was "Contingency Plans for a Coup in Cuba."

When reading Ultimate Sac or Legacy of Secrecy, in which they discuss the "Contingency Plans for a Coup in Cuba," or reading the real documents, if you substitute at Dealey Plaza in place of "in Cuba" then it all fits in rather nicely.


That is brilliant, Bill, just a brilliant piece of work, dude. So pithy, so logical, so concise, so wrong....

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Today is the running of the Preakness horse race.

In Seven Days in May, a betting pool on the Preakness is used by the Joint Chiefs of Staff as a code cover for the coup.

I think that the code cover for the Dealey Plaza operation was "Contingency Plans for a Coup in Cuba."

When reading Ultimate Sac or Legacy of Secrecy, in which they discuss the "Contingency Plans for a Coup in Cuba," or reading the real documents, if you substitute at Dealey Plaza in place of "in Cuba" then it all fits in rather nicely.


That is brilliant, Bill, just a brilliant piece of work, dude. So pithy, so logical, so concise, so wrong....

This forum has been infiltrated by fanatical idiots.

B "Dude" K

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Today is the running of the Preakness horse race.

In Seven Days in May, a betting pool on the Preakness is used by the Joint Chiefs of Staff as a code cover for the coup.

I think that the code cover for the Dealey Plaza operation was "Contingency Plans for a Coup in Cuba."

When reading Ultimate Sac or Legacy of Secrecy, in which they discuss the "Contingency Plans for a Coup in Cuba," or reading the real documents, if you substitute at Dealey Plaza in place of "in Cuba" then it all fits in rather nicely.


That is brilliant, Bill, just a brilliant piece of work, dude. So pithy, so logical, so concise, so wrong....

This forum has been infiltrated by fanatical idiots.

B "Dude" K

And this is coming from someone who let Sarah McClendon and Gordon Hall get the best of him?

And someone who can not even decide which version of the Sarah McClendon story to tell any more?

I listend to her stories for hours... and she got nothing from me, she couldn't get past

John Judge and myself if she was a hot looking babe...

...or is it she infiltrated us then I told the beatch to take a hike...after I figured out what she was doing.

Mrs. Kelly didden raise no fools...

Which story is it today, dude? Your nose is growing...

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Today is the running of the Preakness horse race.

In Seven Days in May, a betting pool on the Preakness is used by the Joint Chiefs of Staff as a code cover for the coup.

I think that the code cover for the Dealey Plaza operation was "Contingency Plans for a Coup in Cuba."

When reading Ultimate Sac or Legacy of Secrecy, in which they discuss the "Contingency Plans for a Coup in Cuba," or reading the real documents, if you substitute at Dealey Plaza in place of "in Cuba" then it all fits in rather nicely.


That is brilliant, Bill, just a brilliant piece of work, dude. So pithy, so logical, so concise, so wrong....

This forum has been infiltrated by fanatical idiots.

B "Dude" K

And this is coming from someone who let Sarah McClendon and Gordon Hall get the best of him?

And someone who can not even decide which version of the Sarah McClendon story to tell any more?

I listend to her stories for hours... and she got nothing from me, she couldn't get past

John Judge and myself if she was a hot looking babe...

...or is it she infiltrated us then I told the beatch to take a hike...after I figured out what she was doing.

Mrs. Kelly didden raise no fools...

Which story is it today, dude? Your nose is growing...

The Sarah McClendon I knew was a nice little old lady, and if you are afraid of her then she got the best of you.

Nobody sent her to infiltrate COPA.

Anybody can infiltrate COPA.

In fact, I think it appropriate for people to follow Sarah McClendon and support COPA.

And all you Dude and Dudasses, Check out COPA's web site.


Sign our JFK Grand Jury petition.


Join us at the annual JFK Peace Speech memorial at American University in Washington DC on Wednesday June 10, and at the annual regional meeting in Dallas in November.


Infiltrate COPA. Send a donation, become a card carrying member, join us in the fight to free the JFK and MLK assassination records, and uncover the truth behind the assassinations of the 60s. Help end political assassinations and become part of the solution.

Don't be a sap on the sidelines. Join us in the fight, along with Sarah McClendon, Peter Dale Scott, Dick Gregory, John Newman, Dick Russell, Walt Brown, Jerry Rose, Dr. Cyril Wecht, Dr. Gary Aguilar, Bob Groden, Jimmy DiEugenio, Lisa Pease, John Judge, T. Carter, Judge Joe Brown and hundreds of other truely independent researchers, including a dozen members of this forum, in trying to answer the outstanding questions about the assassinations.

Vilified by Mockingbird Max Holland, Ken Rahn, Gerald Posner and John Manchurian Bevilaquatsky, so we must be doing something right.



Edited by William Kelly
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  • 4 weeks later...
John, I'm not. Perhaps you are reading Jim's posts as mine? Maybe not. Please indicate where you think I take a mollifying stance.

IMO Walker was not peripheral at all. Not only did he have a virulent anti-communist stance but also a staunch segregationist. This put him in a very useful position. JFK's death meant that JFK's 1963 civil rights bill was compromised by removing important sections, and after the passing of the act, plus KKK H. Black supreme court constitutional interpretations, índividual 'was' redefined to encompass groupings, so that various educational establishment were able to delay integration for some time under cover of the rights of individuals as per association, and then LBJ shuffled a vigorous civil rights implementation bodies into one and off to the side and the rollback/stalling continued.

I think If Kennedy had lived, a very different CR bill would have passed and it would have had a solid backing from the administration even to the point of other ''oxfords''.

As Kennedy said 'the time of waiting is over', his death prolongs it.


Sorry about that. That is exactly what I did accidentally. You are absolutely correct that the way these citations and quotes are posted by some of our members, it becomes difficult to separate the original author from the subsequent citations or quotes of the original author. I wish all of us would use the

braces correctly so that this would not happen.

Walker, after being identified by Jack Ruby, as one of the primary organizers of the JFK plot became one of my prime suspects in the JFK hit.

Even though he was in New Orleans at the Jung Hotel owned by Harry Augustus Jung, a Draper crony, holding meetings with members of the far right, ostensibly discussing how to handle the quite likely repercussions against the far right, he was as guilty as his other Dallas John Birch cronies, like Morris

H. L. Hunt, Warren G Carroll of LifeLine, Charles Edison of YAF and Willoughby as anyone else.

As a sidenote, I just went back to Brown University's collection to try and find the LifeLine article by Warren Carroll from 1963 and the entire

year 1963 was never entered into the library's collection for some unknown reason. Gordon Hall worked for the FBI in gathering the documents

filed in the Hall-Hoag collection which would have cost well over $200,000 in subscription costs between the 1950's and the 1990's to obtain.

I found a letter from Gordon Hall to Henry Regnery inquiring as to whether or not Rev. Gerald L K Smith knew his father William Regnery as had been

claimed by Rev. Smith. The son denied any such knowledge and pointed out that Smith did not even know his father's middle initial which made it appear as if Smith just waited until the elder Regnery died before claiming a close friendship. In fact, the roles of both William Regnery, a cotton

and textiles multi-millionaire like Wickliffe Draper and John B. Snowden who hired George Lincoln Rockwell to work for him in Tennessee with GLK Smith

were quite apparent. Regnery started the American First Committee and GLK Smith ran the America First Party which nominated Gen. Douglas

MacArthur for President in 1952. These pro-Nazis constantly disavowed knowledge of each other, especially if they wanted to distance themselves from the more rabidly anti-Semitic, vitriolic and violent and pro-Silver Shirt psychos like Smith but worked together very closely regardless. Hall

still seemed curious about GLK Smith even in the 1990's when I profiled The Unabomber for him not really knowing he was FBI. About 3-4 weeks after

I gave him the justification for publishing the manifesto, it was actually published, and it led to his subsequent exposure and eventual arrest a few weeks after that when his brother turned him in, as I had predicted. I will list this Unabomber case as one of the top ten significant accomplishments of my life

and would always like to be remembered as someone who really and truly cared about bringing violent and murderous criminals to justice despite what others may think. I just don't implicate ex-McCarthyites and former MacArthurites because I have some sort of alleged grudge against them, I do it because many of them were really and truly guilty of crimes against humanity, including the murder of JFK, in addition to the things they may have done to my friends and allegedly to some of my family members, although even that has been accurately questioned by those close to those allegations. So my anti-McCarthyite "vendettas" as they have been referred to, were more motivated by a generalized defense of Alger Hiss, The Hollywood Ten, The China Lobby targets and especially JFK himself. The person most responsible for these attacks from 1940 until the 1970's was Robert J. Morris formerly of Mantolocking, New Jersey who was implicated by Richard Condon in The Manchurian Candidate at least a half-dozen times. This guy was a psychopath, and a true paranoid, schizophrenic who should have been "lobotomized" as suggested by Richard Condon. "Lord Morris Croftnol" is a not too veiled anagram for "Lord, frontal Morris" which implies that a "complete frontal lobotomy" would be the only thing that would cure Morris.

The Brown Hall-Hoag collection has many examples of right wing objections to their more prominent members being identified by members of the "American Psychiatric Association" as being candidates for lock-up in the "booby hatch" and the "loonie bin" common disparaging terms in the 1950's for mental institutions. Who were those cited the most often? John Birch bosom buddies and their friends like Dr. Revilo P. Oliver, Robert J. Morris, Rev. Gerald L K Smith, Edwin Walker and Charles Willoughby. When you listen to Oliver or Smith in their recorded speeches that is the only conclusion that any reasonable person could reach in my honest opinion. JFK was truly murdered by a coterie of mentally unbalanced paranoid and schizophrenic psychopaths. Hopefully it is no longer possible for people like them to gain positions of power anywhere in the military or the U.S. Government. You can include James J. Angleton in that crowd as well, who might have been the most unbalanced of them all. Ray S. Cline was just an opportunist and a power hungry money-grubber and a devious conniver.

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Let me begin by saying I do not have all my notes with me at this time but I will attempt to reply to some of your last post:

To begin with the General Walker Hotel was named after General Walton Harris Walker who was died in a auto accident on Dec. 23, 1950 while fighting in Korea.

"1957-1959 Commanding General, Arkansas Military District (Little Rock) -

During which time he was ordered, against his will, in fact he resigned but the resignation was rejected, to integrate Little Rock school."

The information I have suggests that the "against his will" is an urban legend that seems to have been perpetuated after the death of JFK. I have several Time Magizine articles from that period that expose Maxwell Taylor as the man who called (by phone) his "old" comrade and trusted friend Edwin Walker to command the forces sent to Little Rock. If Walker attempted to resign he must have very quickly changed his mind because he had troops on the ground within hours of the call from Taylor. I might also point out that the Arkansas Military District also encompassed the army ballistic missile program in Huntville, Alabama (a plum command that covered the development of the Army's Space program that would soon be taken over by the newly created NASA).

"1961 resign.ed [because of right-wing opinions]"

- He was re-assingned to a principal Military role in the Pacific, to Hawaii. He then resigned because he saw it as an ongoing muzzling of the military, which in fact was him countermanding an Order from the President that foreign Policy was first and foremost the civilian authority's resposnsibility, iow the Commander in Chief elected by the people, not individual Army Generals.

The timming of Walker's trouble with the military coincides exactly with Lee Harvey Oswald's first attempts to return to the United States from the Soviet Union (just as Yuri Nosenko made contact with the CIA within days of Oswald departing the Soviet Union....coincidences????). Prior to this time Walker had a brilliant military career and can be tied to some of the most successful covert and overt military operations and trainning of the period.

"After his (final) resignation he became for many the mythical 'white knight on a horse' that would lead the white race to supremacy."

I will continue to suggest that Walker's movement into the "right wing" organizations within America may have been done upon orders. This would have been for two reason, one overt and one covert. First (overt) to infiltrate the "right wing" movement in America which was, at the time considered dangerous to the security of the United States and (2 the covert reason) may have been because LHO was returning to the United States. Please read my "Serendipity" post in the JFK Online Seminars portion of this Forum to see why this would be necessary to protect against an Oswald that may have been able to identify Walker as the man who helped Oswald to enter the Soviet Union in October of 1959.

"[Did this coincide with Walkers time at "Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth"?/b]

Walker attended the Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth in 1946. It is interesting to note that this "class" at the college was considered to be for the best and the brightest. It was formed at a time when the military was demobilizing after WWII and the military leadership was getting rid of "dead wood." To be selected for the Command College at this time displays the esteem that Walker had obtained within the minds of the military leadership.

In 1948 Walker would attend the Air War College, another feather in his military cap. Between the Command College and the Air War College, Walker would be running the Greek Desk at the Pentagon, orchestrating the first successful covert war of the new Cold War era that erupted after WWII.

Walker would train Rangers for Korea, be involved in the greatest artillery barrage of the Korean War, organize the POW exchange , train Korean troops, be the front man during the Straits of Taiwan Crisis and be involved in the creation of the Army's Special Forces units (Green Berets).

John I have spent a great deal of time studing General Walker. He has all the indicators of Military Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence written all over his career but somehow the only information that is easily attainable about him is his "right wing" activities, WHY?

Was there a purpose in the exchange of letters between McCloy and Walker in June of 1963 or is this just a coincidence? Is it a coincidence that not one Warren Commissioner wanted to question the man who, according to the Warren Report, survived an attack by Lee Harvey Oswald (today it would be considered absurd that those tasked with the investigation of a murder would not bother to question a surviving victim themselves nor would they investigate there past to find possible motives for that attack)? Why was Jack Ruby so affraid of General Edwin Anderson Walker? Is it a coincidence that during WWII Col. Walker did at least two specific missions that John J. McCloy took a personal interest in? Why did General Maxwell Taylor appoint Walker to command two of the four crisis he faces as Chief of Staff of the Army? I have many additional questions that have led to some interesting discoveries.

Jim: "1945 Commander, Task Force A, Oslo (Norway)"

Jim, do you know if it's possible to know which of the 474th Walker took with him to Norway were?

Is it also possible to know the names, and where from, the Germans who passed through?

The 474th was primarily made up of the American survivors of the First Special Services Force and the 99th Battalion Seperate. Survivors of some Ranger units were combined as well although many of them went to airborne units also.

I have had some lists in the past (from when I was contacting former members of the Force, but have misplaced them.The FSSF still has an association and can identify unit members. The 99th is very interesting. It two was formed for the invasion of Norway (as was the FSSF) and was made up of mostly Norwegian speaking Americans. Over 100 members of the 99th became OSS and future CIA agents including William Colby. I have been to Camp Ripley, Minnesota, where they have a museum for the 99th, and researched various aspects of this unit.

Be happy to answer other questions

Jim Root

Couple of questions on Walker:

1) What do you make of Jack Ruby's attempt to implicate Edwin A. Walker and the Dallas Birch Society in the JFK hit during

Ruby's WC testimony?

2) What do you conclude from Walker's efforts at publishing the "Eagle Forum" as part of Willis A. Carto's racist and anti-Semitic

Noontide Press in California? Walker was a part owner as I recall. Have you ever read any of his racist and anti-Semitic diatribes

from The Eagle Forum yet?

3) Have you read Dr. Jerry Rose's Third Decade articles on Mary Ferrell's site about "Nut Country" and the meetings at the Jung

Hotel in New Orleans run by Edwin A. Walker a week before the assassination? What are your conclusions about these meetings?

4) Exactly whose "orders" do you think Walker was following when he led the "American Insurrection" at Ole Miss when his troops

opened fire on National Guardsmen? Have you read the book: "American Insurrection" and do you think Walker was an insurrectionist?

5) What have you concluded about Walker and the sniper shot and "assn attempt" when he lived on Turtle Creek Drive?

6) Was RFK justified in sending Walker to the loony bin at the Springfield, MO federal penitentiary after Ole Miss?

7) Do you still consider Walker to be more of an "American Patriot" or an "American Insurrectionist?" Just curious.


John Bevilaqua

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Today is the running of the Preakness horse race.

In Seven Days in May, a betting pool on the Preakness is used by the Joint Chiefs of Staff as a code cover for the coup.

I think that the code cover for the Dealey Plaza operation was "Contingency Plans for a Coup in Cuba."

When reading Ultimate Sac or Legacy of Secrecy, in which they discuss the "Contingency Plans for a Coup in Cuba," or reading the real documents, if you substitute at Dealey Plaza in place of "in Cuba" then it all fits in rather nicely.


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When reading Ultimate Sac or Legacy of Secrecy, in which they discuss the "Contingency Plans for a Coup in Cuba," or reading the real documents, if you substitute at Dealey Plaza in place of "in Cuba" then it all fits in rather nicely.


When reading Ultimate Sac or Legacy of Secrecy, in which they discuss the "Contingency Plans for a Coup in Cuba," or reading the real documents, if you substitute at Dealey Plaza in place of "in Cuba" then it all fits in rather nicely.

Now that's funny.

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Am still busy promoting this book on about 50 different big city newspapers accross the country. Any help just might get this book to the point of citical mass, wehre it leaps back into the Amazon top 700 for a long time.

Also I have noticed that this book is not available in almost any bookstore in NYC. I particularly noticed it its absence in a leftish bookstore THAT ALWAYS HAS THE latest JFK book in the window. Not this book. Its not being carried. Its also not available in any Barnes and Noble the cities other bookstore. This is noteworthy, as JFK and the Unspeakable has outsold many other books that are there.

Anyway here's this. Interesting quote from Daniel Schorr.


Check out these words of JFK on the book Seven Days in May. They were uttered after the Bay of Pigs but before the Cuban Missile Crisis:

.... JFK said he would read the book. Hed did so that night. The next day

Kennedy discussed with his friends the possibility of thier seeing such a

coup in the United States. Consider that he said these words after the failed

Bay of Pigs invasion and before the Cuban Missile Crisis:

'It's possible. It could happen in this country, but the conditions would

have to be just right. If, for example, the country had a young President,

and he had a Bay of Pigs, there would be a certain unseasiness. Maybe

the military would do a little criticizing behind his back, but this would be

written of as the ususal military dissatisfaction with civilian control. Then

if there were another Bay of Pigs, the reaction of the country would be,

'Is he too young and inexperienced?' The military would almost feel that

it was their patriotic obligation to stand ready to preserve the integrity of

the nation, an only God knows just what segment of democracy they

would be defending if they overthrew the elected establishment'

Pausing a moment, he went on, "Then, if there were a third Bay of Pigs

it could happen.' Waiting again until his listeners absorbed his meaning,

he concluded the an old Navy phrase, "But it won't happen on my watch."

On another occasion Kennedy said of the novel's plot about a few military

commanders taking over the country, 'I know a couple who might wish

they could.' The statement is cited by biographer Theodore Sorenson

as a joke. However, John Kennedy used humor in pointe ways, and

Sorenson's preceding sentence is not a joke: "Communications between

Chiefs of Staff and their Commander in Chif remained unsatisfactory for

a large part of his term."

Director John Frankenheimer was encouraged by President Kennedy to

film Seven Days In May 'as a warning to the republic.' Frankenheimer

said, 'The Pentagon didn't want it done. Kennedy said that when we

wanted to shoot at the Chite House he would conveniently go to

Hyannis Port that weekend. (JFK and the Unspeakable, pp12,13)

Now cut to Douglass overview of the Bay of pigs:

Four decades after the Bay of Pigs, we have learned that the CIA

scenario to trap Kennedy was more concrete than Dulles admitted

in his handwritten notes. A conference on the Bay of Pigs was held

in Cuba March 23-25, 2001, which included 'ex-CIA operatives, retired

military commanders, scholars, and journalists.' News analyst Daniel

Schorr reported on National Public Radio that 'from the many hours of

talk and heaps of decassified secret documents' he had gained one

new perception on the Bay of Pigs:

'It was that the CIA overlords of the invasion, director Allen Dulles and

deputy Richard Bissell, had their own plan of how to bring the United

States into the conflict. It appears that they never really expected an

uprising agaist Castro when the liberators landed as described in their

memos to the White House. What they did expect was that the invaders

would establish and secure a beachhead, announce the creation of a

counterrevolutionary governemnt and appeal for aid from the United

States and the Organization of American States. The assumption was

that President Kennedy, who had emphatically banned direct American

involvement, would be forced by pubic opinion to come to the aid of the

returning patriots. American forces, probably Marines, would come in

to expand the beachhead.

' In effect, President Kennedy was the target of a CIA covert operation

that collapsed when the invasion collapsed' (JFK and the Unspeakable:

Why He Died and Why It Matters, p. 14-15)

Remember this the next time you read in the Corporate Media that the CIA is merely the tool of the president. It was not the last covert action the CIA

would take without presidential authorization. After reading Douglass' book one wonders if it even made the final dozen.


Operation Mockingbird Spartacus:


Operation Mockingbird Education Forum


Thought this should be posted on this thread.

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  • 7 months later...

<H1 style="MARGIN: auto 0in">Gates Threatens Obama with US Military Coup</H1>2010-01-26 10:05

By Francis A. Boyle

According to today’s New York Times, flying home on his way back from Pakistan, Secretary of “Defense” Gates “relaxed on the 14-hour trip home by watching ‘Seven Days in May,’ the cold warrior film about an attempted military coup in the United States.” Gosh, that's really relaxing! All of a sudden out of nowhere Gates resurrects this ancient film and ostentatiously lets the New York Times and the other media know that he is watching it on his Pentagon plane home.

Obviously, Gates is sending a threat to Obama and the civilian “leadership” in America: You risk a military coup if you do not do exactly what those in the Pentagon tell you to do. This is no idle threat. And it can happen here in America. Just remember the plutocratic sponsored military coup attempt against President Franklin Roosevelt that was thwarted by retired Marine Corps General Smedley Butler under similar economic and political conditions. If it had succeeded that anti-FDR coup would have established a fascist dictatorship in America. I am not comparing Obama to FDR by any means. but the historical parallels should be obvious to everyone. And remember that Bush’s General Tommy Franks publicly stated that in the event of another major terrorist attack on America, the American people would demand that the military shut the civilian government down. In other words, Gen. Frank too publicly threatened a military coup against this Republic’s democratically elected civilian leadership.

URL http://www.=fterdowningstreet.org/node/49568

Dr. Francis Boyle was talking about this on AJ today. He watched the movie as he was flying back from the Middle East. It's a cold war story about overthrowing the government. Pretty weird choice of movies.



NY Times - Nobody else in the Obama administration has been mired in Pakistan for as long as Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates. . . The trip, Mr. Gates's first to Pakistan in three years, proved that dysfunctional relationships span multiple administrations and that the history of American foreign policy is full of unintended consequences.. . .

Mr. Gates, who repeatedly told the Pakistanis that he regretted their country's "trust deficit" with the United States and that Americans had made a grave mistake in abandoning Pakistan after the Russians left Afghanistan, promised the military officers that the United States would do better.

His final message delivered, he relaxed on the 14-hour trip home by watching "Seven Days in May," the cold war-era film about an attempted military coup in the United States.

Wikipedia - The plot centers on the fictitious U.S. President Jordan Lyman (Fredric March). As the story begins, Lyman faces a wave of public dissatisfaction with his decision to sign a treaty with the Soviet Union, an agreement that will supposedly result in both nations simultaneously destroying their nuclear weapons under mutual international inspection. This is extremely unpopular with both the President's opposition and the military, who believe the Soviets cannot be trusted.

As the debate over the treaty rages on, an alert and well-positioned Pentagon insider, United States Marine Corps Colonel Martin "Jiggs" Casey (Kirk Douglas) becomes aware of a conspiracy among the Joint Chiefs of Staff led by his own superior officer, the charismatic head of the JCS, Air Force General James Mattoon Scott (Burt Lancaster). As he digs deeper, he uncovers the conspiracy's shocking goal: Scott and his cohorts, Colonel Broderick (John Larkin), Colonel Murdock (Richard Anderson), Gen. Hardesty (Tyler McVey), along with allies in the United States Congress led by Sen. Frederick Prentice (Whit Bissell) and influential members of the news media led by Harold McPherson (Hugh Marlowe), are plotting to stage a coup d'etat to remove President Lyman and his cabinet seven days hence.

The plot itself, called ECOMCON (for "Emergency Communications Control"), entails the seizure of the nation's telephone, radio and television network infrastructure by a secret United States Army combat unit created and controlled by Scott's conspiracy and based in Texas near Fort Bliss. Once this is done, General Scott and his conspirators will control the nation's communications assets; then, from their headquarters within a vast underground nuclear shelter called "Mount Thunder" (based on the actual continuity of government facility maintained by the U.S. at Mount Weather in Berryville, Virginia), they will use the power of the media and the military to prevent the implementation of the treaty. . .


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<H1 style="MARGIN: auto 0in">Gates Threatens Obama with US Military Coup</H1>2010-01-26 10:05

By Francis A. Boyle

According to today’s New York Times, flying home on his way back from Pakistan, Secretary of “Defense” Gates “relaxed on the 14-hour trip home by watching ‘Seven Days in May,’ the cold warrior film about an attempted military coup in the United States.” Gosh, that's really relaxing! All of a sudden out of nowhere Gates resurrects this ancient film and ostentatiously lets the New York Times and the other media know that he is watching it on his Pentagon plane home.

Obviously, Gates is sending a threat to Obama and the civilian “leadership” in America: You risk a military coup if you do not do exactly what those in the Pentagon tell you to do. This is no idle threat. And it can happen here in America. Just remember the plutocratic sponsored military coup attempt against President Franklin Roosevelt that was thwarted by retired Marine Corps General Smedley Butler under similar economic and political conditions. If it had succeeded that anti-FDR coup would have established a fascist dictatorship in America. I am not comparing Obama to FDR by any means. but the historical parallels should be obvious to everyone. And remember that Bush’s General Tommy Franks publicly stated that in the event of another major terrorist attack on America, the American people would demand that the military shut the civilian government down. In other words, Gen. Frank too publicly threatened a military coup against this Republic’s democratically elected civilian leadership.

URL http://www.=fterdowningstreet.org/node/49568

Dr. Francis Boyle was talking about this on AJ today. He watched the movie as he was flying back from the Middle East. It's a cold war story about overthrowing the government. Pretty weird choice of movies.



NY Times - Nobody else in the Obama administration has been mired in Pakistan for as long as Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates. . . The trip, Mr. Gates's first to Pakistan in three years, proved that dysfunctional relationships span multiple administrations and that the history of American foreign policy is full of unintended consequences.. . .

Mr. Gates, who repeatedly told the Pakistanis that he regretted their country's "trust deficit" with the United States and that Americans had made a grave mistake in abandoning Pakistan after the Russians left Afghanistan, promised the military officers that the United States would do better.

His final message delivered, he relaxed on the 14-hour trip home by watching "Seven Days in May," the cold war-era film about an attempted military coup in the United States.

Wikipedia - The plot centers on the fictitious U.S. President Jordan Lyman (Fredric March). As the story begins, Lyman faces a wave of public dissatisfaction with his decision to sign a treaty with the Soviet Union, an agreement that will supposedly result in both nations simultaneously destroying their nuclear weapons under mutual international inspection. This is extremely unpopular with both the President's opposition and the military, who believe the Soviets cannot be trusted.

As the debate over the treaty rages on, an alert and well-positioned Pentagon insider, United States Marine Corps Colonel Martin "Jiggs" Casey (Kirk Douglas) becomes aware of a conspiracy among the Joint Chiefs of Staff led by his own superior officer, the charismatic head of the JCS, Air Force General James Mattoon Scott (Burt Lancaster). As he digs deeper, he uncovers the conspiracy's shocking goal: Scott and his cohorts, Colonel Broderick (John Larkin), Colonel Murdock (Richard Anderson), Gen. Hardesty (Tyler McVey), along with allies in the United States Congress led by Sen. Frederick Prentice (Whit Bissell) and influential members of the news media led by Harold McPherson (Hugh Marlowe), are plotting to stage a coup d'etat to remove President Lyman and his cabinet seven days hence.

The plot itself, called ECOMCON (for "Emergency Communications Control"), entails the seizure of the nation's telephone, radio and television network infrastructure by a secret United States Army combat unit created and controlled by Scott's conspiracy and based in Texas near Fort Bliss. Once this is done, General Scott and his conspirators will control the nation's communications assets; then, from their headquarters within a vast underground nuclear shelter called "Mount Thunder" (based on the actual continuity of government facility maintained by the U.S. at Mount Weather in Berryville, Virginia), they will use the power of the media and the military to prevent the implementation of the treaty. . .



"You risk a military coup"? If anyone can see any signs that there needs to be a supplement to the last one, please enlighten me, because I sure can't see any! Our President does not seem to be making the same mistake as JFK: acting like he's the president.

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Guest John Gillespie

"You risk a military coup"? If anyone can see any signs that there needs to be a supplement to the last one, please enlighten me, because I sure can't see any! Our President does not seem to be making the same mistake as JFK: acting like he's the president.


My sentiments, exactly. I'll be brief because yawning quickly becomes contagious. "Seven Days In May" was directed by the great John Frankenheimer (a partial list: The Train, Black Sunday, French Connection II, Seconds, The Manchurian Candidate, Ronin, Birdman of Alcatraz and, probably his very best, The Iceman Cometh, a four hour masterpiece for The American Film Theatre).

Good to see something from Prisonplanet quoted at this address.


Edited by John Gillespie
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